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Everything posted by blkdrgn

  1. i think i did too.. they had this really big room they put us in.. promised us punch and pie.. all we got were these little green tablets..
  2. wow.. i think the posts are starting to slow down.. i refreshed the page a few times and nothing new.. servers coming back up or something?
  3. this is very true. but will still happen tho, as i foresee the authentication servers crashing as thousands of "paying customers" flood the servers all trying to log in at the same time lol
  4. all these people wanting free time, days and even a week.. grow up.. you pay cents an hour to play, you dont deserve a week for losing a few hours. i would say if anything, give us something in-game.. like boosting every ones rested time.. something like that
  5. everyone needs to realise that sometimes **** happens.. just wait it out like the rest of the calm people and stop flooding the forums with BS.. 25 pages in 5 min.. gotta be close to a record..
  6. you pay for access to play when available. not for 24/7 access.
  7. you have to remember something.. the us players will whine if it is during us peak time.. eu players will whine if its during their peak time.. but the company is based in the USA, so everything is done according to the clocks on their walls. no matter what they do or when they do it, SOMEBODY will be mad.
  8. i would love to see you give someone "prior" notice about an emergency situation. "emergency" implies that it just came up. cant give notice to something you dont know about. its like getting hit by a drunk driver and claiming in court that you had no prior notice he was going to hit you.
  9. you people need to stop whining.. geez.. something major must need to be fixed, just like a lot of people have already said. so you lose a few hours of play.. go outside and get some fresh air for a change. the world will not end because you cant play right now.
  10. not to mention there are no patch notes for what they are doing. AND the sites server status shows every server is up and running, but the game says they are all offline.
  11. you have no case. the company is USA based, the majority of the playerbase is USA based.. maint times cater to the company's work schedules.
  12. overall on all servers around the world? or just in your timezone? they are using global data, not your local data.
  13. the comparison isn't me vs everyone else, or even my group vs everyone else. it's the complaint of inconvenience to me so make a change.
  14. seperating the maint times would make us and eu servers not have the updates at the same time, also it would double the workforce cost, in turn increasing how much you might have to pay to play.
  15. my point escapes you completely. its not about the numbers, its the proposed complaint.
  16. so not only does EU want US business hours catered to them, they want free stuff now too? ************* i can play this game too. i am a disabled american. i do not work so i am home all day. i cannot play right now because the maint times are cutting into my play time. they should have maint done before 6am so i can play. ************* now does any of what i just wrote make any sense? should the company change things to cater to the disabled americans who don't work? i don't think so. so why should they cater to you.
  17. no matter what time the servers are down, somebody will complain. the company is based in texas usa, so naturally the timings are based on their local time. 5am to 10am cst is early to expect people to be in the office performing what is needed to be done. everything they do will be based around their work schedules. would you want to go into work at 1am to do work because your company has to cater to someone half way around the world?
  18. no matter what time the servers are down, somebody will complain. the company is based in texas usa, so naturally the timings are based on their local time. 5am to 10am cst is early to expect people to be in the office performing what is needed to be done. everything they do will be based around their work schedules. would you want to go into work at 1am to do work because your company has to cater to someone half way around the world?
  19. it is impossible to please everyone. BW is trying to keep everyone happy, but at the same time things need to be done with the servers. its just a part of being in an MMO. maint happens, usually at regular intervals. so get over yourselves and wait patiently like everyone else and don't cry about it.
  20. its only a handful of lines of code to make the android app conform to what ever screen size and res each phone has. thats the easy part. whats harder for them is making the text readable depending on what size and res each phone has. just have some patience and we will get our android lovin.
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