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BAttlemaster Comms a lie


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22 bags on a new alt and no battlemaster coms from the bag....


How many Battlemaster



comms did u get from bags?



BioWare screwedthe patch on this one....




1. 30 Warzone = 10 Mercenary

2. 30 Mercenary = 10 Centurion

3. 30 Centurion = 10 Champ

4. 30 Champ = 1 Battlemaster



Currently you have us on a luyck system that is broken and peopel cant trade up and you force luck wasting time.... alts cant gear up due to your busted system and characters pre patch are geared out and make games stupid....


Change it immedietly in a maintence Tuesday.... you know you screwed the pooch on this






Resubs are this week.... how many will disappear after this one due to the 60 day gift cards running up?

Edited by Gummiebear
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22 bags on a new alt and no battlemaster coms from the bag....


How many Battlemaster



comms did u get from bags?




BioWare screwedthe patch on this one....


At least before this BS we could get doubles of items...now the comms dont drop at all and we are forced to farm 1000/1000 for 1 comm,,,,against people who already used the old system and are full battlemaster....




This game is Against alts due to this screwup



Let us buy battlemaster comms with champ junk from battlemaster bags...or give 100% of a battlemaster comm for a battlemaster bag....otherwise you are punishing all the new alts or players....


You lost your player base already....the majority....do u want to piss the rest of us off and be against alting when legacy is supposed to promote alting?



You have 6 days and then I dont resub ...im sure others feel this way as we had a huge discussion last night on it.



OMG, 1 out of 4 right now.

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On a serious note, I am a bit scared for when I hit 60 valor soon. I feel like I wont be seeing much of anything for awhile based on a lot of peoples comments. The champion bag change was great however I think the BM requires too much luck, rather than more effort.

Edited by SillyTurtle
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This game is Against alts due to this screwup

And with the same logic process... You are against rational, reasonable and well thought out arguments and discussions due to your massive angry red text.


You lost your player base already....the majority....do u want to piss the rest of us off and be against alting when legacy is supposed to promote alting?

Well that's a pretty faulty statement. You have ZERO way of knowing if they lost the majority of their player base. I would hazard they haven't, even a pessimest who wants the game to fail could only reasonably believe they've lost half the subs they got since launch. And I'm not pissed off "against alting" because of this and I doubt the "rest of us" still playing since the "majority" have already left are really that pissed off...


You have 6 days and then I dont resub ...im sure others feel this way as we had a huge discussion last night on it.

Because threats and ultimatiums always work so well...


I'm not even against your concern, I feel it's legitimat. I am however against your tone and conduct. If you would like to be taken seriousally try making a well thought out and logical argument. I do however realize that well thought out logical arguments are not well recieved on this forum, but regardless we should try to rise above.

Edited by Vincynt
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22 bags on a new alt and no battlemaster coms from the bag....


How many Battlemaster



comms did u get from bags?




BioWare screwedthe patch on this one....


At least before this BS we could get doubles of items...now the comms dont drop at all and we are forced to farm 1000/1000 for 1 comm,,,,against people who already used the old system and are full battlemaster....




This game is Against alts due to this screwup



Let us buy battlemaster comms with champ junk from battlemaster bags...or give 100% of a battlemaster comm for a battlemaster bag....otherwise you are punishing all the new alts or players....


You lost your player base already....the majority....do u want to piss the rest of us off and be against alting when legacy is supposed to promote alting?



You have 6 days and then I dont resub ...im sure others feel this way as we had a huge discussion last night on it.


Did anyone's FPS drop when they were hit with the giant red text? Wish EA would fix their forum engine.

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Why play PVP on a game that had no intention of having PVP.

You should be watching reruns of the quest on your alts....thats the intended end game.


Basically if you are PVPing in SWTOR, you're doing it wrong. Dont blame me if you dont play the game the way the devs want you to.

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1. 30 Warzone = 10 Mercenary

2. 30 Mercenary = 10 Centurion

3. 30 Centurion = 10 Champ

4. 30 Champ = 1 Battlemaster




If you can change 30 champion into BM, it would be WAY TOO EASY! Right now, I would maybe increase the drop rate just a little, but not much.

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I seriously don't understand these threads. When 1.2 comes out.........



ALL FRESH 50's will be able to have a full BM set.


Just get over it and run raids if you're already valor 60. No point in slamming your head against the wall on borked com drops. As of now, the grind is pointless.

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I am happy for all you peeps that have gotten good ratios 2/5 or better. I am 2 for 20 bags and I know others that have worse ratio then that. I am Valor rank 65 with 2 BM comm drops what bs is that.
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