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Why are people so butthurt about fast battlemaster?


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No because ppl feel that they got cheated cause they spent alot of time on it, while others now gets it handed for free.



Its like if you go down and buy a TV, you pay 1000,- for it, the next day your friend goes down and buys it for 200,-. You dont envy your friend that he got the TV, but most ppl would be annoyed as fu.. because they spent 800,- than their friend on the same item.



I think most ppl are fine with ppl getting equal gear fast, but they are annoyed that they got to spent 2-3x the time.


For the record I dont really care about it, just offering a theory on why ppl are mad.


So many people exploited Ilum after the change that it really doesnt matter anymore.


heck it still takes longer now to get 60 Valor then it did on the day following the change from clicking the vehicles to kills.

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Except 1 problem: the Old School PvPers are used to game where skill was everything, and gear created a seriously minor disparity. The new PvPers are used to time=gear, and gear>skill.


And now that eSports have somewhat come into their own, its going back to a mostly pure skill-based play style. So the old PvP'ers are having a blast while the newer/middling generation is 'suffering'. It may swing back to time=gear=win, but with seeming a lot of the newer MMOs pushing for a pseudo eSport status, this isn't likely to happen soon.


Just gotta adapt.

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Yep. It's just like how level 50's ranted against the 50-only bracket because they wanted to keep farming level 12's all day.


It's sad how many people get into PvP but have absolutely no sense of competition or fair play. They just want to smash people that are at a disadvantage, are outnumbered, or otherwise can't actually fight back.


Hell, many people in these threads are just flat out saying it plainly: they don't want skill in PvP. They want ProgressQuest, where the person with the highest logged-in time wins.


Err no.


What happened is that the 10-49 PvP teaches nothing about tactics used by the 50 PvP because its meaningless.


So what we get especially Sith Empire is that the fresh 50's dont understand too much what tactics to use and how to win, they just zerg like they did in the 10-49 and thinks that would work (which ends up with them crying **** I hate this it used to be easy in 10-49).


Hence the reality is that 10-50's were fine, just that the 50 premade should be happning in that bracket and needed to balance the levelers with the 50's for PvP.

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No because ppl feel that they got cheated cause they spent alot of time on it, while others now gets it handed for free.



Its like if you go down and buy a TV, you pay 1000,- for it, the next day your friend goes down and buys it for 200,-. You dont envy your friend that he got the TV, but most ppl would be annoyed as fu.. because they spent 800,- than their friend on the same item.



I think most ppl are fine with ppl getting equal gear fast, but they are annoyed that they got to spent 2-3x the time.


For the record I dont really care about it, just offering a theory on why ppl are mad.


Nature of MMO. Everytime a new gear tier gets introduced, the previous gear becomes more easily attainable.

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I ground out battlemaster when it took longer, and I can understand why this does get on people's nerves, having been made a faster process. However, it's an mmo, and means of getting equipment always changes; you can't let your time invested be something you dwell on. I rather appreciate the change in fact, as I can more easily gear up my alts, and there really shouldn't be such a large gap between players, anyway.
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Getting to that rank was a sense of accomplishment. If you saw people in pvp with that rank you at least understood they knew what had to be done to win the warzone (not screw around in center in huttball fighting the tank with 2 healers healing him untouched)


Also, the stat difference from champion to bm isn't exactly stellar. Perhaps you should check it out before making the statement that BM gear makes people godmode. There's a better stat bonus going to champion from centurian than champion to battlemaster.


This isn't meant as a direct attack at you, dude, but you illustrate a good point about pvp....


Someone with battlemaster thinking that if the center is being camped by a tank and 2 healers that there is ANYWHERE on that board more important to get under control than the ball spawn, ESP. under circumstances such as those you outline, are exactly the reason an opposing team with half the gear can competely ROFLstomp your team while they all chase the enemy ball carrier, who is about to score and become completely irrelevant to the next 3 or 4 minutes of strat in the match.


But ofc, after he does score, sometimes with 500 HP left, the brilliant thing to do is to kill them and give them a free ticket back to their spawn, with full health, in perfect position to defend against the unlikely chance that the one player actually trying to get control of mid and get control of the ball back the easy way.... without having to spam down a ball a player who already has the ball. But instead the other team will make easy work of the player who grasps tactical play, and ensure the next rinse repeast tank healer ball carrier team can just retread their way across your team's face as they run a second goal in as your team's defenders wasted their time *********** around with that 500 HP ball carrier after they scored (bearing in mind if you left them alone they would most likely go find somewhere to heal up, and be solidly out of the action for much longer than the one you gave a free respawn ticket to)


So ya, I'd say even amongst the BMs there is quite a lot of ****** play going on.


So i think everyone should quiet down and learn the system they've been given, and master it, rather than being master of their own opinions.

Edited by Bootsnboards
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Its funny that everyone even talks about valor like it will still matter in 1.2.


Commendations on the other hand...


Valor is just a joke, might as well be a time played meter.


Thats kinda what I've always thought.... Have been a battlemaster, and after the wide range of ppl and skill you see in every level of gear, from home made customs beating the death outta the BMs, you name it.


But, ok, I do admit... it was nice to have the little title bit. Not so nice that I care so much as to feel i need to keep it away from others who didn't "do what i did" to get it.


So maybe something fairly meaningless, but which allows those players really screaming that its not fair how hard they worked... Give them a "special" battlemaster title....


Original Battlemaster... Battlemaster of the Old School... I dunno... something that plays no effect in actual game play... esp considering how rediculously abused valor farming was anyhow... All it really meant was that you put more time into "something" than someone else.


So how about that?

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Only bad players use gear as an excuse. You can tell a bad player by listening for canned lines like


Baddie - You just don't want gear to be even!

Me - No you baddie, I don't. I got my gear before you because I'm better than you. (yes some people just spend more time)


Baddie - PvP is all about gear

Me - That's why you are a baddie, I'll spank you naked.


The same baddies that talked Blizzard into removing rating reqs. on gear (destroying arena), and giving pvp weapons to everyone are here in swtor in mass.


Be on the look out for them BioWare. Ignore them or meet the same fate as WoW.

Edited by BCBull
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There seem to be a disproportionate amount of players that joined this game due to the Star Wars IP rather then the generic PvP'er that knows the drill from most other MMO's. I don't remember seeing so many threads about "gear" needs to be equal etc anywhere else.


With very rare exceptions, hardly gonna make major difference. If you can't hack it as Champion nothing dramatic is gonna happen.



Plenty of Baddie Battlemasters prior to this patch, this will just compound it. Might as well start thinking up new excuses from now :eek:

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Then you are just as delusional. Because I have a job and work means im a bad gamer? Because you can put in 10 hrs a day grinding makes you more skilled than me? Sir I dare not to agree. If you think grinding mindlessly makes you better than you shouldnt be afraid of "noobs" with BM gear. Youll just crush them anyway right? Seeing as how were all just "terribads" in your presence


Because you "have a job" and can't put in the same amount of time you deserve to be at the same place in the game as those who have played much longer than you have?


I don't understand this mentality... You put 5 hours of time in but you want the same things that took someone 40 hours of time to get?


If I put 40 hours in this WEEK to get something you should have to put 40 hours to get it too - even if it takes you a month to do this. You aren't entitled simply because you think that having "a job" gives you some kind of in-game credit.


If you aren't ready for rateds this time around because your schedule didn't allow you to get geared in time, then you wait until the next round or you start late.


The same for raiding - if I'm only able to raid 1 night a week for 1 hour at a time - it's expected that it will take longer to get gear and rewards than someone who can grind heroics and HM OPs for hours and hours and achieve full lockout weekly.


Being "casual" doesn't make you BAD but it does mean that it should take you a bit longer to progress to the same point in the game, be it gear or progression, than someone who plays a bit "too much". ;)

Edited by Rasstavad
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Being "casual" doesn't make you BAD but it does mean that it should take you a bit longer to progress to the same point in the game, be it gear or progression, than someone who plays a bit "too much". ;)


As new gear tiers are being introduced, older tiers become easier to acquire to help with the gear gap. I don't see the issue. People who are ready to invest more time will get their newest tier faster and will still be enjoying their status-quo.

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No because ppl feel that they got cheated cause they spent alot of time on it, while others now gets it handed for free.



Its like if you go down and buy a TV, you pay 1000,- for it, the next day your friend goes down and buys it for 200,-. You dont envy your friend that he got the TV, but most ppl would be annoyed as fu.. because they spent 800,- than their friend on the same item.



I think most ppl are fine with ppl getting equal gear fast, but they are annoyed that they got to spent 2-3x the time.


For the record I dont really care about it, just offering a theory on why ppl are mad.


I know you dont care about it but ill still comment, not on your opinion but in general.


Its always like that. I bought a computer monitor once , 800$ to get the first flat screen. Now the same thing is worth 80$.


People just dont like change. Its like in wow when there is a new tier going out. People who took the time to get decked out cry in front of the AH about how their set was good X time ago and nobody care about them.


The point is, the game need to move forward and at an interesting pace.

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Because you "have a job" and can't put in the same amount of time you deserve to be at the same place in the game as those who have played much longer than you have?


I don't understand this mentality... You put 5 hours of time in but you want the same things that took someone 40 hours of time to get?


If I put 40 hours in this WEEK to get something you should have to put 40 hours to get it too - even if it takes you a month to do this. You aren't entitled simply because you think that having "a job" gives you some kind of in-game credit.


If you aren't ready for rateds this time around because your schedule didn't allow you to get geared in time, then you wait until the next round or you start late.


The same for raiding - if I'm only able to raid 1 night a week for 1 hour at a time - it's expected that it will take longer to get gear and rewards than someone who can grind heroics and HM OPs for hours and hours and achieve full lockout weekly.


Being "casual" doesn't make you BAD but it does mean that it should take you a bit longer to progress to the same point in the game, be it gear or progression, than someone who plays a bit "too much". ;)


Mate these casual we speak about especially think they are the masses and thus that gives them the right over everything , i dont know what turned them into a brainless mob but that is pretty much what they are right now.


A brainless mob that cant even move but keeps saying "give me , give meeee".


I mean i dont care the good part of a brainless mob is that you can use them anyway you want and they only understand so much later ;)

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PVP is so much fun in this game.


10-49 is an absolute riot. Love it. The bolster buffs make every one ( more or less) even on the playing field.


and then you get to 50. And ...well...it sucks. *






And here is how it sucks.


with enough expertise I do 30% less damage to you.

you do 30% more damage to me.


As a new 50 all you are is a piece of meat for veteran 50's to beat the tar out of. As a new 50 you may as well run out there suck and die. Thats about all the more your going to be able to do.

* (until you get a nice bucket load of expertise, THEN pvp at 50 is fun again)




In all honesty I Am confused why expertise is even in the game. All it seems to do is seperate out the people who have expertise gear from those who do not.

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No because ppl feel that they got cheated cause they spent alot of time on it, while others now gets it handed for free.


This ^


All MMOs eventually go the way of the dodo and start catering to the lowest common denominator. It happens in every game. The fact that BioWare is starting to do this just 2 months in makes a lot of people unhappy.

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This ^


All MMOs eventually go the way of the dodo and start catering to the lowest common denominator. It happens in every game. The fact that BioWare is starting to do this just 2 months in makes a lot of people unhappy.


Its because alot of players dont want to go pvp because of the gear gap. You know that being a fresh 50 you just get rolfstomped (depending on your class) most of the time by those in BM. One of my close friend that know how to play ... well he still suck but he try get just molested in pvp, he dont have fun and dont want to come play again.


Bioware is a game producer. They put alot of time and effort to make pvp enjoyable. The way the system was made was perhaps not enough casual for THE MAJORITY of the players to enjoy it. Its fine that 20% of the population got a blast out of it but they would love to get closer to 100% of the population.


You dont want to make a game that only appeal to a certain type (postal 1-2-3), you want your game to be ULTRA popular (D3,WoW etc.) because it is what brings you money.


Seriously im just happy with those changes. Now i get to gear an alt easier and i get to pvp with more people.


Quote : because we worked for weeks and weeks and weeks and didnt cheat they broken *********** system that lame *** BW designed and now its handed out like candy. **** BW.


YOU decided to work on that for weeks for your own personnal enjoyment. Like its written always when you log, this game is bound to change. They didnt twist your arm for you to farm the gear , you did it alone. Now that it is handed more easily youll just have more players to use it on. Anyway in the end everyone would have been battlemaster, you just lost the delay where you could "Kill every new 50 without fearing they would fight back" part... or are you too afraid to fight someone with equal gear?

Edited by Wrathoran
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- To those saying they worked hard for their gear, PLAYING FOR HOURS UPON HOURS =/= WORKING HARD. I have a BM trooper, this is not a reflection of my skill as I consider myself rather average, I just grinded warzones from level 10.


- If you are skilled, you should be happy about this change. You will be able to test your mettle against equally geared opponents instead of pew pewing people who have no chance of winning regardless of skill. PVP should not be about rewarding time spent on it, it should be based on rewarding skill.



- The only rewards should be status symbols for skilled people such as titles, vanity items, rankings which will make your character stand out in the community.

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- To those saying they worked hard for their gear, PLAYING FOR HOURS UPON HOURS =/= WORKING HARD. I have a BM trooper, this is not a reflection of my skill as I consider myself rather average, I just grinded warzones from level 10.


- If you are skilled, you should be happy about this change. You will be able to test your mettle against equally geared opponents instead of pew pewing people who have no chance of winning regardless of skill. PVP should not be about rewarding time spent on it, it should be based on rewarding skill.



- The only rewards should be status symbols for skilled people such as titles, vanity items, rankings which will make your character stand out in the community.




this totally... +100000


People think because they got full BM gear that they are better then others. Ive been playing since beta like most players and its been a while since i have my full BM set but seriously, anyone can have it if they got the time.


Starwars PVP is NOT ABOUT SKILL its about HOW MUCH TIME YOU PUT IN. Simple as that.

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- To those saying they worked hard for their gear, PLAYING FOR HOURS UPON HOURS =/= WORKING HARD. I have a BM trooper, this is not a reflection of my skill as I consider myself rather average, I just grinded warzones from level 10.


- If you are skilled, you should be happy about this change. You will be able to test your mettle against equally geared opponents instead of pew pewing people who have no chance of winning regardless of skill. PVP should not be about rewarding time spent on it, it should be based on rewarding skill.



- The only rewards should be status symbols for skilled people such as titles, vanity items, rankings which will make your character stand out in the community.


No it wont, It just encourages everyone to roll alts

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