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Interrupts = no effect on casting


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Lets say i'm fighting a sorc or a BH and their near death. I see a heal come up and interrupt. The next moment (not 4 seconds) later they cast the same spell. It's almost like my interrupt did nothing.


I know what you're thinking; they did a fake cast.


1). my guild mate has fraps-ed a similar event from his sage 2.) I had a second interrupt immediately available which I did use which had no effect on the cast. ( I am watchman speced so my interrupt is on a fast CD. My 3rd interrupt had no effect also)


Has anyone else experienced this?

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bh i think have like troopers the skill that they can't be interrupted with their shield up (damn i would love to have this skill^^)


And are you certain that it wasn't another heal?

Sorcs have 2 heals and a hot, all have a greenish icon and all have a cast bar.

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Happened to me several times... a bit different tho, I pushed interrupt and the spell continued to cast. Resolve bar wasn't full too.


Prolly yet another "We are going to look at it soon" ™


that probably has to do with latency. either you or your target has a poor conections. just like when you attack someone who looks like they are in range, but they really are not. same can happen with the skill casting bar you see. so it could be that it looked to you like you got your interupt off before the skill finished casting, in reality you didnt.

Edited by MiaRB
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it wasnt the same heal it was another... healers have access to access to about 2 or 3 casted heals and a few instants if speced


because this game doesnt lock out every healing skill like traditional interrupts, interrupts in are pretty useless and should only be used when the target is at low hp


yeah they really need to fix it imo


they are trying to be different but they are fukin up like WAR, you can be classy bioware but make sure your baseline pvp features are up to standard

Edited by SuperomegaOP
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Alot of the BH / sage/sorc heals look exactly the same


For example they have a heal that consumes 50 force, untalented. Theres a quick cast, 1.5 sec, which does lets say 2500 healing, and a long cast, 3 seconds, which does 5000 healing.


The long cast can be talented down to a 1.4 sec cast, without alacrity, but only upon having a buff coming from an instant HoT heal.


What it comes down to is that if you interrupt 1 of the heals, a different one can be cast, with nearly the exact name, and the same cast icon.


Same goes for BH med scans.


You interrupt 1 spell, they still have 3 similar ones.


Now unless you have time to read everything an enemy casts, the only thing you'll notice are the skill icons themselves, which are very similar.


Bioware should have taken a look at WoW and how every skill has a different icon.


I see how this confuses you, but there is no way in hell you can use THE SAME SPELL right after it got interrupted, not with fake casts, not with resolve.


There is simply no way. Though I have seen my interrupts sort of ''miss'' but that might have been latency issues.


See if you cast a spell your enemy wont see it untill it passes through his internet connection, lets say he has 1.5k MS lag, aka 1.5 seconds, and the enemy casts a 1.3 sec cast, the spell will be over but you will see him casting it while its actually ended already.


If you interrupt that spell it will have no effect AT ALL. as you basically interrupted nothing.




Interrupt should only work on spells that are being cast at that moment, and if it happens to miss, or not interrupt, the cooldown should stay unaffected


Sadly, bioware and their 300 million dollar investment in this game, so they say, do not give a single **** about our issues, as we have seen on previous patches.

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As mentioned above, with 3 talents spent, a BH/Trooper can be immune to interrupts for about 10 seconds every 2 minutes while his shield is up.


Since my shield reduces incoming damage and increases healing on me by 20%, I typically go shield -> adrenal -> AoE heal -> fast heal -> slow heal and go from 15% health to 50% health within 4-5 seconds or so.

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As mentioned above, with 3 talents spent, a BH/Trooper can be immune to interrupts for about 10 seconds every 2 minutes while his shield is up.


Since my shield reduces incoming damage and increases healing on me by 20%, I typically go shield -> adrenal -> AoE heal -> fast heal -> slow heal and go from 15% health to 50% health within 4-5 seconds or so.


That used to be true... now people realized that as soon as you pop the shield, they just have to stun you until its out, instead of interrupting. So yeah... its useless when you are fighting people with some knowledge.

This meaning that, when ranked matches come out, you won't be able to use the shield as a "i win button", since you only have one skill to release from CC (with a long cd to boot) and ppl have multiple stuns.

You would say "but thats what the Resolve bar is for" and you are right assuming that the Resolve bar works properly, which it does not..so.... yea.

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it wasnt the same heal it was another... healers have access to access to about 2 or 3 casted heals and a few instants if speced


because this game doesnt lock out every healing skill like traditional interrupts, interrupts in are pretty useless and should only be used when the target is at low hp

yeah they really need to fix it imo


they are trying to be different but they are fukin up like WAR, you can be classy bioware but make sure your baseline pvp features are up to standard


That's just ignorant, for a BH healer for instance there's 1 instant cast spell with high cd (21secs, 18 with bonus from gear) one instant "heals for about 500 when you take damage (3sec internal cd)" a fast low inefficient heal which leaves a hot and 10% armour buff (on a 12sec cd), a 'spamable' cast heal that heals for quite a lot and lastly an instant aoe heal that heals for about 1k on a 6sec cd.


If you interrupt the spammable one you'll force the BH to use his cd'ed abilities, which means he wont have them for the next 12-21 seconds giving you an upper hand.

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When playing my sage I've seen the same thing from time to time, where the interupt will break the first cast but they'll fire it again without the lockout on the ability. I've seen it on heals, tracer/grav, and tk throw/lightning.


I could see people saying that it's possible that they just broke out another heal and you didn't notice the name difference, I've played a commando to 50 though and there really isn't anything else that looks like grav round.

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I have a feeling when you see this that they probably canceled there own cast before you interupted.


I have never seen someone cast after a landed interupt but I have seen people fake cast a heal to get people to blow their interupts.

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On my vanguard and sage I've


- Used the interrupt skill but seen no effect on the cast bar.

- Been unable to use the interrupt skill at all for long periods (with no associated warning or reason on the screen).

- Appear to cast a heal fully but not get healed at all by it.

- Been stunned when my resolve bar was halfway through it's tick down.

Always assumed that the game is just borked

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