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New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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How bout some free ****.... im thinking in game credits or a nice item modification, dont just take the time thats not schedualed to fix a bug for your "come play the game for free weekend" and toss an appology letter out there. I dont want an appology, nor could I care less when u decide to fix ur bugs, just give us some free ****.
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Tuesday the servers shut down at 1 pm Eastern Time, now they are down at 4 pm in the same week? Really? How/Why is this necessary at all, atleast give us info as to why we can't play during the small amount of time we have from work and sleep.
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I don't blame our EU brothers for being pissed about maintenance during prime time, we all know that if they did this during American prime time hours the forums would explode with QQing so bad people might think the end of the world was upon us. Honestly, most of the EU posts are just frustrated do to the lack of information, explanations, and reasons for all the maintenance. I think it would go along way if Bioware (or whichever company handles the CS) would be a bit more open about what is going on, what they are doing, and why they are doing it.
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While i realize it sucks to have patch time in the middle of your prime time, the game, and hardware are physically located in the U.S.. What time should the company work around? local time like everyone else? or work on a schedule that is 8 hours earlier? why not 5?.


You knew, when you purchased the game, it was being released around a N.A. schedule, no one to blame but yourself if your not happy with the hours. ****, start up a server farm and offer BW hosting, maybe you will get lucky and get local servers, not that it would influence the down times, but you would have less to ***** about.


Your claiming Americans have more rights than the Europeans is just childish, and seems was made just to stir **** up. Grow up, we are all adults around here, time to start acting like it.


Sorry dude, but BW are hosting the E.U servers in Ireland.... Now you might not know this since you are an American, but Ireland is NOT located in N.A.

Edited by Zedilt
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Jeeze. its like high school in here. people wanna complain over things they have no power over. i trust bioware. if they say they need the servers to go down then fine by me. When it comes to quality, NO ONE can touch them. they simply deliver. and if that quality of game isnt worth a little downtime to you guys then maybe you should move on to less emotionally trying things, like watching paint dry. Obviously your not smart enough to reason.
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I love how you euro peopl are like omg its during our peak time cant you do it after our peak time. Like its not ok for them to patch during your peak time but its ok for them to patch on someone else's peak time as long as its not yours? No matter when they do it its gonna mess up someones play time. To be fair they base it off of central time where they are located at. Its all they can do. And an emergency patch is an emergency patch. they had to run this patch to prevent weekenders from getting in right now. it needed to be done. be happy the free weekend may lead to more and more people subbing which is a good thing!
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i knew it would be worth staying 5 minutes more, just to see who is here being a smart arse, and who wants to play the game, guess which category you fell into tsky


The one with multiple monitors?

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It is ironic.


They try to lure more players into the game at the weekend - and for this they pissoff they current paying players, so they may leave.


Very smart.... ;)


If 2 hours downtime is enough to make you quit then you shouldn't play MMOs.

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lol and you reply, all that edumacation and you cant tell when theres a hook in your mouth young padawan. im bored with you now so im gonna do what im interested in


Already in a warzone, you're late.

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Everyone - we apologize for the inconvenience. We do everything we can to avoid taking the servers down for maintenance outside of our regular weekly maintenance, but in some cases (like this one, unfortunately) we can't avoid it. This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial weekend. We never take interrupting your playtime lightly, and this is no exception. Emergencies do happen occasionally, and we are working as quickly as we can to bring the servers back up so you can continue enjoying the game. In the meantime, we'll keep you updated with any new information that becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to ensure everything goes smoothly this weekend.


You do it EVERY single week for Europeans, do you even think before you implement things? Some of the stuff you do are some of the most stupid things a company could ever do, lets take down servers in EUROPE during the day because we cant be bothered taking them down at a separate time than the USA, THIS is what pisses people off, playing favourites OR even if you are not, not even THINKING what this would do to people? You literally want to drive people away don't you. You MUST do or are you seriously this ignorant?

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It was a long time ago I posted here but this pretty much pissed me off... I don't care if they took down the servers... Had to do the dish anyway but, COME ON!

"Emegency take down" for the people who has free access... (http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes )


Helloo, Bioware, we are paying for play!!! It's not emergency... It's nothing that has to be fixed so fast... First of all make your customers happy?

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