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Day of having Rivals from your server sill SOON be over


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Cross server warzones I believe is for the better good of the game.


I work late and really cant get on during "normal hours". It'd be nice to not have to wait forever in queue.


And fighting constantly different opponents with different playstyles constantly keeps me on my toes.


WoW implementing this obviously didn't kill the game for Blizzard.


It certainly will not kill the game, but it will significantly lower my fun level that is for sure.


I am sure I am not alone on this aswell.

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I posted a suggestion in another thread: Have the cross server pvp be a toggle option. You toggle on you're que'd up globally. Toggle off and you're que'd in your local server pool.


Simple...effective and it is a GREAT compromise.


people wouldn't queue for local, so this would just cause huge queue times for local when they could just switch over to xserver and get insta queued....so it wouldn't make much sense to keep it.

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Man you guys are boring. Fighting the same people over and over gets old. Cross server brings in new blood and better players. Part of the fun and challenge is not knowing who you are up against and adjusting on the fly to their tactics.


I don't have rivals, only dead enemies.

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Man you guys are boring. Fighting the same people over and over gets old. Cross server brings in new blood and better players. Part of the fun and challenge is not knowing who you are up against and adjusting on the fly to their tactics.


I don't have rivals, only dead enemies.


My thoughts exactly.


I do have rivals that will go for me. Who cares? When we get in the same wz after x-server queues they will still be rivals

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Man you guys are boring. Fighting the same people over and over gets old. Cross server brings in new blood and better players. Part of the fun and challenge is not knowing who you are up against and adjusting on the fly to their tactics.


I don't have rivals, only dead enemies.


Wow you must be on a boring server, on mine when you see certain ppl in the other faction in the same warzone you just know that its gonna be a hard fight, and it always is.

We have mabey 2 empire teams and 2 republic teams queing up on my server and nearly always the same ppl fighting, never gets old because the person you "hate" is on that team and winning the game gives way more feeling than roflstomping some randoms.


X-server may bring some new people in and less que time but the personal grugde will be lost.

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I don't think I'll make it very long after they put in cross servers. Bioware from day 1 has made it clear they are against all forms of E-PEEN.


They will give out everything like candy, make nothing rare and make it where no one knows who you are and how good you are.

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I chose my server based on the fact that it was the only non-full server at the time. This was during early release. I was in 2-3 days early.


Yesterday, a sunday, average WZ queue are about 1 hour throughout the day. I was collecting Datacrons on my alt while queueing for waay to many hours.


Then once a wz starts, there are 3-5 republic players. 8 Imperial players.


We proceed to get farmed outside our spawning position, or we can chose to deserter out also. yay, for options.


I was among the 8 first republic players to hit 50, since i was invited to an EV raid on the same night, and yesterday they had been trying to beat the content with the only 7 lvl 50 players.


When I hit 50, I could keep track of over +20 Imperials that had reach the same level at that time. Republic side WZs were filled with a range of ppl from 10-50, Imperial side 7-8 lvl 50 consistently, for days on end.


Lvl 50 separate WZs come, 1 hour queues come along, while the imperials are grinding away commendations in Hutball like crazy.


I told myself that it was a new game and it would balance out once the casual republic players reached 50 over a month ago.


But nope. The few good republic players either already quit upon reaching full BM gear, or simply switched sided. I mean however you complain about hutball, it's better than standing around in the republic fleet staring into a wall for hours.


If cross realms don't come soon I don't think there will not be any republic players left


This game should have been named "the Old Empire"....the republic part is just a pathetic lie...

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yeah what killed pvp in WOW for me was each time I signed up for pvp was playing against ppl I had never seen before, old rivals vanished and pvp became less personal and more about grind wich is why I´m quitting when they implement x-realm.


lol k.

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Wow you must be on a boring server, on mine when you see certain people in the other faction in the same warzone you just know that its gonna be a hard fight, and it always is.

We have maybe 2 empire teams and 2 republic teams queuing up on my server and nearly always the same people fighting, never gets old because the person you "hate" is on that team and winning the game gives way more feeling than roflstomping some randoms.


X-server may bring some new people in and less queue time but the personal grudge will be lost.


And to me that's boring. I have no interest fighting the same people over and over again. Rivals become a grind when you see them day in and day out. If you really want to fight the same people over and over again the option is still there. Bioware has already said that you can choose to queue same server or cross server. If both teams feel the same way then coordinate with each other and queue in same server queues...or go to ilum and fight each other. You're not losing the option to do so...But me personally I prefer to see new people and different play styles.

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You mean I will not get instantly tagged with a big fat target marker on my head and have 3+ marauders humping my leg nonstop for the entire match? Oh noes, what is this game turning into??? Its madness I tell you, MADNESS!! :p


Faster queues, even playing field. Sounds good. You will still meet the guys with grudges occasionally, and most certainly on ilum. But just not having the same people on your *** EVERY freakkin match.

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with Xrealm games coming out the days of seeing the same people in your games will be over.


Vanilla wow was so nice fighting against the same people over and over and getting to know how they play and winning some/losing some. These days are behind us yet again.


rating games will destroy swtor if they come out now because this game is beyond imbalanced and resolve is a joke.


I love this game and im saying that playing a DPS valor rank 75 Jugg.


Rivals are so much fun it will be missed.



Kinwrath Spider


Which is completely fine by me. I'm tired of looking at the same 150 ppl everyday. Servers are so small its sickening. Most the servers are ghost towns already (which wouldn't be good for a 2 year old game, let alone a 2 month old game). Xserver wzs is EA BioWare's only solution since they refuse to admit defeat and merge these servers down to 50 instead of 120..

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they could always just super glue two server's warzone queues together, that wouldn't mess up rivalries too badly


This isn't a bad suggestion but it seems to have gone unnoticed.


That would work as an interim solution untill there are server mergers on some of the smaller servers. It would be almost a prelude to a new community.

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I at least hope they'll keep server types together- as in, RP with RP, PvP with PvP, PvE with PvE. Most people roll on each of those servers for a reason, and really dislike mingling with the type of people who roll on the other two types of servers.
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yeah, I've gotten used to seeing familiar faces in my groups...I'll miss that. But I won't miss not being able to find a match past 3am so it's worth it I guess.


Thing is, wouldn't this be fixed with a few server merges for the low pop servers ? I've no problem finding games at any time on my server. Maybe 5 min queue at worst.

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I at least hope they'll keep server types together- as in, RP with RP, PvP with PvP, PvE with PvE. Most people roll on each of those servers for a reason, and really dislike mingling with the type of people who roll on the other two types of servers.


Then don't queue? Instanced PvP is still instanced PvP regardless of server type.

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X-realm will mark the end for me. Right now same server PvP saves the game for me.


I love seeing my nemesises in warzones.


Just so you all know, they're still going to try to prioritize same-server matches.


If you're the outnumbered faction, you might still see some of those nemeses.


I'm going to miss playing same-server too, but it does good things for the folks on low pop servers, so I can sacrifice something to know it'll make gameplay fun for more people overall.

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Just as long as I don't have to play 30 games of hutball a day I'm ok with it, and seriously xrealm is better, it was better for wow, what ruined wow was post burning crusade when the game didn't require any skill. You ll just have to make new rivals, I made new rivals in wow in my battlegroup, but I was also glad and mainly just did arenas against the same people
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X-realm will mark the end for me. Right now same server PvP saves the game for me.


I love seeing my nemesises in warzones.


Your opinnion doesn't count!


You are the minority!


For the rest of 50 % of the players out there, x-realm will be like a cup of hot milk and honey !


You have to imagine that there are some players and servers that have queues that last for hours and when they eventually get in a WZ it ends in less than 2 mins as there are not enough players!






I can't say I am on such a server, tho my server population has dropped drastically in the last month, but I feel for those who are on those kind of servers I've mentioned!


They are playing the same game right? And paying the same money for it!


So they should be allowed to play!


Who the **** cares about server side community and ****? If you want to be a ''celebrity'' or w/e go sing or enlist in K1 and you will prolly get what you want! But srsly, who cares about being known and ''respected'' in a virtual space by other players that you will 99,9 % won't EVER meet in RL?


This is actually pathetic and un-healthy thinking!


We are playing games for fun and we are playing MMO games so that we can play with and against others!


Does it count if they are on the same server or on different servers? It doesn't for me!


What's important is for us, players, to get faster queues, a bigger diversity and a lot of activity and fun, no matter the servers!


SO GG Bioware! Roll on XServers faster plx!

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Your opinnion doesn't count!


You are the minority!


For the rest of 50 % of the players out there, x-realm will be like a cup of hot milk and honey !


You have to imagine that there are some players and servers that have queues that last for hours and when they eventually get in a WZ it ends in less than 2 mins as there are not enough players!






I can't say I am on such a server, tho my server population has dropped drastically in the last month, but I feel for those who are on those kind of servers I've mentioned!


They are playing the same game right? And paying the same money for it!


So they should be allowed to play!


Who the **** cares about server side community and ****? If you want to be a ''celebrity'' or w/e go sing or enlist in K1 and you will prolly get what you want! But srsly, who cares about being known and ''respected'' in a virtual space by other players that you will 99,9 % won't EVER meet in RL?


This is actually pathetic and un-healthy thinking!


We are playing games for fun and we are playing MMO games so that we can play with and against others!


Does it count if they are on the same server or on different servers? It doesn't for me!


What's important is for us, players, to get faster queues, a bigger diversity and a lot of activity and fun, no matter the servers!


SO GG Bioware! Roll on XServers faster plx!


This txt actually motivated me! p.s. i see everyone gripes that are not

pro xrealm,well, ive seen some new faces in the pvp real and

i dont know about you but a lot of those familiar faces are

gone on my server. hell, friends list dead, guild broke up.


Time for something to happen.

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I'm really not looking forward to cross server queues. The Republic on my server are really fun to play against. There's a lot of good players on both sides, we know each other. We have a good community.


And this garbage is going to destroy all that.

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