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What disappointed you the most.


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I must say the worst part of this game so far has been the forums. The game isn't perfect by any means, but I am loving it and have been for 2.5 months now. And it bothers me to think that other players who would truly enjoy the experience might miss out because they could stumble into these forums and see some of these flamefests going on and such crazy accusations flying around with pretend programmers and so forth.


Hopefully most players will give it a try on their own without checking the forums first. After reading these things even I don't feel like playing sometimes, until I log in, and then I lose another 6 straight hours playing. LOL...




EDIT: To be fair to the many who have serious emotional feelings in negativity toward the game, I have to say some of this is probably due to the intellectual property itself. I think only three games have come out for the MMO world based on beloved IP properties, and LOTRO was probably the lightest among them in terms of gaming interest.


The other two have been STO and SWTOR. I think part of the "anger" you see on these forums (and others) is based on how much people have loved these storied universes for so much of their life, from 1966 onward for STO and 1977 onward for SWTOR, and all of that love and interest comes with a lot of expectations and a lot of letdown when you realize your ENTIRE beloved universe didn't make it into the game at launch, or that the online game version somehow felt "different" than the TV/movie version.


So I think I do understand the excess emotion tied into it. But I do hope it doesn't scare new players away who would otherwise love the game.


there is in no way every thing from the movies tv and books can make it into the game

and to kandorr do you even relise how taxing it would be on the game if every thing was affected by what you and every one else did eg i chose to blow the building up but you didnt it wont work and it would only work for a single player game yes it would be nice but

it just can't work.

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Pretty much the game on the whole post level 49 and the fact I bought a Collectors Edition.



i half agree, i hated dinging 50, pvp sucked, still does with gear i think they really need to look at healing scaling with expertise (thats just my personal opinion, healing kinda gets outta control and pvp works fine if everyone has the same gear, but healing scales too much with expertise + stats, maybe it should only be the stats that scale it ?? )


But yeah, im loving alts atm, because lowbie pvp sooooo reminds me of warhammer and being lower than max level and having awesome fun in pvp, is heaps better than hitting 50 and then not liking it at all !

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There are somethings we all like. There is no question about that. I like the feel/resource system.


What I want to know is, what has disappointed you the most? I hoping a couple common themes will appear to identify problem areas.


For me without question it is the near complete separations of factions. I didn't think I'd have to search the galaxy for a fight.


How about you?


My biggest disappointment is people who complain way to much about the game. Also people who hate other people because they like a game/something, that they think is very bad (for some weird reason) and hate with a passion.


Play something if you enjoy it, do not play it, if you do not.

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Character creation got me the most, I had hoped for more. I really want to spend hours creating my character, which I can't really do now, except when it's hard to choose a face that is most similar to what you want. But that's not really the same thing, I want to create, not have a hard time choosing between two different faces.


Hopefully more species and face options will be added down the road and that you'd be able to change your already existing character. Or to replay your character in some special "hard mode" class story, in which you'd only experience the story again, to remake your character, but would still be on max level (you'd also keep all your gear, rating and so, would be awesome for me).

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wait for it waait.. Proof please? I would dare say 50% of the population takes part in pvp in sw:tor.


The "I never pvp" crowd doesn't exist here. The pvp system is much much more forgiving than most games. Thus more people playing.


Hell, more "forgiving"?!? You can die multiple times and lose the WZ and still come out with xp and valor. Getting killed in pvp is nothing. There is no real "penalty" to dying in pvp nor is there any real reward for killing someone other than a bit of valor.


Anyone remember Darktide server in Asheron's Call? You kill someone and they drop their most expensive chit! Made people with decent gear carry "death loot" i.e. VERY expensive trash items so they would be more likely to lose that than their gear. OMG it made looting corpses fun!

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The story.


I expected more than, fly here kill this guy, run back, rinse and repeat.

This was for the Sith Warrior.


Also :


Lack of playable races


Issues with Ilum


LAck of dungeon finder


Legacy in its current state


Sorcs and Sages in pvp


Loading screens and times


Orbital stations


The droid in my ship


Maintenance times for EU servers


Non customiseable UI

Edited by Beachcomberb
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The lack of any sandbox elements. The game is very linear, even for a themepark MMO. I was at least expecting more customisation of characters, ships etc. There is literally nothing to grab your attention outside of questing. The story is enjoyable, the best part of the game but this comes at the cost of everything else that makes an MMO fun.


The biggest thing I really hate though is trying to get somewhere you can see and the exhaustion message come up almost immediately. In this games case Freedom really is a lie.

Edited by Cordelia
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I like the character story quests and some of the companions are pretty entertaining, too, but when it comes to actually going out and doing the quests (especially side quests of the usual fetch and kill variety) it's a yawn fest.


And even though a lot of people complain that leveling to 50 is too fast, I find the leveling slows down unbearably in the 20s, often prompting another alt roll in a vain effort to escape grind. Of course, I then spend most of the time I would be doing side quests in pvp, but really, how much more Huttball can I take?


This would be alleviated by a good lfg system that gave me quick and convenient access to pve group content, but alas, this is non-existent. That said, I'm still playing the game, so I must still be enjoying it.

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The thing that dissapointed me the most is the complete lack of originality.


I might as well be playing WoW, although i hate WoW, which means this game doesnt fair too well for me either.


It's way too similar, and i'm bored to death with this type of endgame format.

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There are somethings we all like. There is no question about that. I like the feel/resource system.


What I want to know is, what has disappointed you the most? I hoping a couple common themes will appear to identify problem areas.


For me without question it is the near complete separations of factions. I didn't think I'd have to search the galaxy for a fight.


How about you?


The initial announcements regarding Space Combat On Rails turned me off. I was starting to expect TOR to be an overhyped failure. It was certainly overhyped, but not a failure.


I guess I was disappointed it wasn't a failure and I actually liked it. Even the Space Combat on rails! (Still want more than that.)


I think stuff I like least is the chat system with the awkward handling of alts. That is probably one of the few things that Cryptic got right (the other probably being character customziation), compared to most MMO developers.

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When you hit level 50 game turns into WoW with lightsabers plain and simple.

And a poor substitute to it too.

Minigame PvP and group boss killing was fun at some point in time but that was definitely 3-4 years ago if not more.

I don't regret playing or buying swtor it was worth it for the story content and the star warsy feel during level up. But endgame is more of the same and since it's not free either I think that's why the game seems emptier and emptier by the day.

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the pvp and everything related to it. hard to justify the monthly fee when the pvp here is 10% of what warhammer had on launch time (regardless of its issues).

its meaningless, its boring, its so pointless it cant even be considered as filler to keep players entertained until new content is released.

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Its a boring and linear game. First run to 50 after lunch was ok but after that even if you change sides its just all the same planets and content again. For a game that is supposedly constructed to be alt friendly thats seriously disappointing. The only fun and actually new gameplay option is group dialogue and its mostly unused anywhere outside flashpoints and those after the first one are pretty bad in delivering story. Most of the time when i did them i had NO idea about what i was doing and why i was there anyway story wise.


The stories themselves aren't that good either and at my First character i started to skip through dialogue that wasn't class quest and sometimes i skip even that.


Also this game is so instanced it borders on total isolation. There is no world chat and going planet to planet is such an annoying burden of loading screens and space stations that most of the game is spent traveling.


The gamplay itself is uninspired. The combat isn't fun at all and in some cases its a chore (guardian/sentinel). The art design is a major downer too. Its a miracle to get something nice looking on any of my 2 characters not to talk about unique! Jedi just get same design crappy robes and my imperial agent gets mostly forced into crappy uniforms. The worlds themselves look terrible and there is little to no sense of awe created.


Whoever thought that the "fleets" were a good hub should be fired instantly and preferably shot in the kneecap. Its a blend and boring place and a total clone on both sides. Especially if you need to spam the chat for hours to even have a chance on getting a FP group while sitting there and looking at the damn ugly walls.


Whoever thought that ambiance music is unimportant should be shot too.


The game is just a huge bland uninspired disappointing solo rpg.

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