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I never said SWG was a "good game" that's not even what we're talking about. SWG was not a "good game" at all in fact, I explained this already. It had a lot of flaws and was poorly run.


It DID however have a lot of great ideas, some of them worked well and some would have worked well if they'd been put into the game sooner or had been more polished at launch.


What you STILL don't seem to understand is that even bad games can and do sometimes have great ideas.


Here is what you are not understanding .


TOR is not SWG


They don't even have the same characters in them , the story is seperated by ages between .

They don't play the same


They were never ment to be the same.

If they took ideas from SWG and put them into TOR than TOR would be SWG2 and that is not what anyone was going for !


Life goes on ,


If you want SWG , write SOE and maybe if enough of you guys write them they will open it up to maybe F2P . Wasting your time attacking TOR in general !

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Yea its SWG vs TOR and TOR is winning sorry ...........


Nope, that's not what you and I were talking about at all.


In fact, the things you've written in response to me have almost nothing to do with anything I even said.

Edited by Spymaster
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And your the one who keeps mentioning "if they put some of what SWG had in TOR" maybe you need to read what the title of the thread is !


The title of the thread doesn't change what I wrote.


All I said was that SWG had some good ideas, and if TOR would use those it would make TOR better. I never said ANYTHING about SWG being a better game than TOR. You just started screaming at me in giant red letters about how SWG sucked, totally ignoring everything I said.


I really don't see how that's adding anything constructive to this thread at all. All you're doing is hurting your own side, making fanatical blind arguments with no ability to stay within the context of the discussion.

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I couldn't agree more with you on your points. I liked SWG features aswell and bringing some of them into SWTOR would make this game Even Better!! :D


I also agree with you on that meft, or whomever, is a complete fool and doesn't know how to comprehend words on a screen. I am guessing he is just some 14 year old who does have ADD and came from the WOW generation of gaming.



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The title of the thread doesn't change what I wrote.


All I said was that SWG had some good ideas, and if TOR would use those it would make TOR better. I never said ANYTHING about SWG being a better game than TOR. You just started screaming at me in giant red letters about how SWG sucked, totally ignoring everything I said.


I really don't see how that's adding anything constructive to this thread at all. All you're doing is hurting your own side, making fanatical blind arguments with no ability to stay within the context of the discussion.


That's pretty much what I got from the last couple pages too.

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All your big red letters and over reactions don't make your logic any better.


SWG failed because it was poorly run, not because every single idea and system in it was bad, and if you can't understand that I have to wonder why you even bother trying to post on the forums. Your mind is just far too closed to even try and have a real discussion.


This is where i can agree with it, I dont feel like quoting you again, but for the most part, I wasnt arguing your points, just the points of others. My point though that swg at launch wasn't that great, but the features you mentioned were vastly improved in the following patches (which they were). Yes, player housing existed, but pub 4 bought player cities and all that wonderful stuff into the game. The reason why i'm mentioning the nge though, is majority of players are ignoring its existence with this thread, where the whole main point of the OP which game is better. Which imo you cant just ignore the nge when comparing it to swtor when nge was main and final product of the game.


If we are going break down it down like some people are, thats fine then.

Edited by SeanC
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Let me guess though, you quit right before the nge, didnt you? I dont disagree with you about how the earlier days were better than the nge, but to say that not one swg player didn't enjoy nge is bogus and a little misinformed. The nge lasted 5 years after, I dont see many people who hate it to play it until the game dies. What great features did swg have at launch? most of it was added pub 3 and on up until the curb and what people claim to be universal great features of swg was added later in the games life.


The greatest feature of SWG was the crafting and housing.


I was not a crafter but i did have a house... No one from Pre-cu/CU played the NGE, past the first week anyway. I would estimate 80% of NGE players never tried pre-cu

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This is pretty much the worst logic I've read in a while ^


You didn't like the game so that means NOTHING in it was good? That's just silly.


Why would this game suddenly need to become "slow and painful" to implement something good from SWG, like a good space game, or a good crafting system?


They don't need to make EVERYTHING in the game like SWG to borrow some of it's better ideas.


You people act there's two choices, WoW clone or SWG clone :confused:


The best MMO would take the best ideas from all other games.



This guy here has the right idea.

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I wish everyone would stop calling every new game that comes out a WOW clone. You all seem to forget that WOW was created based off of ideas taken from Everquest I. If you want to call something a clone, call it an Everquest Clone, because Everquest is where all modern MMO's have taken their roots from.


Well I've never played Everquest. So the first MMO i saw like this was WoW therefore in my eyes its a WoW clone, but your probably right.

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The greatest feature of SWG was the crafting and housing.


I was not a crafter but i did have a house... No one from Pre-cu/CU played the NGE, past the first week anyway. I would estimate 80% of NGE players never tried pre-cu


you forgot the skill system


ive been playing swgemu for the last two days and the nostalgia is overwhelming. i cant wait to finish mbh/mcomm/tkm/as/ws.....the list goes on

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Title Thread SWTOR vs SWG

You take opening Profits and Numbers of Active accounts . Best way to do this is do it in equal time of opening to 2-3months after the game went live .


SWG did not break 1mil in accounts

TOR did



Now with the LOGIC Talk .

1 This is not a sequal to SWG , it has nothing to do with SWG other than being a StarWars game ! So this is 1 of the reasons none of the gameplay is really in this game . Doesn't mean there won't be housing but I am sure that the ships are gonna be the housing in this game ! Has everything of a "HOUSING" Gameplay too it other than it is so far complelet none customizable . I would like too see it become Customizable .

Crafting is different , maybe it could use more work but it is completely easy and makes a effort too allow a guild or even a single account be able to master them all with really no grind .



2Why did SWTOR take ideas from WoW and other "POPULAR" MMOs that are making "PROFITS" and have alot of "ACTIVE" accounts ? It is simple , a "MAJORITY" like those ideas compared to ideas of a "GRINDER" like SWG . Not to mention game creators want to seek the "MAJORITY" and not the "MINORITY" . I am sure they want both but in the end , BIOWARE wants to make "PROFITS" which so far this game is making. SWG might have had "GOOD IDEAS" to you but it wasn't so for the "MAJORITY" . This is not saying Grinders do not make money but they have been dying out and or being changed to be less grindy.


3SWG was made by and right owned by SOE , while SWTOR is Bioware . 2 Completely different companies that have nothing to do with eachother other than making a game with the StarWars name in it . Bioware seeked to make their own Star Wars game not copy or make a sequal to SWG .


I only played SWG for a month and that is when it was released , it was not my kinda game . I wanted to be a Jedi off the back and I couldn't and found that to be stupid in a StarWars Game , not too mention FF11 came out accouple months later with better Graphics and a BIGGER player base .


I do not wish anything from SWG to come to TOR unless it has been changed to fit how TOR works and in which it won't be anything like SWG had . This is not SWG and I wish to see it that way .


I wish SOE would have kept SWG going but not too longer before it was close I was thinking on going back and I remember reading about SWG on their forms and there was nothing really positive being said about the game by the Majority of post and threads , so I decided it wasn't worth my time . I feel if you guys want SWG the best place for that is SOE forums not Bioware who does not own or have rights to SWG .


Back to TOPIC "SWTOR vs SWG"

When it comes to Numbers , SWTOR wins

When it comes to hardcore fans even though small in numbers , SWG wins


Gameplay wise , I rememeber SWG first month and it was not player friendly and I know alot of people been having FPS issues in this game . I have not but I do see other bugs but after playing Aion for 2years , I can say bugs take time to work out.

TOR has a years worth of patches and new content planned , I have never seen that in anyother MMO period .

I hope for so much out of this game but until we see what all the content is planned , I think its a little early to judge . If this game falls to under 200k players like SWG did , than maybe we can all agree maybe the SW name was not ment for MMOing .


Until then I am a Bioware fan, I love most there games ("Not really the DragonAge Series , but I love MassEffect") .

I admit my past post were a little aggressive but to be honest , I am sick of SWG players Bashing TOR . Seems to me if you do not like a game you should move on , instead of lingering just to attack it . I personally would not continue to pay for a game I didn't like , I didn't continue to pay for SWG or DCUO and I didn't spam their forums with alot of "Hate This Game" threads or post.

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Well I played SWG for years...probably 6 or 7 if I recall.


SWG has a few things going which made it a great game for me and well...roleplay.


-It was a sandbox...it was completely opened you could get a ship and go anywhere or buy a ticket. I think the ITV was an interesting addition


-Planet and ship housing. The multiplayer ships you could put furniture and decorations up in. Same with the planet housing. Which was really nice I think.


-Being able to see other players! Remember the hay days of Coronet...yeah...


-Appearance armor...Hopefully this happens because to be on honest with you the end game pvp/pve gear they have for BH looks like someone wrapped aluminum foil around my head or I look like a bug tellytubby samurai.


-Open space, multi ships to buy. This was really neat, sadly TOR space is kinda just a shooter on rails which is upsetting if they made the model of SWG's JTLS it would be amazing. That was space done right.


Basically, SWG has been around longer and had more content, granted I think...SWG wasnt really a endgame game It was mostly world pvp by the looks of it seeing for all 8 years it was around they finally added things like heroics or battlegrounds in the last year before it was closed. The PvE was really strange I think but the biggest part of the game that makes me think SWG still wins.



Crafting system.


SWG's Crafting system will always be the best, same with the character creation. GW2 might take the character creation medal by the looks of it.

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Ahh well the posts.. I love to hate..


FIRST OFF THESE GAMES ARE A BUSINESS... we know which failed.. and why... so yeah.. logic and fact wins over desire sorry...


Now then...


Crafting system... broke - so many issues not funny can't even judge that clearly... lol I played when smuggler had a vendor tree ha lol..


As one that loved SWG, on Bria.. active, early unlocker with a small group... knew everyone had over a 350 person friends list and loved that MMO even with beta and launch with all it's issues.. (All hail the shrub)...


I can say it was a failure... liking a failure is just too much for me as it stands now. IT HAD GREAT POTENTIAL...


Then while it should not have launched without JTL and even worse... when they and Raph could NOT stay together it was the writing on the wall.


When the guy that made the concept and helped design the game leaves... with no take and then almost the ENTIRE team left... (I think we went through about 4 Dev teams) no good can come from this.




The NGE helped make SWG win the worst MMO award 3 years in a row on MMPORG.... it helped itself become the biggest joke in MMO history from the famed CH killing off... to the ONLY.. NOW get this.. folks...


THE ONLY MMO IN HISTORY to release a expansion and then in the same month have to turn around and REFUND OUR MONEY FOR IT DUE TO THE LIES AND MISLEADING COMMENTS AND DESCRIPTION OF IT!


SO Not only did the Dev team and SOE/LA lie to the entire playerbase... but then they sold them a item in RL that also was a giant train wreck.


Nobody.. in their right mind should have paid them a dime after that... NOTHING... I lost all respect for the entire SOE team and John Smedley of course.


But alas... the game failed, server merging had to happen to just make it look like people were in game... If you paid for the NGE, then for the most part I think you would pay for a nail to be stuck into your eyeball. It showed me that a consumer will do or pay for anything even if it's own company deems it as a failure and worst mistake made ever.


SWG's first idea was good.... broken but good, if they had fixed 75% of it and then marketed it stronger again we may not be talking about this right now.


However, none of that worked so with that said.. I FEEL that it is impossible to judge or even compare that game to this one in any fashion.


Due to the fact -- it failed plain and simple. Talking about a failure vs something that is still not ONE is hard to even judge fair or clear.


The sandbox concept failed, the CU failed, the NGE failed more then any change in history. (Guys WHO GETS WORST MMO three years in a row? WHO REFUNDS A ENTIRE EXPANSION DUE TO LYING AND NOT EVEN MAKING IT LIKE THE BOX SAYS???? WHO???) Worse... who would pay for that??????


I mean being a responsible consumer and a wise one are two different things I know but still.


Based on logic or common sense alone comparing the two games is NULL... one does not even EXIST.


Man.. I admit, I sure hated the NGE attempted fan bois... The ship would be sinking and they would be like -- OH HEY CANTINAS ARE FULL... I'd go use a free trial... and NOTHING..


Good ole Bria... Beta and til the end... good times when the game was a hope in the making.

Edited by Iskareot
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SWG precu bar jedi.


best open pvp in any game i ve played to my eyes ( i also played WAR where ORVR was too static and not very spontaneous to me).


nothing like destroying the base of a rival guild in its own city or defending yours or starport fights (granted there were some boring moments too, not everything was rosy).


basically pvping for nothing but pride.


+ a very decent community bringing crafters/entertainers/"fighters" together.


that d be my opinion.


SWTOR is nice and quite polished compared to SWG but it lacks this feeling of open world and spontaneous pvp.

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SWG Hands down, I could go into detail.



I enjoyed the crafting system in that game, the one in this game is a fu**ing joke.

I also enjoyed the vast diversity of characters before the NGE, and the ability to be a dancer, or a musician.

I'm in no way hating on SWTOR, but it could have been so much more.

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It's too early in the game for me to be able to say. A lot depends on where SWTOR goes in the future. I can tell you that right now I would choose TOR over SWG without question. I find it much more entertaining in almost every way. However, if TOR in the future neglects the solo PVE'er the way SWG did I might feel differently in a couple of years. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy grouping when the mood hits, but I don't want it to be mandatory. It should always be a choice, not an obligation. SWG's biggest flaw for me was the failure to realize this. As for PVP, thanks but no thanks. I think I'd rather just punch myself in the balls for a couple of hours.


Having said that, I think the storylines in TOR demolish anything SWG had to offer. I think the planets offer much more variety and the TOR universe feels more diverse. I like that I can solo from start to finish without having to ask for help, PVP or do space missions that are above my level from neglecting to keep up with space. I like that I don't have to wait around in a cantina for buffs, or camp mobs for a super-rare drop and then beg to get a crafting group together to raid the same base I spent countless hours in just to get that armor I can only wear at level cap. I like that I can get on with adventuring whenever I want, and don't have to "create my own content" because the devs are too obsessed with class balancing for PVP.


Will my opinion change in the future? If every content add from here on out is flashpoints and warzones it probably will. But for a game in it's infancy SWTOR is off to a much stronger start for my tastes.

Edited by Jmannseelo
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Again to say who would win comes to numbers , that is all ....

SWG not a very big community and never got off the ground

TOR made records in sales and community of active players


SWG lasted 7 years

TOR just came out accouple months ago


If TOR last longer than 7 years it would have beaten it on every level . CloneWars Multiplayer right now has larger numbers of Active players over SWG .


SOE made a mistake in how they made SWG but if they would have done it anyother way it would not have been the SWG you guys loved . SOE admits there mistake but said it was not worth making SWG into a F2P game with really low community.


In the end the players decided who wins and loses and simply enough there are more players right now on TOR than SWG ever had. This can change and I know this like anyother old school MMO player but until it does , numbers give TOR win !


Speaking of theme park , I seem to remember "Jedi Theme Park" that was in SWG ........just another reason I am happy this is not SWG and nothing of SWG is in this game !

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SWG pre NGE was great...broken but great....tons of potential but a train wreck because of the idea of a seamless world run by very bad computers.


But the players made the story. The sandbox was immense.


Right now SWTOR is nothing like SWG pre NGE but SWTOR has all the right stuff........its just got to get content.


CONTENT....SANDBOX.....Content and you got a winner.


If they insist on spending every dime on end game PVP its nothing but SWG turned into....a FPS.......and a bad one at that....everyone I know is ridiculing the PVP.


I was on VOSS....a JEDI asked me to flag so we could PVP...I DID........2 hidden republics jumped out of hiding and 2 of them ganked me. Actually it was 3...including the jedi's companion.


That is how pvp transpired in everquest ...which failed.....miserably. EQ2 has merged their pvp servers down to either one or two not sure but no one pvp's there anymore because its just a gank fest.


SWTOR has all the right stuff.....they just need to get it right or it will be an epic failure....it can sooooooo succeed....but it can also fail badly........


If they focus on endgame and ignore everything else....it will be epic fail....

Edited by Daawg
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SWG pre NGE was great...broken but great....tons of potential but a train wreck because of the idea of a seamless world run by very bad computers.


But the players made the story. The sandbox was immense.


Right now SWTOR is nothing like SWG pre NGE but SWTOR has all the right stuff........its just got to get content.


CONTENT....SANDBOX.....Content and you got a winner.


If they insist on spending every dime on end game PVP its nothing but SWG turned into....a FPS.......and a bad one at that....everyone I know is ridiculing the PVP.


I was on VOSS....a JEDI asked me to flag so we could PVP...I DID........2 hidden republics jumped out of hiding and 2 of them ganked me. Actually it was 3...including the jedi's companion.


That is how pvp transpired in everquest ...which failed.....miserably. EQ2 has merged their pvp servers down to either one or two not sure but no one pvp's there anymore because its just a gank fest.


SWTOR has all the right stuff.....they just need to get it right or it will be an epic failure....it can sooooooo succeed....but it can also fail badly........


If they focus on endgame and ignore everything else....it will be epic fail....


You have no idea what you're talking about lol.

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This game pretty much ends a few weeks after you reach 50. All but one prof. are jokes and early all end game, esp pvp, gear look like ***. The mid lvl gear looks way better, which is kinda embarassing. Theres quite a few ppl saying this game is not a grinding game but it really is. I need to collect x amount of commendation to get a bag with random loot....I need to pvp constantly (wich is limited to WZ since open world pvp is crap, and i dare u to contest that) to get to valor 60 to open the next lvl bag...I need to "grind" heroic fp/ops raids to get tokens for this gear...Thats all you can do end game other than do missions that you skipped. Sounds like a grind to me. This doesnt mean that the game is total crap, but dont claim it to be something it isnt. Christ I wish it was all those things many claim, but as of now it isn't.
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Again to say who would win comes to numbers , that is all ....

SWG not a very big community and never got off the ground

TOR made records in sales and community of active players


SWG lasted 7 years

TOR just came out accouple months ago


If TOR last longer than 7 years it would have beaten it on every level . CloneWars Multiplayer right now has larger numbers of Active players over SWG .


SOE made a mistake in how they made SWG but if they would have done it anyother way it would not have been the SWG you guys loved . SOE admits there mistake but said it was not worth making SWG into a F2P game with really low community.


In the end the players decided who wins and loses and simply enough there are more players right now on TOR than SWG ever had. This can change and I know this like anyother old school MMO player but until it does , numbers give TOR win !


Speaking of theme park , I seem to remember "Jedi Theme Park" that was in SWG ........just another reason I am happy this is not SWG and nothing of SWG is in this game !


Yea this game has a bigger community numbers wise. But nothing in this game is community building, so honestly, that doesnt matter.

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For all those of you putting SWG down - lets just see how long SWTOR lasts as a paid to play MMO. SWG managed 8 years, despite the NGE.


There are huge differences between this and SWG which have been covered hundreds of times.


The major problem is, when you have an MMO as linear as this, the player base has to wait for the development team to churn out new content, whilst others keep running the same flashpoints over and over and over. Sounds 'heroic'.


SWG at least allowed players to do what they wanted, create their own content - hell, when our server was down, we all made a toon on a different server and took on a Krayt Dragon - because we could.


As it stands right now, I cant see where growth in this game will come from and its clear that the player base is already shrinking.


SWG - Pros(all pre NGE)

Open world pvp, Superb crafting, Allowed players to do anything they wanted, Space combat was excellent, Player Bounties(jedi), Skill tree system that was unique, Excellent character creation, dozens of species to play, A CUSTOMISED UI, A proper Auction House


SWG - Cons

Out of touch development team, Monthly fee was too high(more expensive than WoW!), steep learning curve for new players



SWTOR - Pros

erm.......looks good


SWTOR - cons

too many to list.

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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