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Did Bioware Come Through On Their Boasts?


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That´s what I thought too.


Pretty awesome video in your signature, was it possible to switch to cockpit view in SW Battlefront? I really like the "walk to ship, get in and fly out of hangar" concept. Was ist also possible to enter the atmosphere of the planet below?


Yes, you could switch to cockpit view. No, you could not fly to the planet.

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My favorite was when they flat-out claimed that boss fights wouldn't revolve around multiple players beating on a loot pinata for 20 minutes. Yeah... they really saw that vision through.


Well that's the thing many developers run into problems with. Things are the "way" they are in many mumorpugers because it works. The whole big boss fight, skill rotations, the trinity, leveling, etc, etc...


Its come to the point of almost being cute when developers, early on, make their naive claims and then you watch them "change their tune" as the game moves slowly toward launch. Realizing that it would be a lot more work than their willing or able to give to make their early claims a reality.

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@OP So, I guess you are a huge fan of the game and signed up for a year subscription? Am I right?


I am a huge fan of Star Wars. As for the game, it does have a lot of good concepts to start, but we are paying for a beta. Time will tell. As for myself, it's a monthly basis as all subscriptions I ever had. If things were to ever go sour (this goes for any service) I can easily walk away without future money invested.

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My favorite was when they flat-out claimed that boss fights wouldn't revolve around multiple players beating on a loot pinata for 20 minutes. Yeah... they really saw that vision through.


Yes that I remembered that quite well watching the preview video.

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Well that's the thing many developers run into problems with. Things are the "way" they are in many mumorpugers because it works. The whole big boss fight, skill rotations, the trinity, leveling, etc, etc...


Its come to the point of almost being cute when developers, early on, make their naive claims and then you watch them "change their tune" as the game moves slowly toward launch. Realizing that it would be a lot more work than their willing or able to give to make their early claims a reality.


I really wonder though who is responsible for the final decisions after these boasts. The shareholders/owners, devs, marketers or accountants. I'm leaning toward the two money controllers, (owners/accountants).

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Give me truly open, explorable zones & I could forgive any other shortcoming. Devs can hotfix and patch action delays, loading screens, and balance issues.


Changing the linear, corridor driven map design of planets like Taris and Nar Shadaa isn't possible without a major revamp of the game.



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Bioware failed to produce the game quality that they said they would. The fact that they voiced the majority of the game is great. But i could have had less talking a bit more game play. Edited by Eulcon
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When SWTOR was being created and coded, the devs remembered their childhoods, that first red wagon they got in, imagining it being a red hotrod of a car. They broom broomed the engine, sputtering and spitting, growling the motors hum. Pulled on that stick, gotten from the tree in their back yard and pretended to put their sleek-fast ride into 1st then 2nd gear. Boy was that a blast, huh?


Are we having fun in our red rider wagon yet? When do we get to actually drive the real thing?

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I will agree that we are paying for doing their beta because they prolly wasted their massive bufget on voiceovers not being used and then forgetting about gameplay...


so consider your sub as an investment in a better payable future

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I will agree that we are paying for doing their beta because they prolly wasted their massive bufget on voiceovers not being used and then forgetting about gameplay...


so consider your sub as an investment in a better payable future


Welcome to MMOs? It's the sad reality of the genre.

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So far everything is fun.


Thats all I need in my MMO.


The combat is great, the groups I run with have been fun, the space combat is exactly what the told me it would be and is still fun.


The leveling is amazing, the companions are extremely fun to have and there are numerous other things I love.


One thing that has bothered me but were not game breaking are some of the bugs.

The good part in saying that is seeing Bioware get those things fixed in a relatively short amount of time given the MMO game style. I wasn't stupid enough to think things could be fixed over-night.


The other thing that that bothered me was professions but again, in saying that it seems bioware understood that things needed to change and they are doing a massive change to them. So there is potential there too.


All in all, fora game in it's infancy. Bioware is is coming through on all fronts for me.

Edited by Quraswren
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Let's see if people remember these Boasts pre-launch.


Quote: We built a world big enough to feel expansive, but still not so large that we couldn’t ensure that all of the content was handcrafted up to a BioWare level of quality - Bioware


* Wrong! You didn't build worlds, you built a region from a world that in some cases is very restrictive in "exploration" like city planets.


Quote from Daniel Erickson: One of the differences with our world design is that our environments are not undulating repeated planes - all hand crafted - Edge


* True - But you forgot Day/Night.


Quote From Daniel Erickson: "One of the real things we wanted to show at GDC this year is that our worlds are huge, actually. They are giant, you can explore. They are massive. You can just wander off one direction and go forever."


* False - SWG had Larger area (based on foot step), and many other MMO's. Real let down. I thought the LOTRO and WOW world exploration was limited until SWTOR.


Quest objectives, bonus objectives, detailed information about the quest and who in group has the quest all shown on mini maps.


* True - With Very Impressive updating and notations. Only had one glitch so far.


Traveling through space is an exciting part of the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ experience. Not only will you navigate the stars to visit new planets, but you can also choose to undertake critical missions in the depths of space where you'll maneuver through chaotic asteroid fields, blast enemy fighters, and engage in epic, large-scale fleet battles reminiscent of those from the classic Star Wars™ films.


In keeping with the original Star Wars films, the Space Combat system in Star Wars: The Old Republic is designed to make travel times literally fly-by, while combat runs and space battles put you in the pilot's seat for a fast-paced and highly cinematic experience. Like Luke Skywalker in the original assault on the Death Star, you'll also discover that even a lone starship can change the course of galactic history.


* Totally Overblown - Now what was written can be taken in different context depending on reading. I myself thought we would could fly around like SWG planet to planet, and see many unique space aspects along the way from "Not only will you navigate the stars to visit new planets....." Missions thus far are duplicates of each other, on a rail system. In all honesty if SOE could add on a a pretty decent open area, why couldn't you guys? GET OFF THE RAILS! Even Battlestar Galactica Online is more "explorative" then this.


Get right out of town. You mean a marketing campaign didn't match the actual product?! Woah, that's never happened before.


Welcome to the business world.

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Fine and dandy to state that now, but for years after I joined this community back in 2008 I assumed that space combat was going to be at least as good as SWG. The quotes the OP used were from just prior to details of how space combat would work, therefore they qualify as not living up to the boasts made.


The crux of your problem. There were no boasts that space flight would be like SWG or a space sim by Bioware.

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Didnt they say they wanted to avoid doing the whole having stupid looking fights where its x amount of players bashing on a boss? I'm to lazy to look for the video but I'm fairly sure they said they wanted a more "epic" feeling to boss fights :p
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Let's see if people remember these Boasts pre-launch.


Quote: We built a world big enough to feel expansive, but still not so large that we couldn’t ensure that all of the content was handcrafted up to a BioWare level of quality - Bioware


* Wrong! You didn't build worlds, you built a region from a world that in some cases is very restrictive in "exploration" like city planets.


Quote from Daniel Erickson: One of the differences with our world design is that our environments are not undulating repeated planes - all hand crafted - Edge


* True - But you forgot Day/Night.


Quote From Daniel Erickson: "One of the real things we wanted to show at GDC this year is that our worlds are huge, actually. They are giant, you can explore. They are massive. You can just wander off one direction and go forever."


* False - SWG had Larger area (based on foot step), and many other MMO's. Real let down. I thought the LOTRO and WOW world exploration was limited until SWTOR.




GET OFF THE RAILS! Even Battlestar Galactica Online is more "explorative" then this.

Eliminate the sectioned-off map & minimap that has idiot arrows and icons pointing the player in the proper directions and what do you have? Open exploration. The only zone instances are class quest and heroic instance entries. Aside from the spaceport/orbiting station/spaceship instancing system, everything else is as seamless to navigate as LOTRO and WoW.


The one thing that makes WoW's exploration feel as open as it does are the flying mounts. Remove the flying mounts and guess what? Try riding a war chicken from Dalaran to Ulduar, or Ironforge to Badlands. Can't scale cliffs so pre-carved paths through the mountains are the only way to get there right? Ashenvale to Stonetalon? A tunnel. Arathi to Hinterlands? A tunnel. Ironforge to anywhere? A tunnel. Felwood to Darkshore? Gotta jump off a cliff & rez at the bottom. Without flying mounts WoW just isn't that pervasive.


The only other difference (and something I personally miss) is that WoW has underwater adventuring, a feature neither LOTRO or TOR has.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Eliminate the sectioned-off map & minimap that has idiot arrows and icons pointing the player in the proper directions and what do you have? Open exploration. The only zone instances are class quest and heroic instance entries. Aside from the spaceport/orbiting station/spaceship instancing system, everything else is as seamless to navigate as LOTRO and WoW.


The one thing that makes WoW's exploration feel as open as it does are the flying mounts. Remove the flying mounts and guess what? Try riding a war chicken from Dalaran to Ulduar, or Ironforge to Badlands. Can't scale cliffs so pre-carved paths through the mountains are the only way to get there right? Ashenvale to Stonetalon? A tunnel. Arathi to Hinterlands? A tunnel. Ironforge to anywhere? A tunnel. Felwood to Darkshore? Gotta jump off a cliff & rez at the bottom. Without flying mounts WoW just isn't that pervasive.


The only other difference (and something I personally miss) is that WoW has underwater adventuring, a feature neither LOTRO or TOR has.


lets not forget the fact that some of the areas your brought to in ToR you can NEVER EVER again with the same character go into (unless its a daily) Also, even without the flying mounts, WoW still felt much bigger than any of the areas that we can run around in ToR. One simple reason for that is because WoW used islands and ToR uses planets. In WoW, you go from one end of the island to the other, and during your journey, the landscape would change according to the area and zone you came from and are entering. In ToR, you're in a specific zone, if you wanted to keep going, you'd have to hop spaceport to spaceport. While it may be bigger in scale, it feels small because it doesnt feel as seemless

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