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Are androids and Iphones declared as "required" for playing this game?


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Certainly not, but it would seem that BW's dev priorities do.


"welp, there's something for that on SKV, no hurry with this issue"


Its really not an issue to anyone but you. I have never seen anyone but yourself complain about this. So ya I think their priorities are in order. We have bugs that stop people from even logging into the game. This is a non-issue.

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Statistics are made up on the spot 75% of the time.


But in this case it takes you from wherever you are straight to the Fleet so that's at least 50% of your journey, so at least 50% better than not having it. :)



I can do the same with the Emergency Fleet Pass, so there isn't an improvement.


Once every 18 hours. Once ever hour is a huge (1800%) improvement over that! Unless you're a Time Lord maybe...... are you a Time Lord? :eek:




You didn't even read my post.


What post?


Either the Fleet Pass is a draw to the security key vendor (in which case the game travel system needs improving) or it isn't a draw (in which case everyone may as well have access to it anyway).


It's pretty simple. :)

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Either the Fleet Pass is a draw to the security key vendor (in which case the game travel system needs improving) or it isn't a draw (in which case everyone may as well have access to it anyway).


It's pretty simple. :)


The draw is to get people to use the security feature. You really think that Bioware makes money off the $4 key or the free app? They dont want to deal with hacked accounts and offering people something they can use as incentive is not a statement on the entire travel system. I dont even get it I can use quick travel and port right to the spaceport area and boom right on my ship. Maybe 2 minutes time tops. The fleet passes (temp ones) are simply a convience. I havent even purchased one because I dont see the point.

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Sorry but I just have to laugh whenever someone complains about travel time in TOR. Spending 5 minutes to get to planet from planet is not a significant time drain. Those who complain otherwise has either never played another MMO where traveling is truly a chore or they just have no sense of time, period. In fact, I just timed myself the other day. Getting from the Combat Training section of Imperial Fleet Station to the Shuttle landing pad on the surface of Ilum took all of 2:56 seconds. And I don't even have a top of the line rig to lower the zone loading time.


This isn't Star Trek. There is no widespread "beam me up" option. Fleet pass is not an essential part of the game since traveling is not that time consuming in the first place.



There's apparently a shuttle me up option every hour though (so there is a Star Wars option)...... only just on the security key vendor. ;)


Which is the issue.


I guess next there'll be summoning scolls only on the SKV?






The travel times in SWTOR are ok the first time you go any where.


They are NOT ok:


- On the 1000th time you've travelled somewhere


- When you need to get somewhere to help a guildie on a one off quest


- When you actually need to get somewhere in a hurry more than once every 18 hours


- Any time you are sent on an R&R "quest"



The number of thread about these things since Beta is astonomical, as are the number of people that reference these things in "I quit" threads.


Bioware would be daft to thing their current travel system is fit for purpose, it's just a case of whether they want more subs in total or more people with security keys.

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Its really not an issue to anyone but you. I have never seen anyone but yourself complain about this. So ya I think their priorities are in order. We have bugs that stop people from even logging into the game. This is a non-issue.


That is a blatent lie. I also disagree with it, as I'd bet many others do. Why should Smartphone users get something for free that is unavailable to me (since they don't sell the keygens where I live) because I don't have the money to buy some cellphone?


I'd have no issue if they keygens were offered to everyone or if the Smartphone users had to pay as well.


Why should I have to pay for something and they get it for free for having more of a disposable income than I do? Its ridiculous.


I mean it's not something astronomical but it's still disagreeable to some and although I love this game, it makes me wonder about BW.


It'd be different if everyone had access is the point......

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The draw is to get people to use the security feature. You really think that Bioware makes money off the $4 key or the free app? They dont want to deal with hacked accounts and offering people something they can use as incentive is not a statement on the entire travel system. I dont even get it I can use quick travel and port right to the spaceport area and boom right on my ship. Maybe 2 minutes time tops. The fleet passes (temp ones) are simply a convience. I havent even purchased one because I dont see the point.



That's exactly my point.


For this to BE a draw to get access to the security key vendor SWTORs general travel system has to be unfit for purpose (and the Devs have to know it).


If it was fit for purpose then it wouldn't be a draw.


It's a strange descion to saddle a game with a very poor travel system, just to get more security keys used. :eek:

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Its really not an issue to anyone but you. I have never seen anyone but yourself complain about this.

Well, the fact that YOU never seen "something" really means that "the something" does not exist, does it? :rolleyes:


And, once again - it does not change a major problem, that stetement in official stuff's QA was kinda false. Which was proved here already - you can manage to read few pages back if you like, to find out how and where those are "easily avalibe".

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Well, the fact that YOU never seen "something" really means that "the something" does not exist, does it? :rolleyes:


And, once again - it does not change a major problem, that stetement in official stuff's QA was kinda false. Which was proved here already - you can manage to read few pages back if you like, to find out how and where and how those are "easily avalibe".


Link me up then. I'm interested, because I really think this is bull. I can't even buy a keygen or I would.

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In last Q&A session there was one thing that seemed strange to me. I'd love to have some clarifications about this matter.




Security vendor is avalible to those who use authentificator system. Authentificator system is avalible to those who use Idevices or androids(for free afaik). It also exists as small physical thing (for price afaik) which seems not to be avalible to all the countries, that may OFICIALLY buy and use this game. It is not mentioned among goods for my region, neither on the site (swtor.com), nor in origin store SWTOR page - client and timecards are all they offer.


So, following the simple logic - unless I buy myself an I-device\android device, I'll NEVER get an access to important in-game feature (Fleet Pass). Though I pay same subscribtion. And we are talking not about some rare mounts or pets or holodancers or special outfits. We are talking about NEEDED in-game feature here.


Nice try, but you can pick up a security key generator from a few £/$, you do NOT have to get a mobile device to do this.

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Nice try, but you can pick up a security key generator from a few £/$, you do NOT have to get a mobile device to do this.


Not if they don't offer it to your area smarty-pants.


I'm not complaining for the sake of it. I want one and cannot get one without a smartphone... How is that fair?

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Someone explain to me how its so excessive just to hit quick travel to spaceport and then walk to your ship. Takes maybe 2 minutes. Then click map and travel to fleet another couple of seconds. I mean how much hand holding do you need?


You're going totally offtop, really. The problem is (and initially was) not how and where and who needs urgent travels.


Problem is that SOME get them in a more acceptable way, and that devs told that there's no reason to worry about it, since those SOME already have it.


They just forgot to add, that SOME do not have it, and are not able to have it (in any reasonable way - and NO emulator is not a reasonable way), and its THEIR (BW) fault, not ours.

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You're going totally offtop, really. The problem is (and initially was) not how and where and who needs urgent travels.


Problem is that SOME get them in a more acceptable way, and that devs told that there's no reason to worry about it, since those SOME already have it.


They just forgot to add, that SOME do not have it, and are not able to have it (in any reasonable way - and NO emulator is not a reasonable way), and its THEIR (BW) fault, not ours.


Ah I see so this is about entitlement. You feel entitled to things other people have without having to do what it takes to get them. I totally understand now.

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Not if they don't offer it to your area smarty-pants.


I'm not complaining for the sake of it. I want one and cannot get one without a smartphone... How is that fair?


Download an android sim (google it) and then download a free app. Problem solved.

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Ah I see so this is about entitlement. You feel entitled to things other people have without having to do what it takes to get them. I totally understand now.


I disagree. The argument wouldn't be valid if Bioware offered Keygens to my area. Its simply not fair that people who have the disposable income to buy a smartphone get access to something that everyone else does but I cant. How is that right?

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Download an android sim (google it) and then download a free app. Problem solved.


If I could afford a phone I would man.. But 4$ is much cheaper than the 150$ it takes to buy a phone. If they offered the keygen where I live I'd have no problem AT ALL. I just want equality of distribution is all.


Edit: sry for the doublepost as well guys.

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If I could afford a phone I would man.. But 4$ is much cheaper than the 150$ it takes to buy a phone. If they offered the keygen where I live I'd have no problem AT ALL. I just want equality of distribution is all.


Edit: sry for the doublepost as well guys.


You're saying you're in a region that has had the game released, officially and they won't sell you a security fob?

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You're saying you're in a region that has had the game released, officially and they won't sell you a security fob?
That appears to be the gist of it, though one assumes that if they are playing the game then Bioware must be allowing subs from thier region...


So, if this is the case, then why can they not buy the fob? This is what I am struggling to understand.

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I disagree. The argument wouldn't be valid if Bioware offered Keygens to my area. Its simply not fair that people who have the disposable income to buy a smartphone get access to something that everyone else does but I cant. How is that right?


The fleet pass is a luxury item. It is not required to play the game. Not having it doesn't break the game.

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You feel entitled to things other people have without having to do what it takes to get them. I totally understand now.

Wrong. 200%. I only ask for get SAME stuff people have on SAME conditions. I never ever asked "gimme pass herenow forfree". I'm just saying - if one states it's that really availible, damn - MAKE them avalible.


Link me up then. I'm interested, because I really think this is bull. I can't even buy a keygen or I would.

I'm not really sure what are you asking for. The quote from last Q&A was in the first post. And the fact that keygens are NOT avalible to ALL regions where game is OFFICIALLY sold seems not to be a surprise for you already (by the way where are you from? I'm just curious how many EU regions are involved in this).

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