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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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And obviously your programming prowess would recognize that a bug of such magnatude that requires an emergency patch cant be deployed in stages without the possibly of doing more harm then good by leaving some servers up and running..

What bug, what magnitude? please tell me what bug are they fixing and of which magnitude is that bug?

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You are kidding right? This is one of the only companies that gives you euro servers, Instead of just calling them euro servers and setting the clock to your time.



Actually that'll be EA that gives us the servers and BioWare that shut them down.

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To all the Yero-peeing playas (and on Yer-ohs) that just wanna sit here and whine about servers being down... think. If everytime someones game isnt 100% satisfactory they didnt go crying about then we might not have so much downtime. So if all they hear all the time is thousands of complaints about every little miniscule detail thats not perfect to every little *****wipe kid out there then eventually they have to take servers down to fix all those bugs to shut you dumb@sses up. Then, when they go to fix your stupid little issues you cry like babies..

If you dont like your peak time infringed upon in europe, go play a game thats managed there in Europe... see if its even a fraction of a percent as good as any here. lol.

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Everyone - we apologize for the inconvenience. We do everything we can to avoid taking the servers down for maintenance outside of our regular weekly maintenance, but in some cases (like this one, unfortunately) we can't avoid it. This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial weekend. We never take interrupting your playtime lightly, and this is no exception. Emergencies do happen occasionally, and we are working as quickly as we can to bring the servers back up so you can continue enjoying the game. In the meantime, we'll keep you updated with any new information that becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to ensure everything goes smoothly this weekend.


Again I'm going to echo the sentiments screw paying customers.... not about the ones you have about the ones you don't... that's what this post reeks of.


And to quote 'don't take our play time lightly.' Maybe you missed the whole pointing to forums for info with no info present or posted for the people's playtime that has been interupted. By all evidence you did INDEED take it lightly so much so that threads were mounting and spiraling before anyone bothered to post an explanation/reply.


And it wasn't such an eemergency not to have everything in place before the servers went down. Server notice with 15 minutes left over 20 minutes before a response.

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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I will be the bigger man here and apologize.


You are right, it is America's fault.


We should have annexed Canada a LOOONG time ago.


Then all this hate for America during downtime could be justified.


I'm truely sorry, and will work on making this happen.



Now bend the knee to Her Majesty and kiss the ring.

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Meh. We all know this is a tide-me-over game with no lasting appeal.


It'll be done and dusted within two years.


Doubt it'll last past the release of Diablo 3, let alone another 2 years.


Population of EU servers speaks for itself, 91 servers, 91 empty!

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1) The problem is doing this during prime time when guilds raid. That is the problem.


2) The American vs. European discussion is mostly being fired up by America who keeps bashing at us europeans. (watch Foxx)


3) America doesnt support an international community it only supports America.


Please go back and do youre homework.


you're *

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Well, if they think the free loaders using the free trail are more important that the normal subbing people then why not make SWTOR free to play, we might actually get some action on bugs when we need them...


If not try reimbursing us the time lost because you couldn't have fixed this stupid issue on Tuesday and get you testers to actually do their bloody job properly.


Just another thought, haven't you ever thought of actually segregating the EU / US servers and do the maintenance at 2am EU time.


Just abit of forward planning would be nice.

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americans get blamed for EVERYTHING bad. and never get any credit for anything good.


i'm fine with all downtimes being on america primetime. just so i don't have to read this anti-american hate fest.


put all downtimes on american prime time. ffs. if it will help all these other people with their anger issues.

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I'll be interested in seeing if all the "I've cancelled my sub" scrubs actually do. You guys realize threatening to quit the game isn't going to get your way right? And of course you also realize that getting pissed over 2 hours of maintenance time during any games start up phase is ridiculously dumb.


If everyone had left their beloved WoW in vanilla for the reasons you guys cite, WoW would have failed miserably.

Edited by Trineda
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To all those that think this is for some really game breaking issue to be fixed. I would like to remind you of the last time that something like this happened and we all asking one another (in my server at least) what was about. We never found out (well we did for some minor chages but still looking for the game breaking one). The thing is they DONT respect us, and i am not planning to move to the US to earn BW's respect. I'll have to think of something else probably >:
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