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Are androids and Iphones declared as "required" for playing this game?


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Here it is for you for the 10th time too:

You don't need this item. No one is forcing you to get it.


.....And those are not droids I'm looking for....


But could you be so kind to let ME decide what I need and what I need not? Thanx.


It won't change any of given facts, anyway. Main of which is that one of answers given as a part of last Q&A was very...incorrect. In many ways, even leaving aside their screwed marketing in my region. For the rest of the EU this answer just means "if you don't have those phones - pay us 13€ more to get "easily available fleet travel passes".

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.....And those are not droids I'm looking for....


But could you be so kind to let ME decide what I need and what I need not? Thanx.


It won't change any of given facts, anyway. Main of which is that one of answers given as a part of last Q&A was very...incorrect. In many ways, even leaving aside their screwed marketing in my region. For the rest of the EU this answer just means "if you don't have those phones - pay us 13€ more to get "easily available fleet travel passes".


you already have instant travel points that take you to the docks that have a 30 min reset. jump to the station, get on your ship (or take the available shuttle) and there you go.


i do not have a phone that can run apps, and i do not have a physical key. i see no reason to get either. so, no, not required.

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Travel system isn't sub-par without it.



Then why would it be a draw on the security vendor if it didn't make the travel system better?


It's only something that encourages people to get security keys IF the travel system could use it (a 1 hour Fleet Pass) in general.


So either the travel system is "fine" and therefore the Fleet Pass in no draw to the security vendor and it may as well be moved off it (yeah and I have a bridge to sell anyone that believes that one :p)


Or it is a draw, precisely because the travel system is a pain without it.







(don't get me wrong, I'd much rather they fixed SWTOR's travel system to make the Fleet Pass pointless - but that doesn't seem to be their intention atm)

Edited by Goretzu
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Did someone steal your ship? Fly to the friggin fleet ffs. A shorter cooldown fleet pass is not a needed game item in any way shape or form. I swear reading some posts on here this game should just be a bunch of buttons asking what you want. Insta lev.50 - click here. 10 mill. credits - click here. Browse titles - click here. Lazy group here for sure are the biggest whiners.
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Cool. So, in order to play the game as suggested by official person (who claimed I can do it "easily") I may choose several options:


a) buy a new gadget that supports virtual authentificator

b) use third-party emulation software

c) Wait for X days\weeks\months (2 month already passed) and give them money (13€? Really??)

d) find myself someone somewhere, ask him to buy physical one, pay for delivering to that person and add more for him sending it out to me (don't think it would turn out less then 30$)


How come I don't enjoy any of those? Especially, since I'm told that passes are that EASY avalible? And pay same sub as all you, guys, do?


You seem to think that this is a requirement to play the game, and it isn't.


This is called an "incentive". Bioware wants to encourage people to keep their accounts secure by using the added encryption key and so they give EXTRA perks to people who do.


If you can't get an authenticator then YOU aren't Bioware's target audience. When you can get one, then you will be able to chose whether or not to get and use one. If you chose to do so, you get the incentive perks.


Those perks are not game changing, nor are they required. You seem to be taking personally what is intended only to encourage those who are able to get and use authenticators. You aren't being forced to do anything and not one of those perks will make your game more enjoyable for having them or less enjoyable for not having them.

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What's amazing is this was never an issue for the 2 months the game has been out, but it's mentioned on the Q&A and now people are ZOMG.


Options were given in this thread to get if for free, yet this thread still carries on.





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What's amazing is this was never an issue for the 2 months the game has been out, but it's mentioned on the Q&A and now people are ZOMG.


Options were given in this thread to get if for free, yet this thread still carries on.






Threads about how bad the travel system is in SWTOR have been around constantly since Beta.

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Then why would it be a draw on the security vendor if it didn't make the travel system better?


It's only something that encourages people to get security keys IF the travel system could use it (a 1 hour Fleet Pass) in general.


It makes getting to fleet faster, that's it (just like the Emergency Fleet Pass), but that doesn't actually make the travel system better.


So either the travel system is "fine" and therefore the Fleet Pass in no draw to the security vendor and it may as well be moved off it (yeah and I have a bridge to sell anyone that believes that one :p)


Or it is a draw, precisely because the travel system is a pain without it.


Logical fallacy. Or maybe people just don't want to take more than 6-10 seconds to get to the Fleet from where ever they are. I'm going with option three.

Edited by terminova
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It makes getting to fleet faster, that's it (just like the Emergency Fleet Pass), but that doesn't actually make the travel system better.


It makes it at least 50% better. :)


Logical fallacy. Or maybe people just don't want to take more than 6-10 seconds to get to the Fleet from where ever they are. I'm going with option three.


If taking less time and stages to get their is an improvement (which you seem to agree it is) then what I've said stands.


If they fix the travel system then the Fleet Pass won't be much of an issue, but then equally it won't be much of a draw to get a security key either.

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It makes it at least 50% better. :)


Statistics are made up on the spot 75% of the time.


If taking less time and stages to get their is an improvement (which you seem to agree it is) then what I've said stands.


I can do the same with the Emergency Fleet Pass, so there isn't an improvement.


If they fix the travel system then the Fleet Pass won't be much of an issue, but then equally it won't be much of a draw to get a security key either.


You didn't even read my post.

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May I ask way the hell is a fleet pass? I have the security key fob from my collectors edition, but i dunno what a fleet pass is. I know stupid question right?


Instant travel to the fleet of your faction.


Everyone has the inate ability, (look under you general abilities) and the security vendoer sells extras for 1k credits.

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sorry OP but we PAID for our access or we got it for free using a phone we PAID for, if your live in a country that cant accomplish the same things 90% of the planet can then how is it our issue?


you complain you cannot buy a key at all, ummm i am sure there are dozens of people who would gladly send you a key if you were to prehaps payal them the 4 usd. well to be honest maybe more like 10 usd to cover shipping.


you dont have a smartphone? neither do i.


the stuff in the security key vendor is a bonus for people who USE A SECURITY KEY, it is not for people who do not use a key. how hard is that to accept?


i guess the collectors edition folks should nto have vip passes to the top, while the rest of us need 1 million credits to get our passes?


or those people who get the pre prder crystals should not get them because you didnt pre order?


sound to me that OP is making mountains out of molehills and trying to really argue that the security key vendor fleet pass is a needed item. oh wait i forgot WE ALL HAVE FLEET PASSES, if you are always in such trouble in game you need emergency passes then find a way to get a security key fob....period.

otherwise the fleetpass you got is pretty much all you need, that and quick travel.


this topic is almost trollish, almost, i am sorry not each and every single person in the world can purchase the things i can, that really sucks but not really a problem for the community. sigh i used to think my first world probs were such a big thing, then you read about second and third world issues like not being able to buy a security key chain for a video game sheesh thought i had it rough.

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May I ask way the hell is a fleet pass? I have the security key fob from my collectors edition, but i dunno what a fleet pass is. I know stupid question right?


Assuming you've activated it, you can go to any of the security token vendors there's one on the 'bank' level of vaiken spacedock and one just outside kaas city on drommund kaas for example. One of the items they sell is a 1000 credit fleet pass (req level 16). Consumed on use, or consumed when you start casting and even if you cancel it the item is still used. Stackable.


Using it teleports you to the centre of the fleet more or less, and it's I think a 60 minute (might be 30 minute?) cooldown.



I don't see how they are 'required' as per the op though. They're a value added convenience feature to try and get people to use a security authentication system. Also, expect to see the security tokens available in more countries as time goes on, but there are export restrictions around cryptography products that make it a nuisance to sell them everywhere, and it takes time to get permission for all of that.

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nope its not required to have one. You can also buy the $4 keygenerator. To the people who are going to freak out about that the generator is to protect your account from YOURSELF. Also, it's $4 so dont freak out like a child.


wow you really can't read can you. the OP said he lives in an "unofficial country" and can't buy one. try reading next time.

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It's only an incentive to get a security key if:


1. The travel system is subpar without it.


2. Bioware know the travel system is subpar without it.


Which is bizarre. :eek:


Sorry but I just have to laugh whenever someone complains about travel time in TOR. Spending 5 minutes to get to planet from planet is not a significant time drain. Those who complain otherwise has either never played another MMO where traveling is truly a chore or they just have no sense of time, period. In fact, I just timed myself the other day. Getting from the Combat Training section of Imperial Fleet Station to the Shuttle landing pad on the surface of Ilum took all of 2:56 seconds. And I don't even have a top of the line rig to lower the zone loading time.


This isn't Star Trek. There is no widespread "beam me up" option. Fleet pass is not an essential part of the game since traveling is not that time consuming in the first place.

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Sorry but I just have to laugh whenever someone complains about travel time in TOR. Spending 5 minutes to get to planet from planet is not a significant time drain. Those who complain otherwise has either never played another MMO where traveling is truly a chore or they just have no sense of time, period. In fact, I just timed myself the other day. Getting from the Combat Training section of Imperial Fleet Station to the Shuttle landing pad on the surface of Ilum took all of 2:56 seconds. And I don't even have a top of the line rig to lower the zone loading time.


This isn't Star Trek. There is no widespread "beam me up" option. Fleet pass is not an essential part of the game since traveling is not that time consuming in the first place.


I can remember being on a flight path in 'another game' and it taking well over 30 minutes.

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An interesting viewpoint.



On the one hand, I haven't seen a single argument that supports the current travel system as good except "u aren't patient" and "it's immersive". Nothing logical. There are no capacity or technical reasons why more streamlined options don't exist or why they were restricted to the Security Key vendor.


The reason I know, logically, that the travel is borked is that they did put a 1-hour pass and then restricted it to Security Key users to give them some incentive to use such a thing. If the travel system was as nice as most people say, then such an item would have scarcely any use at all.


No, I think we are seeing the people that are not active in guilds or doing a lot of dailies saying "oh travel is fine" and the people who are very guild-active or doing a lot of dailies saying "it blows".


Should the one hour pass be limited to the Security Key vendor? YES. Without a doubt, Bioware has every right to limit various goodies to ensure people keep their account secure. That is not the problem.


The problem is Bioware has done a piss poor job of ensuring that the $4 authenticator is available and working in every market they are selling the game in. If you can't be bothered to do that, punishing the customer for it is not very fair.

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nope its not required to have one. You can also buy the $4 keygenerator. To the people who are going to freak out about that the generator is to protect your account from YOURSELF. Also, it's $4 so dont freak out like a child.


4 dollars for an authenticator?


We're not all Americans.

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