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name your most minor annoyances with the game....


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Crew Skills and Trade Network windows:

It would be nice if I could change the "default settings" for the most used windows and features.

- I'd like to set the default auction post time to 12 hours, not 1 day.

- I'd like to sort my Crew Skills by "Level" and "Materials".

I should not have to change those settings every time I open those windows.



Trade Network Issues:

- Add set of a "stack" options, in addition to the price option. I don't always want to sell 1 stack of 20 [whatever]. Sometimes I'd like to sell 4 stacks of 5, or 20 stacks of 1.

- If I have 10 of the same item (like item mods), I'd like to be able to tell the system one time that I want to post 10 of that 1 item (10 stacks of 1), instead of having to post and price the same thing 10 times. At least give the thing a memory so that if I post more than 1 item, it remembers the price I just used.

- Why is separating stacks so difficult? Every time I hit shift and drag an item to make a smaller stack for selling, the item is posted in chat (?). Not only is separating the stack too time consuming, now I have to delete the chat post, too. Waste of time.

- I'd like to be able to tab through the Trade Network windows, such as selecting the level of the items I want to search, or price I am selling. I have to manually mouse click in each level, or on the sell screen mouse click in the selling price window.

- Trade Network opens 2 windows (trade, bags). When Crew returns with gathering items, their window automatically opens, which closes the Trade Network window. Those windows should wait in a queue, not slam shut what I am working on. As it stands now, after manually setting the buy and sell windows the way I prefer, when the crew returns and shuts the windows, all my settings are lost, and have to be reset. I've had to stop Crew Skills while Trading due to this annoyance, which wastes valuable time. I could be doing two things at once, but can't due to this annoyance...



I am a long time gamer. Fix this stuff:

I have been playing World of Warcraft for 6 years. I moved to Star Wars because I am a fan of the franchise. Bioware, you could learn a few things from WoW. Some of the Star Wars in game features should be much more convenient, and there should be more ability to customize in game default settings. I have worked through the issues thus far, but Trading and Crew Skills take way longer than they should. I hope some of these issues are addressed. Note: I still have my WoW account...

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^^ x1.Billion


I wish you could /sit on an actual chair/couch, or lay down. Just because the /sit emote looks like I'm hanging out at the beach.


Also oddly disappointed that the /sit posture is the same for every race/class in the game.

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- crew skill missions ending and wiping out other open windows, or popping up during combat. Every time my open windows are wiped out by a crew skill mission results popup, I want to slap someone at bioware. Stuff like this makes me think they don't even play this game, since as a programmer, if I worked on thsi game, I would fix this issue myself (since it should only take a few minutes).
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by far the most annoying for me is spending loads of credits on gathering missions that yield mats I dont need in the hopes that i'll eventually get a mission that does.

Then when I do get the mission i need, I dont get the mat that i was hoping for from it, and then it just goes away again, andand i'm back to dropping loads of credits to get it back... SCREW YOU BW! you think thats funny?!! :mad:


hair poking through hats! OMG!! that's so nintendo 64! :rolleyes:


channeled abilities that get stuck on for the next 5 mins. OK! He's dead, sheesh! :confused:


why do my companions always have to stare at my arse?! it really makes me uncomfortable. :o


My arse is so huge in this robe that my companion cant stop gawking at it! :(


the CD on fleet pass....are you kidding me?.....absurd.... :eek:


and seriously....quit with the gathering mission crap already....i hate that BS...

Edited by echowraith
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The completely random unsortable in any sane way lists of stuff in PvP vendors drive me nuts.


Queuing a WZ as a group, leaving, reforming the group, someone forgot to uncheck *requeue*. Queue, someone is missing, "Everyone unqueue? Ready? *queue* "Crap, missing someone, unqueue again, ready, no? Someone went to take a leak? Everyone unqueue again, ready?..."



Edited by _Marou_
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The completely random unsortable in any sane way lists of stuff in PvP vendors drive me nuts.


Queuing a WZ as a group, leaving, reforming the group, someone forgot to uncheck *requeue*. Queue, someone is missing, "Everyone unqueue? Ready? *queue* "Crap, missing someone, unqueue again, ready, no? Someone went to take a leak? Everyone unqueue again, ready?..."




These. Both of them. Squared.

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I wish there was more companion content personally. I'd love to be able to interact with them more than I do. Maybe on the level of Dragon Age: Origins. I feel like going back to my ship should be kind of like going back to my party camp. A place for me to check in on everyone. I just don't feel like I get to "check in" enough.
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The "speak to whatshisface" quest sitting in my log from the Revanite chain on Drommund Kass. I finished the chain, got the title, but this step stays in my log, unable to be abandoned.


I can even reset and re-run the whole chain up to this point all over again, there it hangs. And so far multiple tickets have only yielded a "Sorry bro, can't help you" canned response.

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chat reverting back to the general tab every single time you zone.


lack of an auto stack feature.


the sheer amount of times you have to click and load when you want to travel somewhere.


the "loading" screen, or should I say the screen that says it's loading but nothing happens for 1-2 minutes, then the progress bar moves a little bit.. Fix loading please.


guild banks.

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While I agree with many of the points raised above, the poor GTN interface and crew skill results closing other windows rate pretty high as annoyances, I would also like to add some of my own.


The inconsistancy in naming of crafted items and their stats - in particular for armormech and synthweaving. It seems like a bunch of names were created and then randomly applied to the tank or dps version of the armor. So when you try to create a set of the same name you actually get a mixed tank/dps set. It's not just one or two examples either, it is present at all tiers.


Also left over itemization weirdness from beta that was never cleaned up. Scatterguns with aim, assault cannons with cunning etc. Companion gear with wrong stats.


Why does the ironically named Commando line of mods have the same stats as the Reflex ones? The armoring and barrels are fine, I speak of the mods. I say ironically named because a Commando being heal/dps is better off with the Reflex line of gear. Why can't a cybertech craft tank armoring before level 33, and can't make tank mods at all? In fact tanking mods are pretty hard to come by generally in the game, not just in crafting.

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It starts, for me, with the server selection screen. Why can't you double-click the server you want to log in to? Then there's character list sorting; with the amount of character swapping that crew skills require, the times when I want to log back in as the same character I logged out as are few and far between.
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Other players....that's pretty much it for me.


And no, I don't mean I WANTED KOTOR3 RAWR!!!!


I just mean the general uselessness of a lot of people that gravitate towards any MMO




I gave up to group in PUGs, because the only tactic seems to be to kill one mob out of a group, to die, kill the next and so on.

No interaction, no chat about a plan, no ideas how to use the individual skill etc.


The other version:

Three players with recommended levels for a particular mission, one player 10 or more levels higher, "helping" the poor lowbies.

No wonder, when ppl never learn the game.

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Trading mission averriding currently open windows (especially annoying on GTN when you have to redo the whole search..)

Companion standing in the way when I try to click something (even swapping to the other side on the next loot...)

No bounce emote

GTN.. fix the search please *begs* not enough space to list everything that's wrong with it ;)

Illogical listing option on vendors (eg mod vendors sort by gear slot but not but stat o.0)

No hide helm for companions

Helm and hood please ;)

No 'already know that recipe'

Ship droids need to learn to shut the **** up and when they do talk say just a few words like everyone else not whole great speeches

No bounce emote

Lack of atmosphere on planets, too few npcs, not enough going on to make them feel 'alive'

'Invisible' character bug after teleporting in Belsavis


Make team for PvP, get kicked from team when joining WZ, and no way to quickly tell group apart from everyone else on map (if I'm in a team for PvP it's because I want to play with them not just on the same side ie I need to be able to quickly see where they are by looking at the map. party needs to be recognised in the WZ op and given a seperate colour icon)

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The fact that it's 3,000 years before the star wars films in a galaxy of technology and they still have the same fashion, weapons, ship design etc... 3,000 years is a long time not to advance at all in a galaxy!


in Star Wars, the most advanced technology comes from the past, and it seems that the universe is generally regressive.


the normal rules of sci-fi do not apply in SWTOR. (I find it easier to cope if I think of SWTOR as science-fantasy)

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This is not "minor"....it is my "Major" complaint with the game.


Not being able to participate in Operations/Flashpoints.....


Unfortunately I do not have the time or patience to spam /1 looking for groups. I need my one button click to join up....


Please implement cross server LFG system. The long you ignore this issue, the more your subs will bleed.

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This is not "minor"....it is my "Major" complaint with the game.


Not being able to participate in Operations/Flashpoints.....


Unfortunately I do not have the time or patience to spam /1 looking for groups. I need my one button click to join up....


Please implement cross server LFG system. The long you ignore this issue, the more your subs will bleed.

Unless level or gear is an issue, the only thing preventing you from being able to participate in Operations/Flashpoints is you. Please explain why the extra 15 seconds it takes to use the game's current LFG tool is such a deal breaker. WoW doesn't even have a 1-button system, and they're bleeding subs. Maybe you're wanting a no-button system? Just think it and bang you're there? Edited by GalacticKegger
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