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Everything posted by JeefTheBeef

  1. go off every 6-7 secs? what r u talking about FB 45% RP 60% in no way is this going off every 6-7 secs u can still go the full 15 secs w/o a single proc this nerf bat destroys pyrotech big time
  2. thats what im saying the only thing that made us special was pyro and parakeet and now parakeet is completely dead and pyro is gonna be a joke the whole class was about luck the change just makes it still be about luck but only every 6 secs.. fail
  3. First of all we were already the worst pvp tanks out there by far so speccing in that was basicly useless if a jugg or shadow tank was there. Are tank cds are a complete joke compare to what juggs have. The only 2 good specs we had for pvp was either parakeet or pyro, and now both those specs have been nerfed to the groud. To anybody who says the 6 sec cd is a good thing u obviously never played pyro R.I.P powertechs
  4. yes they do not my fault if im always in the action dpsing and guarding during the entire game making sure we score dying for the team and not caring cuz i know in the end im gonna get rewarded for it. Now all the noobs get the same valor i do but didnt do anything compared to me. We dont *farm* medals we just get them cuz we played better then you simple as that
  5. And now kills are gonna count for them so they can get more the solution is to add more medals for those classes so every 1 can get the same number of medals if they play super good. Not make it so every 1 gets the same valor regardless of if they played well or bad
  6. theres a reason why i get at the minimun 8 medals per game. Cuz i work my *** off for the team. No matter what it takes. Why should the noob that didnt do 1/4 of what i did have the same reward as me? Bioware we are Capitalist NOT COMMUNIST. Why do you think communism was doomed from the start? The doctor has the same pay then the guy working in a supermarket? Now the pros get the same reward as the noobs.. epic fail
  7. oh look im a noob i was useless to the team but i made the same valor as the ppl that carried me the whole game working there butts off.... fail 4 medals 500 valor per medal = complete joke. Makes me not want to be the hero every game now cuz im not gonna get rewarded for it
  8. sure u started counting the second u got to BM till now. How can so many ppl know the exact number of bags they opened?
  9. u do know how small the difference is betwen champ and BM right? And yes i am pro probably the best on my server i almost never lose even when queued solo and im not a sorcerer. U know u are when every 1 on ur server cant beat u 1v1 even with same gear
  10. first bioware decides its a good idea to give away free champ gear to all the noobs. Now they decide with this new patch its a good idea to give them free BM gear. THX btw we get more medals then you cuz were better not cuz we farm now the noob that was useless to the team will get same valor as the pros... fail
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