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[Panel Discussion] State of the Game (10:30AM CST)

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They have been hinting at all the things the Legacy system COULD be, and now I'm glad to see what the Legacy system is. I look forward to it greatly.


I, personally, am most interested in the Crafting re-works, and desire details on those. Waiting for the panels before I start dropping the many questions Ihave for them. They'll probably answer most of them.

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oh please oh please oh please let the new WZ be reincarnated old-school AV.


/sacrifice acolytes in tomb of tulak hord


*crosses fingers*


The one that took 24+ hours to get a victory in. That would be interesting.

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Like for instance, WILL I BE ABLE TO MAKE A MIRALUKA SITH INQUISITOR? Or a sith pureblood smuggler, oh gawd please the smuggler!


Somewhere in this interview :


"Getting to level 50 will unlock that character's race for all classes you create thereafter"
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I'm already looking forward to this. I haven't been able to watch myself, but from the article over at IGN, there's a lot to love.


My favorites so far (Source):

- character and UI customizations

- legacy system (curious, will it be possible for SG relationships?)

- class balancing (according to IGN, Knights/Warriors are getting new abilities; Bounty Hunter - nothing about Trooper - is getting a nerf; and all classes are having changes to their skill tress significantly to warrant a free refund of all skills to rebuild with new trees

- new endgame gear and crafting

- PvP rankings and future additions; as well as allowing same-faction fights on Voidstar and later Alderaan.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
Added link to article
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I'm already looking forward to this. I haven't been able to watch myself, but from the article over at IGN, there's a lot to love.


My favorites so far:

- character and UI customizations

- legacy system (curious, will it be possible for SG relationships?)

- class balancing (according to IGN, Knights/Warriors are getting new abilities; Bounty Hunter - nothing about Trooper - is getting a nerf; and all closes in general will have their skill tress adjusted significantly to warrant a free refund of all skills to rebukld with new trees

- new endgame gear and crafting

- PvP rankings and future additions; as well as allowing same-faction fights on Voidstar and later Alderaan.


I'm really curious about the bounty hunter "nerf" ign mentioned. Especially the fact that it didn't mention trooper.

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Maybe it's just me but im very disappointed in the Abilty Crossing feature being only PvE and with a companion out like "Heroic Moment." To me it seems pointless. I don't even use Heroic Moment like, ever, and if thats the case it makes it even more worthless during PvE raids.


I was really looking forward to a Marauder with Force Pull. I like the other Legacy stuff but the ability thing seems pointless and only PvP hardcores seem to don't care about it.


Im pretty sure something like this could be balanced in PvP especially if everyone has access to the same system. Just my opinion. Sorry but to me it just seems like a bullet point.


Other than that everything else is awsome.

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Maybe it's just me but im very disappointed in the Abilty Crossing feature being only PvE and with a companion out like "Heroic Moment." To me it seems pointless. I don't even use Heroic Moment like, ever, and if thats the case it makes it even more worthless during PvE raids.


I was really looking forward to a Marauder with Force Pull. I like the other Legacy stuff but the ability thing seems pointless and only PvP hardcores seem to don't care about it.


Im pretty sure something like this could be balanced in PvP especially if everyone has access to the same system. Just my opinion. Sorry but to me it just seems like a bullet point.


Other than that everything else is awsome.


That would be game breaking for a LOT of people. It would only be balanced, in my eyes, if everyone had access to every ability. And at that point, what IS the point?

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Maybe it's just me but im very disappointed in the Abilty Crossing feature being only PvE and with a companion out like "Heroic Moment." To me it seems pointless. I don't even use Heroic Moment like, ever, and if thats the case it makes it even more worthless during PvE raids.


I was really looking forward to a Marauder with Force Pull. I like the other Legacy stuff but the ability thing seems pointless and only PvP hardcores seem to don't care about it.


Im pretty sure something like this could be balanced in PvP especially if everyone has access to the same system. Just my opinion. Sorry but to me it just seems like a bullet point.


Other than that everything else is awsome.


Keep in mind that if it worked the way you wanted then any hard core guild would require it's members to have certain 50s leveled so they could min/max abilities.


It would be gamebreaking in PvP as well. Look at how balanced the mirror classes are right now.

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Maybe it's just me but im very disappointed in the Abilty Crossing feature being only PvE and with a companion out like "Heroic Moment." To me it seems pointless. I don't even use Heroic Moment like, ever, and if thats the case it makes it even more worthless during PvE raids.


I was really looking forward to a Marauder with Force Pull. I like the other Legacy stuff but the ability thing seems pointless and only PvP hardcores seem to don't care about it.


Im pretty sure something like this could be balanced in PvP especially if everyone has access to the same system. Just my opinion. Sorry but to me it just seems like a bullet point.


Other than that everything else is awsome.


Rose-tinted goggles about how good ability swaps would be? Marauder with Force pull would be welcomed by some, but would make others incredibly strong.


Imagine for a moment a marauder with the following: Sorc shield, perma-stealth, nonchanneled stuns, force pull and the speed thingy sorc have. :)

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That would be game breaking for a LOT of people. It would only be balanced, in my eyes, if everyone had access to every ability. And at that point, what IS the point?


Then im wondering why include it if it has no real use for anything and is completly unbalanced?

Edited by Shonuff
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the whole thing I was waiting on for the legacy system was hopefully to be able to play a chiss smuggler.


Now I'm finding out I"ll have to level a chiss to 50 to get a chiss smuggler.... you unlock races by leveling that race to 50.


I leveled a human trooper to 50, so does that mean I can be a human... wait, I can be a human everything already...


they shoudl give people who leveled humans to 50 the option to unlock their choice of race since they otherwise sort of get gyped out of that bonus.

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Rose-tinted goggles about how good ability swaps would be? Marauder with Force pull would be welcomed by some, but would make others incredibly strong.


Imagine for a moment a marauder with the following: Sorc shield, perma-stealth, nonchanneled stuns, force pull and the speed thingy sorc have. :)





No I don't have "rose-tinted goggles" about how good/bad ability swaps would be, one could say the same thing about you. No one even knows exactly how it works yet. Im basing this all on IGN's finding, it's premature speculation at most.


All im saying is it seems kind of pointless to even include it. When was the last time you used "Heroic Moment?" It's cool for RP I guess but I don't RP.

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What was the official female count for the meeting's opening? I'm not there, but a guy asked me. I told him that judging by the live feed, I saw one or two (one coulda been a long-haired short dude tho).


The two I saw were one heavyset lady with glasses, reddish hair and a small, short chick with dark hair.

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Keep in mind that if it worked the way you wanted then any hard core guild would require it's members to have certain 50s leveled so they could min/max abilities.


It would be gamebreaking in PvP as well. Look at how balanced the mirror classes are right now.


Yup, restricting it to solo PvE situations allows them to better balance Flashpoints and Operations along with PvP. By extending it outside of solo PvE it would inject way too many permutations to even hope to balance things.


I will say that without an open character transfer 1.2 will be undertested. When I was working for game companies in Austin as a consultant, the planned character copy of guild volunteers by invitation is exactly what I would recommend against since it often results in a strong bias in what is done and problems go completely undiscovered till it goes live.


But given when they want it to go live and the fact that they have not coded a character copy from live that is automated, the manual copy of invited characters is the best chance to find something that may need work.

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they shoudl give people who leveled humans to 50 the option to unlock their choice of race since they otherwise sort of get gyped out of that bonus.


And they are, see bold part :


Getting to level 50 will unlock that character's race for all classes you create thereafter, bypassing the regular class and race restrictions. "If you were to play a character to level 50 with all the races, you could create any class of any race," said Ohlen. "We know that not many people are going to do that because it's kind of crazy, so we also gave the option for players to purchase some of the unlocks." Ohlen said the race purchases will be made only with in-game currency.



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the whole thing I was waiting on for the legacy system was hopefully to be able to play a chiss smuggler.


Now I'm finding out I"ll have to level a chiss to 50 to get a chiss smuggler.... you unlock races by leveling that race to 50.


I leveled a human trooper to 50, so does that mean I can be a human... wait, I can be a human everything already...


they shoudl give people who leveled humans to 50 the option to unlock their choice of race since they otherwise sort of get gyped out of that bonus.


The article did mention that there were other ways to unlock class-race combinations. He mentioned that you could purchase something like that using a legacy currency system, instead of getting a character to 50. In short, more details will be required before we can know for sure how it will work.

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No I don't have "rose-tinted goggles" about how good/bad ability swaps would be, one could say the same thing about you. No one even knows exactly how it works yet. Im basing this all on IGN's finding, it's premature speculation at most.


Maybe I don't get what I want but don't sit and try to convince me im wrong or my wish has no purpose, place or merit, im not even disagreeing; Im disappointed, does'nt mean im gonna quit the game or rage or something. Don't use this as an excuse to gang up on one persons difference of opinion because I see things differently than most.


If you don't want feedback on opinions then don't post on forums, and don't get all defensive and victim like because someone states an opinion different to yours, you are just as welcome to explain why my point may be wrong as i did with yours (altho in hind-sight the "rose tinted goggles" wasn't rly needed).


I don't see how the IGN post had anything to do with anything as it explains how it WILL work and not the reasons why other ways won't work...


No-one is ganging up, seriously, most of your last paragraph is pulling stuff out of thin air to make you seem like even more of a victim :/.


Enjoy your day and I am sorry if I actually made you feel bad in anyway by stating why your opinion may be wrong.

Edited by Hahkil
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In short, more details will be required before we can know for sure how it will work.


But then how will we jump the gun and complain?! You know, like the first hour after the video came out before the IGN article brought everyone down to Earth?

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At last my worries about the cross-class system has been solved:


to whoever linked this THANK YOU so much



"A Bounty Hunter won't suddenly turn into a Force-wielding super user. Every class has a heroic moment ability which requires the presence of a companion to activate. Only by using these heroic moment abilities will you be able to access the cross-class Legacy abilities. That essentially means you can only use the abilities out in the questing world; they're locked out when you're in a full group or in a PvP Warzone. "It's a balancing mechanism. We wanted to make the abilities powerful and useful but we know that some players are going to eventually have all seven others on one character. We had to be cognizant of that when we were creating them so we don't give the player seven super-powerful abilities he can use in rapid succession."


SOURCE: http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1219843p1.html

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And they are, see bold part :






that doesn't really count... everyone can do that.


Humans at 50 will essentially unlock nothing whereas all other races I believe will unlock at least 1 combination.


So, if you level a chiss to 50 and buy a race unlock you can unlock 2 for X credits, whreas I'll have to do Xx2 to unlock two race class combinations.


seems balanced to let humans have a "pick your unlock" option.

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.... (altho in hind-sight the "rose tinted goggles" wasn't rly needed). .


Well now you see why I got all "hot and bothered." You made it as if I was being naive to see the bad as opposed to the good hence your "goggle" reference. Balance is always gonna be an issue in anything. As someone who plays fighting games competitivley it's critical there as it is in anything. it should'nt hinder a developer to make new content but challange them to make the game the best it can be. In short, creating something with no possiblity to expand on it because they dont' want to put the work into balancing these powers for PvE and PvP seems limiting in my view. I would have rather they not include it if that was the case and I think thats a fair argument to make. I am also open to restrictions in these powers as well, I never expected all powers to be available and don't think they will.


Never the less, I apoligize if I seemed to have got upset with you. Again I am disappointed in the abilty feature, I think thats fair.

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The article did mention that there were other ways to unlock class-race combinations. He mentioned that you could purchase something like that using a legacy currency system, instead of getting a character to 50. In short, more details will be required before we can know for sure how it will work.


Hopefully, leveling to 50 will give you legacy currency, especially in the case of humans and zabraks (who are already available to all classes). Maybe it'll be a reward selection, like with mission rewards. Maybe it'll be a "legacy race token" or something to that effect.


Any news or speculation on what the legacy levels will give you? Also, has anyone analyzed that "Legacy Family Tree"? I only saw the picture posted at the-force.eu, and it's quite blurry.


I think 2V-R8 will explode if you give him a gift. :jawa_tongue:

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At last my worries about the cross-class system has been solved:


to whoever linked this THANK YOU so much



"A Bounty Hunter won't suddenly turn into a Force-wielding super user. Every class has a heroic moment ability which requires the presence of a companion to activate. Only by using these heroic moment abilities will you be able to access the cross-class Legacy abilities. That essentially means you can only use the abilities out in the questing world; they're locked out when you're in a full group or in a PvP Warzone. "It's a balancing mechanism. We wanted to make the abilities powerful and useful but we know that some players are going to eventually have all seven others on one character. We had to be cognizant of that when we were creating them so we don't give the player seven super-powerful abilities he can use in rapid succession."


SOURCE: http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1219843p1.html


That's good to hear.


The only thing that is bugging me is adding more abilites to knights. I already feel like I have too many abilities.

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