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Will Shadows Shine or Fall?


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KC will be beastly for most brackets; maaaybe Balance fully supported will do alright Alderaan.

In Huttball leaps are king but the other 2 WZ should definitely see some shadows. VS will always stalemate at higher ratings anyways.

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Shine. Even infil. specced (this is simply a "conviction" thing for me), I don't see any reason why shadows should be fall.


Unless carried by a premade.


The question was about rated warzones. Maybe a surprise, but most people could queue as group :D

Edited by roestzwiebel
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A well played Shadow going on their strengths will always do well.


Since stats/classes are being balanced/changed in ways that we do not yet know, I think most of us can hold judgement on what the true outcome will be, but as always adapt and use your class spec strengths and any Shadow can do well. The only time you have issues is when you try to do things your class will not come out on top with.

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I don't see the KC Shadow doing well in rated WZ. They are pretty much a hybrid tank with decent damage and decent tankability, lacking real burst and defensive cooldowns.


Rated will be dominated by specialists and KC Shadow isn't a specialist.


Infiltration needs a really good defensive cooldown and a crit damage talent for Clairvoyant Strike (Double Strike gets one in the balance tree and Clairvoyant Strike should be coming out ahead with the Propject buff in all respects).


Balance will be doing okay with a good premade. Good sustained dps and okay survivabiity on top of a root/dots and decent range to joust.

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A well played shadow of any spec will do fine when playing to strengths, so success/failure will come down to the team you are playing with.



For example, inf with their massive, on demand burst will be great when part of a melee assist train where they can burst a target very quickly whilst avoiding being focused due to lots of melee around you. However, an inf in a team with lots of ranged is gonna fail as they will get focused much more easily.

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A well played shadow of any spec will do fine when playing to strengths, so success/failure will come down to the team you are playing with.


That's a very general statement and it applies to every class, so that one has to compare them to each other.



For example, inf with their massive, on demand burst will be great when part of a melee assist train where they can burst a target very quickly whilst avoiding being focused due to lots of melee around you. However, an inf in a team with lots of ranged is gonna fail as they will get focused much more easily.


This isn't going to happen against a good team. If I see a deception assassin on the other team, he's going to be the primary target, because he deals good damage and is easier to kill than say the Operative or Marauder.

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KC should do fine. Infiltration will be horrible.


Pretty much.


Infiltration doesn't bring anything that the other dps classes don't already AND they are the squishiest class in game. I don't see a place for them in rateds.

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This isn't going to happen against a good team. If I see a deception assassin on the other team, he's going to be the primary target, because he deals good damage and is easier to kill than say the Operative or Marauder.


If you have a tank as part of your assist train, they can switch guard to inf shadow if this happens. Once the shadow has done their initial burst and helped nuke the first guy, tipping the scales from 8v8 to 8v7, he can force-cloak and then go annoy someone else if necessary. That initial, on-demand burst can really help tip the scales.


Ofc, a scoundrel can also achieve the same burst so then its down to how well you value each. I think initial burst followed by support from inf (perma-snare + taunts) will make them more valuable than scoundrels, but ofc if you aren't part of an assist train then inf will be pretty weak.

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The taunt part has merit and it is quite possible that this will be the entry card for an infiltration Shadow over a Scoundrel (higher survivability, heals and all around better burst, especially out of stealth vs. taunts).


The Sentinel, however, should things stay as is come 1.2, will be the undisputed leader of the DPS pack with healdebuff, high combat uptime, big burst and sustained on top of a ton of defense at almost no cost.


So the question really will be how many tanks, damage dealers and healers a 4-man will optimally bring to the rated. If they go with a single dps, the infiltration Shadow is not going to make the cut. If it's two, it will be a close race between a second sentinel, a scoundrel and the infiltration Shadow

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if 1.2 comes and shadow remain exacly the same then KC will be fine for rated but for infi...


God no no no dont even bring an infi shadow to ur team


Yes he has good burst etc but it is easily negatable and as stated above it is the squishiest AC in the whole game making him primary target

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I laugh at all these people who claim Infiltration Shadows are squishy. I never have a problem 1v1 against most classes. All about fight control. Now if you run into 2 or more, you should expect to be the underdog. All Inf Shadows getting carried in rated Warzones? Please...we'll hold our own.
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There's no doubt about infil shadows being squishy, if you think otherwise you're in denial. We wear light armour, don't have heals, and have 2 defensive CDs. One is amazing, for a whole 3 seconds. 2 GCDs! The other has a 3 minute CD and honestly isn't all that great. So yes, we're the very definition of squishy.


On the other hand, I think good infil shadows will do fine in rated WZs. I'm not a great player, but I like to think I'm pretty solid, and the guys I play with don't want me to respec at all - and I can play kinetic just as well as I can infil.


Fight control has nothing to do with being squishy either. If a class had 1hp, and 0% resistance/dodge etc, but could oneshot anyone from stealth, he should win every 1v1 he's in - but he's still as squishy as can be.

Edited by Nemectic
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I laugh at all these people who claim Infiltration Shadows are squishy. I never have a problem 1v1 against most classes. All about fight control. Now if you run into 2 or more, you should expect to be the underdog. All Inf Shadows getting carried in rated Warzones? Please...we'll hold our own.


Hit 50, go into the real bracket, then update us on your opinion when it actually matters.

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Hit 50, go into the real bracket, then update us on your opinion when it actually matters.


You think this is my only Shadow? It's not. This is just my new character on a PVP server. My other has 3 BM pieces, the rest champ and he's did just fine.

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Depends on your premade group mates. I'm anticipating that most rateds would rather have 1 tank, 2-3 healers and all the rest to be the highest dps available. That doesn't leave much room for a shadow since while Kinetic is a great tank and debuffer most premades wont appreciate the debuffing factor even though it is big. And infiltrator while good can't compare to some of the other classes for dps and utility. Having said all that I think if your with a group that isn't as fussy OR that embraces what a shadow (or at least a kc shadow) brings to the group and would do fine.
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I can see how that can work on a PvE server.


Someone has a superiority complex :cool:.


Not that I don't agree about infil shadows. For those who have leveled as infil, I know that you don't want to give up your spinny sabers, but once you go KC, you won't want to go back. You have more stun breaks, a self heal, a knockdown, you can use a shield without gimping yourself, AND you can use Nadia for PvE instead of the annoying Tharan.


Know how mediocre infil shadows always die when focused on by 2+ people? That doesn't happen as KC. Someday I hope you too will see what you've been missing.

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