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New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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*** is up with the absolutely pointless and utterly stupid political debate resembling grown ups degenerating to pre puperty kids... the subject is different but the approach to debating the right there in the school yard.


First I fired up rift. Bah pvp was piss poor. Then I got back on AoC, but meh pvp was laggy and piss poor. Then I logged into my wow account and checked out subscriptions... but just cloed the window thinking... nah pvp is piss poor and boring. Then I tried the wrath of heroes beta, bah... pvp... piss poor. Then I pondered if a siege in WAR would be... nah... piss poor pvp. Then I fired up my PS3 and actually enjoyed a bit of DC Universe online PvP... not bad, but still... shallow. Now I've run out of options and since SWTOR is likely to be back up before GW2 releases, I guess I'll just play some CoD while waiting.

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Yeah its annoying but **** happens, like many have said go do/play something else its not the end of the world. My car broke down last month, no warning no reasons why just died...did I sit and rant at it demanding answers? No I just went off did a few things till it was fixed. I spend money on it so I expect it to work whenever I need it but it's not always the case.


But I bet your car didn't break down, because someone put a "for sale" sign on it, right?

Edited by BoMbY
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The reason is simple patches are deployed so as not to inconvienience players in the US us in europe are second class players. Personnally I'm getting a bit bored with it this game is patched far too often and it takes too long and still has a lot of bugs. Add to that the rubbish end game (there are only so many games of Hutt Ball a mind can take) I'm going to vote with my feet and take my cash else where.:mad::mad::mad::mad:
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I couldn't use the product they've sold me on multiple occasions this week. Therefore i can't use this product up to my expectations.


I think I heard someone's mother say the same thing about taking out the trash...


But seriously, welcome to life!

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I'll be honest, I didn't read every post... I stopped at about 60 pages in due to the suicidal tendencies that were starting to creep up on me.


I'm new to the game, well I purchased it today after playing the free 7 day trial I was sent, and I have come to the conclusion that it isn't the game itself that is a failure, sure new games have bugs and stuff its expected... and emergency fixes are needed, granted a fix that seems to be of a non emergency nature could of waited but non the less its happening and its a case of put up or shut up, anyway back to my point.... It seems that by what I have read so far the community (not all of it) fails more than the game.


I can understand those who had stuff planned and its been ruined but most are just spitting their dummies out because BW have given players a 2 hour window to realise they have no life and must sit posting random **** about how they have been robbed and if they don't play their simple minds will just implode.


Yeah its annoying but **** happens, like many have said go do/play something else its not the end of the world. My car broke down last month, no warning no reasons why just died...did I sit and rant at it demanding answers? No I just went off did a few things till it was fixed. I spend money on it so I expect it to work whenever I need it but it's not always the case.


Seriously gonna save this for a rainy day.

Very well written, and very true ;)


Also, you cracked me up with "I stopped at about 60 pages in due to the suicidal tendencies that were starting to creep up on me."

and the whole last paragraph about ya car. Gold.. truely gold.

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Stop ignoring EU players. We loose 4 days a month with this current patch times. We wanna support this game too, we pay for this game too. Give us our daily game time! I'm speaking plain English here, we loose ridicilous amount of time for patches while US players are sleeping and waking up for a patched game. It is really unfair!
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