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500 valor for the first 4 medals...bad idea!


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I don't agree with this change either, it works great for lvl50's but while leveling a alt you hit the valor rank cap(which is your lvl) which right now it pretty easy to hit. Now if we start getting 2-3k valor per win that only make its so anyone in the lower ranks can only play 1-2 games. Which sucks because i would rather play WZ's then grind quest on a character. Go ahead troll and say whatever...


50 Merc (healer)

37 Jugg

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So even if you lose everyone will get a minimum of 2000 valor via 4 medals...

I can already see bigger guild >16 people queuing in 4 groups of 4 people this enables instant Hutball queue. And get 4 medals and run 6 balls to finish the WZ and rinse and repeat.


This is like Ilum valor farming +1 and you dont even need your enemies to help you to do it as long as you can field 16 people (which is not hard for some guilds).


2000 valor every 5 minutes (this is assuming you lose every single fight now considering you are doing the "WZ trading" with your guildies you will get a bit more valor), 24000 valor an hour... dont think overnight BM is impossible at all.

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horrible idea....why should someone who does 400k+ damage get the same reward as someone who did 50k and stood around cloaked most of the time ?


sure, it's nice that healers get medals now easier - but it wasn't really hard already before. 6-8 medals are pretty easy to get if you use an aoe here and there or fight near a turret. but with a 4 medal cap those changes are pretty pointless.

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Why is this a bad idea?


I see it solving two problems:


1. Warzone quitters. NO ONE will want to quit now, even if you are losing. Quit and you don't get your valor and comms. Previously, warzones didn't grant enough of either to matter enough to want to stay without getting a win to tick the daily/weekly mission counter.


2. Hutball farming. Now that you gain a LOT for 4 medals but nothing but e-peen for additional ones, there is every incentive to win as fast as possible and none to "farm" the other team at 5-0 for 8 minutes.


The only downside to this patch is that I think it will kill open PVP in Ilum. Warzones will be quicker, easier, and more convenient to people, as they won't even have to leave the space station.

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For me this means I can concentrate on healing with my healer and DPS with my DPS.


I spent too much time in a match 'medal hunting' before and that was not the same as 'trying to win'.


Now I can keep trying to complete objectives rather than switching stances to guard someone when I'm not tank speced, or trying to DPS with my healing spec.

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I will just copy/paste what i wrote in another thread :


Right now, when i am on a team that is losing for sure, i will still get in there and give my best because there are still a few medals to get (7 to 11).


Also, to all the scubs here claiming medals =/= objectives... Really... I dunno, walk, over there, for 2 days, yea that's it, walk.


Considering i usually get the first 4 medals within 15 secs during the first skirmish (2.5k hit, 2k prot, 5k prot, killing blow), what's left do be achieved if i got myself into one of those totally one sided matches where my team is nothing more than a hoard of lemmings walking toward death ?


Yea, right, pvp for the sake of pvp'ing. Dunno about you people but these kind of slaughter fest can hardly be called pvp.


So, what's left, since i won't get anything more if i keep on fighting. AFK i guess.

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For me this means I can concentrate on healing with my healer and DPS with my DPS.


I spent too much time in a match 'medal hunting' before and that was not the same as 'trying to win'.


Now I can keep trying to complete objectives rather than switching stances to guard someone when I'm not tank speced, or trying to DPS with my healing spec.


Exactly. What made me want to quit warzones wasn't losing. Well, it was, but it was losing because NO ONE ELSE was even trying to achieve objectives!

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I'm all for the change, I can get my 4 medals in the first 2 minutes of the match then focus on winning. People can still go for 10+ medals for personal satisfaction if they want, but a lot of people would prefer to get their 4 medals and get the fast win. Queue up and do it again.
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After this patch there will be no reason to ever leave the Star Fleet. Everyone level 50 will either be waiting on WZ's matches to begin or doing Operations from Star Fleet. So why did they spend so much time on these planets. There won't ever be any Open World PVP since they can't figure it out. And why are there even PVP servers if their the same as a PVE server?
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Why is this a bad idea?


I see it solving two problems:


1. Warzone quitters. NO ONE will want to quit now, even if you are losing. Quit and you don't get your valor and comms. Previously, warzones didn't grant enough of either to matter enough to want to stay without getting a win to tick the daily/weekly mission counter.


2. Hutball farming. Now that you gain a LOT for 4 medals but nothing but e-peen for additional ones, there is every incentive to win as fast as possible and none to "farm" the other team at 5-0 for 8 minutes.


The only downside to this patch is that I think it will kill open PVP in Ilum. Warzones will be quicker, easier, and more convenient to people, as they won't even have to leave the space station.


It will solve the quitter issue, so now people won`t quit so you can get new people and maybe turn it arround, it does happen now... tho it`s rare....


With the new system people will just stay hidden and alt tab or if they have 2 screens just watch something on the other one... so you will still lose, and you will have less people fighting... and when people figure it out that 5 minutes warzones still give you 2k valor, they will gladly lose and still get 2k valor, so the faster the better.


Why fight and make it longer?

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horrible idea....why should someone who does 400k+ damage get the same reward as someone who did 50k and stood around cloaked most of the time ?


sure, it's nice that healers get medals now easier - but it wasn't really hard already before. 6-8 medals are pretty easy to get if you use an aoe here and there or fight near a turret. but with a 4 medal cap those changes are pretty pointless.


Tell that to the healer who was keeping you alive so you could do the 400k+ damage or the tank that had you guarded so you could do the 400k+ damage. Damage isn't the end all and be all of medals. The guy that did 50k damage could have done 400k+ in healing or 400k+ in protection. Making the valor/commendation cap at 4 medals (which is easy for ANY class to attain) will make people focus LESS on that and MORE on playing the game to win.


Want a bigger e-peen now? It won't be about medals anymore, but actually outplaying the opposing team to win the match.


Good change.

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Tell that to the healer who was keeping you alive so you could do the 400k+ damage or the tank that had you guarded so you could do the 400k+ damage. Damage isn't the end all and be all of medals. The guy that did 50k damage could have done 400k+ in healing or 400k+ in protection. Making the valor/commendation cap at 4 medals (which is easy for ANY class to attain) will make people focus LESS on that and MORE on playing the game to win.


Want a bigger e-peen now? It won't be about medals anymore, but actually outplaying the opposing team to win the match.


Good change.


Only reason people will care about objectives and winning is is the bonus for winning is large enough.


If someone is farming valor it may be easier to get 4 metals and allow a quick loss than a drawn out game of huttball.

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Tell that to the healer who was keeping you alive so you could do the 400k+ damage or the tank that had you guarded so you could do the 400k+ damage. Damage isn't the end all and be all of medals. The guy that did 50k damage could have done 400k+ in healing or 400k+ in protection. Making the valor/commendation cap at 4 medals (which is easy for ANY class to attain) will make people focus LESS on that and MORE on playing the game to win.


Want a bigger e-peen now? It won't be about medals anymore, but actually outplaying the opposing team to win the match.


Good change.


don't worry i won't ever reach 400k+ damage, both my lvl 50 pvp chars are healers. but before you cry about e-peens you maybe should reread what i posted. the example wasn't 400k dmg vs 50k dmg + 400k heals, it was 400k dmg vs 50k dmg and standing around cloaked after getting 4 medals.


this patch changes nothing about people who don't care about winning or go afk. if anything it makes them try to lose as fast as possible after they got their medals. i bet 2-3 lost warzones in 15 min will still give you more valor then 1 win

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if someone has 4 metals at the end of a warzone they are useless and did nothing for the team all they did was one very lazy role. "


Yeah, I'm that lazy person that watches the left turret in alderaan while the rest of my team caps the middle. I'm the lazy person that stays there and calls for help to make sure we always control at least 2 turrets.


I'm the lazy person that watches or tries to cap the door in voidstar that everyone isn't fighting at.


I'm the lazy person in huttball that follows the ball carrier and either tries to stop him or help him score.


Yeah, I'm so useless. I should abandon my post, go farm medals like everyone else, and allow a stealther to cap what I was supposed to be watching.


I should give up on trying to win and just focus on the medals so I'm not useless.

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i agree this is a bad idea and 2k valor a game is like a slap in the face to us who are already 60+ valor


That was my first kneejerk reaction but then I stopped and thought about the logic of it and it makes sense. I am a republic player on of the many servers that are struggling against superior geared imps. I'm geared pretty good but often most of my team are just mediocre and get stomped. They get stomped so bad that they can barely pull out 3-4 medals per match and get very little for even participating while the imps grow stronger.


This new change is needed to allow the underpopulated and undergeared faction ( Republic on most servers) have a better chance of competing ( gear wise). And a GOOD team will ensure that everyone on their team gets their 4 medals and not just me me me.


I don't care that I worked for BM the old fashioned way , it does me no good when the rest of my team is crap geared.

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I really have no reason to taunt now as a vanguard. I will still do it because it helps my team win, but it certainly doesn't encourage it for those who don't care if they win or not. I suppoort the first 4 medals giving 500 valor, but I do think the preceding medals should give some amount of valor. 25 sounds reasonable to me, the gap between someone with 12 medals and someone with 5 medals is significantly lessened, and there's still a reason to continue for more medals.
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Does anyone play games for fun anymore? Let's go away from the digital realm for a second. What is your incentive in board games or chess? Chess is probably the best example. Do you get a medal for taking a rook, first to take a piece that over time allows you to start the chess match with more pieces so you can end the match in 30 seconds? If not, why would you ever bother to play chess?


My guess is that you don't. You don't play games for enjoyment, you play them for little digital carrots. And when carrots are more abundant you no longer feel like a special little snowflake. When you are not a snowflake and special you no longer are having fun. But you were never a snowflake, you just chose a class that can achieve 10 medals.


So you naturally assume that everyone plays the game for the same digital carrot as you. That if I am given the carrot, I will simply just AFK because that is what you would do. You are no longer special, so you do just enough to get what you want and quit. Me, I'll fight to the end. But then again, I never need a digital reinforcement to make me have fun. I mean in the early days of DAOC there was basically realm pride to fight over. Amazingly, everyone was out fighting, yet there were no medals, no specific gear, not carrot. Odd, people were playing a game to have fun. Such simpler times.


Would it be better if the patch notes said something to the effect of:


- The first 8 medals will award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul

- Healers will now get medals for being the first to heal someone, 5k heals, 10k heals, 35k heals, 50k heals, 75k heals, 100k heals and every 25k increment thereafter.

- Healers will be granted medals for showing up in the match

- If you lose the warzone you will incur a 50 commendation debt and lose 1,000 valor

- You must be valor rank 40 to wear champion gear, should you lose valor ranks below 40 you will no longer be able to wear your champion gear

- Cent gear requires valor rank 20 and again if you fall below this threshold you will not be able to wear the gear.


So now the reward is to be a healer. Those special snowflakes that rolled healers are so good cause they gets lots o metals!


I couldn't agree more. I probably wouldn't have said it with such words, but I think this is the core issue when it comes to differences in why people play PvP (or MMO's in general for that matter).

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In a game with a relatively easy to obtain gear cap, with reusuables that dont go away(and pvp consumables that are dirt cheap) what does it even matter how many medals and comms a winner or loser gets?


The current system has been screwed for too long, and a reboot is what will be required. This could very well be the beginning of a system reboot. Everyone is able to quickly(relatively speaking) amass the gear and then be stuck at the cap until pvp 2.0 comes along and the status quo changes yet again.


There is no hard work required to get gear. You put in the time or you dont. A terrible player is just as likely to get battlemaster as the best player. Consider playing skillfully, and playing the game for fun. Otherwise, in a few months you will be gone if not sooner, and the game won't necessarily be the worse for your absence.

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the change in medals is a good thing tho i do have a solution to remove afk players without the vote system.


the system monitors your activity (damage/healing/protection done) simply enter a system that monitors your activity if there is no increase in either of the categories for a 2min you are booted. (Make sure self healing/damage is not counted)


in areas that require guarding (civil war turrets) create an ~10m circle where the above rule does not apply. While you can still go afk in the circle the radius is small enough to force any afker into an attack zone where aoe and whatnot would damage/kill him and force into combat/throw him into the respawn area and out of the safe zone.


this would force the afker to either constantly move or fight in pvp while allowing the guy who is guarding the turret to do his job and get paid for it.


I cant think of a situation where an active player could go 2min without shooting something in any warzone.


Only thing it wouldn’t stop is if everyone stands on the one turret in civil war and does nothing and gets the defender medals.




Edit: scratch that puts too many restrictions on tactics.

Edited by Skotal
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oh look im a noob i was useless to the team but i made the same valor as the ppl that carried me the whole game working there butts off.... fail 4 medals 500 valor per medal = complete joke. Makes me not want to be the hero every game now cuz im not gonna get rewarded for it
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oh look im a noob i was useless to the team but i made the same valor as the ppl that carried me the whole game working there butts off.... fail 4 medals 500 valor per medal = complete joke. Makes me not want to be the hero every game now cuz im not gonna get rewarded for it


The reward is actually winning the game.

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oh look im a noob i was useless to the team but i made the same valor as the ppl that carried me the whole game working there butts off.... fail 4 medals 500 valor per medal = complete joke. Makes me not want to be the hero every game now cuz im not gonna get rewarded for it


Nothing you said makes you sound like a hero whatsoever.


So I don't think you need to worry?

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