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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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not sure yet. still have 37 days or so left. Rerolled on one of the 'main' servers and am happy with what I'm seeing there. It never was bugs that killed the game for me. It was the dead server that I was on.


I hope that 1.2 is out before my sub is up and a time frame is given for toon xfers. That will help me make a better decision.

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Unlike some I waited almost 2 months after release. Also made the mistake of buying a 2month game card. Looking at my account status, I still have 49 days remaining, plenty of time for Bioware to improve some of the annoying issues with this game for me to decide whether an extension is worth it.
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I hit 50 still in my level 40 PVP set. *lol* I mostly PVP and when I hit 50 PVP on my server became a nightmare. I did everything I could to prepare for 50, saved up all my marks, saved the bag, had everything ready. I got to 50 and ended up with 2 of the sub-par PVP items and.. yeah, that's it. 30-35 level worth of PVP and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.


Oh, and I got a PVP rank that I have to grind 10 more levels of AFTER 50 so I can equip better gear. I get SLAUGHTERED in PVP so mostly I just run around dying or "Defend" something by hiding and interrupting people until back up arrives.


Mostly I find it frustrating because one out of every 5 games I join is not already lost. People join games, **** them up with lousy teamwork then leave the game and I get left holding the lose-bag.


Once I hit 50 I lost ALL desire to play the game. The dailies are just a *********** chore, they are spread out over different planets and you spend so much of your time traveling TO the dailies and finding them it's not worth it.


The point of the matter is, when you get to 50 everything becomes a massive grind-fest and it's not even the fun kind of grind. It sucks, it's boring, the gear gap is MASSIVE and you have to go on the web to find GUIDES to tell you where to go and what to do. This is game design FAILURE. Once you hit 50 you should get a quest to introduce you to the dailies and show you where you need to go to get your gear.


I have a few more days left and I have friends who play. I might resub if they say 1.2 is just THAT *********** amazing but I really doubt it. Bioware made a great game up until 50 but they totally dropped the ball on the end game and they have went back on EVERY SINGLE promise they ever made about PVP.


I leveled bio so I could get reusable stims now they are "Moving away" from re-usables? Forget that Bioware. F*** you and your sister. I am not farming every day just so I can have a buff I earned while leveling

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i lasted about 3 months of my 6 month sub (3 months to get to the end game, fully geared, lol, and to think that this is actually a relatively slow pace. most of my guildmates have like 3 level 50's which just blows my mind). i have just less than 3 months left, and unless some magical patch appears, that will be it for me.


it's okay though. don't worry about me. i've been playing eve for about 4 years now. this game just made me realize the beauty of indi devs. go iceland!

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6 month sub here.


TBH I am getting a bit burned out. 2 50s, a 42 & a myriad of alts. I have no desire to raid so endgame is relegated to pvp & dailies.


At this point, I may just enjoy the rest of the story lines then take a break.


Great game, although it probably won't keep me as long as I 1st thought.

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I currently have 4 real life friends playing and enjoying the game for the most part but I want to quit. I feel so disillusioned with this game, I was reading another thread and a poster said


I personally think, despite it's flaws, that this game is the best alternative to WoW on the market currently.

It was then that I realised why the game was getting me down, it is becoming an exact clone of Wow. I played Wow for 7 years and was tired of their interpretation of how things had to be. Patch 1.2 will bring this game even closer to being an exact replica of Wow when all along I was looking for something different.


Honestly dont know how long I will last because of my friends but I am really starting to dislke this game. If i'm going to play "Wow" I might as well go back to pandas where I have 8 lvl85's & i'm rich.

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Also, for me one reason I am canceling is that Bioware seems to think that me earnign my gear on my own means I should have worse gear than someone who has a team working with them. It's always been that way in MMOs. If I have to que solo and grind gear I should get BETTER gear than someone who groups up with a team. Soloing content is harder and a lot more repedative. It pisses me the **** off that an idiot and his pack of morons who run the wrong way with the hutt ball are going to end up with better gear than me because they que as a group and I just want to log in and play.


I shouldn't NEED to bring a team. Effort should be rewarded. If you do something solo it should get better results than having a group helping you. 1.2 is just going to take PVP and make it worse. The already bad system is going to be replaced by an even worse system.


When will Bioware learn to stop making the same mistakes WOW did?


I'm thinking never.

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Yes i will... All these people complaining about no LFG feature... world pvp... UI addons... everything takes time.... It took a LONG time for games like WoW to do what they did and add the features needed to make the game great.

/end rant


P.S. Good job Bioware, you are advancing much faster then any other mmo I've played... (mmo junky)

Edited by Nyrrix
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I like goals ..... try for a goal and when you score you get some satisfaction. So I need goal posts, a net, a goal keeper and a ball. With this game there is no keeper so the challenge is removed. There is no nets so I dont have to hit it hard or its just a long walk to fetch the ball. There are no posts so theres no goals to be had so im just endlessly walking about kicking a ball, unsatisfied.

Im hoping they at least get some goalposts up in patch 1.2 or im done with the game.

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i unsubbed, and timed it badly as i have 26 days left on my sub! but i doubt i will use any of it, as i havent logged in since i unsubbed. Just wanted to voice my opinion on why i left, its because its gameplay is the same as wow, the voice overs, questing was great and i enjoyed it thoroughly compared to other MMOs ive played. However the end game is just the same, the combat (which i overlooked due to the quests) is even more dull than WoW, because there is no auto attacking, meaning it feels like your character is doing alot of nothing (unless you cast spells/powers)


so for me the combat is mediocre at best and not engaging/exciting. nor are the game modes or flashpoints enjoyable to play through. Without any loot in the game, would anyone play it? MOBA games are enjoyable to play without incentive, so are FPS games, strategy games etc. But swtor just isnt part of that pie.


unfortunate! because i know alot of work went into this game! But gameplay mechanics are the core of mmos, not story. shame really :(

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Also, for me one reason I am canceling is that Bioware seems to think that me earnign my gear on my own means I should have worse gear than someone who has a team working with them. It's always been that way in MMOs. If I have to que solo and grind gear I should get BETTER gear than someone who groups up with a team. Soloing content is harder and a lot more repedative. It pisses me the **** off that an idiot and his pack of morons who run the wrong way with the hutt ball are going to end up with better gear than me because they que as a group and I just want to log in and play.


I shouldn't NEED to bring a team. Effort should be rewarded. If you do something solo it should get better results than having a group helping you. 1.2 is just going to take PVP and make it worse. The already bad system is going to be replaced by an even worse system.


When will Bioware learn to stop making the same mistakes WOW did?


I'm thinking never.

If you prefer soloing and disregarding grouping...why does it matter what gear other players are wearing. Be solo. Act solo. Think solo.


Don't concern yourself with them. That's not solo-enough.


If you're going to play the game like a single player game, why care what those playing it like an MMO are wearing?

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If you prefer soloing and disregarding grouping...why does it matter what gear other players are wearing. Be solo. Act solo. Think solo.


Don't concern yourself with them. That's not solo-enough.


If you're going to play the game like a single player game, why care what those playing it like an MMO are wearing?


Because the morons who group together and lose match after match are going to end up with gear WAY better than anything I could possibly get for WINNING the same number of matches. It's just like WoW, if you have a group you can skip 90% of the effort and when you get your full set just run around roflstomping people. Arena was stupid then and it's stupid now. It rewards people for logging in at the same time not for the amount of effort they put into the warzone. Why do they get MASSIVELY better gear than me when I'm winning the warzones with P.U.groups.


Can you imagine if that happened in raiding? They made a random raid tool that you could join and clear content to get gear but if you joined as a group you could not clear the content, still earn tokens and get BETTER gear than the pug who downed the boss?


People would have a fit but because we are PVP players we get treated like we are second class players.

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Because the morons who group together and lose match after match are going to end up with gear WAY better than anything I could possibly get for WINNING the same number of matches. It's just like WoW, if you have a group you can skip 90% of the effort and when you get your full set just run around roflstomping people. Arena was stupid then and it's stupid now. It rewards people for logging in at the same time not for the amount of effort they put into the warzone. Why do they get MASSIVELY better gear than me when I'm winning the warzones with P.U.groups.


Can you imagine if that happened in raiding? They made a random raid tool that you could join and clear content to get gear but if you joined as a group you could not clear the content, still earn tokens and get BETTER gear than the pug who downed the boss?


People would have a fit but because we are PVP players we get treated like we are second class players.


Dont take the decision to implement ranked warzones personaly when your a solo player, but i do get it.


All this fubar situation is being driven by BW's 5 pillars, the 5th pillar being community. Which has somehow been confusingly intertwined with grouping, so as such the more players group the greater the reward. Oh BW sucked in the solo playing community with a VO story driven game but in the end it will be exactly the same as Wow with character gear progression being driven by group content.


God I wish I could convince my friends to play anything else, I am so over the holy trinity concept. I've been on this hamster wheel for 15 years

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I cancelled my sub two weeks ago. I only come onto the forums cus it is way more entertaining than the game was. No doubt I'll get chucked eventually but till then I'll end my computer time by coming here and amusing myself with some of the posts. Fortuntely I can rest easy each night knowing that I am levelling a character in another game and not wasting my time in SWToR.
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I have 8 days left and them am gone, I will be back at some point to check up the progress.


My main reasons for leaving:


1. I hate the way the forums are moderated, very similar to Europe from 1939 - 1945

2. I hate the way the devs never bother to talk to us on the forums, it's either a special guild summit meeting or some stupid weekly Q&A. I call LAZY!!!

3. It's an empty world. I play on the most popular EU PVP server and trying to find an enemy to fight is a joke, you can ride for like 20 minutes and see no one at all.

4. The gear aquisition for PvP is based on luck, roll up roll up buy yourself a lucky bag, did you win any gear? No...aw go grind for another few hours then come back and buy another lucky bag.....did you win this time? NO! aw shame, go grind another few hours...... *** are you actually serious about this? Sorry but I don;t mind griding rep where I can see it increase but I won't play your lucky bag game, show me a bit respect I do pay your wages.

5. No large warzones, 8 v 8 is laughable when you consider WOW is 7 years old and has a 40 v 40 battleground. I always assumed as technology improved the games would, I was wrong.


I will miss my characters, I did enjoy fighting with them but there is just too many huge things wrong with the game to keep me paying. I also know that my subscription is helping to pay the wages of the forum moderators and that is just too much for me, they are a disgrace to forums.

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