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Farwell scrappers


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Oh well, my Scoundrel days are over.


Fortunately, I have a BM Pyrotech PT, and that has seemingly survived the nerf storm. Hooray!


oh man, youre in for a **** salad with 1.2 as a pyro.


thats my alt as well- they are totally gutting the rail shot proc, and as a result stripping away our burst damage and our only viable means of managing heat. youre gonna be spamming your free attack and swallowing the lols in /say


sorry bud. you have the same luck i do

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So... with backblast on a longer cooldown, shoot first on a longer cooldown, etc... theres going to be relatively large gaps in our rotation now. I mean... there were period where I was camping the buttons waiting for an ability where I had to fill with auto shot, etc already.


That's going to be even worse now...


I'm not really 'getting' the adjustments. They seem a little ham fisted. The thing we did 'well' already was burst, this doesn't really fix that... in fact it sort of increases our burst because there are overall damage increases but our ability to consistently apply that damage is decreased or the rate at which we can apply it I should say is decreased because we now have bigger gaps in our rotations with increased cooldowns, etc.


So... burst was fine before, got buffed.

"sustained DPS" was crappy and needed a buff, everyone pretty much complained that it needed a buff and THAT got nerfed more?


I'm not sure I understand.

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oohh the crying. :rod_tongue_p:


Scrappers/Ops bursting me down 100%-0% without being able to react is perfectly fine. Yes it is still happening.


nerfs were needed. /end.


On the other forums: "gunslinger" we are having a party :cool:.


if combat logs point out that sustained dmg is crap, buffs will be made.


your level 11 getting pwned by level 49 scrapper doesn't count...

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I had fun, but I told myself 1.2 was make it or break it for me; I just cancelled my subscription. I guess now I can focus more on school so I think it's probably for the better.


Anyone else cancelled or thinking of cancelling, or do you guys have plans to stick around?


Whatever the case may be I wish everyone the best and I hope these changes get revamped in our favor in the near future.


My fellow scrappers.


Concealment here.


I already unsubbed.


Account goes down end of the day.



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I had fun, but I told myself 1.2 was make it or break it for me; I just cancelled my subscription. I guess now I can focus more on school so I think it's probably for the better.


Anyone else cancelled or thinking of cancelling, or do you guys have plans to stick around?


Whatever the case may be I wish everyone the best and I hope these changes get revamped in our favor in the near future.


I love kids in forums.


They took my toy but i'll unsubscribe HAHA!


Make an alt? reroll emp? go healer spec!


Which is what i'm thinking on doing but as more of a pve player myself these changes won't hugely destroy my dps, I'll still be able to put enough into a boss to be satisfied, having alts myself at 50 i ain't too fussed either, i'll concentrate on my JK sentinel as i can now make a pure blood version of it. Besides they change classes all the time, soon scrappers will be given a buff here, a nerf here etc.


Gl with your school but amazingly i can do both and get good grades at the end of the day. You ain't jesus.

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Nerfs how? If the new Talents give +100% damage to the respective skills, is that a nerf? Now tone that number down to some arbitrary number where you decide the tradeoff is even? See my point? You don't even know the new damage numbers but are crying nerf anyway.


And do you know why?


Because all the PVP grinding you did for your BM gear means jack crap in 1.2 now


Any fresh 50 will be skipping cent/champ gear


Which we all grinded for.


Legit or kill trading aside


It still took a long friggin time pre-valor increase.


They also increased expertise to 20% reduction


What the hell do you think is going to happen to your 1500 damage hits on HS post 1.2 when you don't crit?


If you learn to do math and calculate the % damage nerf it outweighs any benefits in the talents.

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My sub is up in 12 days time. I am currently level 43 and have just run out of motivation to go any further with my Scoundrel. I think it's time I quit.


They are buffing our energy cooldowns but are actually removing part of our burst. This doesn't make us stronger at all !?!? Not sure how (or why) anybody can argue that.


SW:TOR will be free to play if things keep going this way...

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I love kids in forums.


They took my toy but i'll unsubscribe HAHA!


Make an alt? reroll emp? go healer spec!


Which is what i'm thinking on doing but as more of a pve player myself these changes won't hugely destroy my dps, I'll still be able to put enough into a boss to be satisfied, having alts myself at 50 i ain't too fussed either, i'll concentrate on my JK sentinel as i can now make a pure blood version of it. Besides they change classes all the time, soon scrappers will be given a buff here, a nerf here etc.


Gl with your school but amazingly i can do both and get good grades at the end of the day. You ain't jesus.


Oh the irony


sents/mars are OP now... and moreso in 1.2


Why doesn't it suprise me you're a FOTM player.

Edited by Ahebish
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I love kids in forums.


They took my toy but i'll unsubscribe HAHA!




interesting you mention that as one of BW's stated reasons for nerfing scrappers is that they believed other players would rage quit. lol.

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interesting you mention that as one of BW's stated reasons for nerfing scrappers is that they believed other players would rage quit. lol.


ya kill the class with the lowest populice and cut their losses.


very blizzard thing to do


and people wonder why I blame the wow community for it's stupidity.

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Meh, I'm going to just roll heals on mine for awhile and see how it all pans out in the end.


People *****ed about the first two nerfs but the truth is as it stands right now scrapper is still paper to many rocks and scissors to many papers. Most poor players get eaten alive by them and most good players get away, unless of course the GS on the ledge sees what's going down. :)


If this patch goes live as it is who knows for sure what the outcome will be. I'm willing to bet though the ones that excel at the class now will overcome the nerfs and still excel.

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Meh, I'm going to just roll heals on mine for awhile and see how it all pans out in the end.


People *****ed about the first two nerfs but the truth is as it stands right now scrapper is still paper to many rocks and scissors to many papers. Most poor players get eaten alive by them and most good players get away, unless of course the GS on the ledge sees what's going down. :)


If this patch goes live as it is who knows for sure what the outcome will be. I'm willing to bet though the ones that excel at the class now will overcome the nerfs and still excel.


So the answer is play more hard to obtain the medocrity? well good thing, so if you are good with scoundrel you are a god wit any other class... a good motivation too reroll. xD

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Wait am I missing something but don't scrappers regen at 5 p/s increased to 7.5 p/s with pugnacity specced. Then that means 11.25 energy each GCD which against a bleeding target means spamming sucker punch will gain energy.


Sustained DPS got a massive boost or am I missing something completely.


You're missing a lot their lol. Pug provides (in 1.2 as a Scrapper spec) 4energy/3sec fully talented. That is not quite the +2.5/sec regen you seem to think it is, more like 1.3/sec for a total of 6.3/sec, which is approx 9.5/GCD. More to the point however is that sucker isn't exactly spammable as it requires UH and only retains the UH used once every 10 seconds. On the current energy regen rates that's more than sustainable.


I don't know about the rest of you but personally I find that with Pugnacity up and Cool Head, I never run into energy problems with the current energy costs.


The only time I ever really run into energy management issues is against bosses in PvE, but seriously, what kind of OP group would take a Scoundrel over the likes of a Sentinel? Better sustained dps + significantly more survivability. As a healer I find that even just the survivability makes having another class far more worthwhile.

Edited by kuey
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I can overcome yes but for me it's too much fun, sucked away too fast.


The GS is much more powerful and no-one seems to complain so I rolled GS on a much more populated server.


Killed two Bioware Birds(Obstacles to fun) in one shot. Although i do have to grind like crazy but someday when they lose most scoundrels they may rebuff us and I will un-shelve the beast.

Edited by Quintan
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your level 11 getting pwned by level 49 scrapper doesn't count...


I can do it (kill before they can react) when I double tap if I get a little (but not extremely) lucky with crits. Maybe one time in 10 or so w/ double Shoot First, but then again I'm only in ~50% Champ gear.


IOW, it's possible.

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So... with backblast on a longer cooldown, shoot first on a longer cooldown, etc... theres going to be relatively large gaps in our rotation now. I mean... there were period where I was camping the buttons waiting for an ability where I had to fill with auto shot, etc already.


That's going to be even worse now...


I'm not really 'getting' the adjustments. They seem a little ham fisted. The thing we did 'well' already was burst, this doesn't really fix that... in fact it sort of increases our burst because there are overall damage increases but our ability to consistently apply that damage is decreased or the rate at which we can apply it I should say is decreased because we now have bigger gaps in our rotations with increased cooldowns, etc.


So... burst was fine before, got buffed.

"sustained DPS" was crappy and needed a buff, everyone pretty much complained that it needed a buff and THAT got nerfed more?


I'm not sure I understand.


my first impressions, without studying it too closely, are that the changes will be good for sustained damage in pve (regarding energy regen), but will basically blow for pvp... i just wonder how long until they just take away shoot first altogether...

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my first impressions, without studying it too closely, are that the changes will be good for sustained damage in pve (regarding energy regen), but will basically blow for pvp... i just wonder how long until they just take away shoot first altogether...


How can anyone be this dumb.


Backblast and Sucker Punch account for probably 75% of our PVE damage (your rotation is pretty much backblast, blaster whip, sucker punch, and your weak blaster attack, and vital shot. They are taking the nerf bat to both of those abilities.


You are getting absolutely curb stomped in PVE losing damage to 2 of your biggest attacks as well as a 3% damage to bleeding targets... HOW ARE YOU POSSIBLY DOING BETTER IN PVE.


Edit: don't reply to my post saying Backblast damage got buffed.... the cooldown got massive nerfed hence any idiot can tell you you will do far less damage with Backblast on a boss than how Backblast is now.

Edited by zizzefex
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How can anyone be this dumb.


Backblast and Sucker Punch account for probably 75% of our PVE damage (your rotation is pretty much backblast, blaster whip, sucker punch, and your weak blaster attack, and vital shot. They are taking the nerf bat to both of those abilities.


You are getting absolutely curb stomped in PVE losing damage to 2 of your biggest attacks as well as a 3% damage to bleeding targets... HOW ARE YOU POSSIBLY DOING BETTER IN PVE.


Edit: don't reply to my post saying Backblast damage got buffed.... the cooldown got massive nerfed hence any idiot can tell you you will do far less damage with Backblast on a boss than how Backblast is now.


Exactly, people saying the change to backblast is a buff are very very very stupid and here's why.


Old cd 9 seconds

New cd 12 seconds


Dmg per backblast old 1000

dmg per backblast new 1050 (+5%)


time 60 seconds + 6 ( accounts for 6 seconds old gcd time and 5 seconds new gcd time)


old 6 attacks (9x6=54) x 1000 = 6000 dmg over 66 seconds

new 5 attacks (12x5=60) x 1050 (1000/100 x 5 = 50) = 5250 dmg over 66 seconds


time 90 seconds +10 ( accounts for 10 seconds old gcd time and 7 seconds new gcd time)


old 10 attacks (10x9=90) x 1000 = 10000 dmg over 100 seconds

new 7 attacks (12x7=84) x 1050 = 7350 dmg over 100 seconds


time 120 seconds +10( accounts for 13 seconds old gcd time and 10 seconds new gcd time)


old 13 attacks (9x13=117) x 1000 = 13000 dmg over 130 seconds

new 10 attacks (12x10=120) x 1050 = 10500 dmg over 130 seconds


Well as you can see fantastic buff to backblast, I will see if i can make a calculation for the new suckerpunch aswell but don't be surprised if that is a nerf aswell.


People tend to forget that backblast also will be given a 5 energy cost wich is an increase in energy use so the energy reduction on suckerpunch is only logical and the new regen option might give u a tiny increase in regen for pve but nothing fancy.

Edited by Jonvuu
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I had fun, but I told myself 1.2 was make it or break it for me; I just cancelled my subscription. I guess now I can focus more on school so I think it's probably for the better.


Anyone else cancelled or thinking of cancelling, or do you guys have plans to stick around?


Whatever the case may be I wish everyone the best and I hope these changes get revamped in our favor in the near future.


just resubbed for 1.2, quit back in january

Edited by KingEoj
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