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10 Good


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  • Location
    Poland... On the outer rim.
  • Interests
    MMOs, RPG games
  • Occupation
    Storage menager
  1. I unsubbed for a few reasons but mainly just because this game is hellishly boring. I've played allot of MMOs in my time too. I unsubed this early only from warhammer online before. The whole design of the game just doesn't work just like in Warhammer. I slowly did my first character to level 50. The story was ok for the imperial agent and i only started to spacebar through the terribly written sidequests at the end. There were still people around back then but it was the time of my first guilds death. With not much to do but dailies as i don't pvp and the game is not build for roleplaying at all. After becoming one of the last people to log into my guild i decided to do what Bioware said this game is build for... Alts. So i created a Jedi sentinel. The story was amazingly boring and crappy and i started to spacebar through it pretty fast. The whole story element is ridiculous and it shows the best on a Dark side jedi. There are no consequence to your actions. Being dark side III doesn't even make the council think for a second that there MIGHT be something not right with that Jedi who kill hundreds of civilians on aldaraan. I just couldn't suspend my disbelief after the dark side scars started to show for real... I found a guild on my sentinel ... Then it died...That was a second one. So all i had left is many hours of the same planets fighting almost the same enemies and doing the same crappy flashpoints that go down in quality SUPER fast after the first one. Fun.. The combat is extremely repetitive. There is just to many skills and the mobs just don't do anything but stand there and take it. It all just looks clunky and unattractive. The itemization is just screwed up completely. Why all the greens when non but companions ever use them? Why even have it as quest rewards?Just give us commendations as we all are wearing orange gear anyway... Then there is the loot in flashpoints that is rarely even an upgrade and is mostly for looks anyway. And there is really not many looks to choose from... So flashpoints become just a single time adventure to see whats going on there... Maybe except HMs. I can't take seriously anyone who says this game has something that can hold you for more then a month. The repetitiveness of ALL the damn content even on both sides is just mindbogglingly boring. I couldn't even handle the sentinel and what about when it gets to 50? Will i have to go through All the same content again?! No way! And the population IS dropping. I on both my characters on both sides of the same server couldn't find a flashppoint group on other days then weekends. And my agent is a healer! Both the guilds that died on me had 40+ characters in them all not logging in after a while... So i unsubbed. I thought of giving this game some time but i've learned in the past that some failures that are as basic as SWTORs cannot be fixed. Its just hardcoded into the design of the game.
  2. Group dialog is the only real innovation in this game i've seen so far and never seen before in other mmos or rpgs. The others were used here and there before. No real genre pusher but its new...
  3. Its a boring and linear game. First run to 50 after lunch was ok but after that even if you change sides its just all the same planets and content again. For a game that is supposedly constructed to be alt friendly thats seriously disappointing. The only fun and actually new gameplay option is group dialogue and its mostly unused anywhere outside flashpoints and those after the first one are pretty bad in delivering story. Most of the time when i did them i had NO idea about what i was doing and why i was there anyway story wise. The stories themselves aren't that good either and at my First character i started to skip through dialogue that wasn't class quest and sometimes i skip even that. Also this game is so instanced it borders on total isolation. There is no world chat and going planet to planet is such an annoying burden of loading screens and space stations that most of the game is spent traveling. The gamplay itself is uninspired. The combat isn't fun at all and in some cases its a chore (guardian/sentinel). The art design is a major downer too. Its a miracle to get something nice looking on any of my 2 characters not to talk about unique! Jedi just get same design crappy robes and my imperial agent gets mostly forced into crappy uniforms. The worlds themselves look terrible and there is little to no sense of awe created. Whoever thought that the "fleets" were a good hub should be fired instantly and preferably shot in the kneecap. Its a blend and boring place and a total clone on both sides. Especially if you need to spam the chat for hours to even have a chance on getting a FP group while sitting there and looking at the damn ugly walls. Whoever thought that ambiance music is unimportant should be shot too. The game is just a huge bland uninspired disappointing solo rpg.
  4. Imperial agent! The only story that i felt motivated by. The goals actually interested me and the inside workings of the empire you see during the story are really something new at least for me.
  5. Sure the game is two months old... But the MMO market isn't. Thats the whole point! It has to compete in the Themepark bracket with games older and more developed. Bioware should have known that... Most of us come from much more developed and stable games into this and Bioware should have been ready at launch with at least the same amount of playability or something so new and unique that would keep people here until the game grows. IMHO they put to much effort into the story (which in most cases is really unimpressive )and to little into real gameplay. I'm just sticking around for one more month to see if they are going to pull it off or not.
  6. There is endgame yes.. But its not worth the time.
  7. At this time i have to say NO. I would say yes 2 weeks ago when i just hit 50. Until lvl 50 the story and quests keep you busy. But now after doing some HM and dailies i can only say that lvl 50 is just totally boring. I don't have time to get a real raiding guild. My work schedule forbids it. But i did reroll and doing the same planets all over again even on the other sde of the fence is still terribly boring. The story doesn't work for me the second time around.. I started to skip dialogue. No.. at this stage the game is NO fun at all.
  8. I really dislike people saying "welfare" when it comes to PAID games. You pay.. you demand . Developers either satisfy you or not. You want it easier they make it so. And vice versa. As it is now the game is lacking in so many basic and VITAL yes i said it VITAL things that competitors have. They should know those NEED to be at launch at this late time in the MMO history. This is not a Indie MMO where patience is expected... Its a HUGE budget mmo. Those Vital things should be here... As it is now the game is as i expected it to be. You finish a story and you need to reroll because the game doesn't provide you an equally rich experience at endgame.
  9. I've played a miner in EVE and i'm seriously getting bored with this game. I have one imp at lvl 50 and doing dailies is not what i would call fun. My guild slowly shrank away. Now i play a rep character and repeating those planets on another side is not really doing it for me. Maybe i'm getting to old for this MMO business... But then i play LoL for a long while now and that game has only 3 stages in it.
  10. EU here. Just came back from work then i got a patch to the knee. Seriously..?
  11. Depends what would it actually be. If the world would be interesting enough then yeah i would.
  12. The game is playable. It has bugs and missing features they need to fix or add. It does sometime poke you in the eye and annoy but nothing game breaking. It was actually a really clean start in my opinion for SWTOR.
  13. You do understand that its "in the middle of the night" for you US folks only right? For me its a few hours after i get back from work... And i do agree that those extended maintenance should be scheduled for 1 day only. Its annoying to not be able to play when i actually have the time to do it 2 times a week. I can understand emergency quick fixes... But 4 hours? C'mon. Just for some Ilum pvp that everyone in his right mind gave up on long ago?
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