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Why so antisocial?


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I often level alone since people are often "distracted", slowing down the pace. (and no I don't mean power leveling)


Also I have a strict rule to not accept any invites unless I get a tell asking if I wish to group with them, even if I know what they want to group for because we're both in the same quest area. Common respect for your fellow gamer by a quick tell is all I ask. :p


Also a lot of duos I group up with to finish quests like the above, they don't say a word and drop group as soon as it down.


Why should we be "social" if the people we group with are going to be mutes.


I realise a lot of people are blind and cannot read the team chat, so wont neccessarily say Thanks. but deep inside I know they want to hug me for my uberness

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I realise a lot of people are blind and cannot read the team chat, so wont neccessarily say Thanks. but deep inside I know they want to hug me for my uberness


You too? ;)

Edited by Urael
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Agree with you OP,,,

It is filled with solo gamers, but I dont blame them as the game design has created that. Its a shame. I play MMo for community and interaction with humans. We have to endure and weed out good from bad. Ego kids, attitudes, antisocial behaviour is all part of the game. Then out of the blue comes a gamer with your values.

Its more game design. But youre right a simple No sorry would be nice. I always reply on general to a request even If I cant do that mission. Just to ensure server reputation. If a gamer feels isolated he will roll alt on new server. Its in our best interest to be socialable for that reason. Once the ability to change server comes, then maybe communites will get worse socially but better numerically...


You know, this is probably one of the most sensible replies I've read on this forum.


Good answer

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What is it with this game that makes players so antisocial? Im not talking about getting heroic or flashpoint groups. (which is another problem)


I was questing in Nar Shadda last night. I play as a healer spec Sage, and noticed there were two other players pretty much doing the same quests in the same order as I was. We were all going around getting quests at around the same time, and killing mobs in the same areas. So I decided to message them to see if they wanted to group for the quests. Nothing....no replies at all. Not even a " no thanks, Id rather solo".


later on in the evening I found one of these other guys lying dead. I guess they had died from fighting, or had gone afk and been killed or something. Not really sure. So I revived, healed and buffed him. Not a "thanks", or a "appreciate it". The guy just stood there looking at me, and then ran off.


Is it because we have companions in this game that people dont want to group? I like to solo at times myself but its nice to group up for quests if we are all doing the same ones.


Its making me wonder why I even rolled a healer, since the only thing I heal is my companion.




It's anti social because of the way Bioware set up the game itself. Everything about this game leans toward combat 25/7. There's no social out of combat systems in place to bring the community together. One that puts people together where online gaming friends can be made.


A quick point. I remember my 1st 30 minutes or so in SWG pre-cu. i was a little lost dog and of course other could see that easily. Being the way SWG was set up it didn't take long for a private message from another player to pop up. After talking for about 10 minutes or so, i got a trade invite. He game me like 500 credits and a speeder bike. He said if i ever needed anything to look him up, in which i did a few days later and he became a ingame online friend, one of many by the way, i even joined the guild he was in. Let me add more. The cantina's were a social hotspot and rper's dream.


With the companions that are really pets, you really can't do anything without one being out, to everything being loot based, to the lack of social systems, empty cantin'a that serve no purpose at all, anti social behavior will be widespread i'm afraid.

Edited by musicmann
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Because the game makes it a pain in the *** to group with people. Between the bad UI and not knowing whether someone is going to listen to dialogue or no it's just too much a pain in the *** to be bothered grouping with someone. Also a larger majority of people play this game because it's more like a single player game and ergo they're not expecting to group with others and be social.



It's not anti-scoial until they're ganking you and screaming obsenities, until then it's just not wanting to group.


This. While I can watch T.V. or something while waiting for other people to finish listening to the VA's drone on and on, I'd much rather get on with the playing once I've finished reading the dialog.


And, to note, I am playing a character with my dad, and he does like to watch the dialog. (not THAT big a deal just once), and I've noticed that my cutscenes tend to be over significantly before his. (I can tell, because I hear his version of the dialog over VOIP) I suspect the cutscenes actually run slowing on slower machines. (his isn't that bad, but mine is a high end gaming rig), so even if you DO sit there and watch the cutscenes, I'd still be waiting for other players to finish watching theres. (and it isn't just voip delay. They start off mostly in sync.)


Oh, and here's a factoid, (just happened to me the other day). If you ninja a quest objective while I'm fighting the guys who (were) guarding it and THEN invite me to group... (without even saying anything) the answer is no. And with any luck I'll steal the final stage boss out from under your nose and you'll have to wait for it to respawn.

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What is it with this game that makes players so antisocial? Im not talking about getting heroic or flashpoint groups. (which is another problem)


I was questing in Nar Shadda last night. I play as a healer spec Sage, and noticed there were two other players pretty much doing the same quests in the same order as I was. We were all going around getting quests at around the same time, and killing mobs in the same areas. So I decided to message them to see if they wanted to group for the quests. Nothing....no replies at all. Not even a " no thanks, Id rather solo".


later on in the evening I found one of these other guys lying dead. I guess they had died from fighting, or had gone afk and been killed or something. Not really sure. So I revived, healed and buffed him. Not a "thanks", or a "appreciate it". The guy just stood there looking at me, and then ran off.


Is it because we have companions in this game that people dont want to group? I like to solo at times myself but its nice to group up for quests if we are all doing the same ones.


Its making me wonder why I even rolled a healer, since the only thing I heal is my companion.


It's pretty obvious really. If people can solo, they will. Then they'll complain about how they can't solo everything. Companions just make it even easier to solo.


Personally, I only group for group content, but not because I'm anti-social, it's because all the soloable content is trivialized to the point of boredom when you group up... not that it's even remotely difficult when you're not.

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And yet, sadly, Bioware went the same route as every other damn MMO on the planet and did make it necessary for endgame character progression.


I swear, once some developers figure out that if they create an MMO that has a long but very possible method for people to acquire BIS endgame gear without forcing them to group to do so, they'll have found a goldmine.


It's called Call of Duty.

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I have played many and enjoy them very much. No single player games have the breadth, scope and life that MMOs have. I like seeing people running around, I like using the auction house, and I like the OPTION to group up when I feel like doing so. I simply don't like that to be the ONLY option for endgame progression.


Where is this life you speak of... cuz SWTOR doesn't have it.

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It's pretty obvious really. If people can solo, they will. Then they'll complain about how they can't solo everything. Companions just make it even easier to solo.



Been build to solo or not the game has nothing to do with be anti-social or be social. Those excuses are for those that do believe in such things which are very untrue. To get a buff, get resurected, get healed in a didficult moment or helped by some random player and not saying 'Thank you' has nothing to do with how the game was build has more to do with ''7 years from home'' which sadly the number of those that lack that is growing in geometric progression these days at least in teh virtual world.


Been social is how you as individual behave in a community, been one from virtual world or real world. It's a simple choice of been a 'homosapiens' or been a 'Neanderthal'

Edited by Phenyr
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No chat bubbles...


No ChAt BuBbLes....


nO cHaT bUbBlEs....


No Chat BUBBLES!!!...


and a terrible /emote system. Sorry, not terrible lacking....for example /meditate does nothing but say So&So Meditates...I mean, really no animation? Pfffft!



Oh, and the anti social atmosphere is 100% caused by teh lack of Chat Bubbles and the insane range of /say.


No one even knows who the hell is talking to who!!!


I wouldn't mind chat bubbles as an OPTION. But I hate the damn things. They clutter up the screen and I shudder to think of what Fleet would look like with spam bubbles of requests for various operations etc.


Option, sure. So long as I don't have to look at 'em.


Agree on the /emotes...but I can't think of a game that had 'em where they were all in place on release so I'm not overly fussed about that. They will show up eventually, I'm sure.

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When random people just start helping me kill a champion I was happily pegging away at, I say thanks when it dies... but secretly I'm thinking that I was having fun with one of the few challenging fights in the game, and this jerk ruined it by trivializing it.


I occasionally get a little resentful of help I didn't ask for.

Edited by Gungan
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When random people just start helping me kill a champion I was happily pegging away at, I say thanks when it dies... but secretly I'm thinking that I was having fun with one of the few challenging fights in the game, and this jerk ruined it by trivializing it.


I occasionally get a little resentful of help I didn't ask for.




Fights like these help me l2p better. If I die I still learn from it.

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When random people just start helping me kill a champion I was happily pegging away at, I say thanks when it dies... but secretly I'm thinking that I was having fun with one of the few challenging fights in the game, and this jerk ruined it by trivializing it.


I occasionally get a little resentful of help I didn't ask for.


I wouldn't get involved if you were happily killing it, but if I saw your health go really low and it was obvious you were about to die without intervention then I would probably throw out a few heals.


Having said that I always ninja buff people I pass :)

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I prefer to work alone when I can. I always did quests solo in WoW. If it's a group quest or an instance/flash point then sure, happy to run group content with a group. But when it's easily soloable content, I feel hindered if I'm running it with someone else. Also, the loot.
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this would be my idea to 'fix' social orientation with the current game.


Space Port + Planets = Merchants/Supplies/Training


Space Ships / Orbital Stations = Guild Features / LFG utilities / Global Chat


When I go to my ships console I want to feel like I am actually going somewhere and know what I'll be getting into and who I'll be playing with. I want my group to likely be in the same ship as me and my mates.


I want to be able to read a ship computer long-range communications and to read (Global Chat) chatter from those various "chat channels".


When in the Ship (s) getting ready to go PvP or raid we should be able to 'quick travel' by using the Ship Console which could show PvP activity (wars) or even space battles (like the Class missions to ships/stations eg 'Tavus's Ship').

Edited by WLpride
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1) There is little challenge in this game. Doing Heroics solo is about the most challenge this game offers so some people like to do them solo (I don't).


2) I think people got confused when they bought this and thought it was another single player star wars game and you are just an NPC that likes to bother them :)

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I generally will let someone know politely if I'm not in the mood to group, unless they spam the invite, in which case, no hablo ingles. And speaking of, not everyone who plays does speak english, so that might have been the issue. Edited by maradigamer
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What is it with this game that makes players so antisocial? Im not talking about getting heroic or flashpoint groups. (which is another problem)


I was questing in Nar Shadda last night. I play as a healer spec Sage, and noticed there were two other players pretty much doing the same quests in the same order as I was. We were all going around getting quests at around the same time, and killing mobs in the same areas. So I decided to message them to see if they wanted to group for the quests. Nothing....no replies at all. Not even a " no thanks, Id rather solo".


later on in the evening I found one of these other guys lying dead. I guess they had died from fighting, or had gone afk and been killed or something. Not really sure. So I revived, healed and buffed him. Not a "thanks", or a "appreciate it". The guy just stood there looking at me, and then ran off.


Is it because we have companions in this game that people dont want to group? I like to solo at times myself but its nice to group up for quests if we are all doing the same ones.


Its making me wonder why I even rolled a healer, since the only thing I heal is my companion.

They could have been foreign (like chinese or korean just as an example)


The same thing happened to me before, we were wondering why these 2 guys were barely even responding to us, then we realized they didnt understand what we were saying so we tried to communicate through emotes, and although they didnt group up they ended up helping us with a heroic quest. So its probably that they didnt even speak english if they didnt respond.


I dont think using 1 example is a reason to state that everyone is antisocial.


There are tons of people that i have grouped with for heroics quests during my time questing, Heck usually level up late at night and i havent even had too many issues finding groups at 3 am for heroics. I think this game has alot more group (heroic) quests then other mmo's ive played and although they arent mandatory ive certainly done alot more grouping during the leveling process in the open world in this game then i ever did in say Wow.


Group quests in wow where quite rare, and even then usually only required 2 people at the most.

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Unfortunately, the OP has observed something that is becoming a norm in this current generation of mmo's. There is an increase of "instant-gratification" gamers who have no patience for social interaction, let alone working with anyone else that doesn't satisfy their own needs.


While it does help to find the right guild, it does not excuse the bad netiquette of many in the gaming community. The only thing that can reverse the change is to be vocal about disliking rude manners online basically. The more gamers speak up, the more it will influence others.


Otherwise, if gamers remain silent and let the rude generation carry on the way they do, it will only worsen the bad image gamers are viewed as in general by others.


I bring that up because it is those poor attitudes that aid many senate politicians in trying to use as evidence while working to make a case for regulating video game content.

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Unfortunately, the OP has observed something that is becoming a norm in this current generation of mmo's. There is an increase of "instant-gratification" gamers who have no patience for social interaction, let alone working with anyone else that doesn't satisfy their own needs.


While it does help to find the right guild, it does not excuse the bad netiquette of many in the gaming community. The only thing that can reverse the change is to be vocal about disliking rude manners online basically. The more gamers speak up, the more it will influence others.


Otherwise, if gamers remain silent and let the rude generation carry on the way they do, it will only worsen the bad image gamers are viewed as in general by others.


I bring that up because it is those poor attitudes that aid many senate politicians in trying to use as evidence while working to make a case for regulating video game content.

I find your assumption that all solo players are "rude" and require "instant gratification" to be both wrong and inflamatory.


Many of todays solo players have been playing MMO's for 15 years, we have done the guild thing, raided, and grinded group content. In my personal case my love of MMO gaming almost resulted in divorce, as my wifes biggest complaint was I was spending more times in the evening talking to others more than her. So 3 years ago that all changed, I still enjoy MMO's but now sit near my wife. As she watches tv I play on the computer, without belonging to a guild I dont need to be on vent/TS anymore so we converse while I play.


I generally avoid group content because it requires more attention than I wish to give, playing solo I can divert my attention from the game to my family as it's required.


Yes the trend to solo game is expanding and to me an older gamer that makes perfect sense, when you have commitments in life you need to prioritise those commitments. Dont assume that solo players are rude & require instant gratification because in many games we are the silent majority.

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Chat other than lf bla kk hi thx bb (12yr old sms language) in mmo these days is uncool.


You should have ask him for Teamspeak. That's a different story. Because talking nerdy with total strangers rox. In teamspeak he would have said thx.

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