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Who cares about "lore" as long as the game gets more fun!


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I mean, I see so much people complaining "OH, this race shouldn't be able to play this class" you now what? They should. I am actually encouraged to reroll an alt with the legacy details. I am more intensified to raid now. Sure the new PvP warzone could've been more original, then Arathic Basin (haven't played WoW in while) ripoff.


And for people saying "BH's shouldn't shoot lightning" you know what? They should! A wide vary of star wars lore come from there being force adepts.

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I kinda understand why a BH shooting lightning is annoying, but given the severe limitations of only using it with a companion (i.e. questing) and only using it once every so often. If it spread to FP and using such things all the time, ya, it would be obnoxious because classes wouldn't mean anything.


But the SW Lore barely respects itself. Or maybe Lucas doesn't for approving just about everything. To be fair, some of the EU is good, but I just pretend SW ends at the end of ROTJ. I assume that Luke started a Jedi school but that is about it. WHy? Because Luke turning to the dark side and back, the force-free yuzan vhong or watevr, and clone emperors are all really, REALLY dumb.

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''Who cares about the lore as long as the game gets more fun?''


The attitude of people who dont have enough willpower to un-sub from a desperatly failing game, either becasue they dont want to admit they made a bad purchace, or down to some misguided belief that if they throw enough money at the game it might not suck one day.


When a BioWare RPG starts to whore out the lore to keep people playing, you know its gone south.

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I kinda understand why a BH shooting lightning is annoying, but given the severe limitations of only using it with a companion (i.e. questing) and only using it once every so often. If it spread to FP and using such things all the time, ya, it would be obnoxious because classes wouldn't mean anything.


But the SW Lore barely respects itself. Or maybe Lucas doesn't for approving just about everything. To be fair, some of the EU is good, but I just pretend SW ends at the end of ROTJ. I assume that Luke started a Jedi school but that is about it. WHy? Because Luke turning to the dark side and back, the force-free yuzan vhong or watevr, and clone emperors are all really, REALLY dumb.


Exactly, I would have thought that Luke would be like Obi-Wan and just rest, help rebuild the jedi like you said, him turning DARK SIDE is STOOPID.

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I mean, I see so much people complaining "OH, this race shouldn't be able to play this class" you now what? They should. I am actually encouraged to reroll an alt with the legacy details. I am more intensified to raid now. Sure the new PvP warzone could've been more original, then Arathic Basin (haven't played WoW in while) ripoff.


And for people saying "BH's shouldn't shoot lightning" you know what? They should! A wide vary of star wars lore come from there being force adepts.


"More fun" is a horrible way to try and make an argument, your idea of more fun is not my idea of fun.

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Well the game isnt fun currently so i guess they may as well just tear it all down and crap all over the lore.


We already have light side Sith so why not?


Gonna take alot more than what they are offering in 1.2 to make SWTOr "fun". LOTS more


Name it. Otherwise, you;'re not being constructive, jsut destructive. Is that your intent?


BTW, respecting lore? Meh. One word: PANDAS.

Edited by Blotter
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''Who cares about the lore as long as the game gets more fun?''


The attitude of people who dont have enough willpower to un-sub from a desperatly failing game, either becasue they dont want to admit they made a bad purchace, or down to some misguided belief that if they throw enough money at the game it might not suck one day.


When a BioWare RPG starts to whore out the lore to keep people playing, you know its gone south.


Everytime I see one of these I have to ask: Why are you here?


You don't like the game, cool. Maybe even make one of those pointless "goodbye" threads if you need. But then go. Why do people feel the need to troll the forums?


"Not only do I not like this game, I will check the forums to make sure other people aren't enjoying it either, and if they are, I'm going to make sure to call them out for it."


Go do something else.

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I mean, I see so much people complaining "OH, this race shouldn't be able to play this class" you now what? They should. I am actually encouraged to reroll an alt with the legacy details. I am more intensified to raid now. Sure the new PvP warzone could've been more original, then Arathic Basin (haven't played WoW in while) ripoff.


And for people saying "BH's shouldn't shoot lightning" you know what? They should! A wide vary of star wars lore come from there being force adepts.


While I agree with your sentiment, I disagree that nobody should care about lore.


Gameplay and fun should trump lore. It should be the priority.


But the lore has to be a factor in that decision.


I guess I'm just saying there should be limits. So far, they haven't crossed any major lines (IMO), but the lore should definitely be respected, even if it's not always followed.

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When a BioWare RPG starts to whore out the lore to keep people playing, you know its gone south.


The lore was already haunting the streetcorners in a bad part of town when black-core lightsaber crystals made their debut. The Jedi Sith Purebloods takes us to the natural final expression of such behavior -- our lady of the night is now stepping out of the backseat of a car with smudged makeup and a crisp hundred dollar bill tucked into her gaudy belt.


Ah, but the night is still young.

Edited by AJediKnight
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Everytime I see one of these I have to ask: Why are you here?


Maybe, just maybe, he cares about Star Wars and doesn't like seeing it get sold down the river to make a cheap buck?


A more applicable question is: why are you here? If nothing matters, then shouldn't you find WoW's pandas and pokemon combination thoroughly stimulating?

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Maybe, just maybe, he cares about Star Wars and doesn't like seeing it get sold down the river to make a cheap buck?


A more applicable question is: why are you here? If nothing matters, then shouldn't you find WoW's pandas and pokemon combination thoroughly stimulating?


I'm here to talk about SWTOR, even the bad parts. Because I can't play at the moment and was bored.


Constructive criticism of the game is fine, but coming on here to trash the game or question why people haven't already unsubscribed like they have in their infinite wisdom doesn't make much sense to me.


And as for saving SW from getting sold down the river to make a quick buck, you are over 30 years late, that ship has sailed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbF_ecnlyTk

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Game gets more fun if lore is implemented and followed more.

It already suxes with the removal of light/dark side on crystals.

I want to play a setting!

I don´t want to play a "a little bit of everything with no red line to follow" thingy.

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Fixed that for you.


That didn't even make sense, dude. I loved WoW lore and I seriously can't imagine a better example of a company taking a giant dump on the lore involved in their product than WoW adding that panda crap. It's totally absurd and completely jumps the shark.


Letting a player have a chiss jedi in the same vein as Drizzt Du'Orden being a "black sheep" drow who doesn't follow the evil ways of his race...that seems an tiny alteration to lore in comparison to giant talking kung fu pandas.

Edited by Blotter
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None of these legacy changes are Lore breaking...its actually completely within lore. Force sensitivity can pass down by family, just because you didn't go train to be a jedi doesn't mean you might not have some ability of your ancestories. Just because your say Chiss doesn't mean you have to be 100 percent in line with your government and the Empire.


Crap happens, people change sides all the time.

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Well I care about the lore. Someone may think adding Dwarfs and hobbits maybe fun here. That would make me go postal.


Lucas Arts controls SW Lore (not you).


And I'm pretty sure they are not going to allow dwarves and hobbits in SW Lore. ;)

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Lucas Arts controls SW Lore (not you).


And I'm pretty sure they are not going to allow dwarves and hobbits in SW Lore. ;)


Lucas Arts also allowed Zombies in SWG, Ewoks with wings, Gungans.... the list is incredible. I'm glad I'm not in charge of Star Wars lore. That be a wall of shame I just couldn't live with.

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Name it. Otherwise, you;'re not being constructive, jsut destructive. Is that your intent?


BTW, respecting lore? Meh. One word: PANDAS.


hate to break it to ya, but pandas are a part of the warcraft lore.


i am not sure why people are having such a cow over that. i think it looks pretty cool, and plan on havinga great time with it.

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I am curious what lore exactly is being broken? I will admit that Sith Warrior would not make as much sense with a non human or sith pureblood, but they already allow Zabraks which do not fit the story perfectly.


Sith Inquisitor story fits almost every race with the exception of Sith Pureblood, which is already a race that can be an inquisitor, the only other race that isnt perfect for it is chiss, but there are some chiss that have left their society and could become slaves, so its still more likely then the already allowed pureblood.


I saw mention of color crystals by a earlier poster, this is actually a lore fix, there was never a limitation on color crystals used by either side other then the availability of them.

Edited by Sharn-
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I feel really bad for when a new novel comes out based in the SW universe and they throw in some force sensitive of a race that has no previous lore of being force sensitive. I can only imagine the lore jockeys would stack it in a pyre and burn it.
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