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Voting for the Real MVP


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They need to have filterable PVP notifications.


Something like "blah has just planted the bomb on the west door." and "blah awarded the 5k damage medal against blah2".


If you don't like it, you can filter it out but I know seeing *who* just did what would allow me to better interpret who should get my vote. Someone does a clutch cap or goal score, I'm going to look up and see who and make sure they get my vote.

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There is no time to think about who to vote for...


I generally vote for the A-Hole or best DPSers or most impressionable healer or someone i know from random pvping..


Hard to have time to think or remember who made the game a win unless it's absolutely clear.

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i list people by heal check how many medal he got if he got few i give MVP if he got already 4 i check the second healer...


that's the only way it make sense even if u have highest DPS you may have been a burden for the group rarely u can understnad how the battle went you never have a full picture


i am a sentinel and most often then not top or close the top in kills/damage but i dont expect anybody to ever reward me unless one of the few time i decide to spend time giving direction (when nobody else does since i dont particularly like to have to stop fighting to write)

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This is a NON ISSUE! MVP means nothing!


I vote for:


- guildies first

- guy with the lowest score (needs better gear)

- then the guy who appears to have done the most


It's fine the way it is. Nobody deserves anything and knowing that you did well should be its own reward.

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I usually give my vote to the highest heals, unless he already has like 8 medals or such. If there happens to be a lowbie in the match that played well, that person gets the mvp vote in this situation as they tend to have 3ish medals unless they medal farmed.
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How about simply making people cast a MVP vote before they are able to leave the match?


At some point, everyone does something amazing to turn the tide or something. Best Healer, Scored the most, took the most turrets, planted the most bombs, disabled the most bombs, something...


Yet as soon as the exit warzone option becomes avaliable, at least half the team leaves and as you are looking, maybe 1 or 2 MVP awards were given out.


Doesn't matter what you did or what they did or anything. Game over. Leave and re-que.


It's not a perfect system. Far from it, but at least SOMEONE will get a award or two...

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But what if they had to in order to receive theirs?


I can definitely see the benefits behind this system, and it's easy to tell who the MVP from the other team is because he's beating you into a pulp or you're always targeting them to stop them from healing.

It would be a good thing even if that change wasn't made to stop people from getting the benefit of MVP votes without having placed a vote themselves.

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How about simply making people cast a MVP vote before they are able to leave the match?


At some point, everyone does something amazing to turn the tide or something. Best Healer, Scored the most, took the most turrets, planted the most bombs, disabled the most bombs, something...


Yet as soon as the exit warzone option becomes avaliable, at least half the team leaves and as you are looking, maybe 1 or 2 MVP awards were given out.


Doesn't matter what you did or what they did or anything. Game over. Leave and re-que.


It's not a perfect system. Far from it, but at least SOMEONE will get a award or two...


pretty much this.


i try to vote for people based on stats. Most Objective points in Civil War, most healing in voidstar..blahlblah..


but in the end..i usually just end up voting for the ONE person left in the game that i CAN vote for, because everyone else left

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So yesterday we were losing an Alderan match and my team did a great job and got the 2nd turret. As soon as the battle turned our way I left the battle for the 2nd turret and went to get the three cap. I saw that it would be guarded by only 1 guy and I took the opportunity. That is how I roll. When I single-handedly captured it I made sure to let everyone in /ops know what I had done.


Then we had all three and were able to hold them and win. We needed all three to win. (If you don't know the math go back to 3rd grade) So the match ends and I can not vote for myself for MVP??? Are you kidding me?


I realize all the noobs will vote for themselves all the time but come on. Talk about MVP, you serious Bioware.


"Somebody give this man a blaaaster!"

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I stopped voting awhile ago after topping dmg/kills and getting 0 votes everytime.


Just chalk it up to people being unable to play their own toon let alone pay attention to how amazing I am.




I don't think I want to play SWTOR any more. I'm not ever sure that I want to live on this planet anymore.

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Last night in a huttball I scored 4 goals got no mvp votes

Voidstar - Bombed 2 doors and diffused one - no mvp votes

I regularily top damage + KB charts while still going for the objectives and don't get mvp votes.


Do I care? I don't give a flying s---h------1---t. As long as we win I don't get care who get's mvp votes, I certainly won't give a vote to someone who thinks they single-handedly won a warzone when it's a TEAM effort.

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I usually just vote the most talkative/directive person. If someone knows how the battlefield runs and where people should go, and we win because of it, they get my vote.


Bar a few clutch moments that have netted me 5-6 votes, I get more MvP votes for this exact reason. Randoms just crave a bit of direction, boss them about a bit and they love it :p


I like the MvP system. Yes, the rewards are meager, but it adds a good spirit to PvP. I keep abreast of what's going on around me, so I usually notice someone who deserves it; That healer who's always in the right place getting those saving heals and shields in, people hazing high threat targets, the Warrior who takes the time to protect the squishier players.


Players like that deserve the vote, even if the most prominent reward is a little self satisfaction.

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