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Server population is dropping...


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Max level in vanilla Wow was level 60, not 50.





I would probably agree with this statement. But, I believe the problem isn't so much the consumers as it is developers not changing the game model. In effect, we have been playing the same MMO game since March of 1999 (when EQ was released), just with different graphics. All the "advances" each subsequent game has brought to the genre are really just window dressing. I think today developers believe their franchise brand (whether it be the Warhammer Universe, DC Comics, Star Wars franchise, etc.) is sufficient to draw players (and their all important dollar) in.


Goes back even further then that, you can take this back to the 1990 with text based muds.




We've been playing the same *********** game for over 20 years, with hardly any innovations except accessibility.

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I had such high hopes and have been enjoying this game immensely, however reading a good few pages of this topic, i see that Bioware has made no effort trying to tell us what their plan is to fix this.


My sub ends in 6 days and will remain that way. I'm really happy for those of you that have people to play with, but for us who don't, this game is over. I have put enough hours into my characters that i do not want to re-do it all again, it just wasn't that exciting to do it over and over again.


I honestly feel so bad for the others like me, who love the game but just are not able to experience most of it. Thanks Bioware, no wonder people are leaving by not updating us with anything you are telling your paying customers that we are not important and SOL.


I'm sorry but at (1.7mill x 15$) 25.5 million dollars a month someone should be getting paid to type little messages to keep us in the loop, or at least bullsheet us into believing you have something planned to fix this.



Edited by Blissed
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79 people on my Standard server's Imperial Fleet this evening. It was good to see so many people around. At least on my server the numbers are growing, slowly, from a dip. We even had 19 people on Voss couple of days ago on the Imperial side. Edited by Rouge
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I had such high hopes and have been enjoying this game immensely, however reading a good few pages of this topic, i see that Bioware has made no effort trying to tell us what their plan is to fix this.


My sub ends in 6 days and will remain that way. I'm really happy for those of you that have people to play with, but for us who don't, this game is over. I have put enough hours into my characters that i do not want to re-do it all again, it just wasn't that exciting to do it over and over again.


I honestly feel so bad for the others like me, who love the game but just are not able to experience most of it. Thanks Bioware, no wonder people are leaving by not updating us with anything you are telling your paying customers that we are not important and SOL.(SO TRUE)


I'm sorry but at (1.7mill x 15$) 25.5 million dollars a month someone should be getting paid to type little messages to keep us in the loop,(yeah right Nevr going to Happen) or at least bullsheet us into believing you have something planned to fix this.(LOL)





Ilum 200 vs 200 all new working ilum, o **** they already did that. So epic, you wont believe you eyes, ( yeah FPS/lag)


Fixed now tho, No one goes there's.

Edited by seallone
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There's so much potential in TOR, it's still a baby. Yet people are so impatient these days they expect everything there from the word go. I've said this with many mmos yet people cry and whine while the game isn't their personalized perfected vision. Many things will come if you give the game a chance, don't expect it to all be there from day 1.


I haven't had any problems with server populations and hope to play this game long term. Give it a chance and let the updates go through.

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For what my comment is worth. I'm playing on rogue moon server and I'm having a hell of a difficult time trying to find groups to do flashpoints these days. It used to be a lot easier to find a group. I hope they merge servers soon. Half of them would double my opportunity to find a good group (well sort of :p )
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I had such high hopes and have been enjoying this game immensely, however reading a good few pages of this topic, i see that Bioware has made no effort trying to tell us what their plan is to fix this.


Odd, because they said they were going to offer server transfers, AFTER they complete the free one time transfer for Asia-Pac folks to their local servers. If you apply logic to that statement, clearly the Asia-Pac transfer is the beta run on server transfers before they open up server to server transfer. BTW, the AP transfers are in April.


You don't follow devtracker I guess. /shrug.

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Odd, because they said they were going to offer server transfers, AFTER they complete the free one time transfer for Asia-Pac folks to their local servers. If you apply logic to that statement, clearly the Asia-Pac transfer is the beta run on server transfers before they open up server to server transfer. BTW, the AP transfers are in April.


You don't follow devtracker I guess. /shrug.


Yeah, bioware is heading in the right direction with a server transfer. The big thing i am concerned about is what is gonna cost to get off an undiserable realm. What is going to happen to people that have 3+ alts that they are going to need to transfer? I can't see people spending a lot of money. If the prices are in the low teens (15 max) then it might be swallowable but if it's north of 20 then we are going to have some problems.

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There's so much potential in TOR, it's still a baby. Yet people are so impatient these days they expect everything there from the word go. I've said this with many mmos yet people cry and whine while the game isn't their personalized perfected vision. Many things will come if you give the game a chance, don't expect it to all be there from day 1.


I haven't had any problems with server populations and hope to play this game long term. Give it a chance and let the updates go through.


I'm not saying I'll quit...but there are ppl who will unless some of the population issues are addressed. Some of it is that the population is spread between many instances throughout the game. Not everyone hangs out in the fleet all the time- but ppl tend to think that their server pop is low based on those numbers.


There is also a large disparity between Rep and Emp numbers. My server for example has at least double (and that's being conservative). The republic players have maximum 50-60 in the fleet at a time. Finding groups is difficult and the GTN is pretty empty. These things affect someone's playing experience.


I'm not necessarily a naysayer- I like the game. I want Bioware to be proactive in this situation and provide mergers or free transfers to adjust the population.

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At game launch BW added a heap of servers to "cope" with the huge amount of people. Since then, there have been people leave or move to other servers, and as a result a lot of servers have "low" populations.


It can take several months for servers populations to "settle" and even out....what with people leaving the game, or re-rolling on other servers to play with friends/Family etc etc.


I am hoping eventually BW will bite the bullet and say "ok sever merges/Closures, are happening".... not because of Customers leaving...but because we have so many servers to choose from, and because as I have already stated....BW rolled out a lot of "new" server at launch to cope with the inital influx of people.

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My subscription runs out about April 25th.


I am looking for some of the following to happen to improve the problem of not being able to play the game properly because there are not enough players on the server. I am playing a single player game about 75% of the time at this point. It isn't worth the current subscription fee to me.


a) cross-server warzone

b) cross-server operation/flashpoint

c) free server transfer

d) server merging

e) massive influx of new players on my server(pretty unlikely)

f) reduction in subscription fee


In a vacuum, SWTOR is an awesome game. However, my subscription will probably be canceled if some of these are not implemented because ultimately no matter how awesome your game is, its worthless without others to play with/against on a regular basis.

Edited by wyvernmonarch
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a) cross-server warzone

Unrealistic. I've played mmos that have never even implemented this.

Even if they were to, don't expect it to happen straight away in the 4 months

its been out. I mean come on, be realistic.


b) cross-server operation/flashpoint

See what I wrote previously.


c) free server transfer

This is realistic, and will most likely happen after the Asia-Pacific transfers. For the meantime re-roll on a higher populated server if you wish. That's what I did.

d) server merging

Give it some time, don't expect them to cater for your damands, this is a business which has to cater for thousands of players. Don't expect mergers to happen at the snap of your finger. Also; this is most likely to happen in future.


e) massive influx of new players on my server(pretty unlikely)

What kind of demand/expectation is this? Bioware is powerless over this.


Overall, be realistic, have a spoon of cement so you can be a man and realise these things don't happen at the snap of a finger which seems to be the majority of forums QQers, including you. Things take time, and unfortunately the average SWTOR QQer has the patience, maturity and attention span of a 4 year old child.


Give it a couple of months and the majority of what you said will happen. Cancel your sub and come back perhaps.

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I'm not sure about the weather in your area but its been 60-80 degrees in my area for the last 3 weeks!(Ft. Wayne IN) And as much as I love this game I also love sitting out on my deck looking at the stars as well as many other outdoor activities. I cant imagine I'm the only one. That being said if people didn't cry and b*&^h about Que's in the first week of launch we may not be in this situation!!
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I'm not sure about the weather in your area but its been 60-80 degrees in my area for the last 3 weeks!(Ft. Wayne IN) And as much as I love this game I also love sitting out on my deck looking at the stars as well as many other outdoor activities. I cant imagine I'm the only one. That being said if people didn't cry and b*&^h about Que's in the first week of launch we may not be in this situation!!


That is sort of funny - screams about queue times, BW opens more serves, screams about empty servers.


I know they have problems and that everything isn't rosy - but, boy, do we give them a hard time!

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Servers which even just seem like they are more populated are obviously more fun to play on. That's why I can't wait for when I get to transfer to Asia-Pacific servers in April or whenever it is. It's more because the population is concentrated in these few servers than the dramatically reduced latency. I rolled a JC the other day on an A-P server and Tython was packed; was great.
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I'm not sure about the weather in your area but its been 60-80 degrees in my area for the last 3 weeks!(Ft. Wayne IN) And as much as I love this game I also love sitting out on my deck looking at the stars as well as many other outdoor activities. I cant imagine I'm the only one. That being said if people didn't cry and b*&^h about Que's in the first week of launch we may not be in this situation!!


/waves from South Bend.


Weathers been fantastic. 84 today ***! I expect a foot of snow next week lol.


Regarding paying for transfers, I'm not sure I'd pay for one. I've rerolled 3 times, only to reroll on a low populated server. They all say standard. Standard is 40-50 on fleet at prime time? 5-15 people on planets. Lol I've got crappy luck picking servers apparently.


I would think they should merge the severs first to eliminate the surplus before offering transfers, or give more statistics about server populations. I wouldnt mind paying to transfer, but I'd be pissed to pay for one only to find out its worse than the one I left.

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actually i do not care what COE said or any otehr reports says... even during weekend i saw max 27 people in fleet. now i am leveling in Quesh and i am only person on it..


if you need comparison here you are:


my guild have 18 member and all of us came from WoW (same guild) to look at the game and now we are only 3 active players letf and all of are in first 30 days... you got it what I mean right?

Edited by mohacs
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At game launch BW added a heap of servers to "cope" with the huge amount of people. Since then, there have been people leave or move to other servers, and as a result a lot of servers have "low" populations.


It can take several months for servers populations to "settle" and even out....what with people leaving the game, or re-rolling on other servers to play with friends/Family etc etc.


I am hoping eventually BW will bite the bullet and say "ok sever merges/Closures, are happening".... not because of Customers leaving...but because we have so many servers to choose from, and because as I have already stated....BW rolled out a lot of "new" server at launch to cope with the inital influx of people.


Thats why you dont cater to the knee jerk types,they make posts often about early access,then they make posts about leaving,they are the EMO's of mmo's no one should ever listen to them.

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well I am almost 8 year vet of City Of Heroes. they have two ways of transfers, the original was a pay, I think is was 15.00, then they did as a special amonth of free transfers limited to 7 per week.


now with the F2P a sub player gets 1 free transfer a month stackable. you can also purchase with Paragonpoints(either purchable with real money or a pay sub gets either 400/550 free per month)


the number of players on a server is only one part of the issue the second is a lot of them have the raids are it mind set, they only care about doing raids or other things that are end gme. if you are not in their guild then they usally will not invite you if you are on the low end of the flashpoint. this is of course not at all BW fault.


I subbed back in Dec, only played the free month, decided to come back and only see 10-20% of the people still on the server.I will give it til my month is about over to decide if I stay.


Something we can do in COH ,I have a high lvl "farmer" on a heavey opoulation server, with her i do a LOT of group misssons, COH allows me to "email" accross servers and sides.So I can help my chars on low pop servers.


If at a min we coud at least get the GTN to be accross servers it would help with certain salvage problems,and of course if we could personally email accross servers it would help a lot.

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Thats why you dont cater to the knee jerk types,they make posts often about early access,then they make posts about leaving,they are the EMO's of mmo's no one should ever listen to them.


This was always going to happen though (assuming they weren't going to be coninually adding servers). Staggered access did nothing to placate this.


Failing to plan is planning to fail, they should have had quick server merging ready to go, or simply had bigger instanced servers I guess.

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Oh nooooos. 4 people on Voss at 8:15am. I guess this server is dead too? Oh...wait.. I'm on the Fatman. The most populated server in the game. You guys need to quit being ridiculous about your server pops and your perception of what they are and what they need to be.


Fatman is more than fine and if you have 200+ people on your server at peak your server is fine too.


I think you guys are just accustomed to having cross server -everything- . You never noticed before that you were just playing with 30 other people on your server because you could still cross server everything.

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I feel for the servers who lack the population to do WZs and FPs. I do believe that this was caused by the mass server opening during launch.


I am entirely sure Bioware has recognized this problem, and this might be the reason why AP only has 1 of each specific server. It triggered an initial negative reaction, but now after the mass exodus of players, I think the single server idea was a correct decision on their part.

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Fatman is more than fine and if you have 200+ people on your server at peak your server is fine too.


Wait, wut? Do you mean 200 in Fleet then your serve is fine? Or 200 on the entire server? My server (at peak) has around 500-800 total people logged in and it's a ghost town everywhere you go. Based on number of planets, size of zones on planets, and number of instances (warzones, flashpoints, Ops) I think the population a server needs to "feel" like it's well populated is probably somewhere in the range of > 4,000 on at peak. I'd bet dollars to donuts that 4,000+ players on a single server at peak would cause massive server side lag/latency issues and queues to log in.

Edited by Godzillamax
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