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When will SWTOR Fall?


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It is sad that you cannot understand your own data.


It has been explained to you trolls over and over .... bu you are just to dense to get it.


Dense hypocrites who are paying to play a game they don't like and a game they want to see fail so bad that it gives them sleepless nights obviously, then they dwell on these forums trying to convince people with their "statistics" and "objective opinions" how SWTOR is bad and doomed, hilarious really :D

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Dense hypocrites who are paying to play a game they don't like and a game they want to see fail so bad that it gives them sleepless nights obviously, then they dwell on these forums trying to convince people with their "statistics" and "objective opinions" how SWTOR is bad and doomed, hilarious really :D


I'm pretty sure no one is paying for this game just to sit on the forums hating on it. People are allowed to voice their opinion (I know, that's something shocking to you Biodrones) even if it's negative.


Really, you have no one to blame but yourself for the negativity spreading on the forums. You all come out of no-where and flame the **** out of any thread not singing the game praise. It's disgusting.

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just been on to killian jarro repub side (where i have two lvl 50's that can't get a group anymore) and 19 people on fleet !!!!


Don't tell me that all is well.


People that claim this game is still a rip roaring success need to see a doctor :(

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I estimate that:


1) It will take 6 months from the launch of an MMO for the community to stabalise


2) Once stablised, community will fluctuate mildly but otherwise stay the same


3) First expansion pack will attract back some original players as well as attract news ones


4) Community will peak a month or two after first expansion


5) After then, it will be a slow but steady decline, the rate of which determined by Bioware's content.

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Wow, what server are you playing on? Because on Kathol Rift you're lucky to have 100 people on the IMPERIAL Fleet once or twice a week. Planets average at around 8-10 people.


Republic side is even less.


i agree with this...alot of servers are dead...this game will take a serious hit when guildwars 2 comes out

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I estimate that:


1) It will take 6 months from the launch of an MMO for the community to stabalise


2) Once stablised, community will fluctuate mildly but otherwise stay the same


3) First expansion pack will attract back some original players as well as attract news ones


4) Community will peak a month or two after first expansion


5) After then, it will be a slow but steady decline, the rate of which determined by Bioware's content.


I doubt people will buy the Expansion if they didn't like the game the first time.


I know I won't be. Rather wait for a private server.

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I'm so tired of the naysayers.






This game is fun, and it won't be "falling" any time soon, so shut it.

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I'm so tired of the naysayers.






This game is fun, and it won't be "falling" any time soon, so shut it.



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I'm so tired of the naysayers.






This game is fun, and it won't be "falling" any time soon, so shut it.


Not fun as far as MMO's go and no I'm not comparing to WOW, I played WOW for about a year after launch and quit.

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I'm so tired of the naysayers.






This game is fun, and it won't be "falling" any time soon, so shut it.



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I'm so tired of the naysayers.






This game is fun, and it won't be "falling" any time soon, so shut it.


It's fine if you enjoy what BW has crapped out. But objectively, this game falls short in many categories. Even considering it's still-young state, the game has launched with a quality that would have been acceptable 5 years ago.


And as far as it falling, well that depends on what you consider falling. I think many people who are pointing to its decline are doing so based on the hype, the resources, and the intended scope of this project. If you had followed this game since alpha like many of us have, you would be equally shocked and disappointed at the state of things now.


After 1.2, it will be more clear as to how successful this game will be, but as of right now things are looking bleak.


That's not to say that the game isn't fun for you or others, and that doesn't mean the game will disappear. What most of us mean by "fall" is that it probably won't thrive and expand at the rate of a game like WoW.


This is looking to be more like some lesser-known niche-MMOs who do just fine and are fun for their community, but aren't pushing out tons of content and bringing players from across the gamer spectrum into the level cap and end game for years. And considering the way the game was advertised to the MMO world, that would be falling.

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It's better than SWG and that lasted, I think, 8 years.


Better than SWG? Gameplay is better, yes. Very dated too, though. Instances, questing and raiding I think also better. Yet, I am on the fence. Hard to say exactly why, but SWG was just more immersive to me. I think it felt much more like the Star Wars universe than this does.


I don't really think TOR will fail. EA is rich, and when they get angry enough about not seeing the returns they had hoped for on their investment, head'll roll. Changes will happen. The game will be around for years, and there will be many positive changes, I believe. Nevertheless, my belief is that TOR will fall far short of its expectations. Bioware may be past its prime. Where is the innovaton that created Mass Effect? This is a very cookie-cutter game from a company that has been my favorite thanks to the KoTOR and Mass Effect series.

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Better than SWG? Gameplay is better, yes. Instances, questing and raiding. I think also better. Yet, I am on the fence. Hard to say exactly why, but SWG was just more immersive to me. I think it felt much more like the Star Wars universe than this does.


I don't really think TOR will fail. EA is rich, and when they get angry enough about not seeing the returns they had hoped for on their investment, head'll roll. Changes will happen. The game will be around for years, and there will be many positive changes, I believe. Nevertheless, my belief is that TOR will fall far short of its expectations. Bioware may be past its prime. Where is the innovaton that created Mass Effect? This is a very cookie-cutter game from a company that has been my favorite thanks to the KoTOR and Mass Effect series.


SWG had less than 5000-10000 players last year. It was massacred after it's first year live by LA & SOE and stopped being anything decent. Actually it was set to fail from the getgo by the timeline they chose. SWTOR is at least doing things right.

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LOL made up bullcrap!


You give no proof of your claim that the game is growing and expect people to believe you.


I give you statistical proof that the game is on a decline (http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats, just in case it didn't sink in the first time) and you tell me that my 'made up crap doesn't matter'.


Hilarity. I don't know if you're trolling at this point but I hope so because that's just sad.


That's still not proof, the "stats" from that is purely based on speculations, which has been explained many times before why it's severely flawed, without knowing how big of a span the different loads stands for, light/standard/heavy etc (which actually might vary from server to server since the devs have stated before that they've been tweaking servers that was popular), the numbers you get there are just about as trustworthy as someone logging in and saying "man, only 87 people on fleet, the game must be dying" or taking the buss and noticing that it's only 5 other people there, that must mean that a lot of people has died/moved away, right?

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I think TOR has lots of life left. In game you hear very little negativity, it is only here on the forums where you hear the majority of it. For the most part the general population is having fun. I myself am not a huge fan of linear games which is why I liked SWG and Eve online so much. Even I however, have to admit that TOR has potential, and the franchise is more than enough to keep a decent population for quite sometime.


The one thing that makes me chuckle about that article is the comment about Guild Wars 2 looking like WoW. You can spend 2 minutes researching GW2 and find out that it is COMPLETELY different from a standard linear "WoW like" MMO. I'm not promoting GW2 cause I plan on playing TOR for a while, but still have to admit I am intrigued. I believe out of any upcoming MMO releases, GW2 is the biggest threat to the TOR population.

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Well, if you'd like to call the original APB, an MMO Third Person Shooter (Not APB Reloaded, the original APB that was developed by Realtime Worlds.), then yeah.


It was released in July and died in September. So around 1 year, yes.


That's kind of off the subject, though.


(I just like to mention APB in "failed MMOs" subjects :3).


This is continuing an off topic post I know, but APB didn't close because it was a failed MMO, it closed becasue RTW was badly managed and ran out of money. Even if it made a ton of money it wouldn't have helped.


That also is part of the reason that it released in the state it did.

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When will SWTOR Fall?


When I think of the MMO community I am reminded greatly of the first person shooter industry. In the FPS industry there is total brand recognition and brand loyalty. People who play Halo 3 are insanely critical of every other first person shooter out there.


People who quit Halo 3 are worse. People who quit Halo 3 end up looking for a game that simply does not exist


In a similar way the old MMORPG community still flocks around looking for the perfect MMO game. While Massively.com represents a very positive MMO community, MMORPG.com represents the disdain of former World of Warcraft players.


Star Wars: The Old Republic for so many was a chance at making another World of Warcraft.


Less than a week after the game launched people were clamoring that the game population shrank…. it did not.


A month after people claimed it shrank… it did not.


We’re now two months in and all signs show the game’s population is still growing.


The thing people are slowly realizing is that the large population of the game isn’t level capped. While the Fleet Republic will see around 200 people, the other zones will look at about 40-50 players each.


Star Wars: The Old Republic is still growing and all signs show that it’s population will not fall any time soon.


So the question is… when will it fall. Or more appropriately, what will cause it to fall. There is after all a chance that SWTOR will continue to grow in sales and will find a revenue model that will attract more constant players.


So off to what will cause SWTOR to fall!











This game rocks and it is truely a god sent. Now before you call me a fanboi I have played multiple MMOs and the only thing that I have ever liked since EQ/DAOC/WoW has been RIFT and SWTOR everything else was garbage and I couldn't stomach any of the them.


I think this is the game Star Wars fans have been waiting for, for a long time. I am glad BioWARE got into the MMO buisness because I think its time to see Blizzard get some healthy competition and all of us that play these types of games benifit from this because now they both will be competing for the top spot in the near future.


My money is on SWTOR because the theme of it in my opinion has a better history and story were as Blizzard Warcraft just had copied paste history of LOTR like all other D&D based games. If BioWARE impliments a Sandbox Space zones for PVE/PvP play this game is going to have the knock out it needs to change the D&D theme of all MMO out there. I am truely tired of Dungeons and Dragons like stories and been wanting to play a Sci-Fi MMO for a long time and its covered in SWTOR lore.

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EA is rich, and when they get angry enough about not seeing the returns they had hoped for on their investment, head'll roll.


More likely, baring some contractural clause with Lucas, EA would shut it down if the game underperforms. They've already done that. Twice, iirc.


I agree with your suspicion that BW looks to be past its prime.

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It's fine if you enjoy what BW has crapped out. But objectively, this game falls short in many categories. Even considering it's still-young state, the game has launched with a quality that would have been acceptable 5 years ago.


And as far as it falling, well that depends on what you consider falling. I think many people who are pointing to its decline are doing so based on the hype, the resources, and the intended scope of this project. If you had followed this game since alpha like many of us have, you would be equally shocked and disappointed at the state of things now.


After 1.2, it will be more clear as to how successful this game will be, but as of right now things are looking bleak.


That's not to say that the game isn't fun for you or others, and that doesn't mean the game will disappear. What most of us mean by "fall" is that it probably won't thrive and expand at the rate of a game like WoW.


This is looking to be more like some lesser-known niche-MMOs who do just fine and are fun for their community, but aren't pushing out tons of content and bringing players from across the gamer spectrum into the level cap and end game for years. And considering the way the game was advertised to the MMO world, that would be falling.


Hit the nail on the head. TOR will likely "fall" short of expectations, but it will survive. Hardcore SW fans will stick with it. Guess I used to be more hardcore. I just think that hardcore MMO players will look for something with more... I don't know... depth, originality, personality. On the surface these things seem evident in SWTOR, but for me they are only skin-deep. Something is lost between single-player RPG and MMORPG, in my opinion. Having said that, I think that there are things that can happen that will keep me around, so I'm hopeful, but 1.2 is looking like a patch that will fall short of expectations too.

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I think a lot of the people who bought the game initially were looking for the next big game, the next wow, and had inflated expectations, not realizing that it was always intended to be kotor online. These people will not resub, and their own foolishness will make them angry enough to fill these boards with complaints as some of them cant cope well with the sense that they wasted their time and money.


Speaking from my own perspective: I am disapointed in the way the multiplayer aspect of the game is laid out, but the game itself is fine when I consider it is Kotor Online. I am leaning on the quit side of the fence when I consider it as a subscription based game, indeed were it not for the fact it is Star Wars and I had anticipated it for so long I wouldnt be here in the first place. I have sincere doubts that after Diablo 3 and or Guild Wars 2 drops I will continue to play this game in its current state. I suspect that many others feel this way, even if they are as fanatical about the Star Wars franchise as I am.


If you stripped away the Star Wars (and to a lesser extent, sci-fi) element and this was a generic sci fi game, I dont even feel as if the experience compares to my current GuildWars and WoW investments.

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That's still not proof, the "stats" from that is purely based on speculations, which has been explained many times before why it's severely flawed, without knowing how big of a span the different loads stands for, light/standard/heavy etc (which actually might vary from server to server since the devs have stated before that they've been tweaking servers that was popular), the numbers you get there are just about as trustworthy as someone logging in and saying "man, only 87 people on fleet, the game must be dying" or taking the buss and noticing that it's only 5 other people there, that must mean that a lot of people has died/moved away, right?


Uh except the population decrease is specific for each server, which is pretty obvious. You don't need to know the population caps to see that there is a general decrease on all servers. If your server last week had a 2.20 population (whatever that means, it doesn't really matter) and decreased by 0.20, that's a decrease no matter which way you look at it. Why do the server loads matter in that case, and how the hell does it 'debunk' the TOR server population site? (what, you think that when the server starts seeing less players, Bioware RAISES the population cap, thereby making it seem like every server is on a decline? really? flawless logic). You also make the assumption that server population caps are constantly being changed, which I doubt is the case. Even if they did it two weeks ago, the site displays the most recent week only, so it wouldn't even matter.


Your explanation is weak and means absolutely nothing... you're really grasping at straws here. But hey, that's what emotionally attached fanboys do best!

Edited by Esaru
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