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Do you feel that there is just "something" that is missing?


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I been playing SWTOR since right after launch. I came to it from RIFT. At that point we were kind of stuck in Hammerknell and a bunch of people left for SWTOR so I went as well. And I will say leveling in SWTOR was a BLAST, I enjoyed it alot. I didn't like having no combat logs, or /rolls and in some ways i missed macros and something was just weird about combat but all in all I have had alot of fun.


I have been through all of the endgame content at this point. I tank for a top guild on Empire side Jedi Covenant and we have done all the Nightmare 8 man stuff we are now working on 16m just for something to do. Anyways don't want to make this too long, it just feels like "something" is missing. I have never once got that heart pounding adrenalin rush from killing a boss, where everyone just screams and cheers when that boss hits 0% after a bunch of attempts.


I don't know if its just the raiding isn't as difficult or involved in this game but something just is not there. Don't know if I like the way gearing is either but that beside the point. I recently went back to RIFT along with a few others and I will say I appreciate a few things about that game now after SWTOR (especially raiding) but I will indeed give SWTOR more time with 1.2 around the corner.


TL: DR - Does anyone else feel that something is just plain missing from this game but its tough to put your finger on?

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I know what you mean, the game is good, but it lacks originality, i've been doing the same thing for years in WoW.

But yea, there is something missing, what though, im not sure


Yeah, been doing the same thing in WoW for years, as well as Rift, Everquest, Aoin, Warhammer, and every other MMO since the beginning...


Will be this way in Titan Project and Guild Wars 2, and every other MMO coming out in the future...


Cause this is how end game raiding works, you raid, your get loot and tokens, you trade that stuff in for ubber sets.



Now to the OP, there is definitely an issue with the difficulty of the operations. And that had more to do with SWTOR being aimed more at a casual raider (once of the worst things WoW introduced to the MMO world).


SWTOR has done a fantastic job making theses operations interesting and fun... but how much fun is it if you are just face rolling the content for 4 hours.


1.2 will be changing this supposedly with increase difficulty for Hardmode and Nightmare Mode becoming what the title suggests. This will change SWTOR Raiding into something that feels more like an accomplishment attune to the early days of early WoW (Vanilla and Early BC) raids and Everquest.


I do like the concept of Normal modes being easier as well, one for the purpose of learning the content, and two being able to pick out the lazy players... do not stand in the fire lol.

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TL: DR - Does anyone else feel that something is just plain missing from this game but its tough to put your finger on?


I can put my finger on it for myself personally, and it revolves around two core issues:


1) Random Loot


Where are the unique shinies in flashpoints and operations? There just isn't enough variation is loot, you basically get rakata and then swop the mods to customise. I miss the rare drops from boss kills, getting that epic piece of loot that no1 else in the guild has. Rare loot also gives you a reason to keep re-running completed content, whereas currently I now have columi set so I have no reason at all to complete flashpoints again.


2) World PvP


I came from LOTRO which whilst it had terrible pvp system, I knew that no matter what time of day, I could log in and find action at one of a few key areas and I'd know that NPCs would balance the numbers. This resulted in always being able to pvp, combined with epic feelings when overcoming imbalances to wipe the enemy. That doesn't exist in TOR. I can head to center on Ilum for armaments and probably find a few imps, but most aren't interested in fighting and there are no balancing mechanics.






These two issues have removed the excitement from pvp and most pve. It has also killed the replayability of a lot of this game. I find myself basically doing the Ops each week (raid 3 nights) and the rest of the time is spent entirely on warzones or pve dailies. Whilst that is keeping me entertained for now (I do still love this game!) I have my doubts over longevity for the semi-hardcore players like myself.

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The thing i think that makes it feel like its missing something is the raiding loot system, its easy to get gear and pointless doing like 16m over 8m, or nightmare over hardmode, so its like "well i did hardmode i got best loot why log on?"


They did say rolling alts is what they wanted and to me they made me do that I have a few :p

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TL: DR - Does anyone else feel that something is just plain missing from this game but its tough to put your finger on?


Truth is there are a lot of things missing.


However, patch 1.2 brings a lot of things to the game and there there will be patches after that and even more after that.


Sure the anticipation is killing me but it's not cause I'm not having a blast in game currently.


So much more to come and if BW can stay on top of things, it will be exciting times.

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Yup - came to SWTOr after Rift just to realize how great are Rift's engine and developers team. Guild levels, world events, achievements, festivals, etc. etc.


Only two things aren't good about Rift: non-existent world PvP and non-StarWars universe.


P.S. Quitting SWTOR in 6 days. Game became boring 2 weeks after lvl50 (i.e. 1.5 months ago). For sure 1.2 will be buggy as hell and I doubt Bioware is capable to create non-boring content lately.

Edited by Pashgan
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Compared to a game like Rift, no, nothing is missing. Compared to that ideal MMO in my head, yeah, SWTOR lacks. To be fair, every MMO does, and probably always will. But I wish it were closer to what I'm looking for.


I like it, I enjoy playing, I play too much. I enjoy the voice acting and the stories (mostly), and sometimes the pvp (it's definitely better than Rift pvp, anyway), but I just can't see myself playing year in and year out. This is a game I'll probably come back to for expansions now and then, not a game that feels like 'home'. I kind of worry I'm never going to have that coming home feeling in an MMO ever again. I sure never had it in WoW or Rift.

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I been playing SWTOR since right after launch. I came to it from RIFT. At that point we were kind of stuck in Hammerknell and a bunch of people left for SWTOR so I went as well. And I will say leveling in SWTOR was a BLAST, I enjoyed it alot. I didn't like having no combat logs, or /rolls and in some ways i missed macros and something was just weird about combat but all in all I have had alot of fun.


I have been through all of the endgame content at this point. I tank for a top guild on Empire side Jedi Covenant and we have done all the Nightmare 8 man stuff we are now working on 16m just for something to do. Anyways don't want to make this too long, it just feels like "something" is missing. I have never once got that heart pounding adrenalin rush from killing a boss, where everyone just screams and cheers when that boss hits 0% after a bunch of attempts.


I don't know if its just the raiding isn't as difficult or involved in this game but something just is not there. Don't know if I like the way gearing is either but that beside the point. I recently went back to RIFT along with a few others and I will say I appreciate a few things about that game now after SWTOR (especially raiding) but I will indeed give SWTOR more time with 1.2 around the corner.


TL: DR - Does anyone else feel that something is just plain missing from this game but its tough to put your finger on?


I know exactly what you're saying, it was the reason I left Rift. With SWTOR, it's more of an "not complete" feeling than anything else. I think the game has potential, which was something Rift could never fill for me, cuz I didn't care about my character in the game. Here, I'm willing to give Bioware some time to fill in the missing holes.

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TL: DR - Does anyone else feel that something is just plain missing from this game but its tough to put your finger on?


Yes, i've had it since i started the game.


For me, i think the reason i feel like this is because i feel disconnected from the world i am playing in.

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Several things missing in TOR


1) the second M in MMO


2)meaningful content i dont remember any specfic content , boss or piece of gear in TOR(even rift provided this, the instances were head and shoulders above TOR's as well as the itemisation)


3) A vibirant living world with ,as others have stated, a soul.


4) And lastly its missing just about every standard feature an MMO has. Its a single player game that lobbies you off in the fleet for more instancing. This game does not resemble an MMO as much as it feels like a co op single player game.


everything the vocal minority was concerned about in their design process came true at about lvl 30. The only thing we were wrong on was the companion system, its actually pretty cool and is revolutionary in the genre, crafting is different it just lacks any depth like the rest of the game. All in all TOR just had good paper concepts that really did not translate to the genre well. I liked the leveling expierence like i like a single player game when i step back and look at it Rift was far better MMO but its leveling process was dull.

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A connection with your ALT is missing. I feel no connection or afinity with my Alts, this is unusal as in other games im captivated and care about leveling my alt. I have none for mine, maybe its due to not being able to fully customise my face to make myself. I dunno
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The only thing missing is enough time in my day to actually get to play. I've played both WoW and Rift, and feel like I'm missing out on nothing so far. In all fairness, I have not reached end game yet so my opinion may change, but I'm having fun getting there.
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In my opinion the community is missing, nobody about to group with, nobody in openworld PvP areas, all of the endgame instanced from Ops to PvP meaning that everyone stays on fleet or in their ships.


There needs to be something to encourage people to go out into the world and stop hanging around in one spot to join queues.

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In my opinion the community is missing, nobody about to group with, nobody in openworld PvP areas, all of the endgame instanced from Ops to PvP meaning that everyone stays on fleet or in their ships.


There needs to be something to encourage people to go out into the world and stop hanging around in one spot to join queues.


Like an open world free roam planet, no quests just a cantina, small town. Open expanse, caves, vaults to roam in with only prize being loot. No quests just free form.

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Soul is missing.


Yup. It lacks the "epicness". Little to no epic music. Wanna make a game successful? Add epic music to immerse the player into the game. It doesn't have to play ALL the time, but SWTOR is sorely lacking in this department. Little to no music score to add to the ambience; makes one lose interest pretty quick.


Color. Everything is pretty much dull pastels. Makes for dull worlds/environment. I guess aliens are color-blind.


People. Where are they? I go into spaceports/cities and they all look almost deserted. Little to no activity. Borrrrrrrinnnnnnng.


So far, just about all the quests I've been on the mobs have been in groups of 3 or 4. Really? Enemies are always grouped together like this? Please....


That's the main reason why I haven't been back to the game in quite a while. Until they add/correct what I consider essential ambient elements, I will not be back. It's too dull.


I hope this game succeeds, really. But right now it's not for me.

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yes, deffo something missing.

at first it was a blast but i cant put my finger on why i cba to play any more lol

i dont look forward to work finishing so i can play, i dont have huge weekend sessions, and i did with wow and rift, even warhammer and conan got more of my time than TOR, and thats a shame cos i looked forward to this game way more than them.

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Really cool mounts are missing. Honestly, I see too many rusty colored mounts.


Where are the Ferrari of all speeders. We are in a very high tech or advanced civilization in SWTOR. Where are the GOLD, SILVER, AND CRYSTAL SPEEDERS? All the speeders looks like they were made in a junk yard in episode 1. We also need space ships like Count Dookus solar sailor. It is made with gold and has golden silk cloth metal thingies.



At least create a mount that when I see it, I will be like WOOOOWWW I WANT ONE!!! Just like that crystal tiger in Warcraft.

Edited by xxdragonragexx
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I really miss the vibrant worlds which both Rift and WoW have. I feel basically that I am moving from one rather dismal and depressing planet to the next, with only an occasional exception.


I love alting, so decided I would try the other classes to see if that would bring a bit more excitement, but in fact that made it worse. I realised it was just following the same path (with an added bit of class story) - there are absolutely no alternative planets to level in. One path and thats it.


Next I tried some exploring and hunting for Datacrons - that became annoying very quickly as I ended up typing /stuck every 15 minutes. I can't understand why Bioware would create an 'open' world, but then basically discourage people from exploring (the 'exhaustion' message only adds to the frustration as well)


Crafting also seems a bit of a credits/time sink for Missions and all the gear/weapon crafting ones I tried were disappointing. By the time I had the level to wear most crafted items, I already had better from quest rewards.


I had been looking forward to SWTOR for a long time and really wanted myself to like it for the long term, but sadly I don't. My last few days before my sub runs out then back to Rift for me.

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What is missing that keeps you from having the heart pounding experience? I think I know why. Nothing negative happens to you when you get killed in a raid or in world PvP. I have only played STG before and you had an armor decay system and you had to get you mind and body buffed before going into a raid or a big fight. So if you died you pretty much had to do about 15-20 minutes of work to get back into the game and if you died to many times you had to repair your armor which was a lot more difficult. You had to find a skilled armor smith and they might or might now screw it up. So all of these things together put more on the line. SWTOR makes it way to easier to just come back. The repair cost are very low and I think only happen if you die.


That is just part of it. The other part of it is faction interaction. Also cantinas in this game don't do anything. Why even have them.

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