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So where did it go wrong?


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The concept was great. The hype was massive. The game is...OK.


Where did they go wrong? What will it take to get the game to the level it should be?


At launch there were long queues of people waiting to get in. Just a few months after there isn't a line. Many planets are dead. Groups are hard to find at off-peak play times. When I get home from work I find planets with 5 people on. The fleet will have 10 - 15.


What do you think it will take to get SWTOR back on track? Or is it already a lost cause and just dying a quick, painful death? (I'm hoping for the former, fearing for the latter.)

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Obviously they expanded the servers so they could fit alot more in and all the players are spread out so it seems like the game is dying. And it's hard to get groups because everyone is just so busy having fun doing all the other things there is to do in game.


We are probably sitting on five million subs right now. Just hard to tell.


(this is what fanboys think btw)

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The game lacks a finished feel, considering all you need to do to get the game changed is create a dozen threads complaining and they'll patch it, even though the people not complaining on the forums are actually in game playing.


The lack of direction is probably #1.

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The concept was great. The hype was massive. The game is...OK.


Where did they go wrong? What will it take to get the game to the level it should be?


At launch there were long queues of people waiting to get in. Just a few months after there isn't a line. Many planets are dead. Groups are hard to find at off-peak play times. When I get home from work I find planets with 5 people on. The fleet will have 10 - 15.


What do you think it will take to get SWTOR back on track? Or is it already a lost cause and just dying a quick, painful death? (I'm hoping for the former, fearing for the latter.)


uconcernedbro? The only place anything went wrong to the extent you describe is on the forums. The game has some minor issues, many of which have been or are being fixed or addressed as appropriate. We're getting more content.

Edited by Blotter
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I stopped playing MMORPG's after WoW. My friends came here and asked me to come along to check it out. Hadn't played a game in over a year so I figured why not?


The game was enticing. I loved the style of play. The challenge was decent, for some things, not so much for others.


The stories were awesome. Loved the story for my Imperial Agent and my Inquisitor.


Yet the game leaves me cold. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's the repetitive quests? The fact that everything in the game is centered around a war and there's little, if any, fun things to be found (and, yes, I realize that's what Star Wars is about, but there has to be something fun in the universe). Crafting, while initially fun, is a huge time sink and got boring very quickly.


I just don't know what to think now. My friends are looking to Guild Wars 2 when it comes out. I'm not sure I'm up for another MMORPG, but will probably tag along to check it out.


I'm saddened by what could have been in this game. I'm hoping it might still happen. It's fairly new and has room to grow.

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uconcernedbro? The onlyk place anything went wrong is on the forums.


Yeah, I'm concerned. I *want* to enjoy this game, but it feels less than complete. Did it get rushed out too quickly? I don't know. I just know that I feel something is lacking, but can't put my finger on it.

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It was rushed. Too many servers. No ability to transfer servers. Only 2 raids with a lockout of a week leaving endgame players logging in Tuesday to raid then logging off until the following Tuesday. No real end game content. Are we supposed to do the same daily quests over and over. Great idea of world pvp but the execution sucked ilum is dead on my server and has been for a long time. Basically not enough conte.t at launch is the biggest reason.
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Obviously they expanded the servers so they could fit alot more in and all the players are spread out so it seems like the game is dying. And it's hard to get groups because everyone is just so busy having fun doing all the other things there is to do in game.


We are probably sitting on five million subs right now. Just hard to tell.


(this is what fanboys think btw)


I disagree, they obviously raised server que times to keep the hype going, kept doing that extensively throughout, didn't respond to players' wishes for more servers so they didn't have to wait in line any more. It's hard to get into groups because there's ~ 3 people logged into the entire game universe at any given time, and this is mostly due to the rest of the subscribers (at LEAST 98% of them, FACTUAL based off of my 3rd party site statistics that joey cooked up on his TI-83 in the basement) being on the forums voicing legitimate complaints about spending 12 hours a day grinding for 4 weeks and now there is NOTHING TO DO.


We are probably losing at least 300-400k subs per hour right now. Just hard to tell, but I have Joey working on the exact number again.


(this is what the haters think btw)








cwutididthar? :rolleyes:

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If people had managed their expectations and researched the game enough, they would have realized that it didn't go as wrong as they think. So far it's a successful game with a lot going for it, and a lot of potentially great features coming up.


However, I would be blind if I thought that the game is flawless. Far from that, it's got many issues, some more serious and some less so. It is still a lot of fun for me, but it's not the dream MMO many people expected.


Where Bioware did go wrong IMO is that they released it a bit too early. Setting aside some glitched encounters, inconsistent graphics etc, I can't shake that very specific feeling I get when I play an incomplete or unpolished game - i.e. Gothic 3 or KOTOR 2. I don't feel it as much for TOR as for the aforementioned games - but it's there nonetheless. I believe the game could have used a few more months in development.


I still like it a lot and recommend it to people - but I do warn them that I think that it has issues and is not yet as polished as it should be.

Edited by archifikoss
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I just got an email from the creators to give feedback and this is what I said...


You asked me how I was enjoying the game.. Well I am not. I am back playing Rift. I like open adventure. I like real crafting. I like a variety of game play and I can’t stand companions, especially ones that flirt with you. If I had a companion I would like to choose it and I wouldn’t want a bloke I want a female and a female main and no flirting. Light and Dark makes no sense to me. The space travel is meaningless and the game is way too linear. So not my cup of tea. The fight basics are the same irrespective of mobs and the game is way way too easy. There are no challenges. The planets are just paths and not zones and the quest runs are truly moronic and tedious. I cannot feel growth and the crafting sucks. Also there is nobody playing sadly and it feels really empty. You can have my money for three months, my mistake. If you go look what Trion are doing that might help. Goodbye.

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I do, and applaud your retort. Don't exactly see the purpose of the rolleyes thingy though. Just got rude and personal at that point.


Awww rolling eyes is rude and personal?




You take things personal on the interwebz? Yikes. Sorry. :(

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You mean in the forums right? Because only here is it all "wrong" as you say.


All the talk of doom and such and last night 240 people in fleet. Mass exodus right? I don't think so.


The people who leave and then want the game to fail just decide to come here and post every day. They want to feel justified in their decision to quit or bash the game and feel the need to tell everybody over and over but to do so with others who feel the same.


Most players are in the game and still having a great time. I know that I am. You feel the quests suck well I feel they are great. The best I have seen in any MMO.


In fact the process of leveling in this game is the best I have seen. As for more content the game just came out. WoW built its content over the past 7 years and this game is just getting started.


So whine and the quit and then post to tell everybody.


Are there ways to make this game better? Of course and I am sure it will improve a good deal over time.

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IMO, there are two overriding issues.


1. The ease of the game in virtually all aspects.

2. The imbalance in factions leading to near impossible execution of objective non-esport PvP.

Edited by Vydor_HC
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By the time they get everything fixed and enough content d3 will be out and this game will be dead. I told my friend a few weeks ago this game would be free to play in 2 months. Canceling my sub tonight maybe ill comeback when its free in 2 months. Sad cause starwars is a great theme for an mmo.
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By the time they get everything fixed and enough content d3 will be out and this game will be dead. I told my friend a few weeks ago this game would be free to play in 2 months. Canceling my sub tonight maybe ill comeback when its free in 2 months. Sad cause starwars is a great theme for an mmo.


In D3 beta: Have fun with D2-2. It's D2 with better graphics, worse response.


You should look at games going F2P, how and why it happens and the time involved: 2 months? Lol. Ok.


Anyways, good to know another naysayer is gone, I wish you the best in your gaming endeavors. Enjoy the ... whatever it is you enjoy.

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By the time they get everything fixed and enough content d3 will be out and this game will be dead. I told my friend a few weeks ago this game would be free to play in 2 months. Canceling my sub tonight maybe ill comeback when its free in 2 months. Sad cause starwars is a great theme for an mmo.


D3 is not a mmo, and "free to play in 2 months" has been said since before the game came out, still not f2p.


Jesus these forums are almost as bad as wow's, except there its "WOW KILLER INC!"

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By the time they get everything fixed and enough content d3 will be out and this game will be dead. I told my friend a few weeks ago this game would be free to play in 2 months. Canceling my sub tonight maybe ill comeback when its free in 2 months. Sad cause starwars is a great theme for an mmo.


Keep dreaming....


Free in 2 months? Yeah that will really happen. It takes a year or more to get a game ready for FTP. I don't see this game going that route for years and since you won't be back till its free then we won't be seeing you.

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