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Why does the ship leave the planet when I enter it?


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This really bugs me a lot. In the KOTOR games you could board your ship without taking off. It was used with many quests actually.


Forcing us to take off ruins the immersion and feel of control in the game. Both are bad things and there really is no advantage to it.


I cant think of a single game that does this maybe that is why it feels so wierd.

Edited by Rygel
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No that's not right. It actually doesn't change anything in a bad way, all it means is you can enter and leave your ship normally without taking off.


E.G. Choosing a location from the Galaxy map cycles you through the leave cutscene, and deposits you in orbit at the new location. Choosing to leave the ship at this point triggers the normal "landing" cutscene. If you really want the "enter hyperspace" bit, that can be tacked on at the end of the "leave the planet" cutscenes, of which there are several anyway - or if you choose another location while in orbit instead of entering a planet.


You don't actually lose anything, which is why I'm wondering why they did it at all. It's a very strange decision which I suspect is hiding a technical limitation. However, if that's the case fix the limitation. The compromise is not really acceptable IMO.


But when I take off from a planet I want to go into orbit around that planet, forcing me to make a FTL jump to be in space is immersion breaking, just as much so as taking off each time I do it. (Its also pretty much forbidden by star wars EU canon to, you cannot even calculate a ftl jump in star wars that close to a planet).


The solution that I've seen most often on here did pretty much mean my ship was even less of a ship, and more of a teleporter than it already is. In that you launch when you select a destination, it flys you there and docks and lands....


A possible solution would to be to have numerous versions of the player ships, the space one, and a ground one. This would however put extra strain on the engine (even great engines have a tendancy to struggle with rooms inside rooms. I also have a vague suspicion that the player ships have the tardis like quality of being larger on the inside, which means they'd have to be fully instanced, adding another loading screen in. And two versions of the ship with different functionality even minorly, that's just asking for a world of pain. Oh and that also makes any degree of customisation for our ships even less likely.


Due to the way ships are currently implemented a change to this, that doesnt swap one immersion issue for another jarring one is a major project, and they already have the secret space project which may well change how all this works.



I am intreged about what people are doing that requires them to be in their ships so much. There are 3 things that you can only do on ships, 1) companion talks post getting the thing 2) interstellar travel 3) space combat. Only 1 makes any sense to want to be on the ground anyway.


If it bothers you insta spacebar the launch clip and just pretend your on the ground.


There is indeed a technical limitation here. In effect the game treats player ships as planets in their own rights. This is why theres a loading machine

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I hate that it takes off and then cuts to me standing by the exit. "Mako! Get away from those controls!"


I will one up you ... why does it cut to me standing by the exit facing the door? I just got on my ship, odds are I want to move away from the door when I get inside.

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The space side of this game has a lot of potential and I love the ships. This one illogicality is breaking it for me.




Imagine how pleased you will be in the future when they take the training wheels off of ship flight and combat in an expansion. :D

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But when I take off from a planet I want to go into orbit around that planet, forcing me to make a FTL jump to be in space is immersion breaking, just as much so as taking off each time I do it. (Its also pretty much forbidden by star wars EU canon to, you cannot even calculate a ftl jump in star wars that close to a planet).


The solution that I've seen most often on here did pretty much mean my ship was even less of a ship, and more of a teleporter than it already is. In that you launch when you select a destination, it flys you there and docks and lands....


A possible solution would to be to have numerous versions of the player ships, the space one, and a ground one. This would however put extra strain on the engine (even great engines have a tendancy to struggle with rooms inside rooms. I also have a vague suspicion that the player ships have the tardis like quality of being larger on the inside, which means they'd have to be fully instanced, adding another loading screen in. And two versions of the ship with different functionality even minorly, that's just asking for a world of pain. Oh and that also makes any degree of customisation for our ships even less likely.


Due to the way ships are currently implemented a change to this, that doesnt swap one immersion issue for another jarring one is a major project, and they already have the secret space project which may well change how all this works.



I am intreged about what people are doing that requires them to be in their ships so much. There are 3 things that you can only do on ships, 1) companion talks post getting the thing 2) interstellar travel 3) space combat. Only 1 makes any sense to want to be on the ground anyway.


If it bothers you insta spacebar the launch clip and just pretend your on the ground.


There is indeed a technical limitation here. In effect the game treats player ships as planets in their own rights. This is why theres a loading machine


You are really over-thinking this. I just want my ship to only launch when I tell it to, and for me to be able to enter it without it auto-launching. It's not really rocket science, and is a simple design change.

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I'd like to know the reasoning behind making the ship leave whatever place you are at as soon as you enter it. I find it illogical and de-immersive. If I need to go there for any reason I apparently take off, leave the planet, fly into orbit, and then return to the planet, dock, and exit when I leave.


There doesn't seem to be any gameplay reason to force this. Why not hold any leave/enter cutscene until I actually choose it. Block off the front window view with shutters if that is the issue - makes sense when docked anyway.


The space side of this game has a lot of potential and I love the ships. This one illogicality is breaking it for me.


There could be an "elevator button" by the door so you can chose "enter" or "take off".

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if they made the ship part of the dock instance maybe they could have your crew be standing around outside the ship till you are ready to take off. maybe have a few of them over talking to the dock workers or helping work on the ship. Edited by Nagadeath
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I'd like to know the reasoning behind making the ship leave whatever place you are at as soon as you enter it. I find it illogical and de-immersive. If I need to go there for any reason I apparently take off, leave the planet, fly into orbit, and then return to the planet, dock, and exit when I leave.


There doesn't seem to be any gameplay reason to force this. Why not hold any leave/enter cutscene until I actually choose it. Block off the front window view with shutters if that is the issue - makes sense when docked anyway.


The space side of this game has a lot of potential and I love the ships. This one illogicality is breaking it for me.


Honestly? Because BW thought it would be a good idea and immersive to have your ship enter and leave. Good idea yes, poor implamentation. Also, I have not read the rest of the replies in this thread so if someone has said this already...hey look, you've just been seconded.

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This bothers me as well.


There could be an "elevator button" by the door so you can chose "enter" or "take off".


I was thinking the same thing. They could also place a "lift off" button somewhere in the cockpit in case you chose "enter" but change your mind some time after you board.

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This bothers me as well.




I was thinking the same thing. They could also place a "lift off" button somewhere in the cockpit in case you chose "enter" but change your mind some time after you board.


Yeah I thought about this too, but assumed that avoiding that one extra step was the entire reason they had implemented things as they have. Honestly though, that is probably the best, least disruptive solution.

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I'd like to know the reasoning behind making the ship leave whatever place you are at as soon as you enter it. I find it illogical and de-immersive. If I need to go there for any reason I apparently take off, leave the planet, fly into orbit, and then return to the planet, dock, and exit when I leave.


There doesn't seem to be any gameplay reason to force this. Why not hold any leave/enter cutscene until I actually choose it. Block off the front window view with shutters if that is the issue - makes sense when docked anyway.


The space side of this game has a lot of potential and I love the ships. This one illogicality is breaking it for me.


It's just a cutscene.


It plays because it is generally assumed when you get on your ship... you're going somewhere.

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didn't read the whole thread but I agree having the ship take off as soon as you enter is silly and irritating.


I understand that the ship is an alternative zone and that having the hanger displayed out of the cockpit is harder than having a planet and just changing the texture each time but really it's not good enough. It's not like we are asking to land our ship anywhere on the planet like they did so many times in the films - we just want to avoid having to enter orbit in order to talk to Mako!

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I too find this very odd. Going onto your ship even if you don't go anywhere requires the take off and landing cut scenes and actually when I first started playing I kept trying to fly back to where I took off from 'cos I thought the cut scene meant I'd gone somewhere...


They really need to stop these cut scenes appearing here.


Conversely when you actually do travel from one planet to another on the ship galaxy map there's about a 1 second whoosh effect through the front windscreen which is all pretty underwhelming. Really when you fly from planet A to planet B especially a new planet for the first time they should make more of it, i.e. have the take-off cut scene, whoosh through hyperspace and then the landing cut scene.

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While we're at it, let me view Chat from the planet I'm currently "on" when on board my ship.


Yes. The ship is still on the planet and should therefore be tied into the planet's communications until I CHOOSE to lift off and leave, as opposed to being illogically separated because instancing dictates and a misplaced cut-scene signifies.


I can understand a few game mechanics being somewhat illogical to accommodate the demands of making something fun and playable, but far too many design decisions leave too many players scratching their heads, leaving me to wonder what the devs were thinking. It would be easy to chalk it up to a first-time MMO effort, but the decade-plus of plentiful examples should have overcome such a handicap.

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