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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No more color restrictions on crystals ?! Really ?


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That's not true. The capacity for anyone to attain a crystal should always be there. What is missing is the will, and, in some cases, the funding.


This is what MMOs are all about. There's a carrot on a stick, and it's dangling for everyone to take a bite out of. You need to display a little fortitude to crane your neck that far, though.



That's freakin' rich. So restricting colors based on someone's ability to pay is fine, but restricting colors on an aesthetic established in films is not. lol.


That's just hypocritical, that is.


Let's not forget your supposed Dark Jedi character could have a blue crystal still had you not changed it out before you went Dark. Or, as I found out today, you can also buy such a saber on Voss, though again you'll not be able to replace the crystal.


Carrot meet stick...lol




It's quite clear where you stand now.

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Couldn't you just go along with it ? It's been like this for YEARS in Star Wars and just because some kids don't like it "oh noes y me no haz red lightsaber???", Bioware is changing something iconic to the serie.


Nope. Star Wars Galaxies 2003-2011 had no color restrictions. Bioware isn't doing anything new.

Edited by Caribroo
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PS: I've enjoyed reading your posts, so please excuse the pedantry of this reply. :)


No need to appologize. I agree with you, and actually liked aspects of the current system where crystals like Magenta (pink) were difficult to get. Removing all of that is a shame.


Having said that, the fact that nobody on the Republic could ever even attain a purple crystal was just shameful.

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In a story-based MMO, one would think this would be a HUGE issue!



The entire time my Jedi is going darksided, she's trying to hide the fact that she's doing evil things. If red automatically meant darkside, as people have argued, wouldn't me whipping one out constantly kind of give my lies away?


I mean, you cannot have it both ways... if the red sabers mean something, then no Jedi can use one in TOR -- the story doesn't allow for the angst it would cause. However, if the crystals mean nothing (and that is how the Jedi in TOR seem to act), then the current system is stupid and pointless.




In my opinion the colour crystal of red, blue and green for Jedi and Sith (the other classes don't have anything going like the Jedi and Sith, same goes for corruption) should be restricted by faction, not alignment. But that would not be preferable in an MMO. Players want choices.


A light side Sith character can't use a red sabre and many people simply want to keep the iconic Sith look while exploring a light sided Sith storyline. Same with Jedi. If I wanted to play a dark Jedi, I wouldn't want to be forced into using red, purple and orange -- I'd like my blue! So then I would have to choose between either going in a story direction I'd rather not go or deal with a colour I really don't want. You should be free to enjoy the story like you want it to play out and keep the look you want. We can turn off Sith corruption -- so why shouldn't we be able to do this?


The removal of alignment is therefore a much better option for that reason. You shouldn't have to sacrifice enjoyment in both areas.

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Of course there were people complaining about restrictions. There are always people complaining about restricting this or that.


I think a lot of us had faith in BioWare to ignore those complaints because BW had done such a good job of interpreting and presenting the Star Wars Universe. I guess it's the fault of we the silent majority, who were happy with the restrictions, for not speaking up.


So that's why I'm speaking up now. I never dreamt BW would go through with it.


Oh the irony. YOU'RE the one who's not up on Star Wars. Luke himself used a red saber in the books. In the movies, Vader used a blue saber.


Edit: and why would a Jedi who is on the dark side suddenly have to use a red crystal? Kind of an obvious way to tell the council about their alignment, don't you think?


Agreed, quite stupid.

Edited by Caelrie
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I submit for your review, four Sith Lords who didn't use red lightsabers, at least not at the beginning:


Exar Kun

Ulic Qel-droma

Freedon Nadd

Darth mutha-****in'-Vader.


So, there ya go. There's no real 'restriction' on blade colors. Just because something is iconic doesn't mean it should be a limitation because it might 'ruin your immersion'.


Now Revan, fighting for the Republic in the Foundry, uses a purple lightsaber. Windu used a purple lightsaber. Artificers can make yellow, green, blue, and red sabers. If they're Dark Side, they can only use the yellow and red crystals. If their Light Side, however, you can 3/4. Why is it that they should be restricted. They make the crystals.

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Of course there were people complaining about restrictions. There are always people complaining about restricting this or that.


I think a lot of us had faith in BioWare to ignore those complaints because BW had done such a good job of interpreting and presenting the Star Wars Universe. I guess it's the fault of we the silent majority, who were happy with the restrictions, for not speaking up.


So that's why I'm speaking up now. I never dreamt BW would go through with it.


......QQ. Ppl should be able to create the character they want period. The only lore breaking thing that really irritates me is sith corruption for non force sensitives.

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I submit for your review, four Sith Lords who didn't use red lightsabers, at least not at the beginning:


Exar Kun

Ulic Qel-droma

Freedon Nadd

Darth mutha-****in'-Vader.


That's not counting all of the Sith during the Great Hyperspace Wars of course

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I kinda wish we could exclude "what I see other players doing" as an acceptable argument for "impacting my gameplay."


Life in MMOs would be much easier.


If my smuggler sees a jedi with a red lightsaber, his universe doesn't implode. He just thinks, "I wonder why those jedi are using red sabers. I thought that was a sith thing... oh look, there's that assassin droid I've been looking for."


Then he kills that assassin droid.

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I don't see a problem with the removal of colour restrictions myself. It should only really be lightsabers that are affected anyway - Red for Sith and some Dark Jedi, and Blue/Green for the rest. Other colours are open to all.


As for the blaster wielders, just about everyone fired red bolts in the films, bar the clone troopers. The whole Death Star rescue would have been a shambles if Luke, Han or Leia couldn't use a single blaster they picked up because it was equipped with a red crystal.


Even in space combat, the Rebels fired Red, and the Imperials green.


Personally I would follow canon myself, though it's not going to break the game if I see a Force-user running around with a colour that contrasts their alignment.

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I don't like having to choose which LS/DS points to get because of the colour lightsaber I want.

There are already plenty of sith with blue/green crystals and jedi with red already etc. Not going to make a big difference but give players a little more freedom.

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"The Seven Dark Jedi, like Exar Kun, are some of the only dark side characters in the Star Wars universe who do not limit themselves to red lightsabers, perhaps because the continuity the game started to establish was not "mature" yet."


As in self-imposed. :i_tongue:

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Keep in mind that these silly color restrictions affect non-force users too.


Why as a bounty hunter should I be forced to fire red bolts?

Don't the iconic imperial space weapons fire green bolts?


I never thought that lightsaber color crystal was defined by alignment.

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More options for the player is always a great thing.


If you want to RP that your darkside character can only use red, so be it. But don't limit the enjoyment of others to customize their character.


In the lore it is a personal choice. In the game it will be too.

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Don't the iconic imperial space weapons fire green bolts?


I never thought that lightsaber color crystal was defined by alignment.


Within the EU, Sith apparently can artifically create their crystals rather then collecting them from Ilum, etc. Those that are artifically produced are a red colour. Other than that, there are no real restrictions.


Even Lucas once proclaimed Green and Blue were the only colours for Jedi until Samuel L Jackson asked for a purple saber. But then even Lucas will break from his own tradition whenever it suits him.

Edited by Mjollnir
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Instead of restrictions, i think they should have incentives of sorts to motivate dark side players to use traditionally dark side colours (red and purple?) and light side use light side colours (blue and green?).


something akin to doubleing all DS/LS gains (DS for red/purple and LS for green/blue).

or some other (better) idea that BW could come up with.



But letting it flow freely doesnt make much sense to me because theres suddenly going to be tons of sith with blue and green sabers and tons of jedi with red sabers... because its "cool".


and no matter how hard you look, youre not going to find any lore evidence for that kind of behaviour (yes, there were sith with blue sabers and jedi with red, but they were RARE, not the norm)

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