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V/O with Cinematics does not mean good story.


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Despite your strange interpretation of the English language, if someone describes any experience as boring, they mean that, yes, it is bad.


"Hey, how was your date last night?"

"Great! I had a wonderful time. It was so boring!"


If I find Charles Dickens to be boring. Does that makes his books poor in quality?

I can recognize the quality in things I don't enjoy. That's called objective thought.


I can appreciate things that are boring, but good.


Judging quality is not judging personal enjoyment. I don't like rap but I can appreciate the good examples, however if forced to listen to it, I'll probably be bored. I can however, still acknowledge to talent involved.


Case in point:

Years ago, my friends and I, went to the Musicbox Theater in Chicago, to watch a screening of Akira Kuraswawa's RAN.

I thought it was boring, but it was an amazing film in terms of direction, editing and story.

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Oh congratulations on having played games with better stories! I've played tons of games stories better than this one. Again so friggin what? Just because A is better than B doesn't make B bad.


You do like story, congrats on the logical fallacy. So what? So do I.


So basically, you came in expecting a WoW clone and yet you're complaining about the story. Nice job.


Stories comparable to WHICH games? What do you mean by comparable? The quality of prose? Single player games? MMMORPGs? Because I've played games that have way worse stories than my Jedi Knight, so I guess that makes this game's story the best ever! Seeing as you you're deriding it due to the all the games you're cherry picking to make it look worse.


The New York Times thing.....really?!?


Subjective EXACTLY. Though the smart ones, will base the story on its own merits, rather than how much it stacks up to your favorite other game. That's what good critics do, they critique the story in front of them, not compare it to their favorites, seeing if the story can beat their own invisible high score for quality.


Actually, I like the story. I enjoyed my story, for what it was. I didn't sit around comparing it to Chrono Trigger or Ghostbusters 2 to Caddyshack.


How exactly am I spazzing out? Because I'm not sugar coating my words to your weak opinions?


EDIT: That makes so little sense and has so little to do with the argument, I can't even begin to address it. Aside from he fact that you're a liar.


I've had numerous chain quests change depending on my choices. I've played to 50 with my friend who played the exact class I did only he went dark side. We had numerous followup quests change completely.



my entire story on Balmora included previous fallen jedi that I redeemed, each one adapting differently to their new lives as jedi, at the end my unit came back with zero casualties, where my friend's came back with heavy.



I compared it to many games if you actually read the thread.


If I judge it on it's own merits, the story is just as **** as if I compare it to something else.


Although I am pretty sure if I could erase my memory with the thingy from Men In Black and actually judge it COMPLETELY on its own with no other game in the back of mind to compare then... perhaps yes.. SWTOR would be the greatest thing I had ever seen....


But knowing what I know... And seeing what I have seen. It's not great...


I can go into this game expecting nothing but a WoW clone and Absolutely come out complaining about the story... I could complain about a lot else.. But this thread is about the storylines in particular.


Despite the consensus SWTOR fan opinion, there was some well written and or interesting quest material in WoW and many other MMO's for that matter. If I find the story sub par in SWTOR that is my opinion.


What do you even mean by nice Job?


I didn't sit around going "ho hum this isn't as good as Legend of dragoon was when I was little"


It was more like "Hmm.. that animation looked cheesey... Killing rakghouls really? Ok then.." space bar. "Hmm after all that story talk I hear, this really... Is not all that good... I wish they tried harder to make the game run smooth... or made more warzones or... anything..."


How are you spazzing out? "If your complaint is that this game's narrative, ain't as good as the New York Times best seller you're reading, you're a gosh darn fool."

Like I said, no one compared it to literature or a New York Times best seller, or even said the word "New York Times"


Then your respond to me by saying "New York Times thing... really?"


What in the actual **** are you talking about.


Calling my opinions weak, even though they are just as valid as anyone's. And shared by many.


Also you are arguing against things no one even said you nut job.


I never said "Because A was better then B... B SUCKS!."


I basically said "A doesn't seem to be everything it's cracked up to be, What games did I find better you ask? oh well how about, B,C,D,E,F"

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If I find Charles Dickens to be boring. Does that makes his books poor in quality?

I can recognize the quality in things I don't enjoy. That's called objective thought.


I can appreciate things that are boring, but good.


Judging quality is not judging personal enjoyment. I don't like rap but I can appreciate the good examples, however if forced to listen to it, I'll probably be bored. I can however, still acknowledge to talent involved.


Case in point:

Years ago, my friends and I, went to the Musicbox Theater in Chicago, to watch a screening of Akira Kuraswawa's RAN.

I thought it was boring, but it was an amazing film in terms of direction, editing and story.



I know exactly what you are talking about... my analogy of that would be how I view some sports. Although I do not care for speed skating or soccer and what not. I can objectively appreciate the skill involved, and not scoff at anyone who enjoyed said sport.


I cannot at all say the same about SWTOR. I assure you I am not a cold stuck up monster. Based on it's own merits it's really nothing special. That is my subjective opinion...

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I compared it to many games if you actually read the thread.


If I judge it on it's own merits, the story is just as **** as if I compare it to something else.


Although I am pretty sure if I could erase my memory with the thingy from Men In Black and actually judge it COMPLETELY on its own with no other game in the back of mind to compare then... perhaps yes.. SWTOR would be the greatest thing I had ever seen....


But knowing what I know... And seeing what I have seen. It's not great...


I can go into this game expecting nothing but a WoW clone and Absolutely come out complaining about the story... I could complain about a lot else.. But this thread is about the storylines in particular.


Despite the consensus SWTOR fan opinion, there was some well written and or interesting quest material in WoW and many other MMO's for that matter. If I find the story sub par in SWTOR that is my opinion.


What do you even mean by nice Job?


I didn't sit around going "ho hum this isn't as good as Legend of dragoon was when I was little"


It was more like "Hmm.. that animation looked cheesey... Killing rakghouls really? Ok then.." space bar. "Hmm after all that story talk I hear, this really... Is not all that good... I wish they tried harder to make the game run smooth... or made more warzones or... anything..."


How are you spazzing out? "If your complaint is that this game's narrative, ain't as good as the New York Times best seller you're reading, you're a gosh darn fool."


Calling my opinions weak, even though they are just as valid as anyone's. And shared by many.


Also you are arguing against things no one even said you nut job.


I never said "Because A was better then B... B SUCKS!."


I basically said "A doesn't seem to be everything it's cracked up to be, What games did I find better you ask? oh well how about, B,C,D,E,F"


I'm ignoring most of what you wrote, as I've already gone over them.


Yes i did read your previous posts, and I don't care how many games you compared it to. It's the calling card of the poor reviewer, to use other games you like, in criticism of the one you're reviewing, or criticizing. I expect that kind of crap on GameFAQs reviews where the writer can't shut up about whatever game they like more.


Calling me names like nutjob, is killing your point here.


I played several characters to 80 on WoW and if you think a few cherry picked "well written" quests blocks, is some how is better than anything you've seen here, you're grasping. Fact is, I remember almost nothing from the questing I did in WoW, other than it was a formality to getting to end game and despite having conquered demon lords I was somehow wasting my massive power and might killing wolves for lumberjacks.


Name Ten. Seriously, name ten quests from WoW that were "well written". I dare you.


Here's a challenge. Actually critique writing from the game. Give me some examples of your literary expertise and why I should take your opinions seriously. Rather than the extremely disingenuous blanket statements about how "the story" isn't as good as, let's say, The Witcher.


So far, you don't seem to have any real criticism other than that you say it isn't good.

Which parts? Did you play every class?


The very fact that you admit, that you can't judge a story on it's own, without erasing your memory of past examples, is proof enough that you're ill equipped to carry on a conversation about this.


An opinion based on ignorance and /or disingenuous claims made in public is going to scrutinized. Call me a nutjob all you want but an opinion can be questioned.

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I cannot at all say the same about SWTOR. I assure you I am not a cold stuck up monster. Based on it's own merits it's really nothing special. That is my subjective opinion...


That's fine, you just aren't able to explain why, and you're judging the entire game's story based on whatever fraction you've seen without any real examples cited.


I don't think you're cold or stuck up. I just think you're not a very good critic.

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You, me, and anyone else who played it man.




Not everyone >.> I played it when I was about 16 and remember thinking it was alright... not great, not horrible, but alright. I tried playing it again last year and couldn't stop thinking to myself, "Did I really enjoy this garbage??"


On topic though, I think SWTOR could have done better by only voice-acting class quests (and maybe planet quest chains), and spending the extra resources on making the class quests bigger, making companions more interactive, and introducing race-specific and AC-specific story branches.

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If I find Charles Dickens to be boring. Does that makes his books poor in quality?

I can recognize the quality in things I don't enjoy. That's called objective thought.


I can appreciate things that are boring, but good.


Judging quality is not judging personal enjoyment. I don't like rap but I can appreciate the good examples, however if forced to listen to it, I'll probably be bored. I can however, still acknowledge to talent involved.


Case in point:

Years ago, my friends and I, went to the Musicbox Theater in Chicago, to watch a screening of Akira Kuraswawa's RAN.

I thought it was boring, but it was an amazing film in terms of direction, editing and story.


The problem, bright eyes, is that you're mixing and matching perspectives. You're throwing out an "objective" viewpoint and immediately following it with a "subjective" one. This results in declarations that contradict themselves ("This is great but also boring").


Then there's the added wrinkle of thinking, despite how much education and experience we have, that objective thought is ever really possible. The ability to see multiple viewpoints isn't the same as seeing any of them objectively.


Then there's the ridiculousness of judging high art and pop media by the same standards. Mostly this has to do with intent, because pop media primarily exists to entertain, while that might not be the goal with, say, retelling Shakespeare's Lear in feudal Japan.

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That's fine, you just aren't able to explain why, and you're judging the entire game's story based on whatever fraction you've seen without any real examples cited.


I don't think you're cold or stuck up. I just think you're not a very good critic.


Never claimed to be a critic. I just know what I like.


Hmm a good critique about the story huh..


1: A lot of the sidequests seem very derivative like I have done those exact quests in other games before... **** I am comparing it to other games again.. I need to smack myself over the head with something. It feels impossible to ever truly not compare things to other things..... lemme try again.


1a: Most of the Characters I encounter don't stick around very long, There is no time to see multiple facets to their personality. They simply come and go and none of it really matters. There are exceptions of course (class storyline) but, as far as all the planetary quests. It is a lot of the same ol same ol.


2: Repeated Dialogue at certain times made me roll my eyes.


3:One problem with the current system of how the story is handled. If I group in a flashpoint and lose the lightside/darkside roll I never get to see my side of the story. Unless I do it again, and maybe not even then if I'm unlucky and for example... Darkside on republic.


Maybe just class storylines would be a happy medium.


But IMO when I look at the bulk of the material, It just feels boring... Like I said I am not a critic and never pretended to be a critic... But I know what I like, generally I like things that are awesome.... Were there a few shining moments? Absolutely! But those were completely overshadowed by a lot of other bad quest lines and pointless dialogue trees, plus every other issue with the game itself.


Have I played every single class story? Hell no...


I have a 46 vanguard, 29 sage, 27 sentinel. That is the small fraction of this game I have seen. Should I make more alts? Experience more classes? Should I dig through this rough to find these Diamonds a few people have mentioned? Seems a little inconvenient since I put so much time into these characters already and have done some of those planetary quests 3 times now... At this point I can't be bothered.


Hey how come you can call me a gosh darn fool and argue imaginary points that I never made, but me calling you a nutjob makes me look bad? no fair...


and How come I see professional critics comparing things to each other all the damn time?

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Opinions vary, I guess. Of course cinematics and voiceovers don't mean good story.


Good story means good story. So far the Trooper and Jedi Knight stories through Chapter 1 have been great.


I'm about half-way through the Smuggler's Chapter 1, and it's been great so far as well.


The Imperial Agent's story has also been great.


The one I find the most lackluster so far is the Bounty Hunter's story.

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Opinions vary, I guess. Of course cinematics and voiceovers don't mean good story.


Good story means good story. So far the Trooper and Jedi Knight stories through Chapter 1 have been great.


I'm about half-way through the Smuggler's Chapter 1, and it's been great so far as well.


The Imperial Agent's story has also been great.


The one I find the most lackluster so far is the Bounty Hunter's story.


Agree with you thus far. I also feel inquisitor is boring compared to consular. Marauder feels like it has no real objective "Make a name for yourself amonst the sith..." please.

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I think the story lines so far have been pretty cool. I mean the personal story lines. I especially do like the inquisitor one....




I also think there is too little personal story smeared out over too many levels. The personal story lines are simply too short in comparison to the amount of leveling needed to get to max.


One of my characters was too high level and when arriving at Alderaan was already 3 levels too high. So I decided to do just the main story line and skill the rest (it was my third character through there). To my astonishment the personal story line quests for that planet were like 4 actual quests. One per level basically.


That was a bit shocking to me to realise that the personal story line is such a small part of the leveling progress. I don't want to exaggerate but to me it was a bit of a shock. You don't notice it as much initially but with alts you end up doing a lot of the same quests because only the storyline quests are really different. I would've expected much more than that and I think it's why a number of people have complained about the replay value.

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Good story means good story. So far the Trooper and Jedi Knight stories through Chapter 1 have been great.


The JK chapter 1 story hasn't really wowed me at all, but the Trooper storyline is pretty good. It's unfortunate that after the Trooper's chapter 1, it kinda falls flat on its face.


I'm about half-way through the Smuggler's Chapter 1, and it's been great so far as well.


I feel very "meh" about the Smuggler's chapter 1 as well. I sort of feel like I have to really go out of my way to suspend disbelief in order to accept the Smuggler storyline. Ord Mantell and Coruscant were pretty good, but the moment I got my ship I became very annoyed by the way direction they decided to take the story. I can't really go into detail without posting spoilers.


The Imperial Agent's story has also been great.


I agree. Though admittedly, I believe Chapter 3 is definitely the IA's weak chapter.


The one I find the most lackluster so far is the Bounty Hunter's story.


I actually somewhat agree with this as well. The problem I have is that there's no real connection to any of the NPCs in the storyline. The only character you actually learn anything about is your rival, and the hatred you're supposed to feel for him only comes out as mild annoyance, because he only wipes out a whole bunch of people you don't actually have any real connection to or care about.


Honestly, I have more interest in Mako's story than my Bounty Hunter's.

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I think the story lines so far have been pretty cool. I mean the personal story lines. I especially do like the inquisitor one....




I also think there is too little personal story smeared out over too many levels. The personal story lines are simply too short in comparison to the amount of leveling needed to get to max.


One of my characters was too high level and when arriving at Alderaan was already 3 levels too high. So I decided to do just the main story line and skill the rest (it was my third character through there). To my astonishment the personal story line quests for that planet were like 4 actual quests. One per level basically.


That was a bit shocking to me to realise that the personal story line is such a small part of the leveling progress. I don't want to exaggerate but to me it was a bit of a shock. You don't notice it as much initially but with alts you end up doing a lot of the same quests because only the storyline quests are really different. I would've expected much more than that and I think it's why a number of people have complained about the replay value.


Yeah, I've done that a couple times, and even the longest quest chains don't last longer than a couple hours. And most of that is usually travel time.

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Gotta agree with the op here. The storylines in this game are downright pedestrian, and wouldn't pass for C-movie material, or a bad romance novel. It was 100 million of wasted effort. The game will sink or swim not because of the story, but in spite of it.
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You think the story of diablo 1 and 2.... is as "unoriginal as possible"... compared to... SWTOR?


Remembering the Butcher has everything to do with the story. Most people who played that game where completely immersed in the universe. That has everything to do with the story.


You encounter an injured man outside the church... he tells of a monster... with a giant cleaver.. you get this feeling of dread... as you travel through the depths of the dungeon you have it in the back of your head that somewhere... there is "the butcher". You open the door to his room... not knowing that's where he is and hear "AHHHH FRESH MEAT" then you poo your pants.... all of that is a result of the awesome story telling.


Every trip into the dungeon like most RPG's had a purpose or story behind it. But few other games had you really feeling that gothic feel. That sense of dread as you uncovered tombs and books that explained backstories to all the things going on and gave you hints of what was to come.


You are seriously the first person I have ever met who dislikes The story/Lore of the diablo series.


All the NPC's in Diablo 1 having Voice overs was absolutely groundbreaking... as well as many other things they did.


Why is it that me and everyone else who played that game can name almost..actually EVERY NPC in the town of tristram?


It's all part of the story and the universe that they successfully wrapped most people up in.


This actually goes back to my original post. Story and gameplay should compliment one another and not be considered completely separate entities.


Ahem, it's "complement," not "compliment." Back on topic (sort of), having actually played Diablo I & II, I did not even find either game even remotely memorable or original. I do not recall The Butcher at all - and my discs are sitting on my bookshelf in my room right this minute. Also, there is not one NPC in either game that I could name. It was a nice hack & slash, and I had fun as a sorcerer, but it had so little in the way of a meaningful story and characters as to not be particularly memorable to me.


I can cite numerous games that I remember as having superior stories to D1 & D2, not to mention infinitely more memorable characters (that were superior in every way as ACTUAL RPGs). There was the story of my character's rise to godhood in the Baldur's Gate series with characters like Minsc, Keldorn, Sarevok, Anomen (as annoying as he could be, he was memorable), Jaheira, Jon Irenicus (an excellent villain) and even Noober, a minor NPC. I can also remember Cloud, Sephiroth & Aerith from FF VII. JRPGs aren't usually my thing, but I still remember the ending to that game (which actually manage to make me somewhat teary).


So congratulations, you have now met the second person who didn't particularly care for Diablo I & II in terms of its - kek - story and lore. L.A. Noire wasn't an RPG, but it certainly had a great noirish story, interesting cases, and characters that were highly memorable. Cole, Jack, Rusty, Herschel, Sheldon (that idiot), Dr. Fontaine, Leland Monroe (hello, John Noble), and even Mal the coroner stand out among many others. I even liked the ending (don't want to say anythig spoilerish, so I won't say more than that).


I could go on (a lot), but I'll just stop at the original Fallout series for its gritty settings, its humor and the memorable characters (from the original pre-Bethesda games specifically). Dogmeat I remember with great affection, and he never even spoke. I was also particularly fond of Harold the ghoul and his "friend" Bob, the tree that was growing on Harold's head (you actually can see him again in FO3 too which was an amusing nod to the original games).

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Ahem, it's "complement," not "compliment." Back on topic (sort of), having actually played Diablo I & II, I did not even find either game even remotely memorable or original. I do not recall The Butcher at all - and my discs are sitting on my bookshelf in my room right this minute. Also, there is not one NPC in either game that I could name. It was a nice hack & slash, and I had fun as a sorcerer, but it had so little in the way of a meaningful story and characters as to not be particularly memorable to me.


I can cite numerous games that I remember as having superior stories to D1 & D2, not to mention infinitely more memorable characters (that were superior in every way as ACTUAL RPGs). There was the story of my character's rise to godhood in the Baldur's Gate series with characters like Minsc, Keldorn, Sarevok, Anomen (as annoying as he could be, he was memorable), Jaheira, Jon Irenicus (an excellent villain) and even Noober, a minor NPC. I can also remember Cloud, Sephiroth & Aerith from FF VII. JRPGs aren't usually my thing, but I still remember the ending to that game (which actually manage to make me somewhat teary).


So congratulations, you have now met the second person who didn't particularly care for Diablo I & II in terms of its - kek - story and lore. L.A. Noire wasn't an RPG, but it certainly had a great noirish story, interesting cases, and characters that were highly memorable. Cole, Jack, Rusty, Herschel, Sheldon (that idiot), Dr. Fontaine, Leland Monroe (hello, John Noble), and even Mal the coroner stand out among many others. I even liked the ending (don't want to say anythig spoilerish, so I won't say more than that).


I could go on (a lot), but I'll just stop at the original Fallout series for its gritty settings, its humor and the memorable characters (from the original pre-Bethesda games specifically). Dogmeat I remember with great affection, and he never even spoke. I was also particularly fond of Harold the ghoul and his "friend" Bob, the tree that was growing on Harold's head (you actually can see him again in FO3 too which was an amusing nod to the original games).


Thx spellcheck... is that really the only error you could find? There has to be more... (oh look I spelled thanks... THX)


I don't exactly understand your point. There are lots of games that I liked the story in better then D1 and D2 as well. That doesn't mean it wasn't good in my and many peoples opinion.


Check out David Jaffe's little talk on what a "Player Authored story" is.


Ok you are number 2 on my list. I am sure there are thousands of people who didn't like the story... just like there are thousands of people who don't like many things I like... that's not the point of anything I am saying.


In fact some of the games you mention (ie baldurs gate, Final fantasy 7) I also mentioned.


I never said Diablo 1 and 2 was the best story ever, out of every game I played. I said I liked it better then anything I experienced in this game... and my basic point is.. When I'm ****en 55 I am still going to remember all those things... and having played Swtor for going on 2-3 months... I Can't even remember the name of 1 quest giver or particular character that was awesome.


Yes there are going to be differing opinions... this is the forum where you share them.


The only reason It turned into that much talk about D1 and D2 is someone wanted to debate that game specifically.


Of course there are better examples of RPG's that totally dominate SWTOR's story. You, I and several other people have mentioned MANY aside from Diablo 1 and 2.


The person arguing against me decided to pick one of the weaker storylines out of the list I provided to debate. Although I still think the overall Lore/story Player authored story I experienced in the Diablo series is head and shoulders above anything in SWTOR. Once again that is just an opinion.


Hey you spelled "anything" wrong! (doesn't that make me seem like ****? yup.. this is after all the internet and not a ****en essay writing competition)

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Liar...heh that's cute.


Saying the story would be boring is not the same as saying it'd be bad. Dune is a great film, and yet it's boring as piss. "If it were text it would be boring", may or may not have anything to do with that persons' views on story quality, and more to do with how little they personally care to read.


You applying your own interpretation makes you just as disingenuous as you claim I'm being.


No, you said that no one claims the story was good just due to voice over. Many have claimed just that. Perhaps if you had stated it different, that mere VO does not make a story good, and not suggested the other poster was making a strawman, you'd have a point.


But the reality is that an unread story is a bad story. A boring story is a bad story. A good story is one that engages interest and makes one care, anything else pretty much fails.

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I will preface all this by saying... this is not a troll... this is just me expressing a thought. Please only respond if you actually read this post in it's entirety.



I was reading a discussion on the internet on "gameplay vs story"


It caught my interest partly because of all the debate I have seen on SWTOR about the importance of "story"


I am of the opinion that the class story's really aren't all that deep or engaging (depending of course on what class you choose). .


The planet side quests on the other hand, Are the same for everyone... and get extremely old.


That being said... I do love a good story. That is not the issue here.


One comment that really hit home with me was:


" The thing about story vs gameplay is that most people (including developers) think of it in terms of story VS gameplay, rather then having them compliment each other. You're either playing the game or watching the story develop via cutscenes or choose-your-own dialogue sections that have no effect on the overall plot. Cinematics in games are a ***********y exercise on the part of the designer, and a waste of gamings potential as a story telling medium"


How do you guys feel about the extensive use of Cinematics to tell SWTOR's story?


Is that truly the way to go for telling a story, moving forward in the MMO space?


Edit: Also how would you compare the overall quality of these cutscenes compared to what you have experienced previously. (Facial animations, Body movement animations, special effects, coolness factor etc etc)


Personally, I find the addition of 'VO' and cinematics to tell the SWTOR 'story' is a good thing for the game.


However, the fact is, while 'VO' and cinematics may be necessary conditions for a 'good story', they are insufficient conditions in and of themselves.


I've played only a few classes so far, and have only finished the trooper storyline. I'll admit that the class 'stories' are definitely a step in the right direction; but are these class stories really 'good stories'?


A 'good story' would have as much depth and breadth as a good novel. There should be at least some background to the main character (you), and some of your history uncovered as you go, so you have a sense of the chronological setting and the things that have happened. With regards to the trooper's companions and accompanying npcs, there were no dark secrets or skeletons in the cupboard waiting to be discovered, what I saw was what I got.


There should be sufficient plot twists; and these plot twists should not always be foreshadowed - shocking and unpredictable plot twists are key to keeping us at the edge of our seats.


Granted, we as the players are also the authors in this game as we make the decisions for our character, but if the pre-existing storyline is dull there isn't much we could have done anyway.


Finally, there is no sense of closure or revelation at the end of the class quest, you don't feel like you've accomplished something that significant, neither do you feel like you've solved a mystery because you kinda knew what the outcome would be at the end.


It would have been great if the writers had managed to tell the story of SWTOR using a frame story (like in Simmons' Hyperion), such that when you reach 50 you've only finished a tiny part of the story in SWTOR, and you feel like you have just only uncovered the main plot. (Although I do admit they have done something to this extent, because you discover the interconnectedness of each class quest when you play through different classes)


I don't read much, but the few novels I've read all had a bigger impact than SWTOR's (trooper) storyline.


Hopefully, when I play my alts I'll come across gripping narrative that has proven elusive thus far.


TLDR: good SWTOR story should be as epic as a novel.

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But the reality is that an unread story is a bad story. A boring story is a bad story. A good story is one that engages interest and makes one care, anything else pretty much fails.


Don't ever call me a liar again, after claiming that your opinion, is reality.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Don't ever call me a liar again, after claiming that your opinion, is reality.


To quote Roger Ebert, 'you judge something by what it intends to do, not by it's "objective" accomplishment.'



SWTOR intended to push the narrative envelope and fell flat on its face. (imo.. some people of course like things that I do not.)


Have fun pretending that you are actually involved in some kind of large overarching narrative in a world filled with choices.


Mass effect did a decent job of tricking people into thinking the choices mattered.... But now everyone saw how that turned out....


Bioware is a 1 trick pony.

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