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Over Powered healing killing PvP


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As far as healers being overpowered in pvp, that concern should be about over. Expertise, resource management, and procs have all been nerfed heavily. Additionally, those nerfs will cause some, perhaps many, to reroll into dps, thus decreasing the total number of healers in warzones. You lovely fools won, take a victory lap and quit whining about heals already.
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As far as healers being overpowered in pvp, that concern should be about over. Expertise, resource management, and procs have all been nerfed heavily. Additionally, those nerfs will cause some, perhaps many, to reroll into dps, thus decreasing the total number of healers in warzones. You lovely fools won, take a victory lap and quit whining about heals already.



Expertise nerfed?

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As far as healers being overpowered in pvp, that concern should be about over. Expertise, resource management, and procs have all been nerfed heavily. Additionally, those nerfs will cause some, perhaps many, to reroll into dps, thus decreasing the total number of healers in warzones. You lovely fools won, take a victory lap and quit whining about heals already.




Most of the whining seems to be because either too many healers are in a Warzone or in premades where they get a lot of help from teammates, neither situation makes the healing class in itself op.


If you get a warzone that has 4 or 5 healers on a side, of course you are going to get a higher amount of heals than dps, but that isn't the healers fault and doesn't make em op, it's the balance in Warzones that need to be looked at.


Limit the amount of healers that can be in a warzone on each side to 2 or 3, less healers and more dps automatically means less heals thrown out and more dps on top of that, a double change, both in favour of dps.


With premades, if you are getting guarded, dps also losing damage through other things, teammates helping get dps off healers with CC etc, of course a healer will be harder to take down, that again doesn't mean the healer is op and to nerf just the healer is the wrong option.


If you want healers to be easier to kill in premades, reduce help they can get in other areas, like a little less guard amount, nerfing just the healer isn't the best solution and wasn't warranted.


The difference between pugs and premades is very big for healers, while they may seem op in premades and warzones with too many healers, in pugs with just the one or two it's far different.


Most of the time no guards, little help when dps is on you and you heal for a normal amount and do die in nearly every game, certainly not as op and unkillable as some would like to think.

Edited by LillyWhiteS
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Expertise nerfed?


Yep, I saw a SS with someone a bit over 1000 if I rember correct, anyway damage increase was just over 20%, reduction just over 16% and heals was just over 11%


Strong nerfs combined with expertise nerfs

Edited by LillyWhiteS
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Every single heal they have has a cast time except for a small HoT- try putting that interrupt ability on your hotbar and you'll find out what it does.


That's very interesting! Because I went into the tactics tree 15 points just to lower my interrupt down to a 4 second refresh. I was interrupting the whole time we were doing focus fire...it did not matter! This is how OP the healing sorcerer is! This is why people are complaining!

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"How do you know are you a bad player? You can't kill a sorcerer healer!", one smart person said once.


Complain more, sir...after they nerf healers you will beg to buff them.

I bet 90% of DPS classes couldn't stand healing for longer than 1 minute because of how "OP" and "easy" it is. That is what you whiners do: complain about everything and everyone that prevents you from 2 shooting targets.


After this nerf hits, many healers will leave or try to roll easy-win dps class that you can play by running around pretending you are doing something.

No healers in groups - marking will be focused on some DPS. Have fun dying. You might realize how stupid PvP is when you die the moment you step down.


Screw the PvP when it takes 15 seconds (or less) to kill someone. Real pvp, duels, should take 15 or more minutes and a little bit of brain using.


I suggest: remove healers from the game so DPS classes can make cool videos saying how game is won thanks do them not due the fact DPS is OP.





Oh, and, the reason why BW is nerfing healers is because they never played one. They must all suck in PvP or "their PvP God" wasn't able to one shot some poor lowbie because healer healed (QQ).


I am just saying asking to nerf the only support class that is healing YOU and keeps you from death is beyond stupid. But, keep up the good work. You are good at whining, too bad you all aren't as good as that in the game else you wouldn't be posting this.


Now, back to the mayhem!

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OH come on, if you cannot kill a healer then YOU SUCK at playing you're class!! I can kill a Jedi Sage or Jedi Sorcerer specced to healing with my Jedi Shadow no problem! It is you're inability to learn how to kill them or use you're class that is why u cannot kill them!!

When i was playing Star Wars Galaxies my Elder Jedi was the most feared Medic killer on the server, because i knew how to kill the Medic's, and i even had the hardest medic on the server say she feared me when i came after her because she knew i was the only one who could kill her!

So go complain you cannot kill a healer some place else, and that their heals are over-powering because ya not playing ya class right, or better yet when you are trying to kill a healer have the team ya with also try and help, because that might be why you cannot kill them because the team is trying to fight the other people and not the healer!!




Since you seem to be so on top of things, perhaps you would care to enlighten the rest of us?


So exactly how are you killing these Sage/Sorc healers that you apparently have no problems whatsoever with?


I could ask someone else, but seeing as I've obviously come across such an expert on the subject, I would love to hear the detailed tactics involved.


Thanks in advance



Edited by ShavedEwok
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So exactly how are you killing these Sage/Sorc healers that you apparently have no problems whatsoever with?





My guess is teamwork/focusfire. I would also guess you play mostly on pugs and this concept is foreign to you.

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I am not kidding... that feature alone if properly implemented is enough to snatch a lot of players from other mmos.


We all know the people complaining about this game are gonna find things to complain about GW2. People wanna qq, I don't get it, but that's how it is.


How long do you think it will take for the first QQ post to appear on GW2 forums?

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Gosh.. Could you please stop with the "NERF HEALING!" ? How would you like PvP to be? Attack, spam rotation without switches and CC and something dies ?


EDIT: THough i agree that they could buff the MS-Debuff and give it to weak Melee Classes, like Jugg or Operative.


That is precisely what every derps desires.

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"Over powered healing" has more to do with objective based PvP than it does with healing actually being OP. Because all warzones are objective based and not kill/damage based, it is to every team's benefit to be built to last rather than it is to be built to inflict damage. As such, all the "hard core" PvP guilds and premades run straight healer/tank. Guard + healing = healers are practically unkillable and tanks with mitigation CDs + healing = tanks are equally as unkillable. Since most PUGS are made of DPS with very little healing, widdling them down isn't a huge a issue. Also, because PvP is objective based, focusing targets isn't always, and in fact rarely is, the ideal tactic. If everyone piles on the healer, the Juggernaut simply walks over and caps the turret/door/runs the ball. In objective based PvP you can't afford to get tunnel visioned. Unfortunately, for all intents and purposes, tunnel vision and target focusing are one and the same.


Given how stacked the game is towards long lasting, low but constant DPS teams, why wouldn't you choose to play an all healer/tank premade? Everything about the WZ system plays in your favor. You can hold down objectives almost indefinitely. You can still kill squishy DPS. Tanks/healers have all the pulls/sprints/leaps/and knock backs for Hutt Ball. There's really nothing bad about that team composition. Until they start adding arenas and death match style game plays, healer/tank teams will always remain on top.

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It's no secret that healing in this game is overpowered. The only people arguing that it isn't are the ones that are taking advantage of it's lack of balance. I would ask these people to not be short sighted and think about the good of the game first.


The vast majority of people that PvP, do so to mess someone up. It's been the foundation of PvP in MMOs since PvPs conception. Now when healing imbalance turns the PvP experience into an exercise in frustration like we're starting to see, people quit and find something else to do. While it may be fun to take advantage of healing imbalance and spam LOL at these people while blocking their ability to achieve. It's not going to help with long term retention.


We're already getting the same syndrome that Rift saw with it's overpowered healing. ie. stack healers and spam which leads to:


Boring PVP is Boring!


Leads to:


see ya!


Additionally, it's bad enough the combat mechanics in this game are so slow and clunky. Why would you want to add the slow boring grind that comes with overpowered healing into the mix? You're just exasperating an unpleasantness in the game.


Man learn to play...lmao its so easy to lock a healer down in this game, and if you cant, I honestly feel bad for you....its the easiest game ever for dps...faceroll keyboard = win. Maybe hire a monkey?

Edited by Bluetickone
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We had a healing stalemate the entire match tonight at mid-turret. It just went on and on until the match ended. Designers just need to put healing on it's own type of power/energy and then tweak the regen rate to change as total healing builds up. Though I think PVP is tons of fun it can easily turn into Heal Wars. Edited by TheNegotiator
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I dont even post on these damn forums but seriously im a merc healer and we are not OP. If 2-3 people are on me I dont stand a chance. even with bubble. I run across a lot of smart players though. Consider the fact that you may be doing something wrong. Most players dont use all of the skills available to their class. I say L2play.. or as said earlier.. roll a damn healer and see how tough it can really be. Ill lawl when you are running around at 100 heat trying to spam pew pew to get a little heal out. Edited by generaldizzle
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merc and sorc healing doesn't bother me at all as I have enough interrupts to deal with them. Operative healing on the other hand drives me absolutely insane chasing them around the map while they are casting all their HOT's and at 30% they just proc over and over again.




This was a match where I was bouncing back and forth between two scoundrel healers trying to slow them down and keep them from healing their team. Didn't really work out to well though as my team were full of idiots who completely ignored me when I asked them over and over again to help me focus down the healers and the leader refused to mark them *sigh* reps on my server are terrible, but that's beside the point.


Is healing OP? Ehhh I don't think it is, but I do find operative/scoundrel healing to be extremely annoying and a little ridiculous that you need 3 people to focus them down.

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We had a healing stalemate the entire match tonight at mid-turret. It just went on and on until the match ended. Designers just need to put healing on it's own type of power/energy and then tweak the regen rate to change as total healing builds up. Though I think PVP is tons of fun it can easily turn into Heal Wars.


sounds fun, would you rather have been riding the speeder half the game?


Also, lrn2focus.

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