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  1. Um, Mercs and Commandos for example need to build charges up so they can activate Supercharge (so they can buff their team with a shield when the two teams collide in the middle). Same for Scoundrel and their upper hands. You should learn how healers play before judging their methods I think.
  2. Wouldn't mind a bare-chested chestpiece for males. I'd totally use that on my Vanguard.
  3. I'm not sure about a hard-mode version of existing planets. Seems odd to instance a planet like that. I would rather everyone be in the same instance. But I would love it if they did repurpose some areas for endgame... like on Tatooine for example (similar to the Rakghoul outbreak). But instead of soloable enemies, put in enemies that are as difficult to navigate and kill as Lost Island HM. Truly terrifying areas. Full of enemies that hit so hard they WILL kill you, unless you've pump yourself with Vaccines (that you obtain by doing quests in that area). For instance: You get a few distress calls (quests) calling you to Tatooine. They want you to deal with the outbreak and also bring back bio samples. You complete quests in the area while trying to avoid the stronger patrolling enemies like infected Rancors. And throughout, there's a heroic boss that lurks around that you simply can't kill yet (and if you attack with a group of 5+ it will enrage). When you hand in your quests, you earn Daily coms, Columi coms etc. But you also are rewarded with vaccines. If you do all the quests, you get all 3 types of vaccine, which it reduces the damage taken by the aforementioned Heroic boss's 3 main attacks (as well as similar attacks from the Patrolling Rancors). So now you can go back to the area and take on the much bigger challenge. Beat the main boss for Black Hole coms and other rare loot. And you can also kill the Rancors that drop the occasional nice item. Really hardcore players could maybe attempt to beat the boss with fewer (or no) vaccines if they're in a rush and don't want to do the quests. If they're up to the challenge. So it would be tailored to both the casual and hardcore. And such areas would be on every planet. Perhaps even have the bosses on each planet drop materials that can be crafted into a pop item that spawns a new 16-man world boss on Ilum or something. Similar to the Nightmare Pilgrim. Not everything has to be done in Flashpoints and Raids. I'd love a Raid planet too. Just a planet with several Raid bosses. If you visit the planet on your own, you'll die before you even know what hit you.
  4. Galaxy Map inside your map pane (not just on your ship): Pretty simple really, put an overall galaxy map inside the map pane so that you have a sense of location within the galaxy at all times. Whether on a planet, flashpoint or even a warzone. It would go a long way toward making the worlds feel like disparate "levels", and make the game feel more like a cohesive, *real* place with *actual* distances between the various locations you find yourself in. My analogy would be to imagine going to Nar Shaddaa without having the overall map. The Promenade wouldn't feel like a HUB. The various sectors would just feel like levels rather than locations because while you're in a taxi the journey is just a blur of neon. But that overall map does a decent job of giving Nar Shaddaa a sense of unity, and ties it together somewhat. A galaxy map could do the same thing, but on a larger scale. IMO it would probably be the easiest addition to the game, with the most impact (when it comes to resolving the "dead world" feeling of the game - but there are obviously plenty of other issues). When doing Lost Island I don't feel like I'm on Ord Mantell. When doing Kaon, I have no idea where I am. This could help to solve these problems with immersion.
  5. I've never actually done it (that I can recall anyway... maybe I have been selfish and I simply forgot which is likely). But it's the first scenario that popped into my head when I found out that you can't loot chests while in combat. And I'm sure it has happened before though, it has to have. I've had people take a slicing node from right under me while I'm killing a few mobs in the Black Hole. I get why you can't loot chests/nodes while in combat. Because in many cases there are mobs effectively "guarding" it. And Bioware don't want you to loot and run. However, as I've said, that design choice creates problems with the social aspect of the game. I don't think the game's mechanics should encourage greed and selfish behaviour, but in this instance it does. If you do choose to play "with honour" you will lose out on credits and loot. It was especially horrendous on Ilum back in the day when they introduced those collectible armaments for the PvP daily. Just randomly (but related to this): It would be nice if lockbox money didn't get split between group members. That also encourages people to play as an asocial lone wolf (because they receive less money from loot when they invite more players). If anything, the opposite should be true (much like social points). The more players you have in your group, the more money you receive from looting, as that will encourage and reward you for group-play.
  6. I THINK that this is a very good Quality of Life suggestion, yet not a particularly obvious one... Improving Group Conversations - Alleviating (but not solving) "skipping" frustrations. Suggestion: While in a group conversation, when you hit Spacebar, you only skip to the next dialogue option once every other group member has hit the spacebar also. Reasoning: Obviously people can get frustrated when someone isn't skipping, but I actually think a major element of that frustration is due to something else. The fact that when you've chosen to skip, you're staring at a static screen for many minutes at a time (in the knowledge that a party member is preventing you from proceeding past this boring screen). If you changed how skipping worked, skippers would at least be a little less bored in that worst case scernario, as they could at least enjoy the cutscene to pass the time... And two birds one stone, a lot of the effort that was put into the cutscenes aren't going completely to waste on skippers as they would still see the story in groups where players are choosing not to skip. It won't solve the rage that people feel. But it should alleviate it a little because the cut-scenes aren't as tedious as a blank screen... This also hopefully puts a little less social pressure on the new player (who hasn't experienced the story yet) as their "crime" of enjoying the story isn't as punishing to the other player(s) of the group. Anecdote: I don't know about other people, but when I'm staring at the blank screen for ages, I think "I wish someone would have told me we're not skipping so I could at least watch the cut-scene while I'm waiting", but then on the other hand, if you choose to watch the cut-scene you run the risk of pissing other players off who DO want to skip, and now you're holding them up on the very same, boring "Waiting on Other Players..." screen. This suggestion would at least solve that predicament because I can now skip, but also enjoy the cut-scene if someone chooses to watch. I think this is actually a very important suggestion considering this game's huge emphasis on Story. It's a way to get more players to watch the story, without forcing them to. You've just converted wasted blank screen time, into wasted cut-scene time. By simply replacing the "Waiting on Players Screen" with a "1/4 Players have chosen to skip" dialogue on the bottom of the cutscene.
  7. Just a quick idea that came to me. We have the ability to add augments to gear that do not have augment slots. So why not allow us to do the same with the other slot types? With limitations obviously. No Enhancements for Bracers and Belts. No Barrels for Lightsabres. No Armourings for Blasters. etc. And it doesn't work on Implants, Relics or Earpieces. I may be mistaken, but it seems that each piece of gear does have armouring/mod/enhance slots inside them, even if it's not moddable or visible. But they're "locked" in a sense, and you can only see their combined/overall stats. Adding an "Armouring Kit MK-6" would then basically "unlock" the Armouring slot, so you can now remove or replace the previously hidden Armouring. Pros: - Greater Customisation. People some times find a cool look while leveling, but can't find any orange equivalent... Well now you'd be able to turn any piece of gear into Elite War Hero or Dread Guard quality if you so desire. - Less of a burden for Bioware as they don't need to create separate orange variants of existing gear. Clogging the itemisation with superfluous armour and weapons. - Promotes and encourages more uses for crafting. You could give Artifice the ability to make Hilt and Enhancement Kits for example rather than Synth and Armourmech getting special treatment. Give the other crew skills some love. - Extra credit sink for using the crafting table. Cons: - Would potentially enable you to modify gear that Bioware don't want you to be able to modify (for whatever reason). - Compared to Augment Kits, would rarely be used... putting it way down on the priority list unless it's as they say an "easy win".
  8. I don't think they should lower the population or decrease the respawn timers on the boxes. Rather, they should change how these mission items work to encourage co-operation rather than competition. Either make it so the crates aren't destroyed for everyone else after you've blown it up (would be nice if this applied to crafting nodes and lockboxes btw... especially since you can't harvest or open boxes while in combat... it creates standoffs where you want the other player to agro first so you can swoop in and take the loot) Or/and allow players to receive credit for destroyed crates, enemies, etc. in the area, even if you're not grouped up with the other players. There's potential for abuse, someone could just go AFK in the area and get rewarded for doing no work. But that could be solved, make it so anyone on your /ignore list won't receive credit for your work. Or (/and) if you go AFK for 30 seconds, you won't receive credit. They could simply remove the missions that require so much competition, but that's not really a fix to the underlying problem with the quest design. And it plagues the 1-49 leveling anyway.
  9. Even though it wouldn't make sense from a story perspective, I definitely think they should let you change your species. Especially with the legacy species unlocks. The fact that feature came out after many people already had rolled their alts was a tad disappointing, so if they were to add a Barbershop, it would be nice to let us change to one of our unlocked species to make up for the delay in that feature. There maybe issues with story in how you are treated, but just make it so the NPC thinks you're still a Pureblood, even if you've changed to a Mirialan since. Species change would basically alter your appearance, not your story hooks.
  10. Love the game, but there are just some random things that are either odd, quite annoying or infuriating... MAJOR ANNOYANCE: 1) Invisible corpses in instances. "Revive me! You're standing right in front of me!" "I don't see you...". I can't count the number of times this has happened and it's incredibly annoying. It may be incredibly hard to fix though, I don't know. Just thought I'd mention it and put it at number 1 on my list. 2) When you're at a token vendor, a piece of gear may be highlighted because you have the token. However, when you try to buy it, it says "Unable to afford item". At first I thought it was bugged and highlighting items I don't have tokens for, but then realised the token was in my Cargo Hold. Maybe change the message to make it less confusing? Or make it so you can buy stuff even if your tokens are in the cargo hold (similar to how you can craft with materials that are in cargo). 3) Speaking of which, it would be nice to have an option that makes crafting materials automatically enter a pre-designated cargo hold while gathering or reverse engineering. It would be a very convenient feature that kept your inventory clear, and makes it so you don't have to waste time right clicking tons of materials into your cargo hold later on. 4) When using Vanish skills, sometimes your companion keeps you in combat (seemingly even if he has no debuffs on him which definitely isn't by design). I'm not sure why or how, but anything to fix this would be appreciated. I've often stopped using my companions just because they get me killed far too often. Companions should help you, not hinder you. If it's intentional that companions keep you in combat if you haven't cleared their DoTs as well as yours, I think you should also rethink that because again, it makes companions more of a hindrance than helpful. 5) Another /stuck command that simply kills you. /stuck works really well, but there are times when the game automatically uses it for you and then when you /stuck again, you have to wait on a cooldown for an ability you never used. Also it would be a more convenient means of travel. People already know how to kill themselves without receiving durability penalties (/stuck while dueling, /stuck while naked in combat , falling to your death etc.), you may as well just let us do it with less hassle. It sure would make questing dailies less of a chore. There's enough tedious traveling in the game as it is, especially in repeatable quests. In the Black Hole heroics for instance, Imperials can just jump off the ledge to their deaths to return back to base, without wasting Quick Travel. But Republic players have to walk all the way back out of their instance without mounts if they don't wish to waste their Quick Travel. Why not just let players kill themselves? 6) Make the collision detection for explosive barrels and such take priority over the collision detection for enemies. How many times have you struggled to click on a barrel because there's 3 enemies in the way? Or the kitable boss in Kaon, trying to click on the barrel when you're at an bad angle, with his massive hitbox blocking your cursor.. it can be a little annoying. And certainly doesn't make the fighting feel smooth, it just feels awkward. 7) This is more of a design suggestion for convenience than a bug. Perhaps you should let class buffs persist through defeat. In PvP, those who have unlocked chapter 2 on all class types have an advantage since they are guaranteed all 4 buffs while respawning. Whereas newcomers have to rely on someone else to buff them (and often you respawn on your own... and you surely don't expect players to use their buffs mid-battle (1 GCD) let alone KNOW there's a guy that needs buffing up). If it's persist-through-defeat, when you receive all 4 buffs at the start, everyone remains on an even playing field throughout the game. Also, if someone is questing and wants to do a warzone, some players may come out fully buffed, while others may have died right before the end and return to questing with no buffs at all. This would ensure everyone leaves the warzone with all their buffs in tact. 8) Crafting, and running crew missions that are green-orange difficulty could give you EXP. It would encourage crafting (which is always nice) and also give you extra options for how you wish to level up. Currently I feel like it's best to wait till you're level 50, then you can use every companion at your disposal to power-level your crafting from 0 to 400 in a few hours. But then you don't really get that full crafting experience of crafting low level items for yourself. This idea would make it so doing this is still an option, but you'd have missed a lot of free EXP by waiting so long. 9) Reduce Legacy Travel cost for Black Hole please. Simple reason: The Corellia loading screens are obscenely long (even with SSD). It feels like a kick in the teeth to be charged 150k just to subvert these loading screens. 10) Typing <t> could replace the <t> with the name of your current target. So you type "/p ATTACK <t>", and it would go through as "ATTACK Droid A" 11) Typing "/target Player" would target the player you type out.
  11. You're not supposed to buy Battlemaster gear with commendations you earn at level 10... Just like how you can't buy Columi gear with Coruscant or Dromund Kaas commendations. You're lucky you can stock up ANY end-game-redeemable commendations before hitting end-game. PvE'ers don't have that luxury. If anything, this thread just shows how the current PvP system isn't as well designed as the PvE system, because it gives players the wrong impression. Maybe they should create seperate Pre-50 commendations so that players don't get confused and frustrated over seemingly-arbitrary restrictions? Of course, then you wouldn't be able to buy a Battlemaster weapon without playing a single game of end-game PvP... So as the above poster said, I wouldn't push this issue. Also, although you can't trade commendations, you can play PvP and buy gear on one character, and send the mods from the gear to another character to benefit from. However, it's expensive to rip out the mods and very expensive to buy the full set of legacy gear (since the armourings are slot-bound, you'll need legacy gear of each equip slot)
  12. They could also maybe make it so you can spawn it with a pop item. Similar to the crystal boss on Ilum. If you queue up for one, you could receive it as a mission item.
  13. Either that, or add some sort of UI element that displays the door's timer, so you can time your kills to coincide with the wave frequency.
  14. EDIT: If they did this, it would raise a few issues but there are solutions. Here are some possible solutions (this mainly applies to gear): First, make all gear acquired through commendations BoL. Since it's impossible to ninja-loot PvP gear, or Columi/BH commendations. Second, in Flashpoints, change Need/Greed system slightly. If a Smuggler token drops, everyone would see "Need" and "Greed". However, any Smuggler would see a 3rd option (let's call it "Essential") that outranks "Need". - If the token drops via the "Need" or "Greed" option, the token will be BoL (but the gear won't be so mail the token before purchasing). - If it drops via the Smuggler's "Essential" option, the token will be Bound to the character and unable to be mailed to an alt. That way, if you want it for anything other than your current character, you will have to play fair and have a roll-off with other players. Even if the Smuggler wanted it for a Smuggler/Agent alt.
  15. I don't get it. You seem to enjoy labeling the current design as archaic or old, but this seems pretty irrelevant to me. I'd rather see a good yet-old-idea, than a poor-yet-new one. You have added some reasoning though, that you feel owed some end-game gear for all the PvP you've played in the 1-49 bracket. I don't necessarily think you should get War Hero gear for stomping level 20s. For the same reason I don't think you should get Rakata or Campaign gear for running Hammer Station. If you could get end-game PvP gear for low-level PvP warzones, then that strikes me as a tad unfair for PvE players, as they can't do the equivalent. The game already had issues where PvE players sometimes felt like the quickest path to raid gear is through warzones, so that they can start doing flashpoints. If they do as you request, I would definitely recommend they start dropping Columi and Black Hole commendations for lowbie Flashpoints while they're at it. Alternatively, maybe they could use Legacy to do something along these lines. Perhaps by purchasing Warzone Perks, you can extend your Valour cap, and if you buy Flashpoint Perks, you earn a Columi/Black Hole commendations for every perk you have upon completion of your daily. I do understand the thought process though. Unlike PvE, end-game PvP is pretty identical to lowbie PvP, so it's only natural to wonder why there's an artificial wall between the lowbie bracket and 50. But on the PvE side, it's quite a jarring transition from EXP grinding to end-game with the introduction to raiding and hard-modes. Maybe 50 Ranked Warzones will give more distinction between lowbie and end-game warzones.
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