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Why so antisocial?


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It isnt the game its the people.

When the any character can do anything solo phase came about, when eq2 and wow were released, people became anti social

The thing that is sad is is translate into their real life which makes it 10x worse

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It isnt the game its the people.

When the any character can do anything solo phase came about, when eq2 and wow were released, people became anti social

The thing that is sad is is translate into their real life which makes it 10x worse


I kinda see it as a combination of both. If doing group content was the best way to level and get gear, there would be more of it. As it stands, soloing while leveling is the optimal path to enlightenment, hence by nature more folks will be going down that path.

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Hi Lorgrin,


One of the reasons I don't answer tells is that I often don't see chat becasue of the location of the window on the screen. I am sure this will change when we can customise our UI. Another reason I don't even bother to look up at the chat is that most of it is OOC moronic garbage. So I only look up there for the game messages. Since I mainly solo and don't know many people on the servers I play on other than guildies I pretty much only pay attention to green text and yellow text if I look up at the chat interface at all. I Always ignore white text. I rairly get purple text so I don't look for it.


As far as teaming. I pretty much only team for Heroics, Flash Points etc. The game is way too easy to need to group. The only other time I am grouping for normal pve questing is if I am questing with people I know and we are grinding out a whole planets content to just get it over with because we are on alts and have seen the content before. There are RARE occurances for expediencies sake that I will team on a "end of mission" Gold Mob that is at the end of an optional questline if I get the feeling that someone is camping for the same Mob because the timer for respawn is 5-10mins. If I see some one camping it is usually myself that sends the tell requesting for group so we don't compete over the mob and then go on our merry way afterwards.


That is why I don't usually random group for normal PvE content.


In general I don't need help and am usually testing new abilites if I am near death in open PvE and really don't want to be healed becasue I need to test my limits and learn my classes ( since I play alot of alts ). This is why I don't like to be helped. I really don't need it and basically the help usually interupts what I am doing and I have to start over and that kinda irks me. And because of what I stated above about the chat window .. I am not going to see if someone even asks me first if I need help.


Please continue to be helpful. I am thankful that there are people like you that want to be helpful. I just wanted to state a few reasons why you may not have gotten any responses to make the game seem so antisocial. Hope this makes sense.


TL;DR: Chat window placement and normal OOC spam has trained me to ignore the chat window in SWTOR. Game pretty easy don't really need help. Please contiue to be helpful though. ;)

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Hi Lorgrin,


One of the reasons I don't answer tells is that I often don't see chat becasue of the location of the window on the screen. I am sure this will change when we can customise our UI. Another reason I don't even bother to look up at the chat is that most of it is OOC moronic garbage. So I only look up there for the game messages. Since I mainly solo and don't know many people on the servers I play on other than guildies I pretty much only pay attention to green text and yellow text if I look up at the chat interface at all. I Always ignore white text. I rairly get purple text so I don't look for it.


As far as teaming. I pretty much only team for Heroics, Flash Points etc. The game is way too easy to need to group. The only other time I am grouping for normal pve questing is if I am questing with people I know and we are grinding out a whole planets content to just get it over with because we are on alts and have seen the content before. There are RARE occurances for expediencies sake that I will team on a "end of mission" Gold Mob that is at the end of an optional questline if I get the feeling that someone is camping for the same Mob because the timer for respawn is 5-10mins. If I see some one camping it is usually myself that sends the tell requesting for group so we don't compete over the mob and then go on our merry way afterwards.


That is why I don't usually random group for normal PvE content.


In general I don't need help and am usually testing new abilites if I am near death in open PvE and really don't want to be healed becasue I need to test my limits and learn my classes ( since I play alot of alts ). This is why I don't like to be helped. I really don't need it and basically the help usually interupts what I am doing and I have to start over and that kinda irks me. And because of what I stated above about the chat window .. I am not going to see if someone even asks me first if I need help.


Please continue to be helpful. I am thankful that there are people like you that want to be helpful. I just wanted to state a few reasons why you may not have gotten any responses to make the game seem so antisocial. Hope this makes sense.


TL;DR: Chat window placement and normal OOC spam has trained me to ignore the chat window in SWTOR. Game pretty easy don't really need help. Please contiue to be helpful though. ;)


hi you know you can move the chat window right


Edited by bigheadbrandon
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I wondered this too for a long time. Then I made a new chat window that only showed guild talk and whispers. After doing some questing for about 10 minutes i went over to my new tab from the default tab, I missed about 2 conversations in guild.


I have time stamps turned on and noticed that on the default tab there was tons of information being put in the log. (experience points for each of the 4 mobs i killed, legacy points and any thing i looted) So I found a pack of mobs killed them and looted and the yellow text listing all that i just did filled my chat log for nearly 2 full pages. If anyone had talked in guild at that moment I would have missed it, moved to the next pack and missed the rest of the conversation.


I don't think people are being anti social, they just literally don't see what you say most of the time.

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hi you know you can move the chat window right



Yes but I want it where the companion portrait and control pannel is currently located so I can put in in the lower left corner of the screen. Because of playing other games that default to the chat window in that location I have become trained to keep my camera at a certain angle and see chat movement with my periferal vision at the lower left. I hope when we can customize our UI we will have full control over where we want to put all the bits of our UI so that I can put the chat window where I would like it and not cover something else. I have not been able to move the comanion portrait I would swap with the chat window now if I could.

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What is it with this game that makes players so antisocial?


No chat bubbles...


No ChAt BuBbLes....


nO cHaT bUbBlEs....


No Chat BUBBLES!!!...


and a terrible /emote system. Sorry, not terrible lacking....for example /meditate does nothing but say So&So Meditates...I mean, really no animation? Pfffft!



Oh, and the anti social atmosphere is 100% caused by teh lack of Chat Bubbles and the insane range of /say.


No one even knows who the hell is talking to who!!!

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Your anecdote doesn't establish a rule. For example, I grouped with completely random people on Taris, Corellia, and Voss and we did the entire planet together in a matter of hours. It was good fun. Sounds like you just got unlucky.
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I tend to be averse to grouping up because I want to play at my pace and my rhythm. My main is a Sawbones, and I scoot along fighting only what's necessary to complete the quests, find Bonus killquests and complete those. The rest I avoid. Grouped with a non-stealth class, I can't do this and I feel I don't get as much done in the same time, even with the extra firepower.


Similarly with my Trooper, I can pretty much one- or two-shot alternate packs of trash (gotta love Mortar Volley); there's simply no need to group, and no compensation for the splitting of loot and XP, since adding another character and companion in no way doubles my questing speed.

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Another thing to be mindful of is...some people play with chat turned off, so they just won't see your messages...though if you revived them...I would think someone would at least say thanks or give some form of recognition...maybe they were too young to understand...probably just had a string of bad luck.... Edited by ReynoldsCK
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No chat bubbles...


No ChAt BuBbLes....


nO cHaT bUbBlEs....


No Chat BUBBLES!!!...


and a terrible /emote system. Sorry, not terrible lacking....for example /meditate does nothing but say So&So Meditates...I mean, really no animation? Pfffft!



Oh, and the anti social atmosphere is 100% caused by teh lack of Chat Bubbles and the insane range of /say.


No one even knows who the hell is talking to who!!!


I will politely disagree. I haven't ever used chat bubbles in any MMO and am very social. I think this player just ran across some very rude people.


I will admit that there does seem to be a rise in people who want to solo vs be social. However when I am out and about I don't really have to many problems still finding people. Or even in the OP's situation where we are killing the same mobs if I /invite very rarely do I get a decline.


I also am a Sage healer..

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I'm not antisocial in the least bit, but I do like going at my own pace. I take short breaks to go afk and do things on a whim (like join a warzone). I just don't want to come off as rude for doing that stuff, or irritate people because my dog needs to go out for 5-10 minutes. I will always decline the invitation though and not simply ignore them.
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I'm strongly under the belief that Guilds feature in this game is nothing more than window-dressing and caters only to the elite and already organized players. I'm not saying it's bad, but from what I've seen WAY less social than other games I've played.


Guilds just don't seem to serve a real purpose therefore a lot of social integrating doesn't occur.


Guilds should NOT serve PvE.


1.2 I'm sure will greatly improve the crafting 'scene' which should help in some ways.


You can't put a MMO out in 2012 with slash commands to invite and Guild together when your target audience is teenagers and PC users that are not super-elite gamers.

Edited by WLpride
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- It's a straight-up single player first person shooter with co-op play elements tacked on, not an MMORPG. As such, it's attracted a lot of...wait for it...solo players.

- The leveling/solo bits are actually well done...everything else sucks desperately...see first point.

- Those things the designers did do to encourage socialization either impede game play or are just plain annoying.

- They included nothing with the exception of instances that requires or enhances "socialization".

- Social points...who cares?

- Sole tool for socialization or guilds is their really crappy and klunky chat system.

- Everyone looks the same, dresses the same, has the same stuff more or less...no "cool stuff" to either show off or slobber over. It's like playing "Clone Wars".

- Fleet is the main gathering point...I don't know about the rest of you, but Fleet depresses the heck out of me.

- Socialize how, doing what? Stumps me...

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LOL. Okay. I'm gonna go ahead and guess it had a whole lot more to do with what you were saying and how you were saying it. I have NEVER seen a guild in any game just chuck someone out for simply conversing in guild chat in a nice manner...and I have absolutely no idea why you'd want to have anything to do with such a group of outlier jerks anyway if you managed to find that needle in the haystack. That's a complete and utter exception to the rule.


Not at all. I would just bring up general conversation about classes and the game and such. I didn't even balk at the others when i was told they couldn't even be bothered to help because they were to high level and i can just solo. I came in one day ..asked if anyone wanted do wz and got kicked. Asked why and got the response in my original post. I joined that guild for simply fact i played the game 3 months..and was only invite i ever got..or seen. You don't even see guilds spamming for members. I have heard of similar stories too. Not many..but it fits with how people perceive the game and the way majority plays it

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This game is fragmented socially. The way the planets are setup as well as instancing you will rarely find more than a handful of other players while leveling.


I went to the Fleet last night and stopped by the first hub of drop ships. Not a single player other than myself around the quest hubs.


I personally think Bioware got the social aspect of this game wrong. They have made it harder and I have found that this has even changed my play style to run solo since most of the time that is the only option I have.

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Totally agree. What this game needs so, so badly are chat bubbles and voice emotes.


A few night ago I came across a high-level elite and decided to take him on. Big mistake: my companion was quickly killed and my health bar started to drop down very fast. Then like magic my health was fully restored. Over and over again. I was thinking to myself "WTH is going on here?" Eventually I took down the elite and felt really elated. Then I looked around and realized that some kind soul was healing me all that time. Well I couldn't thank him enough, but without voice emotes and chat bubbles (fond memories of WoW) my expression of gratitude seemed so inadequate.


Just my opinion.

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