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No new planets please!


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Throughout my levelling I always dreamed the most planets turn into some kind of hubs for people with whatever reason to travel once in a while, so that they don't completely die.


Now I see that they are bound to death as nothing except a small bonus series await them. No resource farming, no world pvp objective, no FP enterance or anything makes them worth visiting once again, and the only exception is Belsavis that has the daily quests. And Belsavis is a beautiful planet so no complaints.


So what I ask for is simple: Whatever you add to the end game, please do it on existing planets. Add a new daily zone on Tatooine. Add a worthwhile pvp objective on Hoth. Add some farmable rare end game crafting mats on Quesh. Whatever to make level 50s return there.


Instead of adding a new planet that will kill all the previous ones once again.

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I agree with that, except the tone.


I would like to go back to the old planets, they are so cool and its a waste to leave them behind. Tatooine is certainly the best example, but i would add alderaan aswell. Pretty huge planets that i wouldnt mind going back to.


Though i would also like to see Bioware experiment with new huge planets that feel like say a WoW expansion (stranded on a lost planet for example), so some people would understand the difference between a world and a galaxy and stop calling it "so instanced".

Edited by Nemmar
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Fair point, but if they add new classes I'd like to see new starter planets and if they add lvl 50 areas on existing lower level planets I'd like to see some expansion of the explorable areas of that planet to allow for this new content.


Day/Night cycles (and weather) is not really on topic but YES PLEASE! even dromand kas could benefit from a little variety between a dull and gloomey day and dull and gloomey night. I noticed that the shadows are cast real time even from large static objects so they could actually have them follow a path of the sun. Not until performance issues are resolved though.

Edited by Eaglec
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the only issue i would have with this is that you would be mixing level 50s and level 20s, or whatever level range.

level 50s can be bugged a lot by begging for help and that kinda ruins the game if bioware are intent on having people group up.

why have heroic 4-player being soloed by someone too low to get a group and a level 50 who just happens to be passing.

less farmable mats too, personally. i like the way the profs are done here and i dont want it turned in to auto-botting heaven like wow is.


so i reckon newer planets for end-game players really. keep em separated (apart from pvp, i love squishing a level 50 as a level 12 mwhahahaha)

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Throughout my levelling I always dreamed the most planets turn into some kind of hubs for people with whatever reason to travel once in a while, so that they don't completely die.


Now I see that they are bound to death as nothing except a small bonus series await them. No resource farming, no world pvp objective, no FP enterance or anything makes them worth visiting once again, and the only exception is Belsavis that has the daily quests. And Belsavis is a beautiful planet so no complaints.


So what I ask for is simple: Whatever you add to the end game, please do it on existing planets. Add a new daily zone on Tatooine. Add a worthwhile pvp objective on Hoth. Add some farmable rare end game crafting mats on Quesh. Whatever to make level 50s return there.


Instead of adding a new planet that will kill all the previous ones once again.


I must be a strange creature then.


I troll around Tatooine, Alderaan and others just to see what's going on.

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just so you know... tattooine has a place i think called outlaws den? maybe bandits den but w/e it basically a free for all location where you can attack other republics and imperials. The only ones you can't hit are your party members and guild members. Wanna have a guild vs guild skirmish? meet here. Also the place spawns chest that contain 20 merc commendations though almost worthless to camp considering the timer on them. (2 hrs fyi) If you say it not a lvl 50 zone, look at the one neutral womp rat thats lvl 50.
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I'd like to see some tough bosses that drop Columi/Tionese commendations roaming round the planet that require 2+ (Tionese) or 4 (Columi). Just so there's some reason for 50s to return there.


When they make travel times quicker (i.e. you exit your ship and you're on the Planet with no lame copy and paste Orbital Station) I'd love to have more reasons to return to planets besides crons.

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Throughout my levelling I always dreamed the most planets turn into some kind of hubs for people with whatever reason to travel once in a while, so that they don't completely die.


Now I see that they are bound to death as nothing except a small bonus series await them. No resource farming, no world pvp objective, no FP enterance or anything makes them worth visiting once again, and the only exception is Belsavis that has the daily quests. And Belsavis is a beautiful planet so no complaints.


So what I ask for is simple: Whatever you add to the end game, please do it on existing planets. Add a new daily zone on Tatooine. Add a worthwhile pvp objective on Hoth. Add some farmable rare end game crafting mats on Quesh. Whatever to make level 50s return there.


Instead of adding a new planet that will kill all the previous ones once again.


^ that could actualy save this game

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Any new level 50 areas should be kept separate from the low-level areas. Having 50s mixing with level 25s will just lead to lots of level 50s killing level 20s that were just going around minding their own business.


The current system ensures that most enemies you meet will be in your level range and a relatively fair battle. While it is possible for groups of players to go hunting soloers, or for level 50s to roam level 30 areas, it doesn't really happen that much. Most level 50s you meet are likely just there briefly to get some datacrons.


Putting harvestable resources in a low level area (for example) will just lead to bored level 50s (that have no mobs around to kill) to look for enemies to relieve their boredom.


I am not saying that level 50s should not go to level 30 zones. But we don't really need to add incentives for them to do so.


EDIT: If they gave a valor penalty for killing someone more than 15 levels below you in the open world, then I would remove my objection to the proposal.


I also have no objection to adding a second spaceport/shuttle-based on a different part of the planet with new questing areas that don't connect to the existing areas. This would be easy to do on planets that have an Orbital Station -- you can easily add a new destination from the station without having to create a new spaceport.

Edited by sjmc
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There should be area in every planet with higher lvl content. I still asking WHY they didn't put area lvl 10-16 on planet and few other areas for higher lvl ? And same for next 3-4 planets ? So lvl 10-20 could travel a little and very high lvl (35-45) would return later or something for a while ?

But this would require little love. As example loading screens are pain in the *** in this game and that should be dealt with.

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yes please add new quest to already existing planets and new area to go back to already finished planets--- i would like to see what happend to Balmorra after i left it..... or to see a new area of Dromund Kaas... on some planets the new areas should bee connected to the old areas on others it would be nice to see completly new areas
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I have to agree, past planets give me no reason to return (except when im helping my fiancee lvl up her char). I would love to return to certain planets such as tattooine or coruscant but I have NO reason to do so. Maybe they could implement a system where we can "create" quests for ourselves and others to complete.




Title of Mission: <name>

level requirement: <40-45>

Main mission: Find and arrest corrupt diplomat

Sub mission: defeat 30 diplomatic bodyguards

bonus mission: complete mission in 25 minutes


Main Reward: <armour or special commdendations>

Credits: <10k>

Bonus Reward: <Custom Mission Designer x1>


It gives people something to do, and in beating it you earn the right to make another quest (but only on that planet). You can make it as difficult as you like.

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I actually agree with the op for the most part. I would love to see high level areas accessible on some of the older planets like Tatooine, Hoth, and Voss. They could expand these planets to have a lot of high end daily content, pvp objectives, and even rep grinds would be nice. I would also like to see some FP's only accessible by some of our older planets near these quest hubs.


I will say though that new planets do eventually need to be added to our existing line up i would argue that entire planets could be added through an expansion eventually thats sole purpose is to extend story lines for each of the classes and even cross class quest objectives would be interesting. The games a couple months old so all of this is moot for now but great ideas to expand our game can never come to soon!

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I have to agree, past planets give me no reason to return (except when im helping my fiancee lvl up her char). I would love to return to certain planets such as tattooine or coruscant but I have NO reason to do so. Maybe they could implement a system where we can "create" quests for ourselves and others to complete.




Title of Mission: <name>

level requirement: <40-45>

Main mission: Find and arrest corrupt diplomat

Sub mission: defeat 30 diplomatic bodyguards

bonus mission: complete mission in 25 minutes


Main Reward: <armour or special commdendations>

Credits: <10k>

Bonus Reward: <Custom Mission Designer x1>


It gives people something to do, and in beating it you earn the right to make another quest (but only on that planet). You can make it as difficult as you like.


I am a big proponent of adding some bounty style mission hubs that allow us to add missions to some of these planets and send them to our friends. A good reward idea might also be a commendation that is usable for some kind of unique guild rewards.

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