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Everything posted by Krummwalker

  1. That used to be true... now people realized that as soon as you pop the shield, they just have to stun you until its out, instead of interrupting. So yeah... its useless when you are fighting people with some knowledge. This meaning that, when ranked matches come out, you won't be able to use the shield as a "i win button", since you only have one skill to release from CC (with a long cd to boot) and ppl have multiple stuns. You would say "but thats what the Resolve bar is for" and you are right assuming that the Resolve bar works properly, which it does not..so.... yea.
  2. Hope so... will see when it actually comes out. Also got a new one today, first time ive seen it at least, had Consular hitting us in the last phase of Void Star, through the shields, stopping us from interacting with the console.
  3. The tittle says it all. I think its about time the devs start taking the exploits more serious. Can name 2 that are very easy to spot: 1. Capping points while invisible and with not visual indication of whats happening, in Void Star on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, its all the time, specially the republic, doesnt mean it won't happen with Imperials, but i never seen it tbh. If they are loosing, expect it to happen 100% of the time. 2. Forcing more than 8 players into either Civil War or Hutball. It is a known exploit and happens a lot to. Would be lovely that at least these two problems got a serious look into, before we get into ranked matches. Still have a lot of time.
  4. He also only did 950k because there was a healer on the other side healing that much. If people die too fast he cant keep spamming those 2 skills he does all the time.
  5. That and capturing points in stealth with no visual indications at all. Its happening more and more lately. Kind of starting to piss me off (pardon my french), since this been in the game for quite some time now. We report people doing it but they still keep playing, no problem, happy days.
  6. Ok, ill humor you. I didn't say it was hard to get datacrons, the OP said it was hard, notice the difference? or need me to google translate into something more troll appropriate?
  7. Me me me me me, i can't be bothered to do hard things so you have to make it easy for me, so that later i come back and say that the game is too easy and theres nothing to do. Thats what i got out of the OP post.
  8. Don't waste your time with them tbh. Most of these people don't actually like to play MMOs, they love the idea of the perfect MMO that will change the world for ever and we all know how that ends. They like the hype build up to the release, saying they can't play anything else until that comes out and when if obviously doesn't correspond to the hype train, they proceed to troll in the forums saying that X mmo thats about to come out is the savior and they will just wait it out. Notice a trend here? its a cycle, their game is the forums, not the MMOs. No MMO will ever be good enough and they will keep playing the forum game instead, looking down on everyone else because they played a game 10 or 14 years ago that in their mind "Those where the days, perfect game, how they all should be, but more modern and better", somehow they believe they know whats good for you and what you should like, when sadly they have no clue to what they actually like themselves. Ill be having fun playing the games you hate, cya.
  9. I still is time invested, the more time you put in the more bags you can get so the odds are better. In your case, if those numbers are true and i emphasize the "if" since i have a hard time believing that in 37 bags you didnt get a single item, you just got ****** luck.
  10. This system or any other won't make a difference. The gear acquiring will always be related to time investment, either by heavy RNG or heavy grind for tokens that you can only get a set amount off per week, so it takes you x weeks to get a full set. Even the RNG is suspiciously predictable, since you get a few items 3 or 4 in the first couple of weeks of bags, then you get one item that drops like 8 times (looking at you gloves) and eventually a few weeks later as if by magic, you get the 2 or 3 pieces you were missing. Happened to me and to a lot of people i know. Getting the gear keeps you playing longer and i doubt that will ever change, so if you are happy with the same cake but with a different colored coating, fine by me.
  11. Some of the posts in this thread are hilarious. Now that more people have played the game and have their high level alts as well, the good old agenda arguments are not "making sense" anymore, since other people can now form their own opinion, but still some of them have been using the same old stuff anyway, i guess some of you have been skipping the daily agenda meetings, where you set the hate/doom topic of the day, review the phrase of the day and update the troll bait section of your vocabulary.
  12. I cant complaint, today at around 6am i was almost instantely getting WZs, all 3 of them and im Empire side. My opinion is that some ppl were pissed about 15min queues and demanded "OMG moar servers", you guys went and spread yourselves thin, now that populations are finally settling down to reality, you are stuck in a low pop server. My server had 5h queues for more than week and 45mn to 1h queues for another couple of weeks, but now its settled between 15mins queues or no queues but still showing full, the result is that we now have an awesome server were there are always tons of ppl playing and you can always find something to do. People need to learn to be patient, all mmos are like this at launch, the more successful ones at least.
  13. Thank you! Honestly, thank you for this post, maybe this will finally open some peoples eyes to reality. People need to understand that things are not as black and white as they think they are.
  14. Loved a fat Zabrak with bald spots called Lateryearsmaul. Made me laugh.
  15. You mean the reboot loop that XP gave me after the first install ever haha that was awesome, it would get to win desktop and it would reboot the OS, not to mention the Blue screens, a lot less than Win98SE or Win Milenium but most of the usual stuff was still there. Then later came patches and specially service packs that made it very stable. Before that it was a mess like any other ever evolving piece of software.
  16. This loot problem is old, its been happening for many years now. Its becoming more common now and it just proves that "kids" today are mostly a bunch of selfish, entitled little brats. Solution: kick from party, /ignore <insert brat name> and get someone else for his spot. Happy days!
  17. Hey look, another one that got brain washed at mmorpg.com and decided to come and enlighten everyone else on what they should like. At least the expression of the day isn't "carbon copy" anymore.
  18. My server still has queues every night. They finally stabilized at around 15min queues though, which is awesome.
  19. OMG, the stock market fluctuated... this has to be the end of days...
  20. Really? so you are assuming that everyone as soon as they get to 50 they will just go and sit in the Fleet waiting for stuff to happen? You know that if you have a guild, you can actually talk to your "friends" on guild chat and plan stuff without being in the fleet right? Also most guilds have a website and plan in advance for those events. Also do you know when someone is in a FP or OP they wont be in the fleet asking for a group to join? Do you consider that many ppl when they get to 50 they rather wait in their ships when queueing for Warzones, so loading times are shorter? I know i do and most of the ppl i know do that or just stay in Ilum to get the valor buff before entering the WZ. Also, afaik, you dont need to be 50 to be in the fleet, so pretty much anyone above 10 can be there for a reason or another. Crafting, training, GTN whatever. Do not forget that even the fleet has multiple instances, so any number is speculation, unless you go around hopping instances just to check. So there is the logic for you, being level capped has no relation to quantity of people in the fleet at any given time. Also who would even want to stick there for a long time anyway, the more people it has the lagier it gets.
  21. What does level cap have to do with anything he said or server population.... seriously, at least think before you post something.
  22. You do realize that what you said, applies to pretty much anything in life and i could change a few words in your text and it would be equally valid to lets say... wow or even GW2 thats about to come out. And btw, since you are part of that master race that seems to be the only ones to know what ppl should enjoy or what is good or bad, what the hell are you still doing lurking in these forums and mingling with us common folk that don't know any better. Seriously, you sanbox/gw2willbethe2ndcomingofgod/swg agenda guys are not even funny anymore, you are actually sad sad people that just can't have fun with anything, so you need to try and ruin everyone elses fun.
  23. Haha yeah when massively gave a not so good preview to the game, they were "the truth" and "the reality".... now there's a GOTY and suddenly they are sell outs and have no credibility. The thing that screws with the nay sayers the most is the fact that people are actually enjoying the game even after the "lets destroy SWTOR" campaign. Its simple guys, don't like it? don't play.
  24. I say this with no criticism. You guys need to learn to not get so Hyped about games, games with such a long development cycle will build unrealistic expectations. Getting hyped for so long will almost always bring disappointment in the end, no matter what they do. As for myself, i just listened to what the devs were saying through all these years, actually listen and in the end what they gave us, was exactly what was promised, no more, no less.
  25. I really dont know how you people have a hard time finding groups for anything... im LV40 atm and i play at weird times and never had a hard time getting a group for anything....
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