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Server population is dropping...


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I am currently playing on Chuundar and didnt really notice the server population issue until the later stages when you need groups for leveling, me and a few other 50's in our guild ended up quiting the guild yesterday and merging with another guild. We can to the decision because our GuildMaster is not anywhere to be seen and believe to have re-rolled!


It is hard to get groups sometimes and can get fustrating but i usually just leave the quests i cant do until a higher level, I agree with the rest of you though they do need to merge although Farming for Metal, Plants etc would be harder if there is more people running round collecting stuff at the same time as you....but on a brighter note you would make more money in the Market....I can put 50 items up and be lucky to sell 2 most days

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Personally, I think we need either some free server transfers or some server mergers. Over the past week I've hardly logged in at all, because all anybody does at lvl 50 on my server is pvp, and its a PVE server. I've only done one HM since I hit 50 like 2 weeks ago, because noone is doing any. And before anyone suggests it, I'm not rerolling to another server and starting over. I'll just stop playing this game if this isnt fixed.
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Now I only started playing this month, but please correct me if I'm wrong about this:


Customers in December: OMG Bioware why is there such a high queue??? I pay you US$15 to play the game, not wait at the login screen. If you don't open up new servers to solve this problem, I'm gonna quit!


Bioware: Ok ok we'll open up new servers.


Customer in March: OMG Bioware there is a severe population shortage. I did not pay US$15 to play on an empty server. Fix this problem and merge servers or I'm gonna quit!


Bioware: But, didn't you want more servers last time?


So the reason why this problem happened is because... Bioware listened. You complained about queues, so they did the logical thing, open up new servers. What they overlooked is that for every new game or expansion, there will be a huge surge of players at the start due to the excitement. But once the excitement dies down, the number of concurrent players will decrease and more or less stabilize at a certain number.


Am I wrong in my assessment?


hahaha, so true.

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One lvl 80 char at return? Whuat?


With the new Scroll of Resurrection, you get one character automatically leveled up to 80.


You also get 7 days and the entire Cataclysm expansion for free if you didn't already have it.

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Now I only started playing this month, but please correct me if I'm wrong about this:


Customers in December: OMG Bioware why is there such a high queue??? I pay you US$15 to play the game, not wait at the login screen. If you don't open up new servers to solve this problem, I'm gonna quit!


Bioware: Ok ok we'll open up new servers.


Customer in March: OMG Bioware there is a severe population shortage. I did not pay US$15 to play on an empty server. Fix this problem and merge servers or I'm gonna quit!


Bioware: But, didn't you want more servers last time?


So the reason why this problem happened is because... Bioware listened. You complained about queues, so they did the logical thing, open up new servers. What they overlooked is that for every new game or expansion, there will be a huge surge of players at the start due to the excitement. But once the excitement dies down, the number of concurrent players will decrease and more or less stabilize at a certain number.


Am I wrong in my assessment?


they could've increased server population cap instead.

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Starting to merge the servers would be showing a sign of weakness to their competitors in EA's mind. EA is more concerned about the business aspects of their games than the actual communities that support them. The Battlefield 3 PC community is going through a similar thing at the moment.


Business as usual at EA. ;)

Edited by TwwIX
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All of it is 100% paid for propaganda, to encourage investors in EA, or calm fears of current shareholders. The real dirt will be released when EA has to release their Quarterly earnings for their shareholders. Then as they say " the truth will out"

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I actually told my old WOW buddies to stay off this game too! cause to me the game developers are too irresponsible, when server population drops, they should immediately do something about it cause this is essentially an MMO RPG, where is the MMO if there are no one else to play with?


I know the arguments that you picked the server and what not, i agree, but then they pushed out Legacy system, which is not a cross server supported system, so means i have to restart my leveling and what now from scratch... Not Cool BW. i have always loved your games, but with this one i think you guys really dropped the ball.


From a business point of view, i get the move that BW is taking, making people relevel everything they have put their past 3 months in, means they get another 3 Months of sub. Smart corporate move, but dumb PR move.


And too all that says the server populations are fine, you might be on the 3 or 4 server out of the 200 servers that are dead now. This game has always been advertised as a WOW killer, but you can't even compare to WOW on healthy server population, I do love your games BW, but in my honest opinion, you better do something and do it quick before you lose too much subs.

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The reason the server populations are dropping is twofold:


1. Gamehoppers - this is a huge chunk of players that basically are like tourists, one-visit tourists at that, they float from new release to new release hoping to find the one game that holds them but most never do find it, not taking this modern MMO behaviour into account is a huge failure to understand the MMO demographic. This is why any released game needs to have a strategy to cope with it & the PR people to be up-front in addressing it and the subsequent actions required to mitigate it. Namely the chief among those is a fully functioning transfer/merge system. Once a server starts to bleed population it rapidly escalates, losing a title subs it shouldn't have done.


2. Badly deficient endgame volume & variety of content at level 50.


Players can presently choose 4 options:


1. Sit it out on one of the servers that is bleeding out players & play alts over & over while waiting for transfers/merges.


2. Reroll on a populated server while they wait for server transfers/merges


3. Unsub & wait for transfers/merges.


4. Quit the game & go play something else.

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Bioware: Ok ok we'll open up new servers.


Bioware: But, didn't you want more servers last time?


Am I wrong in my assessment?

nope you are not wrong



wrong is solution itself, it solved one problem and add another, even worse

so your belowed BW still failed, really hard, admit the thruth

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Population of servers is real problem - un my guild we had 70ppl online every Janury evening

Now it is 16 - ppl farmed T3 and dissapointed! some got rakata, some Battlemaster - all left!

I started leveling new characters... 23 lvl legacy

Its sad then you cant find ppl for raid - but it common situation in case current bioware policy. I cant find tank for HM FP at fleet (even if 270ppl online)

Tomb of freedom Naad is euro server with strong Russian, Italian and Spanish population.

7 of 7 russian communities lost more then a half of population in this game or communities founders just left the game - there is Ghousts of strong guilds! Little amount ppl can protect game - but others say it is raw! it was dangerous decision to run the game so early and unprepared for hardcore or just mmo-used ppl - the result was disasterous and dissapointing for half of gamers (wa all eat sweet cactus) BUT acceptable for bioware who just happy with profit from started accounts

Edited by MMineraL
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this game is die.



its a reality.


in 18 hours in second server population pvp french, in station carrick: 47 players.



i return to wow, offer char lvl 80 7 day free.


swtor is a good solo game, but bad MMO.

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All of it is 100% paid for propaganda, to encourage investors in EA, or calm fears of current shareholders. The real dirt will be released when EA has to release their Quarterly earnings for their shareholders. Then as they say " the truth will out"


And if it turns out the game is still doing good when the next quarterly figures are released, a certain kind of people, people like you I'm assuming, will claim that it's all lies. That's what happened after the last quarterly after all.

Edited by Runeshard
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this game is die.



its a reality.


in 18 hours in second server population pvp french, in station carrick: 47 players.



i return to wow, offer char lvl 80 7 day free.


swtor is a good solo game, but bad MMO.


How can you say its a bad MMO? just because you're situation atm. I hope they fix you're problem by doing some server merge eventually.


But the game is not a bad MMO, How many MMO's are even near perfect when they first come out? Give it some time bro.

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And if it turns out the game is still doing good when the next quarterly figures are released, a certain kind of people, people like you I'm assuming, will claim that it's all lies. That's what happened after the last quarterly after all.


haha True, and btw love you're sig did you make that up?

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How can you say its a bad MMO? just because you're situation atm. I hope they fix you're problem by doing some server merge eventually.


But the game is not a bad MMO, How many MMO's are even near perfect when they first come out? Give it some time bro.


Nobody expects perfect ... but missing / not working / poor implemented core elements are a problem.

And yes, there are only 2 - 4 healthy servers per region, and that is (looking at the total count of servers per region) not a good index for the future.


Servermerges are a sign of failure and nobody in BW/EA is truly thinking to do it in the nearest future. The next steps will be cross-server PvP, then cross-server FP queues a.s.o.

And after half a year or more, if this game will continue to bleed subs, then they will consider to merge the ghost servers.

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How can you say its a bad MMO? just because you're situation atm. I hope they fix you're problem by doing some server merge eventually.


But the game is not a bad MMO, How many MMO's are even near perfect when they first come out? Give it some time bro.


They have 2 more months. IMHO to change the direction of this game. If they haven't figured it out by then... the game is lost.


The Nerfs to classes alone are enough to make people want to quit. Now Legacy costs millions and it should have been implemented day one in the first place. Somethings got to change. I really want to see this game succeed but the developers lack of communication on some of these VERY serious topics is making it a rough go.

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Very unhappy on EU Niman where all my chars and legacy and crafting is. Never see it get out of "LIGHT" population.


Log on the ONE server that always hits "Heavy" Loads of people in starting area, on starting planet, oh, so this is what population looks like?


Kind of disgusted that we are being forced to reroll and start over if we want to continue enjoying the game until they pull their thumb out their butt and do something for those of us suffering or quitting because of light server populations.



How can bioware see THAT many servers showing light, consistently, and not do anything.

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Very unhappy on EU Niman where all my chars and legacy and crafting is. Never see it get out of "LIGHT" population.


Log on the ONE server that always hits "Heavy" Loads of people in starting area, on starting planet, oh, so this is what population looks like?


Kind of disgusted that we are being forced to reroll and start over if we want to continue enjoying the game until they pull their thumb out their butt and do something for those of us suffering or quitting because of light server populations.



How can bioware see THAT many servers showing light, consistently, and not do anything.


It is all EA, not Bioware. They would have already merged the server's or done something to address this issue if it was not for EA. what you expect from a game that has something to do with EA.

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And if it turns out the game is still doing good when the next quarterly figures are released, a certain kind of people, people like you I'm assuming, will claim that it's all lies. That's what happened after the last quarterly after all.



I honestly don't know what is going on, my guild of 20+ people is down to 1-3 still playing (after recruiting in game as well) and the server pop is definitely down although still reasonable.


So either there's a big turnover with new players coming in to replace those leaving or a lot of people aren't playing but still have subs.

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Server population is indeed dropping, however, not due to the sole reason most make it out to be.


It is not as the doomsayers would have us believe, but more so a case of people are just uping sticks and moving to more populated servers.


I'm not for one minute suggestiing this is only reason some servers are lightly populated, sure some are un-subbing/leaving, some are just taking a break. However a vast amount have simply re-rolled onto more populated servers.


As a guild we decided two weeks ago we would up sticks and move as one to 'Tomb of Freedon Nadd'. What we found from day one was, we where far from the only GUILD, not just single people but whole GUILDS.


Day one of re-leveling, Tyhon population... 150, 150!!! we had at most 40 on Fleet at peak times on old server. So I asked in /1, "how many re-rolls", /1 preceded to be flooded with "me, I, us, whole guild here, etc etc" dozens, almost all on Tython on that day where re-rolls, not just themselves but dozens of guilds from at least a dozen other servers.


This did not stop here as some of our guildies where on Ord Mantel, again they experienced the exact same thing. Once on the fleet it became clear this was even more the case, with 300 on the fleet, and every 3rd or so guild recruitment advertised as a 'Recently re-rolled GUILD, LFM'.


We did our research over the weeks before making the move and what we found was 5 French servers (yes French) had increased to Heavy status, 1 German on Heavy and 1 English (ToFN) which is on FULL. The weeks before, other than ToFN most where standard/light with a few on Heavy, now all of a sudden theres a clear difference of around 7 - 8 Heavy followed by standard and more and more on light.


We also looked at how many realms WoW had, the number quoted was around 236, which contain 10 million people (roughly), ToR has around 215 with at the moment probably less than 1.5 million people (if the quarterly report and report from the 1st of March are correct).


Its clear that BW created way to many servers to ease the Q problems at launch and we are now paying the price. A culling/merge of the light servers is definately needed but by no means spells failure in my eyes, just simple miss-calculation of what they would need.


Now two weeks in, we have close to 90 members (20 from old server), all of which are also re-rolls from various EU servers.

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