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Everything posted by WillParkinson

  1. #1 - I do enjoy the game. Mostly. There is a significant lack of things to do at higher levels, though. #2 - As stated by others: Leveling alts is great for their class story. Beyond that, though, it's the same thing over and over again. The worlds seem sparse. #3 - Lack of people. I play late at night and my server is dead. During prime time it seems there's plenty of people on the fleet, but nothing really going on in the game. #4 - This one is going to sound weird. I realize the game is called "Star WARS", but even in war there's some pleasures to be found. This seems like one long grind from 1 - 50. Isn't there a pleasure planet for a little R & R? #5 - The more I craft, the more I hate to craft. In WoW I spent a lot of time harvesting mats, but could do it while I was adventuring. I could fly to the city and take 10 minutes or so and knock out the crafting I needed to get done. Here? Oh my gosh, craft 5 things and 8 minutes a pop, then have to Reverse Engineer them and HOPE you get a proc. Then start the process over, but now it takes much longer. Or, worse, you get a proc, but it's not the one you want/need. That said, I think the game has untapped potential, but it needs to step up and deliver. I did unsub. After the free 30 days I'm officially done. Though the reasons listed above are big, they aren't my primary. My better half got hours cut at work and we're cutting back on some of our pleasure activities. The game, unfortunately, doesn't hold enough interest to warrant the $15 a month right now. I do hope to be back in the future, though, so, no, you cannot have my stuff.
  2. I have a character I haven't tried yet. (But just 1.)
  3. Legacy brought about some great changes. True, they are pretty expensive, but I don't have a problem with that. Anything worth having is worth doing some work to get, as my family says. My problem? Since the game is 4 months old, several of my friends (and me) have already rolled a full server of characters. This means that some of the nice things meant for new alts won't get to be used. Bioware, please consider a legacy reward of a new character slot or two. Give those people who have already filled the server a chance to actually use the Legacy. (Oh, and one other thing...when building the Legacy for Klamus it lists 'Spouse'...But Ashara is my wife! Who are these other people in my tree..heh)
  4. I'm not certain. A lot will depend on my friends and what they choose to do. I came here with them and if they leave I will, too. The game is good. Very good, in fact. It's still lacking, though. As others have mentioned it is very repetitive. With only 4 classes per side there isn't a lot of opportunity to see things you haven't before. I have 3 level 50's already and am closing in on the 4th. Also, and I'm probably going to be in the minority on this, there really isn't much to do. The game lacks quality of life stuff, in my opinion. It's all about the leveling. I know it's Star "Wars" but you're telling me there isn't a pleasure planet where there will be some kind of fun to be had? I'm a night person. All the pretty baubles and add-ons in the world will not matter if the servers are dead. I spent a few hours on Quesh one night, alone. (OK, I won't mention about running around in my underwear and singing camp songs at the top of my lungs...) Without other people around there is no "Massive Multiplayer" part of the game. My friends are already on hiatus. I don't know what they'll opt to do. I'm hoping that 1.2 will reinvigorate the game for them, but I'm thinking it will not. Maybe we'll take a break for a while and come back when there's new stuff to be had and, hopefully, more people to have it with.
  5. While I won't disagree that they picked a very odd time to do it, I will point out that many servers seem to be devoid of (intelligent) life and that the weekend pass thing will (hopefully) bring more players to the game and eliminate some of the dead zones. On the other hand, since I'm usually up most of the night playing I can only say, "Hey, it's not cutting into MY primetime!"
  6. Well, heck, I'll bump this, too. I just did the same as many of you. I'll never get those mats again and farming for them is boring.
  7. Yeah, I'm concerned. I *want* to enjoy this game, but it feels less than complete. Did it get rushed out too quickly? I don't know. I just know that I feel something is lacking, but can't put my finger on it.
  8. I stopped playing MMORPG's after WoW. My friends came here and asked me to come along to check it out. Hadn't played a game in over a year so I figured why not? The game was enticing. I loved the style of play. The challenge was decent, for some things, not so much for others. The stories were awesome. Loved the story for my Imperial Agent and my Inquisitor. Yet the game leaves me cold. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's the repetitive quests? The fact that everything in the game is centered around a war and there's little, if any, fun things to be found (and, yes, I realize that's what Star Wars is about, but there has to be something fun in the universe). Crafting, while initially fun, is a huge time sink and got boring very quickly. I just don't know what to think now. My friends are looking to Guild Wars 2 when it comes out. I'm not sure I'm up for another MMORPG, but will probably tag along to check it out. I'm saddened by what could have been in this game. I'm hoping it might still happen. It's fairly new and has room to grow.
  9. The concept was great. The hype was massive. The game is...OK. Where did they go wrong? What will it take to get the game to the level it should be? At launch there were long queues of people waiting to get in. Just a few months after there isn't a line. Many planets are dead. Groups are hard to find at off-peak play times. When I get home from work I find planets with 5 people on. The fleet will have 10 - 15. What do you think it will take to get SWTOR back on track? Or is it already a lost cause and just dying a quick, painful death? (I'm hoping for the former, fearing for the latter.)
  10. You knew there had to be a but, didn't you? The game is very good, to a point. My friends and I are what is affectionately referred to as "Altoholics". We try different characters out and generally have one of each. Therein lies the problem. While SWTOR is a very good game, it's a good game once. The story lines for the individual character types is decent, again, once. If you decide to try a different style of game play it's still the same game. If you roll an alt the only major difference is the character story line. Each planet will have the same general quests. The game is good, but too linear, and there isn't enough stuff to make trying different things worthwhile, in my opinion (your mileage, of course, may vary). I hope that Bioware expands the universe and makes it more varied, so that those who try different things won't get bored too quickly. That said, the individual stories are great. I'm thoroughly enjoying them and their progression. I just wish that if you chose a different path the story would be different, too.
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