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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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1; Good players will focus fire you anyway.

-- Your whining over not being able to fool baddies.


2; It reduces the advantage of Vent.

-- Your whining and if Bioware listen it's going to make Vent better.


3; There is focus fire counters.

-- Whining due to not getting your team to mark you.


When you join a WZ, TELL your a healer, ask the OPS leader to mark you, so you team better can notice here is an important target to protect, make it easier for guard players to follow you, etc.


That right vent is vent cant change that but i am sure that's why they don't let you q in OPS a mark makes it a OPS with out the vent . YES there are bad's and with a icon they don't have to L2play



All for making vent better:)


So next BW should mark everyone as to that they are tank/dps/heals

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1; Good players will focus fire you anyway.

-- Your whining over not being able to fool baddies.


2; It reduces the advantage of Vent.

-- Your whining and if Bioware listen it's going to make Vent better.


3; There is focus fire counters.

-- Whining due to not getting your team to mark you.


When you join a WZ, TELL your a healer, ask the OPS leader to mark you, so you team better can notice here is an important target to protect, make it easier for guard players to follow you, etc.


Ive seen people do that over 80% of the time they still wont do it after the healer tells them to guard them or mark you or help keep peps off them.

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IN VOID STAR peeps on both sides you get out and boom 6 peeps shoting you all at 1 time WHY the icon was seen before Spawn and they was ready . there is no stun need with that kind of deeps on you but hay ill stun you just out of the door anyway


I love it when they mark me in Voidstar. I gain perverse enjoyment from pulling 5 or 6 idiots away from the doors and keeping myself alive long enough for us to cap.

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I love it when they mark me in Voidstar. I gain perverse enjoyment from pulling 5 or 6 idiots away from the doors and keeping myself alive long enough for us to cap.


like the OP post said "unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. "


or a "pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark." its no fun you missed the point

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YOU don"t get the point. YES healer get focus. in a game when you have to get up on the healer to stun them they can run pole dance etc etc but when you have a mark on you as soon as you spawn ITS RANGED STUNS you can't move away you cant LOS it you are dead. so i doubt you play much heal


YOU don't seem to get the point...being marked doesn't mean instant kill...it just tells the opposing team who they are going to focus on. If you don't want to be stun locked and unable to heal then don't heal through PvP. More than likely they just have you targeted due to your role as a healer. You go down first it's gonna be hard for your team to survive without you regardless of a mark. That's why they do it. without you they don't NEED to mark anyone else...those people are going to die so quick anyhow that a mark on them can be pretty pointless. But you? We take you down first. You are squishy. You heal which makes you a VERY focused target straight out of the gate, even more than the tank. Like I said in my previous post...You are marked one way or another. Better learn to deal with it or reroll. Sounds like a reroll is in order cuz ya aint dealin' with it too well at all. Life happens.

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IN a premade YES in RL pug no vent with no comp COME ON get real


anyway it will be gone asap as rated warfront get here so ....no worry


doesn' matter if on vent or not...can mark in a PUG too...not hard to do...then you tell your team in opschat to focus the mark...Why is this such a hard concept. One group does it but you guys don't have the common sense to do the same thing? Me thinks YOU need the reality check here. L2P or go home

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like the OP post said "unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. "


or a "pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark." its no fun you missed the point


So... it's no fun to PvP ungeared and ungrouped? Newsflash, then.

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YOU don't seem to get the point...being marked doesn't mean instant kill...it just tells the opposing team who they are going to focus on. If you don't want to be stun locked and unable to heal then don't heal through PvP. More than likely they just have you targeted due to your role as a healer. You go down first it's gonna be hard for your team to survive without you regardless of a mark. That's why they do it. without you they don't NEED to mark anyone else...those people are going to die so quick anyhow that a mark on them can be pretty pointless. But you? We take you down first. You are squishy. You heal which makes you a VERY focused target straight out of the gate, even more than the tank. Like I said in my previous post...You are marked one way or another. Better learn to deal with it or reroll. Sounds like a reroll is in order cuz ya aint dealin' with it too well at all. Life happens.


If its so point less then Take it out all will be happy. REROLL OMG another one saying REROLL if you don't like heals. she did not say she did not like heals she say mark takes the fun out of the game that should be FUN . This is not a premade VENT COMP SET UP OMG THIS is so serious this is a pug for FUN! not rated not premade>its 4 FUN


NO other good pvp mmo lets you mark end of story. bad's L2p not L2mark


IF it truly don't mater cos there heals and will die anyway then why do you mark. We know why so you contradict yourself its don't mater if your marked but it should be there i use it cos i need it

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doesn' matter if on vent or not...can mark in a PUG too...not hard to do...then you tell your team in opschat to focus the mark...Why is this such a hard concept. One group does it but you guys don't have the common sense to do the same thing? Me thinks YOU need the reality check here. L2P or go home


It is not a L2P it is I KNOW WHERE HE IS AT ALL TIMES. I see you behind that wall you can be great at LoS but with that big *** Icon i can see you threw that wall and bam i got you all your great pole dance hiding was for NOTHING I CAN SEE YOU THERE WITH THE ICON. That alone Right There takes alot of the L2P that you seem to like to ram down people neck. What Learn to Play i know the damn healer is right there i did not have to learn nothing but see a giant Icon on his head. Did i have to watch for the healer coming from behind the wall throwing heals and ducking back trying to find him NO. I Saw threw the wall this big target above him saying here i am my skills at LoS are now void You got me!!!



It takes away alot of the L2P.

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My main is a heal spec Commando and yes, getting jumped by the entire other side is a huge pain in the butt and I have spent some wzs where I was pretty much CCd right out of the action. But not all. I will, on occasion, have a little blue bubble around me and when I do that person will usually receive most of my heals. However, that is a rarity unless I am playing with my guildmates. They do everything they can to keep me up and running because they know it will equal bigger and better things for them and the team.


The marks works against a team that does not take the time to think. I was obviously marked in a huttball match recently as I could barely move past the halfway point without being ganged up on by the other team. I popped my shield, broke LoS, ran all over the place, and healed myself as best I could while also throwing heals to the PuG. The other team focused on me so much that we easily won the match.


Do I like the marks? not so much. Game breaking? not for me. Should they go away or be limited? If it can be done without impacting their value in PvE. Maybe with them gone people will even be more inclined to actually read Ops chat and that would be really nice in PuG PvP. Either way I will still do PuG WZs and continue to have fun and, for me, having fun is what it is all about (well that and the hokey pokey).



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If its so point less then Take it out all will be happy. REROLL OMG another one saying REROLL if you don't like heals. she did not say she did not like heals she say mark takes the fun out of the game that should be FUN . This is not a premade VENT COMP SET UP OMG THIS is so serious this is a pug for FUN! not rated not premade>its 4 FUN


Your saying PvP is only fun if the other team is bad?


I'm of the complete opposite opinion, I completely HATE owning a warzone match and feel like I've waisted my time. The fun is in the CHALLENGE of defeating another team, not in rolling over baddies.


Anything that make baddies better, is better for the CHALLENGE I get = more fun.


I have more fun getting stomped by a better team, than I get out of facerolling idiots.


If your peen is so small you can only take enjoyment when others is bad, I feel very sorry for you.

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Your saying PvP is only fun if the other team is bad?


I'm of the complete opposite opinion, I completely HATE owning a warzone match and feel like I've waisted my time. The fun is in the CHALLENGE of defeating another team, not in rolling over baddies.


Anything that make baddies better, is better for the CHALLENGE I get = more fun.


I have more fun getting stomped by a better team, than I get out of facerolling idiots.


If your peen is so small you can only take enjoyment when others is bad, I feel very sorry for you.


you are fishing for something that was not said . what was said is its sucks its no fun to have people see you 100% of the time all the time no los no nota.


you say its no a big deal to be marked then why not take it out?

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I don't think that "beeing killed as a healer" is the problem here.


If i don't want to die, i don't do PvP. Beeing killed is part of the game and beeing a focus target as a healer is even more part of PvP.


The point is: there is a major difference between beeing announced as a target via vent:


"Kill the healer" "Where is he? "<description of location follows" opposed to "Kill the one with the large red mark over the head that you can see from whereever you're looking". It makes it much more easier.


I do understand that it is an advantage non-healers don't want to have taken away. But i think it is necessary to disallow player marking in PvP.



You don't even need to announce who to kill once you use marking. At least for me, if i enter a warzone and there's a marked enemy player, i will attack him. It pretty much gives away what is needed.

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If its so point less then Take it out all will be happy. REROLL OMG another one saying REROLL if you don't like heals. she did not say she did not like heals she say mark takes the fun out of the game that should be FUN . This is not a premade VENT COMP SET UP OMG THIS is so serious this is a pug for FUN! not rated not premade>its 4 FUN


NO other good pvp mmo lets you mark end of story. bad's L2p not L2mark


IF it truly don't mater cos there heals and will die anyway then why do you mark. We know why so you contradict yourself its don't mater if your marked but it should be there i use it cos i need it


then mark yourself if its such an issue. If im in a PUG i tell my team over chat to focus the healer...if in premade we focus the healer. some people then use marks some dont...deal with it already and go have fun. Shes making it out to be that shes op if shes not marked but a mark magically kills her like some bad luck charm. the mark just clarifies. Sorry if you don't like it but that's how it are...it's not difficult that if one team does it to you do it right back...or maybe it is...Ive never blamed a mark on me for dying...that's just ridiculous. It was my lack of skill or lack of teamwork that I died. If shes marked and she can see it then her team can see it. Which in turn means if the team can see it they will know she is being focused and can do more to protect her. That's just common sense. even in a PUG...if the team is that terrible each time that they cant recognize a mark on their healer they didn't put there for the intent of focusing her down, well...get a premade and ya hopefully won't have that issue anymore..."end of story"

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Pre-mades can already easily call out the healer over voice chat.


Target marking gives pugs a chance to actually co-ordinate instead of coming on the forums whining that the pre-mades with superior teamwork beats them.

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then mark yourself if its such an issue. If im in a PUG i tell my team over chat to focus the healer...if in premade we focus the healer. some people then use marks some dont...deal with it already and go have fun. Shes making it out to be that shes op if shes not marked but a mark magically kills her like some bad luck charm. the mark just clarifies. Sorry if you don't like it but that's how it are...it's not difficult that if one team does it to you do it right back...or maybe it is...Ive never blamed a mark on me for dying...that's just ridiculous. It was my lack of skill or lack of teamwork that I died. If shes marked and she can see it then her team can see it. Which in turn means if the team can see it they will know she is being focused and can do more to protect her. That's just common sense. even in a PUG...if the team is that terrible each time that they cant recognize a mark on their healer they didn't put there for the intent of focusing her down, well...get a premade and ya hopefully won't have that issue anymore..."end of story"





If everyone says it is not that big a issue with everyone saying well vent this voice chat this it does not matter then taking out the marks will not matter right. It will not matter to the people on vent the leet pvp players. If it does not matter then why are people here saying it should stay or saying it does not matter to me if it goes away? Why are you here talking about the icons if THEY DO NOT matter as alot of you are saying. Just Take them out it will not matter right? RIGHT?

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then mark yourself if its such an issue. If im in a PUG i tell my team over chat to focus the healer...if in premade we focus the healer. some people then use marks some dont...deal with it already and go have fun. Shes making it out to be that shes op if shes not marked but a mark magically kills her like some bad luck charm. the mark just clarifies. Sorry if you don't like it but that's how it are...it's not difficult that if one team does it to you do it right back...or maybe it is...Ive never blamed a mark on me for dying...that's just ridiculous. It was my lack of skill or lack of teamwork that I died. If shes marked and she can see it then her team can see it. Which in turn means if the team can see it they will know she is being focused and can do more to protect her. That's just common sense. even in a PUG...if the team is that terrible each time that they cant recognize a mark on their healer they didn't put there for the intent of focusing her down, well...get a premade and ya hopefully won't have that issue anymore..."end of story"


You missed it by far she is not making it out that she is OP. If not marked she might get focused by the good but a icon on there hard makes it a OPS group. If in a PUG i tell my team over chat to focus her .Did not see her say a thing about that. It not a lack of skill. it take no skill to kill marked THAT is the point. team work in a pug asking them to protect her the same people that can't kill a healer with out a mark and you say the team need's to protect her ? are you for real. Its just common sense that if a team can't kill a healer with out a mark they can not protect there heals. get a premade and ya hopefully won't have that issue anymore well some people don't live in a mmo with they just would like to have fun AFTER all they don't let you Q in ops for a reason then they wipe that out with ops icons.

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If everyone says it is not that big a issue with everyone saying well vent this voice chat this it does not matter then taking out the marks will not matter right. It will not matter to the people on vent the leet pvp players. If it does not matter then why are people here saying it should stay or saying it does not matter to me if it goes away? Why are you here talking about the icons if THEY DO NOT matter as alot of you are saying. Just Take them out it will not matter right? RIGHT?


it's for the PUGS who can't use vent for obvious reasons...

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so 7/8 are allowed to attack healers, but not 8/8...

too many pug people shooting you makes you sad!

but premade ventrilo users focusing on you are ok...


i'll send the memo out!! don't want to hurt the healers feelings! :D


I'm guessing their vent coordinated premade got rolled by a pug group with a leader who raid marks.

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Pre-mades can already easily call out the healer over voice chat.


Target marking gives pugs a chance to actually co-ordinate instead of coming on the forums whining that the pre-mades with superior teamwork beats them.


IF marking is so powerful that it can overcome a PREMADE WITH VENT with just pugs then it need to go that is the point

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it's for the PUGS who can't use vent for obvious reasons...


IF marking is so powerful that it can overcome a PREMADE WITH VENT with just pugs then it need to go that is the point

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IF marking is so powerful that it can overcome a PREMADE WITH VENTwith just pugs then it need to go that is the point


I love people who equate premades with winning. A good PUG will beat a bad premade on vent, target markers or no. Just because your friends play, doesn't mean any of you are any good.

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i was a healer in swg for 5 years so i know how it feels...


but what's the difference about getting marked vs people telling the whole group in ops chat to focus you?


i don't see the issue


The issue is that most people don't really pay much attention to the names of their enemies. They tend to just attack whoever's closest and/or lowest health. It's actually pretty hard with all the chaos and movement going on to pinpoint someone. Especially since their abilities and gear usually aren't instantly recognizable as healing (unless you think of that Commando stream).


That said, I don't remember ever being marked as a healer. Most of my experience has been in the <50 bracket, so maybe that's why. Or maybe because I'm usually discrete about it (mostly instant cast HoTs, lots of running around, etc...) Or maybe because I suck and am not worth marking. I dunno.


If you're marked, can you see it on yourself? I've been focus-fired before and have to wonder if I was unknowingly marked...

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Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. There is no L2play when you have 6 ranged stuns when you spawn and jump out of the walls, etc. etc etc. If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark.


In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers. The L2play should not be mark the healer it should be recognize the healer for ones self and then kill him.


BW says they care about PVPbut they let something like this slip through. This sould be fixed, Hell PVP need a big work over and everyone knows it.


I have no trouble with them focusing me in WZ.My best so far is 571k healing in a VS.I only have my BM weapon, ear,relic and implants.So its not even like I am in crazy good gear.http://i497.photobucket.com/albums/rr335/Thul28/Screenshot_2012-03-02_20_25_43_432389.jpg

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