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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vanguard/Powertech Most OP class in the game


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Mitigation effects in this game are additive, so if you had 30% mitigation you now have 55% mitigation and that's actually very strong.


Compare the 25% damage reduction to the Marauder's 99% damage reduction.


Compare the 25% damage reduction to the assassin's immunity to tech/force.


The other CD a Vanguard gets is 2k health over 10 seconds (assuming 20k HP pool).

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Compare the 25% damage reduction to the Marauder's 99% damage reduction.


Compare the 25% damage reduction to the assassin's immunity to tech/force.


The other CD a Vanguard gets is 2k health over 10 seconds (assuming 20k HP pool).


It's still a bad burst CD but if it really does work that way it is a very good mitigation CD overall. The duration is 12 sec IIRC and that's quite a long time.

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Yes it is.



- Most utility in the game (tied with sorc), ie. leap (specced) and pull (which in itself is insane),

- Most amounts of interrupts in the game.

- One of the toughest and arguably the toughest class in the game when it comes to defensive CDs and damage mitigation.

- Best AoE ability in the game

- Excellent ranged damage capabilities

- Excellent melee damage capabilities

- One of the best burst capabilities in the game as assault/pyro

- One of the highest sustainable DpS over time



- Umm.. None


I cant really see how a wellgeared PT/Van would be able to lose a duel EVER.


They should at least remove harpoon/grapple from the game. That would at least make Ilum remotely playable again, making it be about tactics, teamwork and postioning, and not only be about which blob got the most amount of PTs/Vans and are able to fish the fastest. Harpoon is the prime reason Ilum is broken atm.


With the same rationalle, you should be more concerned with inquisitors. After all, they can tank, heal, dps in melee or at range, taunt, guard, steath, bubble, burst, knockback, pull, etc. Sure, they can't do all that at the same time, but it doesn't seem to matter

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Hmm, you learn something every day. If true that should be corrected. It should reduce your damage by 25% after all other mitigation.


So you're saying when a tank PT with 50% mitigation pops their cooldown they're now taking half as much damage as they did before?


I haven't noticed nearly that much difference on my tank spec PT, but then I'm not 50 and my mitigation is in the 40s, not the 50s.


Yeah, check your mitigation tooltips when you pop your shield, it'll have 25% added to it. That's why it is an extremely strong cooldown for well geared characters and not so much for newbie characters.


I really don't understand why it's done this way, since the Marauder 99% damage reduction really just reduces damage by 99% (or they'd take 0 damage if it's added, not that it'd matter). It provides all kinds of balance headaches, since one guy can say this CD is totally overpowered and another will say it's useless and both can be correct depending on what kind of gear the character we're talking about has.

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With the same rationalle, you should be more concerned with inquisitors. After all, they can tank, heal, dps in melee or at range, taunt, guard, steath, bubble, burst, knockback, pull, etc. Sure, they can't do all that at the same time, but it doesn't seem to matter


Except he's comparing ONE AC, and you're comparing 2. Lol.

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Pyro isn't a tank tree; its a DPS tree.

Vanguards/Powertechs aren't tanks unless they spec as tanks.


Pyro isn't a tank tree; its a DPS tree.

Vanguards/Powertechs aren't tanks unless they spec as tanks.


Pyro isn't a tank tree; its a DPS tree.

Vanguards/Powertechs aren't tanks unless they spec as tanks.


Pyro isn't a tank tree; its a DPS tree.

Vanguards/Powertechs aren't tanks unless they spec as tanks.


Pyro isn't a tank tree; its a DPS tree.

Vanguards/Powertechs aren't tanks unless they spec as tanks.


Pyro isn't a tank tree; its a DPS tree.

Vanguards/Powertechs aren't tanks unless they spec as tanks.


Pyro isn't a tank tree; its a DPS tree.

Vanguards/Powertechs aren't tanks unless they spec as tanks.




(spammed for your understanding)

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The 25% damage reduction DOES add flat reduction.


However it's doesn't actually translate into "50% damage reduction" unless you're in a tank-spec with 50% kinetic/energy reduction, and only being attacked by kinetic/energy attacks.


You're still going to be taking 65-75% damage from elemental/internal.


Reactive Shield is pretty mediocre as far as defensive cooldowns go unless you're a tank-spec. The health regen is also pretty much worthless in any practical situation. Only useful when you mix it with a med-pak or something.


I've got 16500 HP on my Vanguard, so it heals for like 600 immediately and then 100 a second for 10 seconds.... You regenerate over 10 seconds the damage you'd take in 1 hit, or less. In combat a Shadow Tank can regen 400ish health every few seconds, and then 2k every time they have the procs for Telekinetic Throw.

Edited by savionen
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Both Marauders and Assassins would destroy a PT. Snipers can also fight them on fairly even terms.


I agree Marauders and Assassins give a fair fight to Pyro PT´s. I do not agree a Sniper does.


But don´t forget it also comes from personal skill. People just expect to roll a class and to own everyone and do insane dmg without learning to play the class...oh wait... Trooper comes to mind.




Yes, Pyro PT´s are good, but you have to know how to play them (as most classes) and we are quite squishy as aside from the shield that reduces dmg by 25% we have nothing ,unless we sacrifice dps.


I say we aren´t OP because we really need to be in the fray to be able to put up great dmg (a thing sorcs/cons and mercs/comms dont) so we are vulnerable if we get focused at least imo.


But yeah to sum it up RS is great lol

Edited by Agenteusa
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I agree Marauders and Assassins give a fair fight to Pyro PT´s. I do not agree a Sniper does.


But don´t forget it also comes from personal skill. People just expect to roll a class and to own everyone and do insane dmg without learning to play the class...oh wait... Trooper comes to mind.




Yes, Pyro PT´s are good, but you have to know how to play them (as most classes) and we are quite squishy as aside from the shield that reduces dmg by 25% we have nothing ,unless we sacrifice dps.


I say we aren´t OP because we really need to be in the fray to be able to put up great dmg (a thing sorcs/cons and mercs/comms dont) so we are vulnerable if we get focused at least imo.


But yeah to sum it up RS is great lol


Rail shot is a ranged attack, not a tech attack. This might help some sniper/slingers out. :)

Edited by biowareftw
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Rail shot is a ranged attack, not a tech attack. This might help some sniper/slingers out.


Well when I´m facing a Sniper or any ranged class for that matter I´m always glued to them circling them so they can´t use some abilities.


So I´m not fighting a ranged battle with him which I would obviously lose :p

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Pyrotechs/Assaults are the new FOTM class, actualy its been for a couple of months now.

I see alot more of them then Merc/Commandos on my server actually.

Its a very easy class to play and very mobile while still dishing out 400k+ damage per warzone easily.


I agree the damage should be brought down quite a bit, considering all the other utilities they have. They pretty much have all skills a commando have, except grav round and demolition round, plus grapple, shields, interupts, higher damage, more mobility.

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I agree Marauders and Assassins give a fair fight to Pyro PT´s. I do not agree a Sniper does.


A well specced, CC-immune sniper in cover that makes good use of his knockbacks & snares can be very hard for a char that needs to be within 4m to perform best and can't leap or use CC to break cover and then leap (or walk towards them while they are stunned).


It's the combination of the right skill points and abilities that make them good against powertechs, a sniper with some or none of these things specced will be much worse off against a PT.

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Well Played Assassin and Marauder > Well Played PT.


Problem is the % of well played sins/maras are so few and far between it means I can usually just wreak havoc on the other team. (Which is funny on my server, I have gotten so many hate tells for the damage I do from people and guilds i STILL can just shoot away without a single person attacking me).


Fun fact. The guy that can kill you in under 8 seconds you may want to kill before you focus somebody else.....he is beyond squishy, don't let that heavy armor fool you..


EDIT: to the guy that posted below, I'm guessing he's running a tank hybrid.


If I don't get a 5K medal a match I'm disappointed in myself....

Edited by exphryl
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The ranged damage capabilities are pretty meh if you spec. into charge. If you have charge, you don't have thermal det, which cuts your ranged damage by quite a bit.


As far as weaknesses, I would say (with my spec) anything you can't go toe to toe with. I have a really hard time with snipers (cover really screws over powertechs quite a bit, can't charge or pull to close range after they push you back and snare you and cover mitegates rail shot) and I have a hard time with tank assassins. They just have more survivability than me.


All in all though, I agree with your assessment. Powertechs are a pretty great class, and I'm pretty sure the only reason we don't have more nerf threads is because we aren't as flash and we don't pull big numbers. Power techs don't ever hit for over 3.5k (unless it's thermal det, which I don't have) but we have good consistent damage to make up for it. We're certainly nothing to sneeze at that's for sure.

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cover really screws over powertechs quite a bit, can't charge or pull to close range after they push you back and snare you and cover mitegates rail shot


Unless they have the big CC immune cover you can use electro dart to break cover then grapple / leap.


I love doing this to snipers who think they setup in a good position above us.

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Yes it is.



- Most utility in the game (tied with sorc), ie. leap (specced) and pull (which in itself is insane),

- Most amounts of interrupts in the game.

- One of the toughest and arguably the toughest class in the game when it comes to defensive CDs and damage mitigation.

- Best AoE ability in the game

- Excellent ranged damage capabilities

- Excellent melee damage capabilities

- One of the best burst capabilities in the game as assault/pyro

- One of the highest sustainable DpS over time



- Umm.. None


I cant really see how a wellgeared PT/Van would be able to lose a duel EVER.


They should at least remove harpoon/grapple from the game. That would at least make Ilum remotely playable again, making it be about tactics, teamwork and postioning, and not only be about which blob got the most amount of PTs/Vans and are able to fish the fastest. Harpoon is the prime reason Ilum is broken atm.


You know you're mixing in different specs right? I've highlighted your list in different colors. Red being damage specced truths, and yellow being tank specced truths. Green is shared by both.


Tanks have sustained dps, but it's not good dps at all. And the Assault/Pyro specced VGs/BGs drop to I believe around 32% damage mitigation if I remember correctly? Standard heavy armor mitigation regardless though. Not like they're any diff than a dps specced Jugg.


And I'd put their interrupts on par with Marauders if they're tank specced.

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Unless they have the big CC immune cover you can use electro dart to break cover then grapple / leap.


I love doing this to snipers who think they setup in a good position above us.


Right, but if they aren't stupid they'll anticipate that :p If we're talking strictly 1v1 where all parties have their CDs up. Also they can CC break and go into cover again.


As powertechs, you can use powershield if it's talented to break the snare. That helps quite a bit but if the sniper is good, that 2-3 seconds is all they'll need to pull ahead in the dps race.


Just my experience though. Snipers are rough 1v1 if the fight is even gear and CD wise.

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Yes it is.



- Most utility in the game (tied with sorc), ie. leap (specced) and pull (which in itself is insane),

Errr you just listed it all.... nothing else. 1 pull every 45s (and the pulls in this game have some weird physics and don't like inclines so its not reliable) and a charge if we are tank specced (so we don't have the damage you hate on below)

- Most amounts of interrupts in the game.

What... 1.

- One of the toughest and arguably the toughest class in the game when it comes to defensive CDs and damage mitigation.

HAHAHAHAHAHA powertech tanks have the WORST defensive cooldowns. Our mitigation comes purely from higher armor and shields. Shields do jack diddly in pvp and armor only does a little more.

- Best AoE ability in the game

We have pretty good AoE with flamethrower and DFA. Not the best by any stretch but its not bad

- Excellent ranged damage capabilities

We have ranged capabilites... certainly not excellent

- Excellent melee damage capabilities

Grant you this one on a technicality as its because all our damage can be done in melee even though most is 10m+

- One of the best burst capabilities in the game as assault/pyro

This one i'll grant you because you said one of the best. Railshot + TD hitting simultaneously is awesome. If procs go our way after that then its even nastier.

- One of the highest sustainable DpS over time

And again I'll grant you this one. It falls behind mercs and snipers who are left to turret and marauders/sentinels beat us but not much else.


- Umm.. None

See above comment about defensive cooldowns. Seriously a PT's defense is up there with Op's... its kill you before you kill me. At least they can hide and heal up or attempt to stealth and get away. We just kinda gotta bend over n take it.

I cant really see how a wellgeared PT/Van would be able to lose a duel EVER.


They should at least remove harpoon/grapple from the game. That would at least make Ilum remotely playable again, making it be about tactics, teamwork and postioning, and not only be about which blob got the most amount of PTs/Vans and are able to fish the fastest. Harpoon is the prime reason Ilum is broken atm.


Threw my responses in red :p

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If they have dots, they MUST melee range.


If they have range, they MUST be Assault.


They have tricks, they MUST be Shield Spec.




They have 1 interrupt and can spec to knock down the CD on the interrupt.


They have 1 CC.


The timer attached to the Root for Graple has to be spec'd and begins when the grapple is pressed, not when their target lands.


Worst mitigation in the game, yet they are probably guarding someone (woot! Taking extra damage).


They can't kill healers.


Assault Spec Vanguards are the squishiest AC/Spec in this game.


Yet....all in all, Vanguard/Powertechs are the most FUN class in the game.

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