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  1. Frustrations Frustrations Frustrations. Reading threads and threads of forum rants about healing nerfs made me more and more negative about the role than ever. It made me even wonder why I even rolled a healer in the first place. Then this post shocked the realization into me like a defibrillator. I remember playing WoW, and leveling my first character, a Paladin. I was new to MMOs then, and was advised by my guild to go retribution(DPS). However, watching videos of raids and pvp with Holy Paladins made me want to role a healer, cause it was just that inspiring. I just felt that I had the ability to be a good healer, so I tried it, I leveled as a healer. My first dungeon/instance as a Holy Paladin was an extremely enjoyable experience, it was with a very patient Tank, and 3 DPS who were the funniest guys ever. At the end of every boss fight, which proved tough for me, the group would tell me, " Great Heals". This phrase surged me into full throttle, and I got all the way to level cap as a healer. Compliments and thanks from then on were hard to come by, but every time I was losing hope, I was lucky enough to receive them. The motivation was greatest when we took super nerfs, and we were able to adapt to them. With this memory, I will receive this nerf with a pinch, or more, of salt and continue to heal. I know it probably wasn't your intention, but thanks OP. To all Healers, here's a big thanks to our great community. To me, the healer community will always be the one's who gave the best advice, constructive criticism, and were always the most understanding company there was. Let's Keep the DPS snobs alive, and preserve our MMO tradition!
  2. I feel for the servers who lack the population to do WZs and FPs. I do believe that this was caused by the mass server opening during launch. I am entirely sure Bioware has recognized this problem, and this might be the reason why AP only has 1 of each specific server. It triggered an initial negative reaction, but now after the mass exodus of players, I think the single server idea was a correct decision on their part.
  3. For a Singaporean player, we actually seem to have higher ping to the AP servers than the US servers. This means that.... EA has not just limited us to the US servers due to ping, they are, or will be (in 2 months time), taking the Aus players away from us. Great, now there's even less players to play with.
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