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Patch 1.2 We will be able to buy champion gear for credits.


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Yeah congrats everyone!!! Free items with no effort!! It should be like this in real life so that homeless people can have free Masters degrees!! That'll show those stupid hard working individuals!! See how stupid that sounds?


most americans praticly get masters degree's given to them anyway from cutting out tokens from the back of cerial box's so it wont change much :<

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Yeah congrats everyone!!! Free items with no effort!! It should be like this in real life so that homeless people can have free Masters degrees!! That'll show those stupid hard working individuals!! See how stupid that sounds?


Do you like to play "Gosu L33t" on other ppl with a better gear, is that it ?


If u dont balance the game for everybody, it will just suck for ppl who dont have several hours per day to play it, and believe me, the majority of the players on this game is NOT hardcore who just sits all day in front of the PC.


They have to worry about that thing called "real life" as well.

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Its five peices for your set, and bonus.


The point was that its not that hard to get a decent amount of cent gear coming straight out the gate. If you banked a bag, and had 1000/1000 then the minute you fifty you can afford your chest and legs. So you are walking in with the 2 peice bonus, and gear thats comparable with Tionese.



Forgive me, if I got a little over exuberant in pointing out that its not currently that hard to gear up in basic entry level pvp gear.



Edit: Quite frankly, its harder to get Tionese/Columi/Rakata gear than it is to get PvP gear.



The five main pieces cost 69 comms and saber is something like 123.

It takes around 800 comms to get full champion, 14 pieces. And there are 7 comms in one bag. It will take you more than a week you ignorant teenager

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The five main pieces cost 69 comms and saber is something like 123.

It takes around 800 comms to get full champion, 14 pieces. And there are 7 comms in one bag. It will take you more than a week you ignorant teenager[/Quote]


What's really funny about this whole argument is that on my alt I hit 50 this Monday night (03/05/2012) and had 1 bag purchased and 1000/1000 waiting for 5 more bags. As of right now I am sitting in a full centurion set with a Champion Chest and Champion Main Hand. To make matters worse about 5 minutes after I used 123 Champion Commendations on my main hand I got a drop from my next bag for a main hand (which never freaking happens).


So in a matter of 3 nights I was able to get up to:

446 Expertise

1500 AIM

1500 END


He also went from valor rank 30 to 45 in the same period of time. This is coming from someone who works full time and has about 3 hours to play a night. This means that in roughly 9 hours worth of play time I'm competing with, and killing, full battle master equipped characters.


The people who think gear disparity is the reason they are losing games is a myth. Once you hit about 200 Expertise you are looking at a 5% difference for people who are more geared than you are.



You can buy a bag for 800 Warzone Commendations - which averages to about 10 Warzones. You can do this in 2 hours easily - so for the sake of argument lets say that for every 2 hours of gameplay you get a bag.


During this same 2 hours of gameplay you can roam Illum and collect armaments between Warzone queues, which now also grant you armaments. So there is absolutely no way you shouldn't be getting both of your dailies done each day (you play). Additionally, you should be able to pretty easily finish your weeklies if you play at least 4 days a week.


Using the power of Math we can say that at the end of week one you would have had:

7 Bags from Commendations (2 hours a day).

14 Bags from dailies (Warzone wins and Armaments)

6 Bags from weeklies (Warzone wins and Armaments)

6 Bags from hitting 50 (1 purchased and 1000/1000 waiting)


33 Total Bags

Each bag has a 5% change to straight up drop something (some people are luckier than others - as an example I've had 2 drops from this many bags).


33 * 7 (Champion Commendations) = 231

33 * 15 (Centurion Commendations) = 495


Champion Weapons cost 123 Champion Commendations

Champion Primary Armor Costs 67 Champion Commendations

Centurion Gear is 40 or less Centurion Commendations.


You might not have a full set of Champion gear after a week. But you should easily have a full set of Centurion gear within a day, and be pretty well off by the end of the week. Do a little PVE for the Columi mods and enhancements and the only difference between your Centurion gear and Champion gear is 5 points of Expertise.

Edited by Paerin
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They said PVP gear, they didnt say Champion gear. Remember that 50 blue set with expertise on it? Sounds like a good 2 and 2 together moment for people to use their brains.


Unless there was a post I was unaware of concerning this specific armor set?

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Yeah congrats everyone!!! Free items with no effort!! It should be like this in real life so that homeless people can have free Masters degrees!! That'll show those stupid hard working individuals!! See how stupid that sounds?


I know right, playing a game for competitive spirit means nothing compared to gear, am I right?


These people complaining need to stop complaining I think. The time they spend grinding and feeling they "wasted" their time and deserve some sort of compensation makes me feel like they're new to the MMO genre.

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Yeah congrats everyone!!! Free items with no effort!! It should be like this in real life so that homeless people can have free Masters degrees!! That'll show those stupid hard working individuals!! See how stupid that sounds?



Your example is flawed: To get a degree you must work as studying and learning is work.

Now, if you had said, "Lets give all the homeless people shoes and that'll show those inner city kids who kill other kids for their shoes!" that would have been a valid example.

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If you have to use the "they have better gear thats why they just beat me" excuse, you should go play something else. Really tired of you pessimists thinking you are better than those people. The REAL PvPers are going to be gone soon because there is nothing to distinguish people who've earned their gear against those who got it handed to them.

Rated PvP is the answer, you aren't going to get matched against full BM / WH teams when you just hit 50. Battlemaster gear isn't even good, you think 2.5% is the reason you're losing? Why is it that, when I had champion/cent gear, I was able to beat people in full Battlemaster? Because you guys aren't good at this game, thats essentially what it comes down to. ON TOP OF THAT, it takes like a week to get Battlemaster, YET YOU STILL COME HERE TO WHINE. Gear does not play my character for me, sorry. You literally can level a character and complete all content in a month of playing, what a joke this game has become.

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It's actually the no-life whining kids who moan about people getting gear. PvP should be skill based not who leads the more boring life and has more time to spend staring at a screen.


What kind of spoilt idiot likes killing people who are severely weaker than him with ease? How is that rewarding?


Also how is grinding your way to a title something to boast about? Woah, i spent 10 hours yesterday spamming aoe in huttball, whoo hoo.


When rated wz's come out and your team is in the top 10 then that's something that is worth showing off.


No one cares that you have no life and you think spending every hour of your day grinding gives you the right to one-shot new 50's.


A person with a background in any decent pvp online games would welcome the gear change. I'm guessing the moaners are about 14 and don't know what real PvP is.

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It's actually the no-life whining kids who moan about people getting gear. PvP should be skill based not who leads the more boring life and has more time to spend staring at a screen.


What kind of spoilt idiot likes killing people who are severely weaker than him with ease? How is that rewarding?


Also how is grinding your way to a title something to boast about? Woah, i spent 10 hours yesterday spamming aoe in huttball, whoo hoo.


When rated wz's come out and your team is in the top 10 then that's something that is worth showing off.


No one cares that you have no life and you think spending every hour of your day grinding gives you the right to one-shot new 50's.


A person with a background in any decent pvp online games would welcome the gear change. I'm guessing the moaners are about 14 and don't know what real PvP is.


Nice conjecture, once again due to the most recent patch it takes no time to get Battlemaster and now that you can buy tokens a reduced amount of time to get the gear. You assume that people who have aquired Battlemaster pre-patch spend their lives playing the game, this isn't true in any regard. THIS GAME IS NOT HARD. It's not a hardcore Korean MMO that requires you to grind for days, it simply isn't difficult to achieve anything in this game. You also state that people enjoy killing undergeared people, another asinine speculation. The best games are when you are up against people or premades w/ equivalant gear, on my server this is extremely common. I can't help that BioWare hasn't implemented ratings yet forcing undergeared people to get matched up against people in full PvP gear, but you know what, after a week or two that person will have a full set. Furthermore this is all irrelevant when ratings come out, you'll get matched up against people with similiar gear/skill levels and still be able to aquire WarHero PvP gear.

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If you have to use the "they have better gear thats why they just beat me" excuse, you should go play something else. Really tired of you pessimists thinking you are better than those people. The REAL PvPers are going to be gone soon because there is nothing to distinguish people who've earned their gear against those who got it handed to them.

Rated PvP is the answer, you aren't going to get matched against full BM / WH teams when you just hit 50. Battlemaster gear isn't even good, you think 2.5% is the reason you're losing? Why is it that, when I had champion/cent gear, I was able to beat people in full Battlemaster? Because you guys aren't good at this game, thats essentially what it comes down to. ON TOP OF THAT, it takes like a week to get Battlemaster, YET YOU STILL COME HERE TO WHINE. Gear does not play my character for me, sorry. You literally can level a character and complete all content in a month of playing, what a joke this game has become.



personaly I can find no exageration in this post.:rolleyes:

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It's actually the no-life whining kids who moan about people getting gear. PvP should be skill based not who leads the more boring life and has more time to spend staring at a screen.


People want progression in a MMO, they are asking to progress a character


What kind of spoilt idiot likes killing people who are severely weaker than him with ease? How is that rewarding?


Are you joking, are 2% better stats game changing for you?


When rated wz's come out and your team is in the top 10 then that's something that is worth showing off. No one cares that you have no life and you think spending every hour of your day grinding gives you the right to one-shot new 50's.


You seem like an MMO player who hates MMO players. Yet showing off you skills in an MMO is something to be proud of? You make no sense.


In conclusion, no one is asking for face roll gear to destroy lower geared people. They want to have progression that yields limited benefits. When you enter a WZ you have a bit better gear and play against some people w a bit better gear. Are you really so scared of someone with 600 more health points than you?

Edited by richardya
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If this is true, I may just resub for a bit. I bought a two month sub when I first started but haven't played in 4-5 weeks. If you can quickly and easily gear up and be competitive at 50 and they work on making the classes and level 30+ planets more fun. Edited by Ashanor
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Is this confirmed? If so.. I am EXTREMELY HAPPY!!!


I had all but given up on SWTOR, namely because as a parent - gamer, and working person I do not have the time to compete with kids that can spend hours and hours a night grinding out gear. Frankly, it was getting to the point where I just didn't want to bother anymore. My son said the same thing, busy with school, no time to grind out 50's pvp gear, and no interest in getting facerolled in every Warzone.


We both cancelled our subs, but if they implement this, and make the prices reasonable, I will surely be back, and subscribing for a long time!


Thank you Bioware.

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I grinded champion gear, I grinded battlemaster gear. I could care less, I'm perfectly able to beat people without a crutch.


I have not grinded gear, I just played wz and got them in process. But I also got thru 1000 empty bags and duplicate tokens, and still I do not care people get champion fast or cheap. Leveling gear field in pvp is a good thing. More competitions is always good.

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I still haven't found a source that says you'll be able to buy Champion gear with credits. Just ones that say you'll be able to buy gear about the same level as Champion. The only thing I expect to change is there will no longer be those annoying 12k HP Sages on your team who die 15 times in a WZ because the BMs only target them.


Oh, you still have to buy it with credits. That's a game currency you earn.

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You don't get the differecne between pvp and pve.


PvP needs players as opponents. PvE has mobs. If new players are faced with a gear gap, many of them will not enter pvp, leaving pvpers with less content.


The easier it is to enter pvp on equal footing with others the more pvp and the better pvp you have. Only people who don't want pvp but want to farm new 50s for cheap kills oppose closing the gear gap.


lol...just lol. I had to login and quote this because it made me lol.

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Oh God, please tell me you're joking?


So big scary PvP'ers like yourself need better gear in order to defeat scrubs like myself?

I thought PvP was about beating your fellow players on an even playing field, not about who had the most spare time in which to farm gear.


Oh, and I actually laughed out loud at your "hard earned gear" comment. Thanks! :p


i love these people who are so sure they are 10% expertise away from face rolling all the people who have grinding 100's if not 1000's of wz's for their gear...yeah, i'm sorry buddy but i know i can beat you because i've spent that much more time playing wz's.

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i love these people who are so sure they are 10% expertise away from face rolling all the people who have grinding 100's if not 1000's of wz's for their gear...yeah, i'm sorry buddy but i know i can beat you because i've spent that much more time playing wz's.


People don't seem to realize that people with BM have played ALOT more pvp than all these crying scrubs, and they usually have friends that they PvP with which helps. That is where the real difference is, not +5% expertise and 1k health.

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Yeah congrats everyone!!! Free items with no effort!! It should be like this in real life so that homeless people can have free Masters degrees!! That'll show those stupid hard working individuals!! See how stupid that sounds?


you call this "work" ?? mauauauaahaa..


sorry.. you are trolling right? Maybe you want to spent some time with real ppl working?

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you call this "work" ?? mauauauaahaa..


sorry.. you are trolling right? Maybe you want to spent some time with real ppl working?


He hasn't seen the sun in weeks, man. You shouldn't take away the only sense of accomplishment he has.

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And if it is 1 mil apiece, how many players when they hit 50 are going to have money to shell out for a set? I feel like that's gonna take awhile. And they probably won't be getting the $$$ from raiding if they aren't that good, because dying alot costs $$$. So unless they are PVPing all the time, they won't have money for it. And if they are PVPing all the time, then they are still grinding for their gear, which is probably making them better - BOTH of which makes the whole argument moot.


I enjoy grinding for my gear, as it makes the whole thing "worth it" so to speak, but it's not the end of the world if someone wants to blow ridiculous amounts of money on gear, especially when the money was earned from grinding somewhere in the game.

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Really? Have you played anything other than SWTOR? You think this game is a time sink? It's a joke, how else do you think people have cleared all PvE content, 2 months after the games release, this relay's into PvP as well. PvP is easier because you can continue to gain valor/commedations and gear everyday, whilst endgame PvE you can run once a week.


yes, have played quite a few other then SWTOR actually.... and I NEVER said this game was a time sink.... I only stated that you were exaggerating the "BM in a week" time frame

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This option will deny the psychologial issue as "feel of progress".


You all do remember that pleasent feeling when you see your toon got lvl? Thats why there are lvls - to reward you with this short pleasure and make you wait it in the future, while filling exp bar. Thats the feel of progress. And thats the reason why some people can do 40+ hours in a raw, mostly when game just being released. They are addicted to that feeling and pleasure is so strong that they can actually supress some basic instincts like need in sleep for some period of time.


Thats the rail all MMO ride - feel of progress. So while i havent seen any link - i think all tread is nothing but huge trolling tool.


You cant give people something for free - they will get it, toy with it and get bored very very quicly.


Do you think that people who are responsible for 100+ million dollar project dont know this basics? Its like 2+2=4.

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You cant give people something for free - they will get it, toy with it and get bored very very quicly.


Do you think that people who are responsible for 100+ million dollar project dont know this basics? Its like 2+2=4.


You guys keep missing that even IF this were true...by the time it's available there will be a new tier of gear and champion will be the "crappy" gear anyway. So in any case it'd be meaningless.

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