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Everything posted by Nostal

  1. Funny how the fanbois only see the Gw2 comment.....
  2. Clueless troll is clueless...
  3. K so after 4 months of the game release and having 2 characters caped at pvp/pve gear ( both battlemasters with fully optimized gear and full rakata gear ) i quit the game cuz of boredom and i thought , what the hell lets see what my server is doing. So i loged in thx to the 30 days bioware gave me, just so to see that my server was quite dead, every major guild from empire stoped and only my guild was actually still playing ( surpise ) , btw i was republic and a member of the best republic pve guild ( and the only one ) Next step was to pay a visit to our server forums and to my surprise i saw this http://www.theshadowrunner.com Sums up the whole game i suppose... Anywhore CYA PPL IN Gw2
  4. K whats the deal here? Ppl are complaining having ghost towns with 150 ppl on fleet ? ARE YOU KIDDING? The shadow runner - Suterday peak hours rep side 28 on fleet /who 50 -35 ppl I went to ilum and i was alone with like 2-3 imps patroling and collecting armas Morning hours u wont get a wz going maybe until evening My server was standar/heavy at 1st month now its totaly dead I cant reroll i have 2 toons here with full end game pvp/pve gear thats it im settled here Cba starting all over again , too tired to begin again from scratch
  5. Fun part is i can deliver about 11k burst without even shadow strike When second project procs the animation of it plus the numbers u are seeing......there are no words to describe tbh . Its so beautiful and a powerfull emotion
  6. if 1.2 comes and shadow remain exacly the same then KC will be fine for rated but for infi... God no no no dont even bring an infi shadow to ur team Yes he has good burst etc but it is easily negatable and as stated above it is the squishiest AC in the whole game making him primary target
  7. Does it really matter?? im 60 in 2 chars and i have yet to see a BM comm and tbh i dont really care... The stats upgrade is so bad that its not even worth it Biowared itemization Ftw
  8. PRO TIP: Throw away the BM weapon and use the Champion one , its better sadly :S Overall good video !!! <3 Ohh another thing ....CAN YOU PLZZ STOP MOVING SO MUCH >.< its annoying and it gets me dizzy Example : in the right turret when u were fighting the sniper+BH combo those guys literally didnt move an inch and you kept dancing around that sniper for no apparent reason ... I GOT DIZZY KK??? love ya <3
  9. Well i like it and i was really confused why there is no "silence" effect in the game , u can stun/interrupt/kb/kd/pull and all the kinds of CC but no silence.. Well i guess if that was added then the CC's in this game would be over the top To be honest i like class overall and the style that has but the way that the rotation it is build in its not that attractive I mean you are really effective every 1,15m??? ( when force potency is up) otherwise you dont really do much without it, You do ur standar rotation CSx2 project/breach hoping for crits , you have ur CC abilites stun/low slash and thats pretty much it, I know you are supposed to harras/kill healers and prevent them healing their grp etc but with our current rotation i feel very limited
  10. Its funny how some ppl think that playing a sorc/sage is actually easy.. what gives you that idea??? Have you even played one?? I really doubt it.. go play one and then come back here QQing for maras/sents roflstomping you
  11. Prety much what zanos posted, I never understood why are ppl crying tbh , i have both a BM sorc and a BM shadow and the difference between them is huge. Im not talking about random WZ's with pugs , in those sorc's can excel just because you are not getting focused and you are free to cast and do w/e you want The problem comes in premades vs premades and boy ohh boy when im on my sorc its like im not doing really anything in those big fights Sure i will nuke their healer / weaker target but when u have a marauder or even 2 constanly on you well its pretty much gg And Off-topic .. also from the beginning of the game maras/sents complained so much about their "rotation" and why they have so many skills compared to other classes.... but srsly when my sent friend told and explained me his skills i was like ***.... these guys can counter pretty much anything They have a skill for every situation.. *** is this? i wish i had so many skill's in my shadow :S
  12. Some great ideas here , the one i liked the most is the shadow leap ability Though i would suggest something abit better Example: 20sec cd , 0-20m, 10 force cost Shadow leap You leap behind your current target increasing all dmg done by 10% for x secs and silence it for x secs You cannot use force spead for x secs after you use shadow leap Another suggestion i read somewhere is that your force speed is transformed to shadow leap when you target an enemy and it remains the same (force speed) when you dont have a target.
  13. 222. Oh **** another sorc.... 223. Force of will / Aderenal+Relic+Force potency/ CS Strike , CS Strike / Resilience / Project+Force breach .....dead sorc and vanish annnndd move on
  14. im sorry but you actually complain for an ability that is worthless ( and companions) when u reach max lvl....?? K..
  15. You wanna know whos the weakest melee in this game?? Il tell ya, DPS speced shadows/asssasins are by far the most squishy **** i've ever played They are melee... with light armor....1 defensive skill with 2 mins CD and one "cloak of shadows" crap that last for a whole 3 secs. Im not mentioning vanish cuz it simply wont work without the above ^.... With all the aoe and dots that fly around in WZ's its kinda impossible to survive
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