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--- Important Thread to ALL PvPers ---


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I would like to point out to the majority of players that consider it "unfair" that you cannot compete with players in FULL Battlemaster or Champion gear...


That Once Upon a Time it required DAYS and HOURS of grinding in order to RANDOMLY acquire a piece of CHAMPION GEAR.


The bag system was comprised entirely of RNG [random number generation] so you never knew what piece you would be getting.. and even if you did get a piece of gear, you might very well get the SAME PIECE you already had.


My Sniper reached Valor Rank 60 during the FIRST WEEK of January. People complain that they cannot compete with Battlemasters, but really gear and titles are now totally vacant of skill and time spent in a PvP environment AT ALL. Any/All respect that the Battlemaster [or subsequent titles] granted has been long gone [since the original changes to Ilum] and now the playing field is completely even.


People are mad because they feel that the changes to PvP in SwTor are aweful.. yet it rewards group play, positioning, skill, and coordination.


If you don't like people AFKing out in WZ's then DONT SOLO QUE.


If you have issues with getting rolled by kids in FULL BM gear.. then grind WZs. I did. So did the other BMs.. and it took us [pre 1.1] easily over FIVE HUNDRED GAMES to atchieve that. Now Ilum is a joke that gives you free valor, and WZs give you 2.5k+ Valor a game.. even if you Lose.


Don't make threads talking about how you think Bioware is ****ed up b/c you


a- can't play your class

b- don't have gear


Get a good group of PvPers and Grind it out. 4man premades that are coordinated and have a PLAN will ROLL a soloque group EVERY TIME.. unless they have a Sorc in FULL BM/Rakata. and for the most part.. that would only ever carry you in Huttball.. NOT Alderon or Voidstar.


Gear doesn't matter anymore. EVERYONE is a *********** BM.


Skill and Class drive the PvP system in this game.


If you want to win.. reroll a mara/sentinal and get full BM. then slap your **** on your keyboard and you'll see results.


If you want to never die.. reroll an assassin/shadow and LoL @ ppl as you vanish or deflect/resist ALL of their attacks.


If you want to heal with no negative repercussions then reroll a Merc/Trooper, and laugh as you get trained and outheal the Inc damage.


If you want to top charts then reroll a Sorc/Sage.


If you want to win don't roll a Sniper/GS.


*note- if someone comes crying about Snipers/GS's and says that "THEYRE OP THEY CRIT ME FOR LOTS" then you clearly


a- have no gear.

b- click, and dont use your defensive abilies

c- don't understand what the concept of "self peels" are.

d- don't understand what class specific utility is.



Stop crying to Bioware because you just hit 50 and want gear handed to you.


Stop crying to Bioware about the endgame content b/c you have nothing left to do.. you started playing a NEW MMO. what did you honestly expect. The endgame content in EQ/WoW was nothing NEAR close to SWtor.. at all. These raids are FAR more difficult, and if you look up the 1st Rag kill in WoW [40man Raid] the rouge is CLICKING AND KEYBOARD TURNING.


*note- WoW didn't even have PvP for 6 months.. and we're about to have a RATED SYSTEM WHICH TOOK THEM TIL BC TO IMPLIMENT


**note- grinding up your BG rank in WoW was a joke and required nothing but play.. don't even site that as an example.



If you want to ***** about this game.. talk constructively about class imbalances, and site specific examples using data collected over a period of time, and use something as a constant, instead of getting ROLLED during a WZ and crying to the devs saying "OMG I CANT WIN AGAINST THIS CLASS NERF"...


perhaps you should gain alittle more experience playing against said class, and get more gear before you whine about it.


Alot of PvP issues are balanced when you have experience, and gear.


Alot of non-issues and pvp balancing are created at 50 when you DO have gear.


Play over 1000 wz and then please tell all of us here that play SWtor with you how you feelt he game should be altered.


Until then.. grind the gear. become proficient in your class.. and then form an intelligent thought, with data to back it up.


*note- if you're now going to flame me by telling me i have no life.. i work 80+ hours a week for the USMC and a grunt.. and somehow find time for the gym, college, and my girlfriend.


Whats your excuse.


Chozette <Bad Reputation> Sniper, Valor 65

Chozeqah <Bad Reputation> Marauder, Valor 60

Chozenone <PvEasy> Sorcerer, Valor 50


[iron Citadel] PvP Server, US EAST

Edited by TehChozenOne
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Once upon a time they broke Ilum and hundreds of thousands of people took advantage of the situation.


A lot of people feel the current system is to get everybody else caught up to those that took advantage durring that time.


Perfect, no. But it is better then rolling back hundreds of thousands of accounts. I'm sure they would rather have this QQing over that kind of QQing.

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My first lvl 50 (I have several), got 2 champion pieaces from his first 30 champion bags.

He got the weapon, and he got an implant. Whooopidoo, atleast the weapon.

Now, since you didnt get cent coms if you got a champ loo, I ended up with 86 centurion coms from the 28 bags I had apart from this.




86 coms, today. centurion mind you: Takes a staggering 6 bags, where you have a total of 90 cent comms, but ontop of this you also have 41 champion coms, which is enough for an implant, relic etc. Its even enough for the offhand weapon.


People should stop complaining.

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look, I was rank 59 when the patch hit (semi casual here). being battlemaster still means something to me. and if it's easier to get, so what, there are oging to be more armor sets. the only people that should be worried are those that use gear as a crutch for lack of skill
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Once upon a time they broke Ilum and hundreds of thousands of people took advantage of the situation.


A lot of people feel the current system is to get everybody else caught up to those that took advantage durring that time.


Perfect, no. But it is better then rolling back hundreds of thousands of accounts. I'm sure they would rather have this QQing over that kind of QQing.


Hundreds of Thousands?


I thin probably more like hundreds.

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I agree with the OP.

I've said it multiple times in other PvP Threads, Gear doesn't make the player "better". A good example is how I PvP; I use Columi/Rakata Gear and 0 Expertise as a Healer. Average deaths per game for me are 0-3 in solo-ques and vs a pre-made up to 6 deaths My Healing is usually above 200k and tops around 400-500k(I hit 600k once or twice).


I'm Valor 30 and have Champ gear and don't wear it, I honestly don't need it. I've learned how to counter all classes except Ops/Scoundrels so far and how to trick other classes into interrupting the wrong heal spells. Sometimes I can hold myself well against 4 guys on me at once, sometimes they get me and put my heals on full lockout.


Until I hit BM I will not be using PvP Gear, to me it's helped my learning curve so far and I do absolutely well without it and having the 30% healing debuff. I've been playing healing classes for my entire MMO Career and do it well but I know there is always someone that can kill me.

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I thought this thread was important to PvPers, and it's just more QQ, about PvP QQ.


*note- if you're now going to flame me by telling me i have no life.. i work 80+ hours a week for the USMC and a grunt.. and somehow find time for the gym, college, and my girlfriend.


No, you dont work 12+ hour days, have social obligations, then find time to grind BM in over 9000 WZs. I also doubt real marines ever get this whiny, especially about video games.


You likely instead have some ez mode fedgov IT job, 30hrs/week, go to the buffet instead of the gym, and your "special internet time" is your gf.


Please keep the crying to yourself, or next time clearly mark your post "Wanna-be Internet Tuff Guy Needs to QQ About QQing." Thx.

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Even though I generally agree with the OP's thoughts - if this is a veiled complaint on the recent changes to PvP gear progression - and I got the notion that it is - I don't get the point you want to make.


The sense of accomplishment you gain by acquiring new gear might have gotten nerfed, but hasn't your sense of accomplishment by winning just got buffed, if your opponents and you carry the same equipment and you still won?


Also, I call BS on your irrelevant RL claims. It is physically impossible to combine 80+h/week, college, gym and 3 level 50s at r50+ at this point of time. A mate of mine is at a similar point ingame and could only manage because he works halftime without attending college or any other too time consuming regular activity. Also surprised that the usmc now has a whiner squad xD.


Get over it, l2p (never thought I'd say that) and stop crying, just like the people, you adressed, should do.

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Sorry freind, but the entitlement / pve / easymode crew will grab hold of this thread like they have all others and rip it to pieces, because they should not have to put any effort in to get the same gear as you or the same valor rank.


I'm a valor rank 67 shadow, I dinged 50 AFTER the valor screw up in Ilum and got my rank and gear the hardway through warzones going up against BM geared Imps and there are a LOT of them on my server, because they exploited Ilum.


This game is going down the toilet, Bioware are just rolling over to please these people who are too lazy to gear up, learn their class or put any effort in. People are now mowing through valor ranks at 2 or 3 times the rate I did.


I've unsubbed along with a lot of other people I pvp'ed with, a whole PvP guild on my server quit (they had a LOT of active pvpers). I wish this game well but they way it's heading, no thankyou.

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*note- if you're now going to flame me by telling me i have no life.. i work 80+ hours a week for the USMC and a grunt.. and somehow find time for the gym, college, and my girlfriend.


Whats your excuse.


Chozette <Bad Reputation> Sniper, Valor 65

Chozeqah <Bad Reputation> Marauder, Valor 60

Chozenone <PvEasy> Sorcerer, Valor 50


I put the above data into excel spredsheet and figured u got some lies goin there haha.


Other then that, mostly a good post

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I thought this thread was important to PvPers, and it's just more QQ, about PvP QQ.




No, you dont work 12+ hour days, have social obligations, then find time to grind BM in over 9000 WZs. I also doubt real marines ever get this whiny, especially about video games.


You likely instead have some ez mode fedgov IT job, 30hrs/week, go to the buffet instead of the gym, and your "special internet time" is your gf.


Please keep the crying to yourself, or next time clearly mark your post "Wanna-be Internet Tuff Guy Needs to QQ About QQing." Thx.



Why you mad bro? Just because you might have obligations doesn't mean the game should be changed just to make it easier for YOU. Its up to you to manage your RL and game time, sorry other people have more time to play, you're the one crying and attacking anyone who has more time to gear up more than you.


Looks like you want something he has, and you don't want to put the time into it. The solution, change it for everyone? wait....what?

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Did anyone else note that no one actually flat out said my post was incorrect?


They couldn't find anything wrong with it, so they decided to tell me i am not as awesome as i am.



Haters are gonna hate.


No one gets a choice on the matter, the game will be what they decide and both you and I have to deal with whatever comes along or we just quit. I've been on that end of the grind fest myself to make my Jedi in SWG be the uber crafter with all its jedi bonuses, just to have it ripped way for nothing. Sometimes change just sucks.

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