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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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Pretty funny the fanboys in this thread say the answer is to reroll.


The real issue is the server capacities were WAY TOO LOW from the beginning.


Our guild rerolled a month in from a very heavy server (constant queues, and horrible faction imbalance - constant Huttball against other Imps.) to a medium one, and what a pointless move. Now both servers are ghost towns.


You need a critical mass of population to get things done and enjoy your experience. And to have an economy. When you make servers with 1,000 player capacity, and there is attrition (and there always is) it doesn't take long before you get below that critical mass, and you can't find people for heroics or FPs, WZs don't pop, and the whole thing snowballs into a single player game with a monthly fee.


Why BW opted for 200+ super small servers rather than 40 decent sized ones is beyond me. This game is so instanced it's tailor-made for having large populations without making insane demands on the machines of users.


Now they're screwed. If they merge servers the news will spread like wildfire and EA stock will take another dump. And if they don't merge, the game will bleed out anyway.


QFT. You'd think a company spending $200 million could've seen this coming....

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Bioware had how much time to see what core pieces they needed in their MMO ? How long has WoW been out ? I dont cut them as much slack as some of you do, its not 1999 and were all playing Everquest.. they had the benefit of all the past innovations to look at before launch. No reason server caps should of been that low from launch, we would not be in this situation if they had addressed that instead of adding 50 more!
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On your exit survey when you unsub from the game you so dislike.


I never said I disliked the game as a whole. There are a lot of things I like. The story for instance.


But some major design flaws that have made it onto the live servers just annoy me. Like for instance that there is so little replayability because besides the class quest you're doing exactly the same quests over again.


And that there are too few players for the amount of servers to sustain a thriving online community (at least on the vast majority of the servers) is a fact that can't be denied.

I don't really want to quit now. I want them to do something about it. It's called feedback.

Edited by Turkman
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Low populated servers need to merge as soon as possible. The lack activity makes people quit and things just get worse for the bunch of us who stay: no wz, no fp, empty action house...A first step in the right direction would be crossed realm warzones, but it's urgent that you deal with this low populated servers or sooner than you think they'll be empty.


Agreed, I think this game has a good subscription base, but it does not feel that way when I play. This needs to change because it does not feel like a thriving MMO right now.

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I never said I disliked the game as a whole. There are a lot of things I like. The story for instance.


But some major design flaws that have made it onto the live servers just annoy me. Like for instance that there is so little replayability because besides the class quest you're doing exactly the same quests over again.


And that there are too few players for the amount of servers to sustain a thriving online community (at least on the vast majority of the servers) is a fact that can't be denied.

I don't really want to quit now. I want them to do something about it. It's called feedback.


O I C.


Well then.... http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=349 ;)

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WoW is not the only game on the market. Other games have done server merges (Warhammer, Aion for example). It is not unheard of, nor is it a bad thing to promote a healthy community.


Absolutely right. Heck I love Champions Online's method of Server Shards. You don't have seperate servers, everyone logs into the same server and if Shard 1 is getting full, then players get logged into the next Shard and so on. All players can see each other no matter what shard they are on. You're on shard 19 and your buds are on shard 21? No problem, you click a link at the top of your screen and switch shards to be with them. If that shard is full, your buddies can come to yours instead.


Yes, this limits your character slots to 8, but then they can always add more character slots.


Just a thought.

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Guys / Gals - The problem is not with the server. The problem is faction imbalance.


Everyone wants to go IMP, not REP.


Tested - I am on Thana Val. I rolled Jedi Consular. Im at lvl 48 now and average # of players online in fleet = 30, 8-12 on planets.


I then rerolled IMP on Mask of Nhilius. Starting planet = 30. Fleet is averageing around 150 and planets are averaging around 50.....Thats 50 on planet as IMP compared to 30 on fleet for REP.


That my friends.....is a huge problem!


Server mergers will not fix this. Character / Faction transfers will not fix this because the second you open up the faction transfer.....say goodbye to the Republic because everyone will want to jump ship to IMP in order for a higher population.


So......the fix is.......remove faction or make republic characters more awesome. Or here is an idea.


First, remove faction. Next you cut it down to 3 classes. Melee Force User, Ranged Force User, Soldier, Swindler. Set all 4 to neutral.


Then depending on your choices, light/dark, will mold you into the type of character you will be.




1) Melee Force User - light will push you in the direction of Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior

2) Ranged Force User - light = Jedi consular, dark = sith inquisitor

3) Soldier - light = trooper, dark = bounty hunter

4) Swindler (cant seem to think of a better neutral name here) - light = smuggler, dark = IMP agent


See how that works ? 1 faction, 4 starting classes that can be molded into light or dark alignment and then further molded into the advanced class system that we have today.


To me that would fix the issue at hand.



Nope. I play both sides. In my case, the problem is indeed, the server itself.

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Absolutely right. Heck I love Champions Online's method of Server Shards. You don't have seperate servers, everyone logs into the same server and if Shard 1 is getting full, then players get logged into the next Shard and so on. All players can see each other no matter what shard they are on. You're on shard 19 and your buds are on shard 21? No problem, you click a link at the top of your screen and switch shards to be with them. If that shard is full, your buddies can come to yours instead.


Yes, this limits your character slots to 8, but then they can always add more character slots.


Just a thought.

This is the kind of idea I'd love to get behind. Players and BioWare got blinded by what Blizzard did that worked for them. Granted some of the things done there were great but that doesn't mean it's the end all be all of things. Imagine if they could find a way to implement this without sacrificing my character or legacy name. ~drool~

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My server, The Kumumgah, is now dead. It's 20:25 on a friday as I write, we have 7 people on Imperial Fleet. You can no longer pvp since there's not enough online. You can no longer do flashpoints since there's no one online...You gotta do something. For the love of the gods!

I love this game, but merge us with another server, give me the chance to migrate. Anything!

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I would like to see a free merge/transfer of the bottom 5 or 10 populated servers in the very near future. Gardens of Talla had 5 on pub fleet a little bit ago. Last night I was the only one on Tat and there are currently 4 on Alderaan right now.


An MMO needs a minimum level of population in order to provide players a remotely consistent experience. My only 50 took me 2 1/2 months to level, I'm not re-rolling. I'm not quitting either, but it's obvious there are fewer players logging in every week on my server.


Please put this on the front burner BW.

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I would say that I WOULD resub if they merge servers...but from the looks of it, by the time they do it will have been useless.


Slower response by BioWare just leads to more people quitting.


ACT NOW and you can save your subscription numbers


ACT LATER and it will be too late.

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The best thing would be a merge of all the light servers. That way BW could actually get a healthy population on one or more servers, and try to balance the Rep/Imp sides to te best of their abilities.

Really don't wanna transfer between dying servers. Of all the pvp EU servers, only Freedon Nadd is full, the rest is medium to low.

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I would say that I WOULD resub if they merge servers...but from the looks of it, by the time they do it will have been useless.


Slower response by BioWare just leads to more people quitting.


ACT NOW and you can save your subscription numbers


ACT LATER and it will be too late.


ACT NOW and you cause more problems (they are doing the PTS ones by hand) then you have fixed


They might loose some accounts by waiting, but hell there on a dead server anyways... its not like the 1000 or so accounts they "save" will make a huge difference in the long run.


ACT LATER and it becomes a stream-less transition, with minor problems, and save both time and money.

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They could always go the route Dark Age of Camelot did and cluster servers together rather than fully merging them. Basically make global chat, the GTN, PvP areas, and hub areas like the fleets cross-server and allow characters to cross over to any server on the cluster for missions ans such. That way people can keep their names and legacy names while still being able to find people to group with and things to buy on the market.
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They could always go the route Dark Age of Camelot did and cluster servers together rather than fully merging them.


Those were server transfers, not clustering. They just used the term clustering so people did not freak out about mergers. The only actual clustering was keeping housing zones instanced, which were instanced anyway, so they just had to code the ability to have multiple overlays.

Edited by Andryah
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Crevaase City here:


Logged at 5 pm today..I was the ONLY one on the fleet lol!


Something needs to be done very quickly for the extreme low pop servers


Lol I created a character to check out that server... FOUR people in the fleet, one is level fifty on the republic side. There are only 84 total republic on the server right now.

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