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My Personal Top 5 Wish List - whats yours?


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Attention Trolls: If you want to rant about horrible the game is, then please start a separate thread for that. This particular thread is for people to have a space to document, somewhat briefly, their Top 5 in terms as a wish list, to help the devs and the community, IE the game, become stronger. Also, Im sure you may disagree with any number of suggestions that will be here. Rather then spend time on the negatives, why not invest your energy on your top 5?


Disclaimer: I really hope this becomes more of a wish list, then things that need to be fixed that are broken. Ideally, people would focus on things they would love to have, things that would add value to their in-game experience, but that are not game mechanics or must haves, a true wish list.


#1- Color control options on orange spec'd gear. Its very hard to quest for exactly the right color match, in terms of a pair of boots or whatever. It would be nice to be able to adjust those, so our looks are uniform like we see with the npcs


#2- Vibrant social centers. There are some cool casinos on Nar Shaaddaa, beyond adding just KOTOR games, it would be VERY cool if those really were well thought out and offered players lots of good reasons to drop in, get away from the grind and just have fun. Im thinking the kind of stuff that was in Second Life- but fit into the TOR story and timelines.


#3- My ship being more of a hub for me to be able to check email, post auctions, repair, get basic items. I think that would add a ton to the feeling of immersion and it would help a lot in terms of time (and slightly reduce the heavy load on capital ships).


#4- My companions all being more equally viable as a side kick, in one way or another, with more dialog between me and them- meaning, more like Dragon Age, where you really get tight with your pets.


#5- Reverse porting. God this would be such a life saver. So if I use my 24 hour fleet pass to dump and auction (which would be less needed if #3 happened), then it would be such a huge deal and benefit to port back to where you ported from, a kind of round trip ticket that allows for one port EACH WAY per 24 hour period.


Thats mine, whats yours?




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Love your suggestions. #5 is brilliant!




1. Player housing or the ability to put things in my ship (trophies, artifacts, rugs, painting, etc.). Regarding making the ship more personalized, others had mentioned in another thread about having the holoterminal play back recordings of class quests and companion quests, like a captain's log. Would love that kind of thing


2. Companions being more companion-like. Various emotes (lose the stiffness they have), more companion quests off the ship, companions doing more on the ship than standing in the same position doing the same things, etc. How many times is Vector going to count those crates?


3. The gtn needs to be fixed. Just for starters, the search functions are needlessly limited, and I loathe the 2 day max selling period. A week would be better imo


4. The UI. It sucks. I want the ability to have all my windows open at once. I want to be able to move them around, change their size. I want more than one chat window open at a time, and I'd especially like to be able to place them where I want them.


5. I'd like it if the galaxy didn't get smaller as you level because the usefulness of planets disappears. Imagine, entire worlds having no further purpose in your life because you had a birthday or gained a new skill lol. It feels very contrived and confining.

Edited by Lunazen
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My Top 5 Concerns/Requests are as follows:


1. More Playable Species: I understand the Three Main Criteria for playable species, but adamantly believe the game needs a greater diversity/depth to its current composition. As it stands, the addition of


  • Bothans
  • Cathar
  • Chagrians
  • Devaronians
  • Klatooinians
  • Nautolans
  • Nikto
  • Togruta
  • Voss
  • Vultans
  • Weequay
  • Wroonians
  • Zeltrons
  • Zygerrians


2. More music. Specifically, I would like to see a jukebox function on the UI that allowed for players to loop/toggle John Williams tracks from the six films and original KOTOR/TOR music.


3. Dynamic NPCs. Right now, there is a serious lack of NPC activity on worlds. I'd like to see NPCs that walk about and speak out random dialogue as you pass through. And on some planets, I think it's integral that there be more NPCs of more diverse species to make the worlds more populated and the cities livelier. Furthermore, I should also add that I'd like to see some functions for NPCs outside of Quest-giving and Vendors.


4. Useful Crafting System. I know Update 1.2 is addressing this issue, but I think it's vital that all crafting skills be useful in the gear that they make and that each crafting skill be somewhat reliant on other crafting skills. This will greatly help the economy.


5. Pazaak/Sabacc. Now. Tournaments can be held on Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa, and Dromund Kaas.

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1) In game GM support. I've heard they have it, but I've yet to see it or hear of anyone who has. Improved customer service across the board. I'm assuming EA is handling this aspect of the game because of how poor it is. It would also be nice if they banned cheaters/hackers in pvp.


2) Improved crafting for non Biochem and Cybertech professions. I'm sure they're working on this, but as it stands my, my Armormech is useless and doesn't make me any money.


3) Commando PvP buffs for Gunnery and Assault specs. They're just sorely lacking at the moment. Middle of the road damage, low mobility, weak defenses. Not a good combination.


4) Improved rewards for running Flashpoints. As it stands now most people hit 50 and just into running Ops and all these cool FPs get unused because a lot people will only run them if there is something in it for them other than the joy of experiencing the content.


5) New Huttball maps and more pvp game modes.

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My Top 5 Concerns/Requests are as follows:


3. Dynamic NPCs. Right now, there is a serious lack of NPC activity on worlds. I'd like to see NPCs that walk about and speak out random dialogue as you pass through. And on some planets, I think it's integral that there be more NPCs of more diverse species to make the worlds more populated and the cities livelier. Furthermore, I should also add that I'd like to see some functions for NPCs outside of Quest-giving and Vendors.



Great suggestions. This one stands out for me as I totally agree. Often in the world, I try to click on or "touch" npcs, just to see if they are "there," if they can be interacted with in some way. 99% of the time, they are no more there than the mountains in the backdrop.



Speaking of mountains, I am going to cheat and add a #6 :p I long to go hiking. It irks me to no end when I know the place I need to be is just over this mountain range, yet no matter how hard I try I can't climb up, even if it's just a gentle slope. Or, should I find myself on a hill and I try to get down, I get stuck because really I'm not "supposed" to be there. I feel very limited in where I'm allowed to be. To me, anywhere on the map should be fair game.

Edited by Lunazen
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#1 - PvP Pazaak in cantinas, with an option to duel in the middle of a pazaak match on a rasonable cooldown, or other competitive minigames appropriate to SW/KOTOR lore (Swoop Racing) timesinks and creditsinks, perhaps even a reputation system for these mini games.


#2 - Move all social functions ie Flashpoint courriers Daily Quest givers etc to catinas. Remove Fleets and replace them with a Cantina on Capital worlds. (Cell Zoned to cause no imapact on network weight) - Republic/Imperial Fleets have Nothing on the charm of other main MMO cities like Ogrimmar or Stormwind City, which are the appropriately social centers because they are the Capital cities. I would much rather see us all congregate on Coruscant then in some ridiculous space ship.


#3 - Option to toggle companion dialogue from the crewskills to OFF. Charming Anthony Daniels C2-N2 is Not.


#4 - More hair styles, more/better 'scar' graphics, or at least the option to move and rescale curent ones.


#5 - Incentives for people to roll Republic to balance the 4:1 Emp ratio, like allowing Republic more races to choose from in lieu of their tolerance of other cultures, and giving them a tasty racial trait much like how Blizzard gave Humans in the Alliance the extra cc breaker advantage to balance the initial Horde majority, while at the same time encouraging a human majorty among them to fit their established lore.



I realize that a couple of my suggestions can be boiled down to 'make it more like WoW, but it isnt like that. Many parts about WoW are the way they are because it makes sense, deliberately trying to be different from core elements of the most sucessful MMO venture of all time is asinine. Besides that, if I played Rift or FF etc I could probably pull from those sources also.

Edited by PulseRazor
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#1: SGRA


#2: Make the entire GTN neutral (Imps and sell to Pubs and vice-versa) and "run by the Hutts". I am sick of getting Imperial only schematics with my republic character


#3: Ability make starship's and (hopefully in the near future) guildship's interior customizable? I know it is not a major game play issue, but it would be nice to add a personal touch to your starship decorations.


#4: In game Voice chat.


#5: Post creation changes to your character (i.e. hair style, scars, make up, etc)

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1. More races like Voss or Togruta.


2. A more robust companion system. I want, if i am jedi or sith, to be able to choose my apprentice or padawan and teach them what i want them to lear. Be heavy, medium or light armor user, be a tank, healer or dps, etc. Pick the skills i want for them from a pool, that way i will truly feel like a master.


This can apply to all classes. A trooper can teach another soldier, the same for smugglers, bounty hunters and imperial agents.


3. Group space missions.


I love the space missions, and some friends too, and would enjoy very much to be able to play them together.


4. A more robust guild system: guild missions, guild bank, guild starship, etc.


5. Controllable towns and outpost in some open worlds.


Towns and outpost that are taken by a faction will be theirs for 3 days, and after that the other faction can storm it and take it.


This towns and outpost will have exclusive npc vendors will some really cool items that would help in raids, pvp warzones, etc., but all of them will only last if your faction controls the town or outpost.


Also, towns and outpost could only be stormed in a certain time window, this will allow the faction controlling it to be able to prepare a defense, contact mercenaries, buy turrets, etc.


I think this will motivate different guilds to ally and could result in some epic pvp battles.

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1. More lvl 50 planets, and not just ice planets:

Kashyyyk: large woods and wookies

Yavin IV :important place in SW lore, booth old and new.

Manaan ( from Kotor) etc. Water planet, trying to be neutral like the voss but no as mystical.


2. Customize the ships:

Place the companions were I want them to be, or better have them move around a bit so it feels like we are all living there., able to add trophies or buy arts.


3. Better companion AI,

Have them talk to each other when you enter the ship. I want to overhear them talk, argue or flirt. why cant my companions hook up? I want more random talk with them, each companions should have at least 10 random discussion you could have with them whenever you want ( outside combat) They are allies and friends and i do speak to my friends about other stuff then just work.


4. co op space mission and better:

Part of SW has always been the big space battles. In the movies we have at least some space action in every move and the most action packed scenes has big space battles with more then one major charter involved. Flashpoint where a wing of ships assaults a capital ships to take it out. or even a base.

Rails are okey but giving the pilot the chance to shift between different rails will give a much better feeling of control and still keep it simple. You only need to add a press left or right arrow to change if not you follow the main rail. This would make it great for co op as not everybody needs to fly the same rail.


4. Drop the danm spacestations

Let us land on the planets, thats what they do in SW. the constant spacestations, then shuttle to planet gives me more a feeling of my ship is just a bus then my "home"

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1. Better Social Hangout Spot - The Majority of fun in an MMO comes from hanging out and meeting people, but that isn't what it really is. BioWare needs to add a hangout spot like the Taris Cantina where people can interact with the enviroment and dance, where there is minigames that involve people like Pazzak, and a small dueling space where people can bet and rank themselves (Only cosmetic rewards)


2. Better Open World PvP - The Open World PvP right now is a mess, even WoW has it better right now with Wintergrasp and Tol' Barad. I hate to say it, but in 1.1.5 Ilum will be dead since players can get there dailies in Warzones. The one thing BioWare made a mistake doing was the World PvP. You get no special gear from it, its simply not fun nor objective based, and the engine and/or coding is bad enough not to handle 120 player battles.


3. More Incentive to PvE/PvP - Right now there is no Incentive to PvP or PvE once you get the best gear, WoW had its arena which kept people with the best gear because it was competitive, there needs to be something harder then the hardest to do once you beat the best gear.


4. More Datacrons like the +10 one - I love Datacrons, the most fun one I've seen was the +10 stat, it required teamwork and was fun, BioWare should totally add more datacrons.


5. Better Server Balance and Server Migration - Now I rolled on a West Coast server, so sadly no one is on during my playtime, I have a guild I run and we really want to run to the Fatman east coast server. There should also be more incentive to playing the opposite faction.

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Hmmm... There are some really good ones here so far.. :D


1: More space flight missions and of course free flight.. They should look at XWA for mission ideas.. As well as some different station and ship models.. I would love to see an SSD of this time period..


2: More critters in the environment.. We need some creepy crawlies on the ground.. Be it bugs, snakes or other things.. Fish in the water of some sort.. Just more environment things to make things look more alive.. Birds and things as well..


3: More pets, more pets, more pets, more pets, and more pets.. I also want the original L2-P2 that was a little red astromech droid and not the battle droid looking thing.. (This was from the beta..) Rare spawns would be nice..


4: Guild calander/Game calander.. We really need something that can track user added guild events, as well as bioware added game events.. Calanders can also show maintenance times..


5: Much needed fixes to the GTN.. I want to be able to shift+click an item and do a search for just that item.. I would like to be able to search for just orange items.. I would also like the sell limit increased from 50 to 100, if not more..


I guess that is all for now.. There is some good stuff in this thread.. :)

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4. The UI. It sucks. I want the ability to have all my windows open at once. I want to be able to move them around, change their size.

It does, indeed. I want all those things too.


However... I may be misunderstanding what you want, but:

I want more than one chat window open at a time, and I'd especially like to be able to place them where I want them.

You can do this. Chat windows are the draggable-resizable windows you always wanted. You can't type in more than one at the same time, but I run with three different ones open as standard: "Local" has /say and suchlike; "General" has all my Guild chat; "System" has all the system-type messages. They all update at once (if necessary).

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Cross server warzones

Cross server flashpoints AND operations tool

Dual spec

AC switching


Basically everyone i know or have talked to has quit or is quitting due to the lack of those features, and i can't really blame them, i'm not resubbing either until at the very least the first 2 things in that list get added.


Releasing the game without those conveniences was pretty *********** suicidal for a late 2011 mmo title, we aren't in 1999 anymore.

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1. More playable species. Naturally, in an MMO, people want to look unique. While you probably won't run into someone who looks like you, additional variety would be nice. I mainly want Togruta and Voss. As a Voss I could easily stomach the Male Consular's voice.


2. Social activities. A reason for me to log on when I don't feel like questing or PVPing. Sitting in a cantina and challenging one of my friends to a game of Pazaak would be awesome. Seasonal activities would be interesting too, I'm not sure I want to see a Christmas tree, but again, it would be a reason to log on in that time of year. This would also be another good way to award social points, so people don't have to do 300 runs of Black Talon to get that speeder they really want.


3. It's hard to request more companion dialogue, as I'm sure the cost of adding new dialogue to all the companions would be more trouble than it's worth. But I definitely felt like some companions didn't have nearly as much to say as others, (IE Blizz) which was mildly upsetting.


4. As OP mentioned, a reverse port. I've always wanted a function similar to that in KOTOR, where you could quick travel to your ship, then "Transit Back" to where you originally ported out.


5. Overhaul the space system. I'm sorry, but the current system is dull and only partially worth doing for the rewards. SWG: Jump to Lightspeed did space right. Learn from it. People like to have their friends all on one ship. In SWG I would bring friends on my ship and we'd take turns flying, or we'd just hang out. I completely furnished my shuttle, so we could sit around and take a break from the daily grind.



Overall, small improvements to the social aspect of the game would give the game more life than adding 10 more flashpoints/operations. There's some people who think hard mode flashpoints are too hard. There are some who think they are too easy. How do you get them both to stay after level 50? Social activities.

Edited by Nazguapo
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1. More lvl 50 planets, and not just ice planets:

Kashyyyk: large woods and wookies

Yavin IV :important place in SW lore, booth old and new.

Manaan ( from Kotor) etc. Water planet, trying to be neutral like the voss but no as mystical.


Manaan would be a really interesting planet to go to... perhaps as a planet completely dedicated to social activities?

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Listen to this guy. He has some points that is I, personally believe is NEEDED to change so that you developers don't lose many subscribers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=nnKYF_ZZQDE


Now, I am not agreeing on every argument but things that bothers me and my friends is mainly:


Ability Delay(Explained in the movie)


CameraaaaaAAAAAARGH!! (Explained in the movie) My main concern: When your camera is blocked by an object and it shorts your sight and then gets away from that object it takes FOREVER for it to come back on the place where you scrolled it to be.


Player targeting: (Explained in the movie) Why can't I target a player when my cursor is over his speeder? Do I really have to find the actual player inside of it? come on broz!

- Auto-target is a joke aswell. You should target only people who are on the screen in the moment and start with the nearest and not just a random person somewhere close.


Creativity about abilities(Explained in the movie) Think out side the box, plox!


Improvements in Ilum PVP(Explained in the movie) Pisses me off and makes PvP boring.


Questing bore me! There's not a single quest in the game where you, (on a planet), fly a starship and kill mobs, rolling down the streets with an armed tank etc.

-love the story line though.


Incorrect player position(Like WoW and some other MMOs people appear standing right beside you when they are like 2 meters from you. This really annoys melees in pvp)


The ammount of slows, knockbacks and all other CC-abilities litterally pisses me of. FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!


If you are unlucky and you get in to warzones with complete ******* you might as well get ready for a 3-hour daily. It takes 3 wins to get the daily done. 3 WINS!?!?!?!?

- I suggest a quest with two soloutions. 1 win or 3 finished warzones.


PvE-boss fixes. Ancient pylons bugs, Soa's platforms dissapear etc and boss dissapears out of nowhere!??!?!



I believe that there can be done a ton of bug fixes and I just took out some of the main things. I know your only 2 months in but you should really take a look at some(if not all)of the many bugs in this game

Love the game, but I might not in the nearest future if you do not fix these bugs.


Wishing for a better game

- Alicita

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1. Another male body option between tier 2 and tier 3. Normal athletic.

2. Barber Shop.

3. Fleet pass 1hr CD

4. Collision Detection during PvP.

5. Lots of different looks/Armors


It's already been said by BW that they are hesitant to add any more fast travels, since Consumed on Use Fleet Passes are cheaply available from the security key vendor. I do wish you could use your 30 min CD to travel directly to your ship though.

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Ok my top 5 would be;


1) Generic crew members on board ship like the Dr Chakwas, Joker and the others aboard the Normandy 2 in ME2 having conversations and even the odd fetch quest, This would make ships feel more "alive". Would also like to see your companions moving about and working a bit more on board ship.


2) Guild EXP/Legacy system that allows you to unlock more features as you advance from extra ranks and privileges for members to extra guild bank slots and finally guild capital ships.


3) The return of the match to chest feature allowing you to change all your gears colours to match the chest-piece you are wearing to allow you to have a more uniform armour look much easier.


4) Customizable ship interiors where you can place trophies and add in extra features for a cost for things like a mailbox,.


5) some long arcing quest lines for endgame with an epic style item reward one that you can unlock with flashpoints/H4/H2s but need to do Ops to get the most out of.

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1. Rivalry system (see my post)

2. More playable races

3. New Classes

4. More companion interaction.

5. Political system, get influence points upon questing and killing other factions' players. Top guilds with most points gets to choose a planet/area to attack or raid (all players can join)

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1. Colour Crystal in Blaster Weapons and Lightsabers: Basically, these types of weapons, would have a new hole to be called colored glass and crystal current would be called crystal power (as the names used in the Crew Skill Artifice ) the power crystal that gives the statistics while the crystal color only changes the color of the sword or firing so that everyone can choose the color you like and not have to wear ugly colors (magenta lol) only that it is viable


2. I like the idea of a "barber" to change hairstyle, beard ...


3. Add full-body tattoos to the races: Zabrak, tiw'leks, mirralan and cyborg (in addition cybor you can have a bionic arm or leg, you can not cover the armor, as the arm of Zabrak companion of Kotor 2) is painful to see the female Zabrak using light clothing and do not have tattoos on the body, there is nothing good


4. variety in the animation unsheathes weapons, depending on position of saber use your character, it would help to distinguish a tank from a dps, plus personalicacion give more to the game, would be only when you're not fighting, you do not change the animations combat, only the movement


5. dyes for armor, something basic and necessary to not look like a mendicant

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