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No more color restrictions on crystals ?! Really ?


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Indeed, lets stop the QQ. Its more fun to customise your character than to restrict colors for "imersion". Everyone was running around on purple lightsabers aswell, and to be honest it makes little difference in the immersion. You should look the way you want.


And for lore purposes, Exar Kun was sith and had a blue lightsaber and we know of plenty of Jedi that used red sabers. If theres exceptions already in the lore i dont know why we need to restrict players.


Just enjoy it. Play your game the way you like and stop trying to dictate what other players should look like.


I remember a similar argument about the tool that changes the look of your armor in WoW.

Edited by Nemmar
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call me a traditionalist but i saw the lightsaber colours as representative of the side the character is on. When you see a red lightsaber you instantly think bad guys from the films.


Personally i think it looks silly with all these multi coloured lightsabres. But that is just me.


I would have blue/green : jedi, red: sith.


The only reason that they made a purple lightsaber is because Samuel Jackson asked for it, because it is his favourite colour. But I could live with a purple lightsaber available for all.


But this is just my opinion, if the majority want the colours of the rainbow then so be it.


To me the lightsaber is an iconic star wars object and shouldnt be trivialised for the sake of variety.


Also, please don't quote me obscure sith lords that used pink lightsabers in the fifteenth book of the fourth trilogy written by no one I have heard of.


Star Wars is the films for me and nothing else.

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Star Wars is the films for me and nothing else.
Hey, in addition to the movies, there's a great Star wars Video game... it's called Star wars: the old republic. It's an MMO. You should give that a try: it's a great addition to the star wars mythos
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Hey, in addition to the movies, there's a great Star wars Video game... it's called Star wars: the old republic. It's an MMO. You should give that a try: it's a great addition to the star wars mythos


I think you will find that it is a great addition to the MMO gaming world, not the Star Wars mythology. And I am really enjoying it. It's like being in my own Star Wars film.

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call me a traditionalist but i saw the lightsaber colours as representative of the side the character is on. When you see a red lightsaber you instantly think bad guys from the films.


Personally i think it looks silly with all these multi coloured lightsabres. But that is just me.


I would have blue/green : jedi, red: sith.


The only reason that they made a purple lightsaber is because Samuel Jackson asked for it, because it is his favourite colour. But I could live with a purple lightsaber available for all.


But this is just my opinion, if the majority want the colours of the rainbow then so be it.


To me the lightsaber is an iconic star wars object and shouldnt be trivialised for the sake of variety.


Also, please don't quote me obscure sith lords that used pink lightsabers in the fifteenth book of the fourth trilogy written by no one I have heard of.


Star Wars is the films for me and nothing else.



If it is Star Films for you and nothing else, then this game is the wrong Star Wars game for you to play. This game is all based on the Extended Universe.


You are playing in a game based on the Extended Universe ( you know, those books writting by people you never heard of), so when it comes down to it, this game needs to stay with the lore of the extended Universe. The movies really have no lore, it is just a story about Anakin. As far as this game is concerned the Extended Universe is the official Lore.


Also the previous system restricted Sith from using Red, and Restricted Jedi from using Blue/Green. So you should have been complaining about that system as well. You should have been advocating a Faction based color system, not an alignment color system.

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Empire should have red.


Republic should have blue/green.


Purple should be obtainable through end-boss 16man Nightmare operations, assuming the difficulty was ramped up significantly.


Purple should also be obtainable through ranked PvP, assuming it previously existed like it should have.


Orange/yellow can be craftable items or something stupid like that since everyone likes cool crafting for some reason.


PvP and PvE look retarded when people are running around with black-red, black-yellow, cyan and purple.


God help us all if some people are more special than you, though.

Edited by Acri
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I for one am extremely glad that I can now use the colour that I want rather then being forced into using red over green/blue. Great job Bioware!:)




I'm in the full white consular Rakata gear (with the helm not showing of course) and that purple glow is nice.


I'm very pleased.

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If it is Star Films for you and nothing else, then this game is the wrong Star Wars game for you to play. This game is all based on the Extended Universe.


You are playing in a game based on the Extended Universe ( you know, those books writting by people you never heard of), so when it comes down to it, this game needs to stay with the lore of the extended Universe. The movies really have no lore, it is just a story about Anakin. As far as this game is concerned the Extended Universe is the official Lore.


Also the previous system restricted Sith from using Red, and Restricted Jedi from using Blue/Green. So you should have been complaining about that system as well. You should have been advocating a Faction based color system, not an alignment color system.



I am just giving my personal opinion. I really enjoy the game but not from the lore point of view. I identify the characters with those in the films. Darth Maul: SI, Yoda JC, etc. That is how I am applying my imagination to it. I have no knowledge of the other stories because that doesn't appeal to me.


As for lightsaber colours, I accept that, and if people want the choice then of course you should have them.


Personally playing warzones and feeling like I am at a christmas light convention isn't particularly visually appealing to me.


I was playing voidstar the other day and running towards the doors and in the distance in the dim light I could see a blue lightsabre character duking it out with a double bladed red lightsabre.


It looked awesome, just like something in the films. It is that purity that I think we will lose if we have endless colour variations.

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I am just giving my personal opinion. I really enjoy the game but not from the lore point of view. I identify the characters with those in the films. Darth Maul: SI, Yoda JC, etc. That is how I am applying my imagination to it. I have no knowledge of the other stories because that doesn't appeal to me.


As for lightsaber colours, I accept that, and if people want the choice then of course you should have them.


Personally playing warzones and feeling like I am at a christmas light convention isn't particularly visually appealing to me.


I was playing voidstar the other day and running towards the doors and in the distance in the dim light I could see a blue lightsabre character duking it out with a double bladed red lightsabre.


It looked awesome, just like something in the films. It is that purity that I think we will lose if we have endless colour variations.


I think a lot of people are like you and identify with the movies.


However, in saying that and bringing up Darth Maul so I know the most recent 3 movies are OK to use as a reference.


When Anakin went bad, he still used the same blue sabre and didn't suddenly have to throw it away for a red one.


Thats my thought.

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The problems I see with color restrictions is how can a Jedi or Sith hide their alignment to blend into their society? Sure wave around a red lightsaber letting everyone know you dabble in the dark arts the Jedi Council would like that.


Also this is a game. If that dark side Sith want to RP he's wielding a saber he took off the corpse of a Jedi he defeated he can.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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Yeah this is the single most retarded change they made.


I have a Pub alt and got a saber from one of the planetary comm vendors, and when I turned it on, it was Red. I was slightly disappointed, its a small thing but my Pub is a good guy to be the yin to my Siths yang.


There's more impact at having certain colors be for certain force levels. It was a good idea, but of course the QQers couldn't even leave that alone.


The fact even simple things like this need to be explained, and certain people don't get it, shows me why humanity at large is struggling.

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The problems I see with color restrictions is how can a Jedi or Sith hide their alignment to blend into their society? Sure wave around a red lightsaber letting everyone know you dabble in the dark arts the Jedi Council would like that.


Also this is a game. If that dark side Sith want to RP he's wielding a saber he took off the corpse of a Jedi he defeated he can.


Sith can hide their alignement through use of the force how do you think Palpatine hid himself even from the Jedi? He had incredibly influence over the force to mask his true nature. Jedi can sense the force and changes in it including when people die have extreme emotions from across the galaxy. A strong force user can or has trained to mask those ripples around themselves to stay hidden. Thats how the Sith kept rampaging on the Jedi over and over again.


But i agree color restrictions are and were dumb and lore breaking.

Edited by Kindara
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I think a lot of people are like you and identify with the movies.


However, in saying that and bringing up Darth Maul so I know the most recent 3 movies are OK to use as a reference.


When Anakin went bad, he still used the same blue sabre and didn't suddenly have to throw it away for a red one.


Thats my thought.


This is a valid point, but it's situational. Assume he beat Obi-won, he probably would have went back to his master and created a red crystal saber and kept it from there.


Mace has the only purple because the lore was that he was in tune with the dark side as much as you could be as a jedi so the mixed blue and red gave him purple.


When Anakin defeated Duko, he didn't keep his red lightsaber, he discard it after he used it. Any Jedi who worked with the counsel would probably never use a red crystal.


I think the random, exotic crystals should be allowed by both sides, but Reds should be exclusive to dark force users, and Green / Blue should be light side users.


The Yellows, Orange, Purple, white, teal, whatever's can be shared across both sides and neutral factions.


That would make sense. What BW did with removing the restrictions was pretty much saying "We're tried of listening to these guys, just unlock the crystals and be done with it."


This game is a Star Wars based game, so for better or worse it's tied to that lore. Most people who play it, are playing it for the STAR WARS LORE. If this was Indiana Jones Online, the people would expect it to adhere to that lore.


Its really simple thinking folks...

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This is a valid point, but it's situational. Assume he beat Obi-won, he probably would have went back to his master and created a red crystal saber and kept it from there.


Mace has the only purple because the lore was that he was in tune with the dark side as much as you could be as a jedi so the mixed blue and red gave him purple.


When Anakin defeated Duko, he didn't keep his red lightsaber, he discard it after he used it. Any Jedi who worked with the counsel would probably never use a red crystal.


I think the random, exotic crystals should be allowed by both sides, but Reds should be exclusive to dark force users, and Green / Blue should be light side users.


The Yellows, Orange, Purple, white, teal, whatever's can be shared across both sides and neutral factions.


That would make sense. What BW did with removing the restrictions was pretty much saying "We're tried of listening to these guys, just unlock the crystals and be done with it."


This game is a Star Wars based game, so for better or worse it's tied to that lore. Most people who play it, are playing it for the STAR WARS LORE. If this was Indiana Jones Online, the people would expect it to adhere to that lore.


Its really simple thinking folks...


Mace had purple because Samual L Jackson wanted purple he did not have ties to the dark side at all or he would of not been on the council.


Jedi toss aside an opponents lightsaber because its NOT theres. They earn and craft their own lightsabers so its hand crafted for their use and their hands why use someone elses?


Color restrictions came in towards the end of beta and guess what testers told them it was stupid and its made being able to update your weaposn ridiculously hard since half the time especially on Empire you only get Blue or GReen making being darkside ridiculously hard.


Lore has NEVER ever ANYWHERE stated a color restriction because of force alignment. Infact in the lore the only reason most trained sith had red is due to Korriban not having a natural source of crystals so they synthetically created red crystals to use.


If this was lore breaking Lucas Arts wouldn't allow it.

Edited by Kindara
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so you just randomly assign orange to sith and we should listen to you? when in the MOVIES Vader murdered a bunch of children with a blue saber?


just stop.


It's more of a suggestion, i'm sorry if you didn't get that.


If blue/green is for Jedi and only for them it's only fair that Sith have two exclusive colours as well, being red and, if i may suggest orange.


Your point about Vader using a blue lightsaber makes little sense as he at that point did not have the time to create a new lightsaber. However when he is in his new bodysuit he has constructed a new saber and guess what, it's red. It seems many bring up this same moviescene as an argument, when the reason why is very clear.


Look at the movies and at the comics/books, Jedi do not use red crystals for their sabers, Sith do not use blue and green crystals. This game is based on Star Wars lore and that's the reason why i play. In that lore red crystals are required when it comes to Force users that are part of the Sith hierarchy. Non-Force users have no restrictions. The Jedi Order forbids Jedi to use red crystals for lightsabers. Like George Lucas said "red is for bad guys" when he referred to saber wielders.


Last but not least i am feeling a lot of disrespect in this thread. It would be nice if people respected an opinion and tried to be more objective and constructive instead of using such words as "just stop it" or other similar comments. It really doesn't win an argument to be rude if the underlying points being made are based on absolutely nothing.

Edited by DMSL
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Your point about the reborn Darth Vader using a red saber and not a blue one is true. However many Sith opted to use the saber of their defeated foe to show that they have the power to take the weapon of a Jedi. Palpatine has a blue "trophy" light saber he uses.

Also there have been Jedi that used red lightsabers. When I find the names I'll let you all know.

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