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Guild summit fail imho


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Those who truly quit the game, are the ones we the community never really know about unless its a Friend, Family Member or Guild Member (Which would be posting in his/her guild forums and not here on the public forums).


The reason why i say those who quit are the ones we the community never know about is simply because people who truly quit the game, and have made up their mind do not create threads here.


I do how ever totally understand why you and so many before you create these threads. You disagree with the game in its current state I get that, for every 100 people who hate the game as it stands right now there is 200+ people who are fine with the game or really enjoy the game just fine how it is now and their are those who accept the game as it is now and know that it will only get better as time goes on.


So i say this, hang in their friend because your Star Wars Saga will only get better! Trust me, it cannot get any worse then what it has been that's a fact.


P.S I really liked what HistoryGods said. I agree 100%


Scorpid Out~

Edited by Scorpid
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I was consistently impressed with the frankness, honesty, and vision of the development team presenting at the summit.


This. The amount of times they came out and said, "we screwed it up, we know this, we're sorry, and we're working on fixing it as soon as possible" was amazing.

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anyone else disappointed about the missing info on space free roaming and mutiplayer space battle?


Only reason I can see that they would NOT want to talk about it is because they are not sure they can do what they intend to do. Only acceptable reason anyways. If they are still keeping a lid on things because it would ruin the surprise or any such nonsense the marketing guys need to all be fired immediately.

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anyone else disappointed about the missing info on space free roaming and mutiplayer space battle?


Afaik, asked and answered --- they repeated that line about "a super secret project" & don't want to spoil the surprise, etc etc.

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Bioware shouldn't do anything about faction imbalance other than buffs for the side with fewer players. As you, OP, have demonstrated, it's all personal choice...even YOU have rolled an Imp character.


I rolled a Pub because I wanted PvP...and I get it almost any time I want!


If faction balance is an issue, the PvPers will balance it out in time.

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Imperial Mercenary AOE (Death From Above) provides instant damage to the target area while Republic Commando AOE (Mortar Volley) gives Imperials 2 seconds to move from the target area before damage begins.


Imperial Sorcerer has a blast away that also roots players....Sages do not.


The two i left from you quote are untrue. Both are the same. Also i think you are just trying to find the inbalances that favour the Imps. Pubs have many things in their favour as well.

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Since when does the masses consist of 15 forum haters?


Bioware said yesterday that there is still over two million subscribers; a friend of mine who attended asked how many exactly and was told it was way more than 1.7 million and that they would be making an announcement when 1.2 hit...here is a hint though over 3 million units have been sold.



perception is often wrong.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Hey pps is there a possibility to watch the summit if you missed out coz of work? would really like to see for myself what they've been talking about.


Thanks in advance :)


IMHO - i think its already a good sign that they did this guild summit...its a clear sign that they care IMHO. :p


Edit: What does TLDR mean? i'm not from an english speaking country and not to good acronyms :D

Edited by Terebor
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Hey pps is there a possibility to watch the summit if you missed out coz of work? would really like to see for myself what they've been talking about.


Thanks in advance :)


IMHO - i think its already a good sign that they did this guild summit...its a clear sign that they care IMHO. :p


Edit: What does TLDR mean? i'm not from an english speaking country and not to good acronyms :D


They will be posting the vids



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The legacy system looked meh :/ skills i can hardly ever use.

Instead of standing in fleet we will stand in our ships..alone.



"it wont be in 1.2"

"its somthing we want to do"

"were looking forward to adding it"


99% of the answears

Edited by SeloDaoC
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I agree they mostly did a good job yesterday and some of the sections were amazing.


One thing that boggled my mind was the comment that the UI changes were mostly done by one person who volunteered his time on weekends as he felt it was important to get into 1.2. There were other examples where I question their priorities but that's one I remember best.


There were other times that the presenter looked entirely clueless about the section they were presenting and the admissions of things like "We don't have a /roll in the game?" didn't do much to add confidence. They showed many times their lack of knowledge of what was wanted in an MMO and I really hope the guild leaders gave them direct honest feedback after the cameras were off. No doubt many of them were nervous to call them out yesterday and there weren't any tough questions.


I am really excited about the stuff they are releasing in 1.2 and can't wait to see how the game looks in June. Like many others I've subscribed for 6 months and will make my decision then as whether to resubscribe. I think people misunderstand the OP as I'm upset at Bioware for the state the game was released and curse them as I play many times but desperately hope they get their act together as I really want to play in this world.

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The H stands for "humble". FYI.



I watched most of the live cast and I cant wait for the things that were discussed to come to the game. I am more excited than ever about the future of SWTOR.


The one thing that I either missed or it wasnt discussed tho is the addition of more low/mid level planets/content. The only thing that will knock me out of the game (as it eventually does in ever game) is that I will get sick of leveling through the same content on every character. But for now? Im good.


Great summit IMHO. It left me feeling like Bioware is listening and actually cares about what we are saying.




Well said. I listened in during the afternoon sessions and heard a lot of good things. I now feel that there is a clear direction, particularly in regards to endgame. The legacy system is quite interesting as well, and I like most of the PvP ideas. Until yesterday, I'd been thinking that there's got to be more to the endgame than what we have now. Today, I actually see it coming.

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Only reason I can see that they would NOT want to talk about it is because they are not sure they can do what they intend to do. Only acceptable reason anyways. If they are still keeping a lid on things because it would ruin the surprise or any such nonsense the marketing guys need to all be fired immediately.


It is kind of sad that this was not part of the initial release. I used to play SW Galaxies and all X-Wing parts back in the 90ies, loved the space battle part. The rail shooter is such a basic substitute, nothing more than a good looking minigame.

BW should really spill the beans what to expect and just a very rough timeframe. A year? Two? Should I pause my subscription and come back when the game has expanded and matured?

Without space exploration/trading it is really half the fun of SW Galaxies...

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Some people will complain no matter what is done. They cannot win, so why not go with what they want to develop.


Standard philosophy in the MMO world that is filled with me-me-nao-nao kids. Everyone wants a brand new game to have all the depth and content of a 7 year old game. Most of the newer generation of players do not know the meaning of the word patience, much less possess it. I would hate to be a game Dev these days cuz the fast food generation are a bunch of ungrateful, self-entitled children.

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Hey pps is there a possibility to watch the summit if you missed out coz of work? would really like to see for myself what they've been talking about.


Thanks in advance :)


IMHO - i think its already a good sign that they did this guild summit...its a clear sign that they care IMHO. :p


Edit: What does TLDR mean? i'm not from an english speaking country and not to good acronyms :D


to long didn't read,


I think they care and are fixing bugs making improvements as fast as humanly possible its nice for a MMO to be quite honest and frank about things and I hope they hold one of these summits every 6/12 months

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Some people will complain no matter what is done. They cannot win, so why not go with what they want to develop.


Standard philosophy in the MMO world that is filled with me-me-nao-nao kids. Everyone wants a brand new game to have all the depth and content of a 7 year old game. Most of the newer generation of players do not know the meaning of the word patience, much less possess it. I would hate to be a game Dev these days cuz the fast food generation are a bunch of ungrateful, self-entitled children.


The fanboism in swtor is the biggest of any mmo so far. For every post beeing a bit critic, theres 20 fanboys belittling those posters any way the can.

The game has problems, more and more realize it each day, just beeing SW is not enough

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They will be posting the vids



In the mean time...



The fanboism in swtor is the biggest of any mmo so far. For every post beeing a bit critic, theres 20 fanboys belittling those posters any way the can.

The game has problems, more and more realize it each day, just beeing SW is not enough

What new MMO doesn't. The problems we got here @ launch was no where as bad as almost all other MMOs.


This game has this, that game has the other. You really think that the devs of those other games are going to be like "Here's how we did this why don't you do it too!" Come on they got to figure out their own way to do things with how they designed the game. The legacy system tosses a new mix into things. Give them time. 3months and you're having new shinies and you're still complaining.

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Imperial Sorcerer has a blast away that also roots players....Sages do not.




I'm sure someone else already corrected you. But this is a talent for both sages and sorcs. If your sages don't use it, it isn't an imbalance issue but a player issue.

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