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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New updated sub numbers (Official)


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Why do some want this game to "fail" so hard? Why are you so bitter, jaded and angry?

TOR has it's a problems like any mmo, but it's a good game, and in a year it'll be even better, stop being emo drama-queens


I think maybe the root of the reasons why some want TOR to fail is ..they spent money on a game they ended up not liking, kind of like the " I told you so" attitude and they are irked many still do. I know I have bought games and then ended up wishing I had the money back. But I never wished the game to fail. I understand everyone's tastes will not be the same as mine.

Edited by Valkirus
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What exactly is he trying to say? How many is "vast majority"? Does this relate to a multi-month sub that most folks may have?


Essentially, he's saying that there were 1.7 million people that, at the time, had set up a recurring bill payment or entered a time card code, and that after the billing cycle the timecard or paid time kicked in.


Which of course makes sense. Of the 2M+ boxes sold, 300,000 had already cancelled. And it's not like you can cancel a timecard... Or, in other words, he's saying a whole lot of nothing, that a few days before the billing cycle the numbers were about the same as a few days after the billing cycle. Who woulhaf thunk...

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Don´t take this the wrong way (the quitters) but if you want to leave , just leave. isn´t it enough that the damned forums are full of posters trying to justify why they´re quitting the game?


I mean, if you want to leave (or already have) that´s fine, no one is forcing you to enjoy the game but please understand that lots of forum users don´t want or don´t give a damn to why you wanna quit.


Seriously, enough already.


When I leave a game, I leave and go enjoy myself in a new one, is it that hard?

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If by personal world view you mean "the server I am playing on", then "Yes" I will continue to complain. I try not to get into the hypothetical numbers figures, the figures and facts I have quoted in separate posts are based on me logging on and wanting to play and do 4 man heroic quests, but being unable to due to single figure populations on the planets I am questing on. I also see from other peoples posts that I am far from alone. There are a great many unhappy people out there who are currently part of your "it's doing well" subs figures, but actually are not happy. I am one of those who really wants it to succeed and so at the moment am hanging on to see what 1.2 brings and also if anything is done to address the low pop servers. As always between the "yay its doing brilliant and will last forever" groups and the "oh no its already failed and will die in a month" groups, the truth is somewhere in the middle. All I can say is that I am one of the unhappy ones, not because I think the games sucks, quite the opposite. I want to play but find I can't. (and please don't tell me to re-roll, that's insulting and a BW cop out).

What I do find interesting was that a separate post to actually petition for a server merge was very very quickly shut down. Rightly or wrongly, that might have given a better indication of the scale of peoples unhappiness


I think you mistook my post to be about server population. That's probably my fault for not being clear. When you say "I see from other people's posts that I am not alone," I am one of those people. A page or two back, I actually said that I'm completely convinced there are servers with serious population issues.


The statement from me that you quoted was in direct reference to the "this game is dying" crowd and the "this game is perfectly fine" crowd. Neither of which are acknowledging the reality of server populations, which is an entirely separate issue. I've maintained all along that tying server population to overall game population was a mistake because they're two separate things.

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What a titish statement.....


Why do people want so many games to fail these days. Just perfetic. What possible benefit will you get if this game fails? Even if you quit and go else where then the more healthy mmo's the better. Competition......... Its not just on these forums, go to blizzards and i can gurantee there will be atleast 3 doomsayer based posts on the front page.


They hate all these megacorporation publishers and want to see them fail in the most spectacular way. I don't blame them, EA, Ubisoft and Activision are all blights on the industry and are nothing but parasites leeching off the real producers (gawd here I am sounding like a Randian).

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Hmmm, steady sub numbers thru the first three months. From my experience that's pretty good. I don't know what the future holds, but so far the game is doing pretty well hitting high marks with sub numbers.


As far as those numbers go, they had a great launch, then held ground thru the first period where games normally see lots of sub loses. Next hurdle is the first big content patch. Which is coming up soon. Lets see how the numbers hold up after that.

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My bro and I extended our playtime in januari with a GC, which ends 20 march.


He already quit, i'm quitting the 20th. And so are many more people on my server.


You are confusing anecdotes with data.


"My uncle smoked all his life and lived until 93. His wife also smoked and lived until 94. Therefore smoking is not dangerous to your health."

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It's fine that you enjoy it, but with the changes I have seen thus far coming in 1.2 and the botched legacy system I expect it will grow stale for a great many of us who have come to expect more from mmos.


But the interesting thing is that people like you have complained for months about how the game is broken and dying, and yet the number of subscriptions was 1.7 million on February 1 and 1.7 million one month later. You do realize that this puts in question your credibility and motives?

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You are confusing anecdotes with data.


"My uncle smoked all his life and lived until 93. His wife also smoked and lived until 94. Therefore smoking is not dangerous to your health."


Didn't you hear, you can't make any analogies to other things when it comes to SW... at all! Its in the TOS. Shame on you.


If you question this, just ask the folks that always bash car analogies to SW.

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If they implement even easier content, along with hardmodes ofc, expect the subs to go up.


I'm all for challenge and I dislike faceroll content but it's the way to keep the majority playing.

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When you consider the game was launched in NA/Europe and recently asia. The asia launch would of stablized the quarters subscription numbers. So lets take the three localizations and say its divided evenly (and its not) That is only 566k per locatialization. 1.7m may sound like a lot but keep in mind wow had that in the first four months of release in the NA localization alone.


Thus numbers only have value if there per localization, and they wont release that information openly (as it generally scares off shareholders).


BS. Wow only had 700,000 in box sales total by February, 2005 which is 3 months after release. Stop pulling numbers out of your butt.



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Good news indeed, and well deserved, the game is excellent and Bioware is doing a great job with the updates, despite what some might think.


No other MMO had this amount of content and so few bugs at launch and during the first couple of months.

On top of that the upcoming 1.2 will be massive, lots of content and upgrades, the trailer for it looks fantastic.


I can see that this has upset the resident army of Trolls which makes me pleased even more.

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Wait, I thought the game was going to have under 500k by the end of January.


And surely it was February that was the month wherein the game was going to have nobody playing it and it'd fail faster than APB.


March the game should have been long past it's grave since it was way past the free month.



So, to all the doomsayers that hate this game so much they're still paying for/playing it... what's your new one? You've been saying this game was going to fail 'next week' for months now, and you've been wrong for months now.... how much longer are you going to be wrong before you actually realize you're wrong?




Or before you actually unsub to this game you've supposedly hated since launch.

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The facts:


1. The 1.7 million subcription figure was provided by EA's CEO.


2. The figure is current as of the end of February and therefore does not reflect the first 30 days of gameplay, except for players who bought the game in the end of January or later.


3. This is not a repeat of the February 1 reporting provided in the 2012Q3 Quarterly Earnings Call.


4. Asia launched on February 29 (Australia/Singapore/Hong Kong) and March 1 (New Zealand). Therefore, these numbers do not include Asia.


In summary, whatever loss in subscriptions the game has suffered since January has been nullified by additional sales.

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The people who actually came to play a good MMO, have all left or are about to.


Who are you to tell other players what they feel is a good game? Of course you are free to decide that you don't enjoy this game. It doesn't follow from this that the game is bad or that the game is dying. Unless you are accusing the CEO of lying, the game is in very good health as measured by the number of paying subscriptions.

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What are all the haters predictions now that their latest has once gain fallen flat ?


Will it be the end of March now?


The end of April? May? June?





All of the above plus don't rule out, "it is all lies, 'cause there are only 31 on MY fleet at PRIME TIME!"

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So you call a loss of subscriber's "expanding"?


No, "expanding" is the fact that on February 1st when they first made the statement, they had 1.7M people playing...the majority of which were subscribers and approximately 300k-400k of which were still in their first free month. What the newly announce numbers indicate is that of those 300k-400k who were still in their first month back on Feb 1st, the vast majority actually subscribed, making the 1.7M a solid subscription number. It also indicates that people may have purchased the game in the interim and subscribed as well.


If you can't wrap your head around that because you're too busy trying to fluff your ego by claiming that the only thing anyone will want to play for any length of time is something that fits YOUR desires...which happen to be tainted by the erroneous belief that you're a "hardcore gamer," better at MMOs than everyone else and that your desires represent the vast majority of potential market share out there...then you can't be helped. Either you understand the numbers or you don't. You apparently don't.

Edited by Blotter
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Subscribtion's have already gone down. A loss of 300,000 subscriber's isn't going down?


The game never had 2 million subscribers. It had 2 million sales, of which 1.7 million converted to subscriptions.


Fact: SWTOR had 1.7 million subscriptions at the end of January and the same number one month later.


Source: Electronic Arts 2012Q3 Quarterly Earnings Report.

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a) 1.7 mil right now and ~2 mil by the end of June is a very impressive figure no matter how you wan't to see it. If you where looking for WoW'ish numbers then you obviously have no clue about todays P2P MMO market status.


b) I have some important news for you my friend: the casuals are the VAST majority of the gamer population these days and the ones dictating the norms by witch decisions are met. The hardcores are less than 10% and they may be vocal indeed but they are in no possition to seriously influence anything. Blizzard grasped this some years ago and steered WoW accordingly.


Wow's numbers didn't increase that quickly either. You guys seem to think that Wow launched and suddenly had 10 million subs when in reality 3 months after launch it has still only sold 700,000 boxes. SWTOR has had far and away the most successful launch in MMO history. Maybe it will never over take Wow but it has a good chance of being all by itself in second place.

Edited by JerokTalram
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The game never had 2 million subscribers. It had 2 million sales, of which 1.7 million converted to subscriptions.


Fact: SWTOR had 1.7 million subscriptions at the end of January and the same number one month later.


Source: Electronic Arts 2012Q3 Quarterly Earnings Report.


Not quite. At the ned of January, a portion of the 1.7M hadn't fully subscribed and were in their first month. The fact that a month later they have done so is good news, which is precisely why the haters and pantwetters are desperately trying to message about it being a bad thing in order to drown out the reality that it's actually a good thing.

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It should be obvious the new Oceanic servers and however many new players that brought in were just enough to keep the net subs around last month's reported 1.7 million.


I logged in on my Sith server at 5:15pm eastern yesterday. My server claimed "standard" load and there were six...yes SIX people on Nar Shaddaa. There should be more than that just browsing the neutral GTN if these servers could hold real MMO population numbers. I hate to think how dead my server would be if it were "light" pop.


No these numbers were pre Asia/Pacific. Besides Asia/Pacific only has 3 servers, so you are looking at a very small percentage of the overall subs. (under 2%)

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Wow's numbers didn't increase that quickly either. You guys seem to think that Wow launched and suddenly had 10 million subs when in reality 3 months after launch it has still only sold 700,000 boxes. SWTOR has had far and away the most successful launch in MMO history. Maybe it will never over take Wow but it has a good chance of being all by itself in second place.


Have no fear. WoW is the WoW killer.

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