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What has BioWare & TOR done to push the genre forward?


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Every game that comes out pushes its genre forward?


Edit: And whether you care much about voice acted storyin a MMO or not, but the fact that since they announced it, WoW added voiced storyline quests and GW2 is doing the same tells me, they did push the genre forward on that end.

Edited by Claymaniac
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Fill in the blank.


Should we expect a new game to push the genre forward?


Is it ok if a new game does not push the genre forward?


Story and V/O, but they did nothing to advance end game... that's the issue for everyone in the universe... j/k, me anyways!

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I think they've up'd the bar on storyline. It's possible to be critical of the game while still acknowledging a redeeming quality.


Some people prefer to get their " Bring me 10 rat skulls. " quest without a cinematic but I enjoyed their version of the quest givers and at least had a moderate amount of story/reasoning for attaining said rat skulls.

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I think Bioware has advanced questing in MMO's. Personally I don't think people will accept quest texts and not thought put into questing anymore. I honestly think people will want a reason for questing rather than just doing it to level.


Case and point is TERA. A new MMO coming out (well newish) and the number one complaint i've heard is that the questing is boring. I feel that TOR made questing fun.


Again just my opinion.

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1. Storyline

2. Voice acting

3. Companion involvement.

4. crafting changes.

5. Account Security


1. Not innovative, more linear and controlled. Story was in other MMO's, just have to read the quest text.

2. THIS is the only innovation.

3. High maintenance pets.

4. Pets crafting for you is the same as EVE technologies researched. You start the timer and go on about your business. Same thing.

5. You referring to the security key app or the three security questions? Both been done before.

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I think they've up'd the bar on storyline. It's possible to be critical of the game while still acknowledging a redeeming quality.


Some people prefer to get their " Bring me 10 rat skulls. " quest without a cinematic but I enjoyed their version of the quest givers and at least had a moderate amount of story/reasoning for attaining said rat skulls.


I dunno, I feel like their "immersive' story was entirely overbearing, and a big step backwards.

It reminds me of how the Final Fantasy games have become movies w/ choices... ok if you like a more 'choose your adventure' style of game.


I prefer a story more similar to WoW, where you're a Hero, but you aren't the ONLY hero...

You play a Fireman, not Superman.


just my 2 cents.

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A recent video about another game summed up the problems with TOR's emphasis on story perfectly: While the class stories are great and exciting, they're spread out between hours of useless fetch, kill, and protect quests smothered in voice over work. In effect, you get a rather disjointed experience that does little to hammer home your story within the overall setting. Example...



On Ord Mantel, the trooper has to stop a rogue group of soldiers from stealing and using a devastating weapon. However, he/she spends most of his time doing errands for the people caught up in the civil war.



The meat of the story is in the class quests, but they only make up a small portion of the content. This makes replayability low, I think, as you quickly discover that much of the content is repeated.


Taking mechanics from other games (even single-player games) and grafting them onto an MMO is not very innovative. Voice over has been done before, story has been done before, the unholy trinity has been done before...

Edited by Dezzi
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I think they've up'd the bar on storyline. It's possible to be critical of the game while still acknowledging a redeeming quality.


Some people prefer to get their " Bring me 10 rat skulls. " quest without a cinematic but I enjoyed their version of the quest givers and at least had a moderate amount of story/reasoning for attaining said rat skulls.


I agree, i like the depth of the stories, and it has made even side quests more fun to me.


I don't think Bioware set out to re-invent the wheel, just put thier own spokes on it.. and with VO acting, I have never played an mmo where I could rough up the quest giver before, like I can here.

I really think allot of the differences here just don't get seen by allot players, :)

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V/O. That's it. Everything else people have listed has been done before. In many areas they have actually reverted back years of MMO feature upgrades (GTN is actually worse than WoW, UI customization, performance when many toons are in one place, lack of guild features, etc.)
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God question, I won't talk about voice-over since people have mentioned it...



But I feel the companion thing is pretty stellar in this game, and while it could use some work.... it's a definite foot in the right direction.



Also: They have amassed haters and trolls faster than any other MMO in history if that counts, unfortunately I think that's the result of drawing in so much of the WoW crowd....

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I found actually having a compelling class story was pretty innovative. Take a look at WoW, Rift, etc... you get probably less than 5 quests in the whole game that are actually exclusive to you and they actually took away the need to do most of them. Say what you want, but things like that actually matter to most gamers.


The voice acting and conversation system isn't too bad either, kind of enjoy it. I could see possibly getting tired of it after awhile, but you can always hit spacebar and get through it anyway.


All in all, it hasn't specifically been an advancement in MMORPGS, but it's been a good alternative and that's what I suspect they set out to create from the start.

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1. Ranged tank classes.

1. Crafting not requiring down time.

3. Crafting materials not taking up bag space.

4. Not to mention quest stories for classes like nothing else before.


1. WoW did it. Warlocks were required to tank mage boss in Gruul's Liar.

2. EVE Online did it.

3. I'm pretty sure this has been done, AoC or Perfect World maybe?

4. Class quests done. Personal stories done. What you have here is the VO, that is all anyone can mention.

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Fill in the blank.

Voice overs for all quests.


Should we expect a new game to push the genre forward?

No, buts its nice.


Is it ok if a new game does not push the genre forward?

Yes, the game only needs to be fun, no need to reinvent the wheel every time.

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